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1、课程名称:大学英语I Name: College English I 学时:64讲授学时 Hours : 64 hrs lecture 学分:4 Credit:4


Brief introduction: It is a basic course to teach students the professional knowledge. By explaining the English grammar and usage of English, it trains student’s ability in listening, speaking, composing and translating of elementary English. The purpose of this subject is to nurture students’ ability in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, laying a solid foundation in pronounce, grammar and speech feeling for their higher abilities. Taking intensive reading as the main content, introducing basic grammar, practicing students’ listening and speaking, this subject lays a foundation for future English studies. 2、课程名称:管理学 Name: Management 学时:51讲授学时, Hours : 51 hrs lecture, 学分:3 Credit:3




Brief introduction: Course content to focus on three areas of basic knowledge of teaching: the historical evolution of management development; the basic principles of organization and management; to Barnard balance within the organization, external balance, dynamic balance in turn carried out as the core management functions and elements. With the management of Chinese enterprises in recent years, the development of practical, gradual increase and enrich the Chinese-style management of the teaching content. Teaching in the conscious presentation of the relevant basic disciplines of management knowledge and literature, guide the students to broaden their knowledge.

3、课程名称:微观经济学原理 Name: Principles of Microeconomics 学时:51讲授学时, Hours : 51 hrs lecture, 学分:3 Credit:3

课程简介:该课程讲述了微观经济学的基本原理和关注的话题。我们讨论微观经济学中重要的问题,例如:(1)为什么人们会从交易中受益?(2)企业怎么形成利润最大化? (3)在一个给定的市场,交易的结果是好还是坏?(4 )如果交易的结果是坏的,怎么做可以使它变好?通过该课程的学习,我们将涵盖的主题如下的方面如机会成本,效用最大化,需求,利润最大化,供给,均衡,效率,税收/补贴金,完全竞争,垄断,寡头垄断,公共物品,外部性,收入分配等等。 Brief introduction: This course is an introduction to the basic structure and specific topic of microeconomics. We answer important question such as:(1)Why may people benefit for exchange? (2)How do firms maximize profit? (3) Given a market, is the result of exchange “good” or not? (4) If the result is not “good”, what can be done to correct it? Along this course, we will cover topics including opportunity cost, utility maximization, demand, profit maximization, supply, equilibrium, efficiency, tax/subsidy, perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, public goods, externality,


income distribution, etc. 4、课程名称:大学英语II Name: College English II 学时:64讲授学时, Hours : 64 hrs lecture, 学分:4 Credit:4


Brief introduction: This is a subject to train students’ comprehensive ability, especially reading, grammar and writing. Through reading and analyzing various materials, students could widen their knowledge, and cultivate their appreciation in famous works, logic thought and independent thinking, to solidify and enhance students’ English techniques. Content: teaching and practicing, group discussing professionally practicing various abilities in English. 5、课程名称:宏观经济学原理 Name: Principles of Macroeconomics 学时:51讲授学时, Hours : 51 hrs lecture, 学分:3 Credit:3



标是:( 1 )向学生介绍基本经济指标,如国内生产总值,个人收入,失业和居民消费价格指数;和( 2 )学习目前主要的宏观经济学理论,如国家收入和就业,通货膨胀,汇率和贸易平衡,以及各种政策等,并学会分析实际问题。 Brief introduction: It is an introductory course which develops the basic tools needed to analyze the behavior of various macroeconomic phenomena including inflation, gross domestic product, and unemployment. In addition, these tools are used to study how and whether the government can impact the behavior of the overall economy. Finally, the course looks at the role various institutions such as banks and the stock and bond markets play in affecting the economic environment. Course objectives are: (1) to introduce students to basic measures of aggregate-level economic performance such as gross domestic product, personal income, unemployment, and the consumer price index; and (2) to present the major (competing) theories of national income and employment, inflation, exchange rates and the balance of trade, as well as the policy. 6、课程名称:会计学原理 Name: Principles of Accounting 学时:51讲授学时, Hours : 51 hrs lecture, 学分:3 Credit:3



Brief introduction: \Accounting\management,

business administration, logistics management, information


management, professional compulsory subjects. \Principles\set out the main accounting basic theory, basic methods and basic skills is that students are learning \courses in the pilot, is to learn to master the basic knowledge of accounting, the accounting discipline in the whole system of and management disciplines with a basic status of the system, Is a professional basic course in accounting undergraduate students of compulsory professional accountancy students enlightenment on the role of entry, mainly to enable students to understand the basic principles of accounting, the basic theory and methods

7、课程名称:思想道德修养与法律基础 Name: Moral Cultivation and introduction of Law 学时:48讲授学时, Hours : 48 hrs lecture, 学分:3 Credit:3


Brief introduction: This is a public required course that contains moral principles, self-disciplines, merits origination. Students are encourages to work hard and keep healthy and active aspiration toward future. Students are aware of the current social and economic situation by adapting individuals to the society. It also introduces the basic regulations related with legal issues that cover constitutional law, civil law, economic law, penalty law and international law. 8、课程名称:线性代数 Name: Linear Algebra


学时:64讲授学时, Hours : 64 hrs lecture, 学分:4 Credit:4


Brief introduction: Linear algebra is an important foundation for the theory courses, through this course of study, students can commonly used in applied science-matrix method, linear equations, quadratic form theory and the basic knowledge and skilled operation of matrix capacity and matrix methods to solve some practical problems, such as powers, roots, ratios, and proportions. so as to improve the quality of students in mathematics. 9、课程名称:经济法 Name: Economic Law 学时:34讲授学时, Hours : 34 hrs lecture, 学分:2 Credit:2

课程简介:国家调整经济活动中所发生的各种经济关系的法律规范的总称。 经济法与商法类似,法律理念的目标模式是有利于政治统治的秩序、效率、公平和正义,并相信通过法律可以达到该种目标。经济法理念比民商法等法律更加鲜明地体现了整个法理念的社会化新时代特征。

Brief introduction: Economic law is a study of the world legal system, it contains business and trade principles, and the business ethical issues that the trader encounter. Economic Law inclue Business Law, contracts and sales, third party right, consumer law and internet law. The economic law is a legal system of the world, through this study, students can mainly due with business law problems around the world


10、课程名称:统计学 Name: Statistics 学时:51讲授学时, Hours : 51 hrs lecture, 学分:3 Credit:3.


Brief introduction: Introduction to statistical reasoning. Emphasis on concepts rather than in-depth coverage of traditional statistical methods. Topics include sampling and experimentation, descriptive statistics, probability, binomial and normal distributions, estimation, single sample and two sample hypothesis tests for means and proportions. Additional topics will be selected from descriptive methods in regression and correlation, or contingency table analysis. 11、课程名称:大学英语Ⅲ Name: College English Ⅲ 学时:64讲授学时, Hours : 64hrs lecture, 学分:4 Credit:4


Brief introduction: The purpose of this course is to train students to treat English as a foreign language and to engage students in English-based educational activities. The main goal is to get students talking in English. The main manner to teach them is to


give them the opportunity to talk to other one,to small group, to large group. Students will be required to deliver a thoughtful and informative presentation about key cultural and English cultural. 12、课程名称:人力资源管理 Name: Human Resource Management 学时:51讲授学时, Hours : 51hrs lecture, 学分:3 Credit:3 课程简介: Brief introduction:

13、课程名称:组织行为学 Name: Organizing Behavior 学时:34讲授学时, Hours : 34hrs lecture, 学分:2 Credit:2 课程简介: Brief introduction: 14、课程名称:微积分I Name: Calculus I 学时:64讲授学时, Hours : 64hrs lecture, 学分:4 Credit:4




Brief introduction: Through this course, students will deeply understand the ideas and methods of limits, correctly understand the basic concepts and theorems of calculus, master the argumentation of analytics. Students will obtain calculus skills and application ability, they can also get in-depth understanding of mathematics, which lay a solid foundation for further studies.Mathematical analysis (1): the concept and nature of the function, supremum principle, limit and the functional limit, continuous function and derivative, Mean Value Theorem and its applications, the fundamental theorem of real numbers completeness 15、课程名称:形势与政策 Name: Situation and Policy 学时:32讲授学时, Hours : 32hrs lecture, 学分:2 Credit:2

课程简介:全面运用马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想正确分析当今国际国内发生的重大经济、政治、军事和社会问题,等等。 Brief introduction: the content of this subject includes comprehensively use the Marxism, Maoism, Deng Xiaoping Theory, and important thoughts of “Three Represent Theory” to analyze the international and national material economy, political, military, and social problems etc. 16、课程名称:微积分II Name: CalculusII 学时:64讲授学时, Hours : 64hrs lecture, 学分:4 Credit:4




Brief introduction:The primitive function and indefinite integral, the definition of integral definition and its nature, the fundamental theorem of calculus, the second integral mean value theorem, the calculation and application of definite integral, improper integrals, the convergence and discriminant analysis of lacunaryseries, the convergence and uniform convergence of the Sequence and Series of Function, power series and trigonometric series.

17、课程名称:中国近现代史纲要 Name: Outline of Modern Chinese History 学时:32讲授学时, Hours : 32hrs lecture, 学分:2 Credit:2


Brief introduction:It teaches the history about how we against foreign aggression, fight for national independence, overthrow the reactionary rule and achieve the people's liberation history in modern China. It helps students to understand the national history and conditions, modern China's social development and revolutionary history. Students will deeply understand how we chose Marxism, the Communist Party of China and the socialist road. 18、课程名称:财务管理学 Name: Financial Management 学时:51讲授学时, Hours : 51hrs lecture,


学分:3 Credit:3


Brief introduction: Financial Management is a fundamental course for the accounting and CPA major, whose major mission is as below: make the students have the comprehensive understanding of the financial management theory and practice; cultivate good habits of in-class discussion and out-class reading & writing; direct the students to think over the problems related to the modern enterprise financial management, so that the students can acquire the knowledge and skills required to be a qualified middle level financial executive. Based on the time value of money and the risk value, the course take the acquisition, investment and distribution of funds as a mainstream,exploring the related theory and practice required to achieve the goal of increasing enterprise value. 19、课程名称:大学计算机基础 Name: Basic of College Computer 学时:48讲授学时, Hours : 48hrs lecture, 学分:3 Credit:3




Brief introduction: This course is oriented for non- computer major undergraduates. This course is an important foundation and the prerequisite for other computer courses. It belongs to the public basic computer education for non- computer major undergraduates. Studying systematically basic theory, notion and connotation of computer culture, students will master the notions, knowledge and operations of computer basics. This course aim in order to pave a way for further study of computer.

20、课程名称:概率论 Name: Probability Theory 学时:64讲授学时, Hours : 64hrs lecture, 学分:4 Credit:4


Brief introduction: Probability Theory is a branch of mathematics that studies the likelihood of occurrence of random events in nature, human society and industries. It provides with fundamental theories and methods for statistics, and is closely related with other branches of mathematics Probability Theory is widely used in natural science, humanities, engineering technology, management and many other fields. This course is intended to introduce the basic concepts of probability theory, the basic methods and the common results of studying random events. The course includes the following sections: random event, concept and attributes of probability, computation of probability, random variables and their distribution, numeral characteristics of random variable, limit theorem and so on.



Name: An introduction to Mao Zedong Thought 学时:64讲授学时, Hours : 64hrs lecture, 学分:4 Credit:4


Brief introduction: This course outlines the main content of the Mao Testing Thought and its basic standpoint and method. It argues that it’s the CPC who led the people of China into new democratic revolution. Also it led the people into the socialism and won tremendous successes. Thus Mao Zedong Thought is the first great accomplishment of China national conditions combined with Marxism-Leninism. The students can master the main content and real spirit of Mao Zedong Thought and understand the history of modern China by learning this course and ti will play an important role in cultivating the students’ capability of solving practical problems. 22、课程名称:领导科学 Name: Leadership science 学时:34讲授学时, Hours : 34hrs lecture, 学分:2 Credit:2



者得角色定位、扮演好相应角色应具备的基本素质,以及角色与素质的展现-领导力问题,最后探讨了领导方式与方法、领导者用人决策等实践问题。 Brief introduction: This book from the leadership of the concept and characteristics start, a comprehensive exposition of leadership theory, leadership ecology, leader position, rights and responsibilities, as well as the leadership system and leadership structure, principle, and then analyzes the organizational leaders have roles, play a good role accordinglyIt should have the basic qualities, as well as the role and quality of the show - leadership issues, and finally discuss the ways and means of leadership, decision-making leaders employment practice. 23、课程名称:培训与开发 Name: Training and Development 学时:34讲授学时, Hours : 34hrs lecture, 学分:2 Credit:2


Brief introduction: This book introduces the basic concepts and principles of training and development, training and development needs assessment, methodology, career planning, training and development of learning principles, training effectiveness assessment and discussed with the current situation in the extensive use of current technology Some new trends, changes in the case of increasing training and development. This book theory and case analysis of the combination. 24、课程名称:招聘与录用 Name: Recruitment and Hiring 学时:34讲授学时, Hours : 34hrs lecture,


学分:2 Credit:2


Brief introduction: This book comprehensively and systematically introduces the theory, methods, procedures and techniques of recruitment and hiring, including the recruitment of legal analysis, recruitment golden rule - matching principle, recruitment interviewing skills and improve four major professional success probability theory 25、课程名称:薪酬管理

Name: Compensation & Benefits Management 学时:34讲授学时, Hours : 34hrs lecture, 学分:2 Credit:2


Brief introduction: This book should include: compensation management Subjects, microscopic constitute remuneration system, salary system construction, operation and adjustment, compensation payments and special body payroll four parts.


