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Chapter1 Dialogue 1 inviting a regular customer

M: Good morning, this is ABC Company, Martin speaking. May I help you?

M:早上好,ABC公司的马丁在接电话,我能为您效劳吗? L: Good morning, Mr. Martin. This is Li Fang from the Guangzhou Trade Fair. I haven’t seen you for ages! How has your company been going?


M: Pretty well. We’re planning to expand our business. M:很好。我们计划扩大我们的业务。

L: Fine. I’m calling to invite you to attend the 103rd China Import & Export Commodities Fair on April 15th, 2008.


M: We accept with pleasure. We would like to present our new products there.

M:我们很乐意接受。我们想在那里介绍我们的新产品。 L: You are warmly welcome. I’m going to send you the schedule, application form. Charges and details of certain other services provided during the period of the trade fair.



他服务的收费和细节,我会发给您。 M: I appreciate that very much. M:感谢您。

L: By the way, I suggest that you provide a brief introduction of your company and the main products, written in Chinese and English to the Organizing Committee. They will publish a special edition about the exhibitors and their products with the link to the website at the same time. L:顺便说一下,我建议你用中文和英文对贵公司和贵公司的主要产品做一个简要的介绍,然后把简介发给组委会。他们会出版一个特别的关于参展商和他们产品的同时会与网站连接起来的版本。

M: No problem. We’ll contact you as soon as possible. M:没问题。我们会尽快与您联系。

L: OK. I’ll fax the information I mentioned previously to you very soon.

L:好的。我很快会把我前面所提到的信息传真给你。 M: Thank you. See you. M:谢谢你。再见。 L: My pleasure. See you then. L:我的荣幸。到时见。


Dialogue 2 asking for information about a trade fair

S: Good morning. I’m calling because I saw your ad in China Daily this morning about you Trade Fair.


Z: Thank you. Let me give you some information about it. The trade fair will be held in Guangzhou, China, from April 15th to 30th. If you want to attend it, you can download the Application Form the net. Z:谢谢你。让我给你一些关于它的信息。展览会将在中国广州举行,从四月十五日到第三十。如果你想参加,你可以从网上下载申请表格。

S: OK. How about the deadline for registration? S:好的。什么时候是注册的最后期限?

Z: It is the day after tomorrow. However, we can make exceptions for overseas companies.


S: Where shall I send the registration form and the fee? S:去哪里交报名表格和费用?

Z: To the address that is written at the bottom of the form. Please send it at soon as possible to reserve a space.




S: Are there different sizes of booths? S:摊位有不同的尺寸吗?

Z: Yes. There are dozens of sizes. Of course the larger ones cost more.

Z:是的。有几十种尺寸。当然,大的展位需要的费用就更多。 S: Does the price of the show include meals? S:展位的价格是否包括饭呢? Z: Yes. It includes three meals a day. Z:是的。它包括一日三餐。 S: I’ve got it. Thank you. S:我知道了。谢谢你. Z: You are welcome. Z:不客气。

Dialogue 3 providing attendance information

L: Good morning! Organizing Committee of Chinese Export Commodities Fair. What can I do for you?

L:早上好!中国进出口商品交易会组委会。有什么可以帮你? G: Good morning! I’m the sales manager of Yangguang Computer Company. I’d like to know something about your exhibition in April.



L: Well, the exhibition is about to open on April 15th. 嗯,这次展览会可能会在四月十五日开始We have two phases for different commodities.因为不同的产品,我们分两阶段举行(展会)。 The attendance will be the largest ever because we have received registrations for the exhibition from many factories and enterprises and we expect to have about 2000 professional buying groups from 150 countries and regions.


G: Are there any booths still available? G:还有空的展位吗?

L: Yes, we still have some vacant booths. I would advise you to took very soon before they are all gone.


G: How about the price for a booth? G:展位的价格如何?

L: The average price of a standard booth is $2,600, but the price varies according to the size and location.



G: Could we have some discounts? G:我们会折扣吗?

L: Of course. We will give you a good discount if you sign up now. L:当然。如果你现在签约,我们会给你一个优惠的折扣。 G: Thank you. We’ll sign up now. And the deposit will be credited to your account in a few days. As for the exact booth, we will phone back to talk it over.

G:谢谢你。我们将现在签约。我们会在几天内把定金打入您的帐户。至于具体的展位,我们会打电话回来仔细谈谈。 L: OK. I will be sure to recommend some good ones to you. 我:好的。我肯定会给你推荐一些好的展位。

Chapter 2 Dialogue 1 contacting the exhibition center about flight and hotel details

J: Hello, could I speak to Miss Zhou? 你好,我可以请周小姐接电话吗?

Z: Yes, Mary Zhou speaking. What can I do for you? 可以,我是玛丽·周。有什么我可以帮到你的呢?

J: This is John Smith from ABC Company. I’ve booked a ticket to Guangzhou.


我是来自ABC公司的约翰·史密斯。我想订一张去广州的机票。 Z: That’s great! When will you be arriving? 很好!你将何时到达?

J: I’m arriving at 4:40 p.m. tomorrow on flight QF1230. 我将乘搭QF1230航班于明天下午4:40pm到达。 Z: Do you need to be picked up at the airport? 你需要到机场接你机吗?

J: No, I’ll go either by shuttle or by taxi. By the way, is it easy for me to reserve a room when I get there?


Z: Yes, but it would be better to make a room reservation ahead of

time. Would you like me to make a room reservation for you? 可以的,但你最好提前预定房间比较好。你需要我帮你先预


J: Yes, that would be better. Can you recommend a hotel? 好的,这将更好的。你能推荐一个酒店吗?

Z: Well, Mr. Smith, Guangzhou has a lot of excellent hotels. Let me



J: Our colleagues recommend three hotels—the Shangri-la Hotel, the


White Swan Hotel and the Garden Hotel. 我的同事推荐三个酒店分别是香格里拉酒店,白天鹅酒店和花园酒店。

Z: Well, it depends on what’s important to you. All three have excellent business facilities. The Shangri-la Hotel is in a very quiet area and still quite close to the convention center. It has very good sporting facilities, tennis and so on. The White Swan Hotel is near the Pearl River, but it’s very difficult to get a room because they often hold large conferences there. The restaurants have an excellent reputation. The Garden Hotel is good for relaxing. They can arrange leisure events and so on.

嗯,这要看什么对你是重要的。这三个酒店都拥有很好的商业设施。香格里拉酒店是在一个非常安静的地区,相当接近会展中心。它有很好的体育设施,网球等等。白天鹅酒店是靠近珠江河,但是它很难才预订到一个房间因为它们那里经常举办大型的会议活动。它的餐厅有一个良好的信誉。花园酒店就很适合于放松。它们可以安排休闲活动等等。 J: Which one would you choose? 你会选择哪一间呢?

Z: I think I’d choose Shangri-la Hotel, because of the location and the surroundings.我想我应该选择香格里拉酒店,因为位置和周围的环境。

J: I’ll follow your advice. Thanks very much for you help. 我就依



Z: No problem. Please give me a phone call when you arrive here and I’ll tell you where to get a taxi or shuttle bus to the hotel. 没问题。当你到达这里之后请你给我一个电话我会告诉你如何乘搭穿梭大巴或计程车去酒店。

J: Thank you for your help. Good-bye. 谢谢你的帮忙。再见。

Z: Don’t mention it, Mr. Smith. Good-bye. 没关系,史密斯先生。再见。

Dialogue 3 asking for a decoration company and direction to the exhibition center

B: Hello, could I speak to Miss Li, please? 你好,我可以请李小姐接电话吗?

L: Hello, Mary Li speaking. What can I do for you? 你好,我是玛丽·李。有什么我可以帮到你的呢?

B: This is Bill Smith from GM Company. I have just arrived at Jingxing Hotel next to Guangzhou Eastern Railway Station. I’d like to have a look at out booth and have it decorated within two days. Would you please recommend a good decoration company to us? 我是来自GM公司的比尔·史密斯。我刚刚到达接近广州东火车站的Jingxing 酒店。我想看一下展位并希望两天内能够完成布



L: No problem. We know some companies that have been providing decoration services for the exhibition for years. They can design a unique style for you to publicize and highlight your products and the image of your company.


B: How can I contact them? 我要怎么联系到他们?

L: We can provide you with their phone numbers. You can put forward your wishes and decoration requirements to them beforehand.


B: By the way, how can I get to the Exhibition Center? 顺便问一下,我怎样才能到展览中心?

L: Oh, it’s quite convenient. You can just come here by Metro. Take Metro Line 2 toward Pazhou and get off at Pazhou Station, next to Xingang Dong, Exit D.



A: Yes. As you know, The Canton Fair is the No.1 fair in China. 是的,就你所知道的,在中国,广交会是第一大展览会。 It has become very important to our foreign trade. 它对我们的对外贸易是非常重要的。There are over 100,000 kinds of famous brand products on display. 有超过10万种的知名品牌产品参展。It features high quality products, specialties and products adopting advanced technology from various parts of the country.它是以高质量产品,特产和来自采用全国各地先进技术的产品为特征。 B: It is great! So visitors can see samples of what there is to buy. 太好了,这样来宾就可以看样品订货了。

A: Yes, you can sit down to have a business talk with the sellers in the booth and buy anything you like, 是的,你可以坐下来与卖家进行商业谈话,并且你可以买你喜欢的东西。

B: What if I just want to get to know the exhibitors and their products? 要是我想知道参展商和他们的产品怎么办?

A: You can search them at the SCAN Exhibitors+Exhibits Search. 你可以在展商展品查询系统找到他们。There are 7 SCAN spots on the First Floor and 5 SCAN spots on the Four Floor.一楼有7个查询点,四楼有5个查询点。

B: Oh, that’s very convenient. 哦,那非常方便。

A: Here is the layout of the Exhibition Hall and the catalogue.这是展览大厅的平面图和样品目录。


B: Wonderful. Where is the ceramics area? 太好了,哪里是陶瓷展区?

A: In Hall 21.2, 22.2, 23.2, 24.2 on the First Floor. Just go that away. (Pointing) 在一楼的21.2, 22.2, 23.2, 24,2 展厅。从这边走。 B: Thanks a lot. 谢谢你。

A: That is all right. If you need any other help, please tell us. We hope you will enjoy yourself here. 不客气,如果你需要任何帮助,请告诉我们。希望你过得开心。

B: Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮忙。 A: My pleasure, 不客气。

Dialogue 3 at the Hall for textiles and garments

A: Here is the hall for textiles and garments. They mainly include garments, household textiles, textile raw materials & fabrics, drawnwork, carpets & tapestries, fur, leather, down & related products, footwear & headgear and so on, 这是纺织品和服装展区。这主要包括服装,家用纺织品,纺织品原材料和织物,抽花绣,地毯和挂毯,毛皮衣服,皮革制品,鞋类和头饰等等。 B: What a beautiful display of textiles! 多漂亮的参展纺织品啊。 A: The textile industry in this province has developed rapidly. 在这个省,纺织业发展的很快。 The annual production of cotton, wool, silk, knitted goods and synthetic fibres has increased by a big margin


since we began to practice our new policy of reform and opening to the outside world in 1980. 自1980年,我们开始实行改革开放的新政策以来,棉织物,毛织品,丝绸,针织品和人造纤维的年生产量大幅度增长。

B: I was told that the silk industry in this province has a long history, and Yue Embroidery is well-known all over the world. 我听说这个省份的丝绸业有很长的历史了,而且粤绣闻名于世。

A: Yes. As one of the Top Four Famous Embroideries in China, Yue Embroidery is a well-known specialty of our province. 是的,作为中国四大闻名刺绣之一,粤绣是我省知名特产。 In recent years the works and technicians in the embroidery industry have been trying hard to produce many new products with various colors and patterns in order to meet the growing demand at home and abroad. 近年来,为了满足国内外不断增长的需求,在刺绣行业的工业技术员一直在努力生产不同颜色和款式的新产品。 B: Good. Let’s go and have a look. 好的,我们去看看吧。 A: This way, please. They are in Hall 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3. 请走这边,它们在9.1, 9.2,和 9.3 展厅。

A: Well, look at these embroidered products. They are so beautiful. 嗯,看看这些刺绣产品,太漂亮了。

A: Yes, Yue Embroidery is popular with customers for its brilliant colors, simple stitching and good quality. It sells very well abroad.



B: I am sure they will be welcome in my country. I’ll place a large order for the Yue Embroidery products. 我肯定它们在我国家也受欢迎。我会就粤绣产品下一笔大订单。

A: Are there any other things you are interested in, sir? 先生,你对其它的产品感兴趣吗?

B: Yes. I am also interested in footwear and garments. But I want to walk around and get more information about Yue Embroidery. 嗯,我对鞋类和服装也感兴趣。但是,我想走走去获得更多关于粤绣的一些信息。

A: Please take your time to have a good look at them. I am sure you will be able to find some interesting items. 请你花点时间仔细地看看它们,我确信你肯定能找到一些感兴趣的产品。 B: Thank you for your patience. 谢谢你耐心(的讲解)。

A: That’s OK, I am glad to have been of some help to you. 不客气,很高兴,我能帮助你。


