Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark

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Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark


1.airplane →air + plane 飞机靠空气飞行 2.terrify →terrifying/terrified 3.chat→cha(茶)+t 聊天常喝茶

4.death名词 死→dead 形容词 死的 die 动词 死 5.cause造成,使发生→be + cause 因为 6.daily 日常的→ day (天)+ly 7.himself→ him +self 反身代词

8.patient → ① adj. 有耐心的 ② n.病人

9.exactly(adv.正,恰恰) →exact(adj.精确的;精密的)

10.attention(n.注意;留心) →attent (adj.留心的;专注的)+ tion(名词后缀) 11.waste n. 废物;浪费; vt. 浪费;消耗; vi. 浪费; adj. 废弃的;多余的 12.on 13.insect 14. candy 【重点短语归纳】

1.used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 2.be terrified of 非常害怕 3.go to sleep 入睡 4.in the end 最后,终于 5.make a decision 做决定 6.head teacher 校长

7.to one’s surprise 令人吃惊的是 8.even though 尽管,即使 9.no longer/more 不再 10.take pride in 以?自豪 11.pay attention to 注意,重视 12.give up (doing) sth. 放弃 13.spend time (in) doing sth. 花费时间做某事 14.chat with sb. 和某人聊天

15.make sb stressed out 使人有压力 16.afford to do sth.承担得起,支付得起 17.get into trouble with sb.给某人惹麻烦,和某人发生冲突 【重点词汇及短语用法分析】

1. Mario, you used to be short, didn’t you? Yes, I did. used to do sth.过去常常做某事,表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作或状态,暗指现在已经不存在了,强调过去与现在的对比。

He used to eat much junk food. They used to be good friends.

注意: used无人称和时态变化。Used to do sth.的否定形式和疑问形式各有两种: 否定形式:used not to do sth./ didn’t use to do sth. 疑问形式:Did ?use to ?? / Used?to ?? There used to be 过去某处曾经有??

There used to be a big tree behind my house.

〖辨析〗注意区别:used to do sth.表示过去经常性的动作或存在的状态。

be used to (doing) sth. 表示习惯于??,to 是介词,后跟名词或动词ing 形式。 The farmers are used to getting up early in the morning. be used to do sth. 被用于做??,为被动语态。 Wood is used to made paper.木材被用来造纸。 2. Now I am more interested in playing the piano. be interested in对??感兴趣。

The boy is interested in the beautiful flowers. have/take/show an interest in 对??感兴趣

lose interest in 对??不再感兴趣,对?失去兴趣。

interested 指人对??感兴趣,其主语一般是人,interesting 指事物令人感兴趣,指有趣的事物,作主语时主语是物,作定语时修饰事或物。类似的词比如:

Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark 第 1 页 2013-4-5

excited and exciting; tired and tiring;relaxed and relaxing;bored and boring; disappointed and disappointing;surprised and surprising. etc. 3. I am terrified of speaking in front of the class.

Be terrified of =be much afraid of 非常害怕某事物,某人,后跟名词或动名词。 She was terrified of going out in the dark.= She was terrified of the dark. be terrified to do sth.=be much afraid to do sth. 非常害怕做?? Lots of people are terrified to stay in the forest at night. be terrified at /by 被??吓了一跳 be terrified with sth./that从句 害怕

扩展:terrify 动词,使人恐惧,terrify sb. terrifying (某物)令人恐惧的 terrified (人)感到恐惧的 in front of在??的前面

A crowd is gathering in front of the building. 〖辨析〗:in front of 指在??的前面,不包括在内; in the front of 指在??的前部,包括在内。

I am sitting in the front of the bus, there is no people in front of me. 4. I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.

〖辨析〗go to sleep 入睡,强调睡着的动作。与wake up 相对。 sleep 指睡觉持续的状态,与be awake 相对。

go to bed 去睡觉,强调上床睡觉的动作。与get up相对.it

with my bedroom light on 为介词短语,在句中作状语,表伴随情况。 He walked out with a piece of cake in the mouth. I usually sleep with the windows open. on 在此为形容词,意为“开着的,工作着的”,与off 相对。 5.We study all the time.

all the time 一直,始终,表示从某个时间开始,一直持续到结束,不表示频率,常用于句末。而always 意为总是,频率副词,表示动作反复,状态的继续,无间断,反义词为never. 与进行时连用时,带有不满、赞美等感情色彩。

He always borrows my pen, he ought to buy one for himself. (表不满) Gina studies very hard, she always makes good grades. (表赞美) 和time 搭配的其它短语:

①It’s time to/for 该做?, 到?时间 ②at a time 一次

③at any time 任何时候 ④ at the same time 同时 ⑤from time to time 偶尔

6. Before I started high school, I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends. 〖辨析〗spend, pay, cost 和take都有花费的意思。但在使用时有很大不同。如下表 意思 主语 所搭配短语 spend 花费时间,金钱 人 sb. spend on sth./in doing sth. pay 支付金钱 人 pay sb. money for sth. take 花费时间 It It takes sb. some time to do sth. cost 价值/花费多少钱 事物 sth. cost sb. some money It took me one whole hour to finish the work. I spent two hundred yuan on these books. =I paid two hundred yuan for these books. =These books cost me two hundred yuan.

7. Martin Murray is a fifteen-year-old boy.

〖辨析〗fifteen-year-old 十五岁的,相当于形容词,只做定语,注意连字符不可省,year不能用复数。

Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark 第 2 页 2013-4-5

fifteen years old 十五岁,此形容词短语做表语。此句也可说成: Martin Murray is fifteen years old.

=Martin Murray is a boy of fifteen-year-old.

8. His mother couldn’t afford to pay for her child’s education. afford (to do) sth. 有足够的(钱、时间)做某事,担负得起 I can’t afford an apartment.

We can’t afford to waste time and money. afford 常与can, be able to 连用于否定句中。

9. To do this, she had to work, and so was often not at home.

*不定式结构to do this 作目的状语,等同于in order to to this. 不定式结构常作目的状语、结果状语、条件状语和原因状语。

He drives very fast to catch the early train. (目的状语)

They were surprised to find that nobody was in the house.(原因状语) He searched the whole room to find nothing. (结果状语) To see her, you will like her. (条件状语)

10. In the end, she made a difficult decision. in the end 最后,终于。相当于at last, finally. In the end, our class won the football match. 和end搭配的短语:end up doing sth. 以做某事结束

at the end 最终,最后,在终点

at the end of 在??的尽头,在??的末尾 by the end of 到??末为止

11. She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us, he was watching me and would always take pride in everything good I do. even though 即使,纵然,尽管,引导让步状语从句,与even if 同义。可以改成由but引导的并列句,但要注意even though与but 不能同时出现。

Even though you don’t like the work, you must do it. =You don’t like the work, but you must do it.

no longer =not any longer, 同义词no more =not any more 但有点区别:

〖辨析〗no longer修饰延续性动词,强调次数不再重复,而no more 修饰非延续性动词,强调时间不再延续。 They don’t live here any longer.=They no longer live here. Now she wasn't afraid any more. 现在她再也不害怕了。 take pride in =be proud of 对??感到自豪

She takes pride in her handsome son.= She is proud of her handsome son. 12. ?and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me. pay attention to 意为“注意”,to 是介词,后常跟名词、代词或动名词形式。 You must pay attention to protecting the environment. pay high attention to 高度关注

Now our country pays high attention to the safety of food.

13.His mother was very patient and didn’t give up trying to help him. give up (doing)放弃(做某事)

You should give up smoking as soon as possible.

give up 是动副词组,后常跟名词、代词或动词ing 形式。代词做宾语要位动词和副词之间。类似的还有eat up, take away, look up, turn on/off, turn down/up, work out, put on, wake up, write down, take off等。

Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark 第 3 页 2013-4-5

