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词 汇





例3:Temporary:临时的,暂时的; Contemporary:同时代的; Temperature:热度、温度; temper:脾气;

Temperament:气质、性情 2.卡片记忆法

二、通过记忆单词的方法研究考研的核心词汇 1.横向比较:考研核心词汇--5500 2.考研词汇的特点: (1)考研词汇的难点是对一些简单词汇的深入考察,对于这部分词汇一定要结合语境进行理解;. (2)考研词汇是非常强调对词的反应速度;

(3)考研中加大了对一些常见词第二层含义的考查力度,如sound,brief。 3.考研词汇的考查角度: (1)写作用词。




三、词 根

(1)land:main land, landscape

(2)cess:表示“走(go)”的意思,如access, success (3)cede:表示走(go)的意思,如concede, recede. (4)con、com、co:表示“共同”的含义 cooperation合作,动词cooperate concede让步、妥协

confess, fess是指说,confess忏悔

(5)pro:向前推动,如promote促进,其中的mote动力,motive动机 (6)re: 1)再一次

2)向后:recede,退却,recession (7)pose:放

pose a challenge;pose a question.

Pollution poses a threat to the environment. position当动词用,v,定位,locate.

stick to your own position.坚持你的立场(观点) take a position.表示采取某种立场(态度)。

I’m in a position to go abroad. (be in a position=be likely to do) (8)pro:向前



名词形式:proposal,建议;求婚 (9)pre=before 如,preposition

positive(1)表示确定的;(2)表示积极的 negative 消极的 (10)Oppose反对 Opponent敌人

Compose:谱曲;创作;调节 Composer:作曲家

Be composed of 由?构成

Consist of、constitute:构成 de-compose 腐烂、拆分 decompose into 分解成 (11) de-:向下,相反 compose:组成

decompose into:分解为 component:成分,部分

例:Taiwan is a component of China. 台湾是中国的组成部分。 -ment:名词后缀(表示非常正式的):movement:运动,活动 depose:罢免,免职(相反的放,把你给挪开)

decode:解密,解码(code密码,把密码相反方向运动,解码) detach:分开,分离

attach to??:把?粘到,附在? attachment:附件,配属

例:Great importance should be attached to respecting the senior.



deposit(n.) :存款,沉淀物;(v):存钱,存放。(一般it,ate,fy表示动词化。往下放,存钱)

current deposit:活期存款; fixed deposit:定期存款

(12)ex-:之前的,向外的(随意场合) ex-boyfriend:前男友

注:“former”也表示之前的意思,但更为正式。(formal类似) exit:出口



例:sth is exposed to(n.):??暴露于(常用语被动)

例:He is exposed to all kinds of weather. 他饱经风霜。


(13)im-:进入,强加 impose:强加(放上去)

impose on:利用,施加影响于

例:I don’t want to impose on you.(我不想给你带来麻烦)小作文

Repose(向后靠) dispose:处理

dispose of:处理,安排


例:The book is at your disposal 这本书任你处理。


disposition:部署,性情(划分人的本性的位置,脾气上) (14)pur-,pro-:向前,往前(pur时间往前,pro动作的) purpose:目的,意图 on purpose:故意的

(15)sup-,sub-:下面的 subway:地铁

subtitle:字幕(位于下面的标题) submarine:潜水艇(marine海洋)

sublet:转租(let出租)(下面的出租,再次出租) suppose:猜测(放的下面的,私下的,放到心上的) (16)pon:放

postpone:推迟(post后面的)(后放) post 80’s:80后


(17)put:放,说(不能说,I put:\例:as she put it:正如她所说的一样 input:输入 output:输出

deputy:(n)代表;(adj)代理的,副的(de下,put放,向下的放,向下放的人,代表) 例:The president has sent his deputy to site. 总统派代表去现场。

deputy president:副总统 associate:副的 pose

?to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not the local branch bank is open.

(1)ter:反复、很多 Chatter:闲聊 Chat:聊天

Shatter (击碎) Hover:盘旋

Glitter:闪闪发光、闪烁 (2)locate、local



Allocate:分配。(a去做)(定位的过程) (3)Branch:分支

Branch company:分公司

例:Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communications, people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above. (1)Be exposed to:暴露于... Be faced with:面对

Be confronted with:遇见(两个人面对面的碰)

(2)accustom:使??适应 (去习惯) Accustom to (介词)

I’m accustomed to new environment.(被动)



Adapt:适应 adapt??to Idea:想法


Idealism:理想主义 (ism学术)

例:But they were divided on whether to go further by calling for a federal law that would impose a complete ban on human cloning. (1)Clone:克隆 (2)Divide

Vid:分开,=separate (di相反,离开)

Division:分支 (分开的部分)(包括学术上的分支)

(3)Individual:个体的、个人的(不可分的,in表否定) Indifferent:冷漠的

(4)Further (v):促进,增进,助长 (5)Federal:联邦的、联盟的 Federation

例:When the committee got down to details, the proposed plan seemed impractical. (1)Get down to:着手干某事

(2)Detail (向下切分,不停切分)



tailor service:定做服务

Retail:零售 Wholesale:批发 Bucksale:批发 3.Unrealistic Realism:现实主义

Realize (ize使??化)

repose one’s head on a cushion(re往后) repose:使休息,使(自己)躺下

例:George Annas, chair of the health law department at Boston University, maintains that, as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate medical purpose, the doctor has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death. (1)prescribe (pre在??之前)(写在前面的) ①开处方 ②预购、定购 ③制定规则、命令 Scribe 写


Inscribe:铭刻(往里面写) Describe:描述、描写(写下来) Ascribe to:归因于+名词 Graphy:写

Biography:传记(bio生命) Biology:生物(生命的学科)

Auto-biography:自传(auto自动的) Telegraph:电报(tele远距离的) Telephone:电话

Paragraph:段落(para在??旁边)(在旁边写下符号的) Parasite:寄生虫(位于一个整体旁边的东西) Paradox:矛盾(dox比较正确的理念) Paradoxical:矛盾的


(2)Legitimate:合法的、合乎法律要求的(mate形容词化,动词化的(多)) Legacy:遗产(cy名词)

Illegal:非法的(il表否定) Legal:合法的

(3)Hasten:加速 (adj+en=V) Sharpen:使锋利 Frighten:使惊吓 Loosen:使放松 Enlarge Enforce

Wooden (n.+en=adj)

例:What was less visible then, however, were the new, positive forces that work against the digital divide. Vis:看

Visible 能够被看见的

-ble和-able后缀的形容词都表示\能够被?的\。 Vision:视觉、洞察力

Visual:视力的(和视力有关的) Visualis(z)e:可视化、使之具体化 Visit:拜访、访问

Envisage:正视(age动词化后缀)(使??去看) Advise:建议

Supervise:监督、监控(super超过,超过范围去看,从高处看) Supervision:监督、监控

Superstition:迷信(stit位于??不动)(在高处不动) Revise:修正(re反复,向后)


tain:=to hold:去拿、去取 (1)Attain

Obtain (ob,物质东西,object) Attain one's goal:实现某人的目标

Attainment:成就 accomplishment achievement Retain:保持

Maintain:维持、保持 -abandon Retain vitality:保持青春 (2)Vit:生命 Vital:致命的 Vitamin:维生素


Survive:存活(在旁边生活,在生存的边缘) (3)Surpass:超过、超越 Surround:包围surroundings范围


Sustain:支持(sus.sub在下面)(在根部去支撑) sustainable development:可持续发展 Subway:地铁


Contain one's emotion:控制某人的情绪

Self-contained:有自制力的(自我控制的) Detain:扣下、扣留、耽搁 (de向下) Entertain:招待、娱乐(进来把你留住)

例:When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at. (1)Movement:潮流 Tide Flow Fashion

Current:趋势 Ebb

trend:趋势 (2)Advisable

Acceptable:能够被接受的 Reliable


Eat—— edible:能够被吃的 Inedible:不能食用

Evade:逃跑—— evitable:能够被避免的 Inevitable:不可避免的 Advocate:提倡,提倡者(提高嗓门喊出来) (3)Voc:声音的 Vocal

Vocation:职业 Vacation:假期 Vac:空的 Vacuum:真空


Vacant:空闲 Vok:声音的


Evoke:唤起、唤醒(e向外,把斗志喊出来) Provoke:激怒(在前面不停喊,激怒)

Most growing plants contain much more water than all other materials combined. (1991) Plant:工厂,装备 Power plant:电厂

Combine:联合 例:The fact should not be ignored by those who maintain that unemployment and machinery are inseparable companions.(1989) (1)Ignore:忽视(主观) Neglect:忽视(客观) (2)Crew:全体成员 Faculty:全体教职员工 Staff:全体人员 Cast:演员表

the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied. 1.selective:选择性的 (1)“lect”:挑选

select:(v)挑选;selection:(n)挑选 elect:选举;election:(n)选举 collect:收集 neglect:忽视


注:“intel、inter”:在?间,相互 (2)“lig”:选择

eligible:合格的,符合条件的 elegant:文雅的,端庄的 2.recognize:认出,承认


cognition:认知,了解;cognitive:(adj)认知的 precognition:预知,预测

Vitamins are organic compounds necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals, including man. 1.include:包含,包括 “clude”:关

exclude:排除,排斥;exclusive:(adj)排外的 例:I have an exclusive contract with him. exclusive shop:高档商品商店

preclude:预防,杜绝;preclusion:(n)排除 conclude:推断,得出结论

例:achieve/come to conclusion:得出结论 Some scholars conclude that a government with finite resources should simply stop paying for medical care that sustains life beyond a certain age- say 83 or so. Conclude:推断,得出结论

But, there are certain basic ideas that must be used in every program if maximum results are to be obtained.

1.maximum:最大量,最大的;maximize:(v)使之最大化 max:至多,大

反义词--minimum:最小的 min:小


He told his wife that he had been detained in the office by unexpected callers. 1.unexpected:意外的,未预料到的 “spect、pect”:看

aspect:外表,样子,方面 例:in?aspect:在?方面 inspect:检查,视察


prospect:前景,前途,期望;prospective:(adj)预期的 例:a promising prospect:一个有希望的前景 respect:尊敬,尊重

respectable:可敬的,值得尊重的 respectful:尊重人的 respective:各自的 irrespective:无关的 retrospect:回顾

例:in retrospect:在回忆中,回想起来

suspect:(v)怀疑;(n)嫌疑犯;suspicious:(adj)可疑的 conspicuous:显著的。 “spise”:看 despise:轻视

speculate:投机,思索 例:speculate in futures/ in stocks


spectaculars:(adj)壮观的,引人入胜的。 SIST


assist:(v)帮助,援助;assistant:(n)助手;assistance:(n)援助 accountant:会计

assistantship:助教奖学金,助教职位 consist:由?组成

固定搭配:consist of 由?构成。

例:Our class consists of 5 people. 我们班是由5个人构成的。 consist with:与?一致

例:Action should be consistent with words. 言行一致。 consist in:存在于,在于

例:Success consists in efforts. 成功在于努力。 Our class consists of 5 people. Our class comprises 5 people.

Our class is composed of 5 people.

persist:继续,坚持;persistent:(adj)持久稳固的 insist :坚持;insistent:(adj)坚持不懈的 persevere:坚持

existence:(n)存在;exist:(v)存在 resist:抵制

例:resist doing:克制不做某事 resistance:(n)抵抗

例:water- resistance:防水的

It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable price. distribution:分配 “tribut”:贡献

distribute:(v)分配,分发 attribute to:归因于

例:We attribute our success to our hard working. 我们把成功归因于努力的工作。

More families consist of one parent households or two working parents; consequently, children are likely to have less supervision at home than was common in the traditional family structure.

1.be likely to do:可能做某事;intend to do、incline to do 2.supervision:监督,管理 3.structure:结构 “struct”:建立



instruct:引导,教导;instructor:导师;instructive:(adj)教育性的 infrastructure:基础设施


Biology has provided a consistent, unified, and constantly improving account of what happened.


1.biology 生物学;microbiology微生物学;sociology社会学 2.account:数目,理由

account for:说明,做出解释 accountant:会计(师)

Bio-economy:生物经济;bio-computer:生物电脑;bio-tech:生物科技;ecology:生态学evolution:进化论;“vol”:旋转 involve:卷入,涉及

3.unified:统一的,一致的 (1)“uni”:一

uniform:(n)制服;(adj)统一的 universe:宇宙;“verse”:转 university:大学

unite:(v)联合,团结;unify:(v)统一,使成一体;unique:(adj)唯一的,独特的 (2)“sol”:一,单独

isolate:隔离,孤立;isolation:(n)孤立,孤单 sole:唯一的,单独的 solo:独唱,独奏 solar:太阳的


例:lead a solitary life过着寂寞的生活。 desolate:荒凉的 console:安慰 (3)“mono”:一

monologue:读白;“logue”:说话 dialogue:对话;“dia”相对的 diameter:直径

monotonous :单调的,无变化的;“ton”:腔调 (4)“bi”:二 bilingual:双语的 bikini:比肯尼

And yet the myth of controlling the waters persists.但是,控制洪水的神话还在流传着。 Today’s immigration is neither at unprecedented levels nor resistant to assimilation. 1.immigration:移民;“migr”=move:移动,迁移 immigrate:移居入境;emigrate:移出去 2.unprecedented:空前的,没有先例的 “cede、cess”:走 3.assimilation:同化 similar:相似的


Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didn’t know for sure? insist:坚持认为

there exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex ideas. 1.dialect:方言,语调


(1)“lect,leg,lig”:挑选,采集,说 lecture:演讲


legible:易读的,可明白的;反义词--illegible:模糊的,难辨的 illegal:违法的

allege:宣称,断言。 (2)“nounce”:说

pronounce:宣告,发音;pronounced:(adj)显著的,讲出来的 renounce:断绝,否绝。 denounce:指责,谴责 (3)“claim”:喊,说 acclaim:欢呼,喝彩 exclaim:呼喊,惊叫 reclaim:收回


2.complex:复杂的;complexity:(n)复杂性 “plex、plic、ply”:折叠 perplex:困惑

complicate:使复杂;complicated:(adj)复杂的 duplicate:(v)复制;(n):复件 “du”:双

implicate:暗示;imply:(v)暗示 implicit:含蓄的;explicit:外在的 multiply:乘法;繁殖 “multi”:多

multi-purpose:多功能的 multiple choice:多选题 multi-media:多媒体。

multitude:大量,多数;a multitude of =many:大量的 ject



inject:注射,in表示向里,名词形式:injection。 project:投射,(名词)计划。 projector:投影仪。 reject:拒绝。 表示拒绝的词:

reject 不客气的拒绝 refuse 直接的拒绝 decline 委婉的拒绝 repel 抗拒、强硬的拒绝

refute 用于辩论中强硬的反驳 objective客观的 subjective主观的


We must pour out a large stream of essential words, unhampered by stops, or qualifying adjectives, or finite verbs. finite:有限制的 fini表示结束

infinite:无限制的 define:下定义 confine:限制

in a confined room 在一个有限的空间中


It’s not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.

capacity:能力。 cap表示抓住。

You captured my heart. 你俘获了我的心。 escape:逃跑

eccentric:奇怪的 ability 能力 capability 能力

figure 数字,体形,(动词)数数

The organization is deep into a long self-analysis known as the journalism credibility project.

credibility:可信度 credit:信任,学分

credible 可信的 反义词:incredible

credulous (形容人)轻信的 反义词:incredulous be credulous of 对某件事情非常容易相信

“With the first subject, after about 20 hours of training, his digit span had risen from 7 to 20,” ericsson recalls. subject 名词,主题

be subject to sth:受制于 train 训练 trainee 学员

employee 员工 employer 老板

interview 面视 interviewer 面视官 interviewee 应征者 digital 数字化的

Encouraging kids to reject the life of the mind leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and control.

en表示使之?? encourage:鼓励 enlarge:扩大 envisage:正视 enable:使能够 entitle:使?有权利


entitled to sth 对...享有权利 entitled to do sth 有权做某事 trans

trans表示穿越、跨越 transfer:转移 infer:推导 confer:传递

house transfer:过户 post transfer:调动 transform:改变(形式) 辨析:

transform 形式上的 alter 表面的变化 vary 非常大的变化 shift 位置的变化

convert 心灵上的改变 transmit:传递

transmit a disease:传播一种疾病 live transmit:实况转播 名词:transmission

permit:允许,名词形式:permission transport:运输

traffic jam 交通堵塞

transplant:移植,organ transplant:器官移植 transparent:透明的,transparency:透明度 apparent:明显的

transient:短暂的,近义词:momentary和temporary 名词形式:transition:转变 常见的词组:in transition 过渡 transaction:交易、处理

conclude a transaction:达成交易

commercial transactions:商业交易行为 transcend:越过、超过


Despite a spell of initial optimism in the 1960s and 1970s when it appeared that transistor circuits and microprocessors might be able to copy the action of the human brain by the year 2010, researchers lately have begun to extend that forecast by decades if not centuries.

circuit:电路 circulate:循环 circulation:流通

currency circulation货币流通 recycle:回收 inflation:通货膨胀,deflation:通货紧缩


extend:扩张、扩展 intend:打算

常见词组:intend to do sth 打算做某事。 名词:intention打算,目标


extensive广泛的,intensive细致的、集中的。 attend:出席、参加、照顾(attendant) tend:伸展,倾向于

tend to do sth:倾向于做? 名词形式:tendency contend:争夺;竞争

intense:紧张的,intensify加强 pretend:假装,pretend to do forecast:预报

They will appeal to privately funded researchers and clinics not to try to clone humans by body cell nuclear transfer. appeal to 呼吁

I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism into a humanist industrialism. ism表示某种主义、理论。 bureau:局

bureaucracy官僚主义 democracy:民主 autocracy:自治 automobile:汽车

technocracy:技术统治 theocracy:神权政治 humanist:人道主义者 defeatist:失败主义者 socialist:社会主义者 futurist:未来主义者

Electronic mail will soon play a dominant role in transmitting messages. play a role:扮演一个角色 dominant:主导性的

domestic:家庭的,国内的 domestic animal家养动物 GDP:Gross Dominant Product dominate:主导,支配

our minds dominate our deeds. predominant:首先的、首要的 When any non-human organ is transplanted into a person, the body immediately recognizes it as foreign.

foreign:异类的,外国的 例如:be ~ to me



The author believes that Futurist poetry is more of a transient phenomenon than literature.




Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements---themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport. relative:相关的 relativity:相对性

correlate:相互关联,与with搭配 translate:翻译

Our baking is done at automated teller terminals that thank us with mechanical politeness for the transaction. automate:自动

形容词:automatic:自动的,名词:automation自动化 automobile:汽车 autocracy:自治 autobiography:自传

ATM:自动取款机( Automatic teller machine) mit, miss

mit、miss都表示send“送”的意思。 admit:(1)接纳、许可(2)承认 名词:admission:接纳、许可、认可。

常见句型:It is generally admitted that ??,人们广泛的认为?? 表示接纳、许可、承认的词: admit:内心的接受

acknowledge:知道,广泛的承认,具有广泛性 confess:对坏事情的承认

recognize:正式的认可,多用于正式场合 permit:许可,名词形式:permission。 commit:委托,做(坏事)

commit oneself to sth:承诺做某事 被动形式:be committed to

I commit myself to the mission. 或I’m committed to the mission. 变形:committee:委员会

commission:(1)(大一些的)委员会(2)佣金 名词:commitment:承诺、责任


submit:(1)提交,submit report:提交报告 (2)屈服 名词形式:submission。

常见词组:submit to 屈服于?? omit:动词,忽略、省略。名词形式:omission


dismiss:(1)解雇(2)解散 lay off:下岗


Whatever Futurist poetry may be --- even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right --- it can hardly be classed as Literature. classical:经典的

?emitting radiation as it went, condensing into particles and then into atoms of gas. radiation:放射 radio:收音机。

radioactivity:放射能,放射性 radical:(1)根本的(2)激烈的 eradicate:根除。 particle:部分,粒子

形容词:partial:有偏见的 Impartial:中立的 bias:偏见

counterpart:对方(既可指人也可指物) depart:出发。 名词:departure impart:传授

impart knowledge:传递知识

portion:部分。a portion of 一部分 合成词:proportion:比例

词组:in proportion with 和??构成比例、out of proportion 不成比例 There is another way to commit evolutionary suicide: stay alive, but have fewer children. 1. evolutionary:进化的 2. suicide:自杀 “cide”:杀 homicide:他杀 pesticide:杀虫剂

“cide、cid、cis”:切,杀 concise:(adj)简要的


A sketch of the long report by the budget committee was submitted to the mayor for approval.

1. budget committee:预算委员会

2. approval:(n)赞成,承认;(v)approve:赞成,批准 I am on your back. 我同意你,我支持你。 for/against:赞成/反对 In the past year, however, software companies have developed tools that allow companies to “push” information directly out to consumers, transmitting marketing messages directly to targeted customers. 1. consumer:消费者 “sume”:拿,取


consume:(v)消费 consumption:(n)消费 assume:承担,假定

eg. It’s assumed that?人们认为? assumption:(n)假设,承担 reassume:再承担,再假定

As a member of a British commission visiting here in 1853 reported, “With a mind prepared by thorough school discipline, the American boy develops rapidly into the skilled workman.”

1. thorough:彻底的 2. discipline:纪律

Blaming the permissive 1960s is nothing new, but this is not yet another criticism against the decline in education, 1. permissive:放纵的,许可的


“tract”:拉 tractor:拖拉机

contract:(n)合同;(v)收缩 condense:浓缩


attract:吸引;attractive:(adj)吸引人的 distract:转移,使混乱,迷惑

eg. His words distract my concentration. 他的言语迷惑了我的注意力。 extract:(v)拔出,提取;(n)提取物 refine:精炼 subtract:减去


Thus, the anthropological concept of “culture”, like the concept of “set” in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding.

1. anthropological:人类学的 2. concept:观念,概念

Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract. 1.philosopher:哲学家 2.philosophy:哲学 “sophy”:智慧

sophisticated:复杂的,老练的,智慧的,高科技的 freshman:大一新生 sophomore:大二学生

A web set selling the right kind of product with the right kind of interactivity, hospitality and security will attract online customers. hospitality:热情,好客 It is entirely reasonable for auditors to believe that scientists who know exactly where


they are going and how they will get there should not be distracted by the necessity of keeping one eye on the cash register while the other eye is on the microscope. 1. auditor:计员,审计员 “audi(audit)”:声音,听 audience:观众,听众 audio:听觉的,音频的 video:视频,视频的 audit:旁听,审计 auditorium:礼堂 audible:听得见的 inaudible:听不见的


“cess,ceed,ced,it”:走 access:进入,接近

have access to sth:可接近,可进入,能够使用 accessory:(adj)辅助的;(n)配件 excess:(n)超过, exceed:(v)超越

excessive:(adj)过多的,多余的 exceeding:(adj)非常的,卓越的 eg. in excess of:超过,多于

He is in excess of manpower in his factory. 他的工厂人员已经超员了。 process:(n)过程;(v)加工,处理 proceed:(v)进行,前进 procession:列队,队伍

precede:(v)在?之前,领先 precedent:(n)先例

unprecedented:空前的,史无前例的 recede:(v)后退

recession:(n)不景气,萧条 例句:

“Knowledge is power” may well be the trust saying and access to information may be the most critical requirement of all people. critical:重要的,关键的 As the interaction between organism and environment has come to be understood, however, effects once assigned to states of mind, feelings, and traits are beginning to be traced to accessible conditions. trait:特性

First of all, most substances taken in excess will produce negative effects such as poisoning or intense perceptual distortions. in excess:过度地

He was drawing excessively fine distinctions. Of course advertising seeks to persuade. 1.excessively:过分地



And the best way to learn how to encode information meaningfully, Ericsson determined, was a process known as deliberate practice.

As a concession to the public outcry, the government reduced the tax on petrol. Subscribers can customize the information they want to receive and proceed directly to a company’s Web site.

A further stimulus to invention came from the “premium” system, which preceded our patent system and for years ran parallel with it. VERSE


universe:n. 宇宙;universal:adj. 共同的,完全的 uniform:adj. 统一的;n. 制服 university:大学

converse:v. 交谈,交流 conversation:n. 会话,交谈 reverse:颠倒

diverse:adj. 不同的,变化多的,各种各样的;diversity:n. 多样性 versatile:通用的,多才多艺的 VS-versus:对?,与?相对 EN

“en”:使得? enlarge:扩大 widen:加宽 shorten:变短 encourage:鼓励 enslave:奴役,束缚 entitle:给?命名,授权 enrich:使富有,使丰富 enable:使能够

envisage:直面,正视 SET

“set”:放置 asset:资产,资本 settings:设置,背景 settle:定居 “habit”:居住 inhabit:居住 co-habit:同居


upset:adj. 不安的,心烦的;v. 使心烦 SUB

“sub”:下面 subway:地铁 submarine:潜水艇


subject:adj. 受制于? subtitle:字幕

subconscious:下意识的,潜意识的 substitute:n. 替代品;v. 代替,替换 suburb:郊区 submerge:淹没 emerge:浮现,出现 emergency:紧急情况 subtract:减去 sublet:转租 FECT


affect:影响,打动 affection:爱慕之情 perfect:完美的 imperfect:有缺陷的 infect:传染,感染 effect:结果,效果 VENT


convention:大会,会议,习俗,惯例 invent:发明,创造 advent:出现,到来 venture:冒险

joint-venture:合资 prevent:阻止,预防 revenue:税收 event:事件

intervene:干涉,打断,介入 convenient:便利的 SUR

“sur”:超过 surplus:剩余的 surpass:超越,胜过 surface:表面 survive:幸存 sit/it

sit/it表示“to go” exit 退出

transit 传送,运输

in transition 处于转型中 visit 拜访

initiate 发起,创造 initiative 创新性



sist表示“坐” resist 抵抗,拒绝 persist 坚持 insist 坚持 consist 相符合 consistent 稳定的 consist of 由?组成 sper/spiri

sper/spiri表示精神方面的东西 desperate 沮丧 prosper 繁荣(v.)

prosperous 繁荣的(adj.) prosperity 繁荣(n.) spur 激励 dur

dur表示“持续、经过” duration 持续时间 durable 耐用的 endure 经历、忍受 during 在?期间 pens

pens表示“钱” expense n. 花费 expend v. 花费

expenditure n. 花费 pension 养老金

indispensable 不可或缺的 compensate 赔偿

compensation 补偿,赔偿 press

press表示“压” depress 压下 compress 压缩 pressure 压力 oppress 压迫 express 表达

expression 表达,表情 suppress 压迫 rec

rec表示“扶正” rectify 修正

rectification 修正,修改 correct 对的


incorrect 不对的 erect 竖立

recognize 认识到 not

not表示“知道” notice 注意 note 注意 notify 通知 ignore 忽视 ignorant 无知的

notorious 臭名远扬的 notion n.观点 struct

struct表示“修建” construct 建设 obstruct 妨碍 obstruction 妨碍 destruct 摧毁 instruct 指导 instruction 指示 instructor 教师 infrastructure 基础 structure 结构 hum

hum表示“泥巴” human 人 humid 潮湿的 humble 谦虚的 spire


inspire v.①吸气 ②激发灵感 inspiration 灵感 expire v.呼气,到期 expiration 满期,呼出 conspire 共谋

conspiration 共谋(n.) aspire 渴望 ceive/cept

ceive/cept表示“来、知道” Receive 接收 Conceive 想出来 Deceive 欺骗 Perceive 领悟 Perception 洞察力


Except 例外 Exception 例外 fer

fer表示“to take” confer 传递 differ 区别 refer 参考 prefer 倾向于 infer 暗示 suffer 遭受 survive 幸免 transfer 调离 clin/clim

clin/clim表示“爬” climb 爬,攀登

incline to do 倾向于?? decline 下降、拒绝 cliff 悬崖



