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Food and Health

1. Listen to the passage and answer the T or F Questions.

1) Eating tomatoes may help protect against cancers of the breast, colon and stomach. 2) According to the material, pregnant women should eat more food containing folic acid. 3) Since oats may reduce the levels of sugar in the blood, eating oats reduces the chance of developing diabetes.

4) Health experts also suggest it is beneficial to drink olive oil.

5) Drinking green tea can improve dental health, for it slows the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

6) Since substances in red wine increase good cholesterol in the blood, health experts suggest that people should drink as much red wine as possible.

7) Recent studies about chocolate have brought good news to those who like eating chocolate. 2. Listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

Experts say the food people eat greatly affects their health. They say that some foods are especially good for preventing disease.

Many foods contain substances 1) ______________________. One of these is tomatoes. The substance lycopene is released when tomatoes are cooked. Lycopene helps 2) ___________________________ in the digestive system, which processes food.

The dark green vegetable spinach contains folic acid that 3) ________________________. It also lowers blood levels of homocysteine. High homocysteine levels have been linked to heart attacks and strokes. Another vegetable, broccoli, can help protect against cancers of the breast, colon and stomach. Oats help lower blood pressure and protect against heart disease. They also may 4) _______________________________. This reduces the chance of developing the disease diabetes. Fish that contain omega three fatty acids help 5) _____________________. Omega three also lowers bad cholesterol and may protect brain cells from diseases like Alzheimer's. Fish that provide a lot of omega three acids are salmon, herring, mackerel and bluefish. Garlic may help protect the heart by reducing cholesterol and 6) ______________________. Health experts also suggest cooking with olive oil because it also has been shown to help prevent cancer and heart disease.

Studies show that drinking green tea may help prevent cancer of the liver and stomach. Green tea also 7) __________________ in the mouth. Blueberries have been shown to help protect against heart disease and cancer. They can also help prevent some infections by preventing the bacteria from attacking the bladder.

Experts say the skins of red grapes contain substances that increase the good kind of cholesterol in the blood. To get this protection, you can drink red wine, 8) ___________________________. Drinking too much alcohol can be dangerous!

Eating too much chocolate can increase weight. But recent studies have shown that substances in chocolate can help prevent heart attacks and cancer. They have also shown that 9) ______________________ as had been thought. The experts say the best chocolate to eat is 10) ________________ because it contains the most healthful substances.


2. Watch the video clip and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

Summary: There are people who know the nutritional value of foods and follow dietary recommendations to the teeth. Others are clueless. Which camp are you in?

ANNOUNCER: Many people eat a healthy diet. They know 1) _____________________, they read food labels carefully and they follow dietary recommendations to the teeth. Others are clueless. Which one are you? Test your nutrition knowledge by taking this short quiz.

Which contains more fat, margarine or butter?

BONNIE TAUB-DIX, MA, RD: Margarine and butter actually 2) __________________________, so it's not as if one has less than the other. They could also be the same amount of calories. However, butter is more of a saturated fat than margarine is. If you're choosing margarines, be sure that you choose margarines that do not have trans-fatty acids in them, because they act as saturated fats do, and 3) _______________________________________.

ANNOUNCER: Which vegetables contain the most vitamins: fresh, canned or frozen?

BONNIE TAUB-DIX, MA, RD: Many people are under the misconception that canned or frozen vegetables have less vitamins and minerals than fresh and that sometimes is actually not true. Because, sometimes, when fresh vegetables are picked, let's say, in California and they're put on a truck and they have to travel across the country in the heat, in the cold, coming to New York, for example, well, those vegetables could lose a lot of vitamins and minerals in transit, whereas if they were picked in California and flash-frozen and then sent here on a frozen-food truck, then that vegetable could actually 4) ____________________________________.

ANNOUNCER: Which foods pack a punch of iron?

BONNIE TAUB-DIX, MA, RD: To pack a punch of iron in your diet, you might want to eat enriched whole grain breads and cereals; spinach is high in iron. Believe it or not, prune juice is loaded with iron and also canned beans and dried fruits, such as dried apricots. What's important to also know about foods that are high in iron is that, when you eat them at the same time that you eat foods that are high in vitamin c, for example, if you're eating spinach, which is high in iron, and you have it with a grapefruit for dessert, that 5)___________________________________. ANNOUNCER: You can get protein only from meat. True or false.

BONNIE TAUB-DIX, MA, RD: It's a misconception to think that protein only comes from meat. Poultry is a great source of protein, so is fish and egg and cheese and milk and also, beans are also a very good source of protein, 6) _____________________________________, such as rice and beans combined together. Peanut butter has protein, tofu has protein. Many soy products also have protein.

ANNOUNCER: Salads are a low calorie food. True or false?

BONNIE TAUB-DIX, MA, RD: I think that, when it comes to eating in restaurants, a lot of people think that, if they order a salad, that's really going to be low in calories. And there are some salads, like a chef salad with a nice, thick blue cheese dressing could be a thousand calories as opposed to something like a meal that has chicken and, you know, meat could even be lower in calories. So I think that, if you're ordering a salad, it's a good idea to ask no dressing on the side. And if you put a spoon of your favorite dressing on, even if it isn't high in fat, but just a spoon of it and put some balsamic vinegar over it, that's a good way to dilute down the flavor of something that you really like.

ANNOUNCER: A healthy diet should contain no fat. True or false?


BONNIE TAUB-DIX, MA, RD: There are many different sources of fat in the diet, and I think that fat has gotten a bad rap over the years. So fat is not necessarily the bad guy. A lot has to do with where the fat is coming from, whether it's a saturated fat, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated. For example, saturated fats, if you want to put it graphically, they're the fats 7) ___________________________________. They are usually fat that is solid at room temperature, like shortening and butter, the fat that's on meat. So those are the fats that are not recommended when you're trying to prevent heart disease and have a healthier diet. And the monounsaturated fats are in products like olive oil, canola oil, they're in olives, they're in avocado. So monounsaturated fats are usually recommended in terms of heart disease prevention. ANNOUNCER: A bagel is equivalent to how many slices of bread: 2, 4, 6, 8?

BONNIE TAUB-DIX, MA, RD: One of the most popular foods, especially here, is a bagel. And one bagel is actually, if you put it on the scale and weighed it, a bagel could weigh 6 ounces. Well, that would be just like eating six pieces of bread, so most people don't realize that one bagel could be six pieces of bread. And if each piece of bread is 80 calories, you could do the math, that's a lot of calories to have and that's a plain bagel with nothing on it.

ANNOUNCER: The body can live without carbohydrates. True or false?

BONNIE TAUB-DIX, MA, RD: We need carbohydrates for energy, because 8) ________________________________________. We need carbohydrates for vitamins and minerals. We need carbohydrates for fiber, to help things moving along. So they're really important in the diet. Carbohydrates could be fattening if you're eating an excessive amount of carbohydrates. But if you eat the proper amount for your particular body, for your level of energy, then I think that, not only will you enjoy them, but you'll enjoy the benefits that they bring. ANNOUNCER: Which foods contain a lot of vitamin C?

BONNIE TAUB-DIX, MA, RD: Foods that are high in vitamin C would be citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, orange juice, grapefruit juice. But, also, broccoli is high in vitamin C. Believe it or not, a baked potato is high in vitamin C. Cherries and strawberries are also high in vitamin C and so is cantaloupe.

ANNOUNCER: All fiber is alike. True or false?

BONNIE TAUB-DIX, MA, RD: There are many sources of fiber in the diet and there is soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber would be such foods like oats and apples and carrots, and these are foods that may actually help lower cholesterol levels. And insoluble fiber would be food like bran-type of products, and they actually 9) ______________________________________ and help prevent constipation.

ANNOUNCER: If you are finding that your nutrition knowledge is not perfect, don't fret, dietitians have some guiding principles that everyone can follow.

BONNIE TAUB-DIX, MA, RD: The most important point that I could leave you with is that your diet should be balanced. There's no one food or nutrient that's going to be magical. If you just try to think of a concert, if you went to hear just one instrument playing, it's nothing like hearing a whole, you know, a symphony. So there is a symphony of fruits and vegetables and vitamins and minerals and proteins and carbohydrates and fats out there. The key is trying to learn how to be a good conductor and put them all in your diet so that you know that 10) _____________________.



Taking Care with Medicine

1. Listen to the passage and answer the T or F Questions.

1) It is not difficult for highly trained medical professionals to identify counterfeit medicines. 2) Counterfeit medicines may do little good, but they are not harmful to the patients.

3) It is believed that in developing countries, a quarter or more of the medicines are counterfeit. 4) Recently, six men died of severe reactions to an experimental drug for leukemia.

5) Human trials of new medicines can be dangerous to the people involved.

6) Disease-causing organisms will become resistant to drugs only when the medicines are not taken correctly.

7) Experts advise malaria patients to take the medicine artemisinin alone, for taking it with other malaria drugs will quicken the development of resistance.

2. Listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

Recently VOA's reporters have explored some of the issues facing health care systems around the world. Today we talk about three separate issues with one thing in common: they all involve medicines.

One problem is counterfeit medicines. These can be difficult even for highly trained medical professionals to identify. Counterfeit drugs are made to 1) ______________________________ whose names they are sold under. But they do little or no good, and in some cases might be harmful. Patients also 2) _________________________________________.

The World Health Organization says an estimated ten percent of the drugs sold worldwide are counterfeit. In developing countries, however, twenty-five percent or more of the medicines taken are believed to be counterfeit.

It is difficult to 3) __________________________. But many experts believe criminals in India and China are involved. The W.H.O. has created a group to 4) ___________________________ of medicines in developing countries.

One way that drug makers show government agencies that 5) ____________________________ is through human trials. Yet these can sometimes present great risks to the people involved.

Recently, six men in London 6) _____________________________ during tests of an experimental drug. They developed severe reactions within minutes of being injected with a drug for leukemia and other diseases.

The American drug research company Parexel International says 7) ________________________. The British government has formed a committee to consider stronger rules for human drug trials.

Public interest groups argue that many drug companies 8) ___________________ in testing new medicines. Yet the safety and effectiveness of any drug can also depend on how it is used.

Disease-causing organisms can become resistant to drugs, especially if the medicines are not taken correctly. The W.H.O. has warned of such a threat to 9) _____________________________ for



The agency is trying to pressure drug companies only to sell artemisinin in combination with other malaria drugs. Experts say taking it alone will only 10) _________________________________. Some companies have agreed to stop selling it alone, but others have not.

Video 1 Are You Guarding Against Drug Interactions?

Watch the video clip and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Summary:

Most people realize drugs have side effects. But did you know drugs can interact with other prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, herbal supplements and sometimes even food?

ANNOUNCER: All medicines have side effects, and patients are generally advised about them. But what many people don't realize is that 1) ______________________________, as well as with other drugs.

JOHN HORN, PharmD: There are some situations when a person takes multiple medications where those medications might interact with each other in a non-desirable way.

ANNOUNCER: Some drugs, when combined, can produce unexpected side effects. Other combinations can 2) _____________________________________________. Other medicines have similar side effects, like drowsiness, and combining them may turn a tolerable side effect into a significant one. A common misunderstanding is that over-the-counter medicines are of no particular concern.

JOHN HORN, PharmD: Interactions could occur with prescription as well as non-prescription medications. There have been interactions that occur with over-the-counter cough and cold preparations, for example, some of the diet products, the ones containing ephedra have been involved in interactions. So over-the-counter products do have effectiveness. They do produce a pharmacologic response, and 3) __________________________________________.

ANNOUNCER: Another misconception involves products commonly bought at the vitamin and herbal supplement shops.

JOHN HORN, PharmD: St. John's words' kind of interesting in that it actually reduces the effectiveness of many other drugs. And I'll give you a very simple example of that. Oral contraceptives are metabolized in the body, and St. John's wort actually increases that rate of metabolism. So if you're taking an oral contraceptive and then you take St. John's wort, the oral contraceptive may, in fact, fail.


