更新时间:2023-12-09 18:22:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载
? 职工 Employees(ename, eno, bdate, addr, salary, dno)
姓名 工号 出生日期 家庭地址 工资 所在部门编号
? 部门 Departments(dname, dno, mgreno)
部门名称 部门编号 部门负责人的工号
? 项目 Projects(pname, pno, city, dno)
项目名称 项目编号 所在城市 主管部门编号? 工作 Works(eno, pno, hours)
职工工号 项目编号 工作时间
? 职工家属Depends(eno, name, sex)
职工工号 家属的姓名 家属的性别
1) 检索所有部门负责人的工号和姓名; ( 5分)
select E.eno, E.ename
from Employees E, Departments D where E.eno = D.mgreno
2) 检索职工Smith所参与的项目的编号和名称;( 5分)
select P.pno, P.pname
from Employees E, Projects P, Works W
where E.ename = ‘Smith’ and E.eno = W.eno and
3) 检索参加过‘p2’号项目的职工的工号;( 5分)
select eno from Works where pno = ‘p2’
4) 检索只参加过‘p2’号项目的职工的姓名;( 6分)
select E.ename
P.pno = W.pno
from Employees E, Works W where E.eno = W.eno and
E.eno NOT IN ( select eno from Works where pno <> ‘p2’)
5) 检索只参加过一个项目的职工的姓名;( 8分)
(答案1) select E.ename from Employees E,
(select eno, count(*) as p_num from Works group by eno) T where E.eno = T.eno and T.p_num = 1
(答案2) select E.ename
from Employees E, Works W1 where E.eno = W1.eno and
NOT EXISTS ( select *
from Works W2
where W2.eno=W1.eno and W2.pno<>W1.pno)
6) 检索参加了所有项目的职工的工号;( 8分)
select eno
from Employees E Where NOT EXISTS (
Select *
from Projects P Where NOT EXISTS (
Select * from Works W
Where W.eno=E.eno and W.pno=P.pno ) )
7) 检索全体3号部门的职工都参加了的项目的编号和名称;( 8分)
select pno, pname from Projects P Where NOT EXISTS (
Select *
from Employees E Where E.dno =‘3’ and
NOT EXISTS ( Select *
from Works W
Where W.eno=E.eno and W.pno=P.pno ) )
8) 检索工资收入最高的职工的姓名;( 8分) (答案1)
Select ename from Employees
where salary IN (select max(salary) From Employees )
Select ename from Employees
where salary >= ALL (select salary From Employees )
9) 查询每一个部门中工资收入最高的职工,结果返回部门编号以及该部门中工资收入最高的职工
的工号。( 8分) (答案1)
Select E1.dno, E1.eno from Employees E1
where E1.salary IN ( select max(E2.salary)
From Employees E2 where E2.dno = E1.dno )
Select E1.dno, E1.eno from Employees E1
where E1.salary >= ALL ( select E2.salary
From Employees E2 where E2.dno = E1.dno )
10) 按部门统计查询每一个部门的职工人数、工资总金额和平均工资金额。( 7分)
select dno, count(*), sum(salary), avg(salary) from Employees group by dno
11) 检索每个部门的员工的平均工资,结果返回部门编号和该部门员工的平均工资,并按照平均工
资的降序排序输出查询结果。( 8分) select dno, avg(salary) from Employees group by dno
order by avg(salary) DESC
12) 检索不带家属的职工的姓名;( 8分) (答案1)
select ename from Employees
where eno NOT IN ( select eno from Depends ) (答案2)
select E.ename from Employees E
where NOT EXISTS ( select * from Depends D where D.eno=E.eno )
13) 检索只有两个家属的职工的姓名;( 8分) (答案1) select E.ename from Employees E
where 2 = ALL ( select count(*) from Depends D where D.eno=E.eno)
select E.ename from Employees E,
(select eno, count(*) as d_num from Depends group by eno) D where E.eno = D.eno and D.d_num = 2
Select E.ename
from Employees E, Depends D1, Depends D2
Where E.eno = D1. eno and D1. eno = D2. eno and D1.name <> D2.name
and NOT EXISTS ( select *
from Depends D3
where D3.eno=E.eno and D3.name<>D1.name
and D3.name<>D2.name)
14) 检索家属人数大于或等于3个的职工的工号和姓名。( 8分) (答案1)
select E.eno, E.ename from Employees E
where 3 <= ALL ( select count(*) from Depends D where D.eno=E.eno) (答案2)
select E.ename, E.ename from Employees E,
(select eno, count(*) as d_num from Depends group by eno) D where E.eno = D.eno and D.d_num >= 3
Select E.eno, E.ename
from Employees E, Depends D1, Depends D2, Depends D3 Where E.eno = D1. eno and E. eno = D2. eno and E.eno=D3.eno
and D1.name<>D2.name and D1.name<>D3.name and D2.name<>D3.name
select E.eno, E.ename
from Employees E, Depends D where E.eno = D. eno group by E.eno, E.ename having count(*) >= 3
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