太钢英语二级强化培训资料 完整无删节版

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目 录

第一部分 太钢英语二级强化词汇与结构练习........................................ 1

Practice 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 1 Practice 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Practice 3 .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Practice 4 .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Practice 5 .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Practice 6 .................................................................................................................................................... 6 Practice 7 .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Practice 8 .................................................................................................................................................... 8

第二部分 二级强化班翻译练习 .............................................................. 10

二级强化班翻译练习(1) ..................................................................................................................... 10 二级强化班翻译练习(2) ..................................................................................................................... 19

第三部分 太钢英语二级强化练习题 ...................................................... 28

太钢英语二级强化练习题(1) ............................................................................................................. 28 太钢英语二级强化练习题(2) ............................................................................................................. 36

参考答案 .................................................................................................... 44

第一部分 太钢英语二级强化词汇与结构练习

Practice 1 Vocabulary and Structure

1. It’s unlikely for the two sides to __ B__ an agreement while they both maintain such inflexible


A. arrive B. reach C. come D. succeed

2. She asked that the letter be ___C__ in order that the contents should remain a secret. A. eliminated B. ruined C. destroyed D. spoiled

3. Whether my friends were ___A_ of it or not, they helped me get through that difficult crisis. A. conscious B. obvious C. evident D. comprehensive

4. I know he is __C__ on the opera. Let’s take him to see ―Lady Butterfly‖. A. enjoyable B. delighted C. keen D. concerned

5. The pressure of too much homework has led to an evident __D___ in interest in sports among the students.

A. shortage B. minimum C. refusal D. decline

6. I didn’t hear _B____ because there was too much noise where I was sitting.

A. what did he say B. what he said C. what was he saying D. what for him to say 7. Pressed for further details, the chairman confessed _D___ that profits would show a further fall. A. such being likely B. that being likely C. they to be likely D. it to be likely 8. I had been sitting in my seat for at least two hours, waiting _C____.

A. the train to start B. for the train starting C. for the train to start D. for the train start 9. ___B_____, there was no mistaking that she was displeased.

A. As gently her words were spoken B. Gently as her words were spoken C. As her words were spoken gently D. Her words were as gently spoken 10. _____A_______ that he collapsed soon after finishing the race. A. So was the winter exhausted B. So exhausted was the winter C. So exhausted the winter was D. So was exhausted the winter

11. The driver had fled, careless of __D___ essential to save the victim’s life. A. medical attention might be B. medical attention might well be C. that medical attention might be D. the fact that medical attention might be

12. ―Did you enjoy your vacation in New York City?‖ ― Very much. We had a good time ___C___‖. A. the visiting of museums B. for museum visiting C. visiting the museum D. to visit the museums

13. Robert’s manner was __C__ of someone who was accustomed to mixing with aristocracy. A. one B. the one C. that D. this

14. Alva found a place in the cellar __B__ he uses as his first laboratory. A. where B. which C. what D. in which

15. This is strictly __D__ you and me of course ---- I don’t want him to think we’re gossiping about him behind his back.

A. among B. before C. for D. between

16. At the beginning of this semester, our history professor A____ a list of books for us to read. A. made out B. fished out C. passed on D. handed in

17. ___C____ the storm we should have arrived at least five minutes earlier for the meeting. A. In spite of B. As a result of C. But for D. Except for


18. If you put too many potatoes in that paper bag it will __B___. A. overcrowd B. burst C. break D. crack

19. They are often ___ A____ caring more about animals than human beings. A. accused of B. accused with C. charged of D. charged to

20. We should make our reservations as far __B___ as possible to get the flight we want. A. in detail B. in advance C. in reality D. in practice

Practice 2 Vocabulary and Structure

1. It has taken Joe a long time to come to __ B __ with the fact that he won’t be able to go to college.

A. conditions B. terms C. results D. positions

2. Many small investors are taking __A__ of these attractive share offers to make a quick profit. A. advantage B. benefit C. interest D. use

3. Repeating _B___ he had already told the court, the accused maintained that he was at home at the time. A. that B. what C. which D. how

4. This is the third time this week __C___ to study late, isn’t it? A. he’s having B. he had C. he’s had D. he has

5. _____D_ gathering and storing information, the computer can also solve complicated problems. A. Not only B. Except C. Unless D. Besides

6. Only because there were some cancelled bookings _ C ___ in the end. A. he did get some tickets B. got he some tickets C. did he get some tickets D. some tickets did he get

7. The last time I saw him, he said he was going to try and get to Britain. But I don’t know _D___ he made it or not.

A. that B. how C. if D. whether

8. He wouldn’t answer the questions of the reporters, __C__ pose for a photograph. A. nor he would B. so would be C. nor would he D. or he would 9. I certainly tried to explain his ideas but I am still at a loss __B__ his points. A. seeing B. to see C. for seeing D. and see

10. They showed me the spot __C__ the accident took place. A. there B. that C. where D. which

11. __ D __ to wait for hours, she brought along a book to read. A. Expected B. To expect C. Expects D. Expecting

12. __B__ doing dangerous things, you wouldn’t want your children to do them. A. No matter how much do you like B. No matter how much you like C., No matter how you much like D. No matter however much you like 13. Rebecca hadn’t noticed the cat that was crouching __C__ the long grass. A. on B. through C. in D. inside

14. Why don’t take physics next semester? It’s not _C___ to understand as you might think. A. that hard B. too hard C. so hard D. such hard 15. Everywhere, even in the Antarctic, there are signs __A___.

A. that the earth is getting warm B. which the earth is getting warm C. the earth is getting warm D. and the earth is getting warm

16. He thought for a long time but still could not _ B_____ a solution. A. take over B. come up with C. watch over D. get on with


17. Not _ D _____, the customs vary from culture to culture.

A. obviously B. frequently C. similarly D. surprisingly 18. When you make a decision, you should _B____ a lot of factors.

A. take over B. take into account C. watch over D. account for 19. __C___ he first heard of the name of the chemistry specialist.

A. That was from his roommate B. It was his roommate that C. It was from his roommate that D. It was his roommate whom

20. It is believed that too much ___ A___ to the sun is bad for the skin. A. exposure B. expansion C. exhibition D. extension

Practice 3

1. Rock and roll music began in the fifties, but has never gone out of _ A ______.

A. fashion B. mood C. order D. from

2. White House aides said the President was ―unwell‖ yesterday after he _B___ during a TV interview. A. broke away B. broke down C. broke out D. broke through

3. They felt _C____ to the others until the team’s intentional success gave them some pride. A. worse B. lower C. inferior D. different

4. The building _D___ mostly undamaged after the earthquake and only minor repairs were necessary. A. recovered B. prolonged C. lasted D. remained

5. There __C___ a row of red-brick houses here, but they were demolished a few years ago. A. would be B. would have been C. used to be D. used to have been 6. The young __ B ___ that they are being controlled too strictly by their elders. A. is always complaining B. are always complaining C. is always complained D. are always complained

7. _A____ on an airplane before, the old woman felt very dizzy and sick.

A. Never having been B. Never being C. Have never been D. Never to be 8. When removing a stain, work from the edge inwards __D__ the area affected.

A. just not to enlarge B. so not to enlarge C. only not to enlarge D. so as not to enlarge 9. He said that he’d leave her a note _B____ she’d know where we were. A. in order B. so that C. now that D. in case

10. The new treatment will make _C___ for patients to stay in hospital overnight. A. quite necessary B. more necessary C. it necessary D. that necessary 11. Many cancers can be cured, but only if _ A ___ before they have begun to spread. A. properly treated B. to be properly treated C. properly treating D. having properly treating

12. Everything was silent, and then there __D___ at the door.

A. a strange knocking coming B. coming a strange knocking C. a strange knocking came D. came a strange knocking

13. But I have no need of money any more now. I __D___ it a few weeks earlier.

A. were to accept B. have accepted C. would accept D. would have accepted 14. Why is she looking at me as if she __B__ me ? I’ve never seen her before in my life. A. knows B. knew C. had known D. has known

15. It was raining hard, but by the time class was over, the rain _C___. A. stopped B. would stop C. had stopped D. might have stopped


16. The job-hunter is applying for a __ A ____ position in a foreign-capital company. A. vacant B. empty C. blank D. bare

17. I wonder whether the advertisement in the newspaper is true. I’ll try to _A____ it. A. confirm B. confine C. construct D. consult

18. Native speakers of English from different parts of the world have little trouble __C___ with one another.

A. to communicate B. of communicating C. communicating D. to have communicated

19. It’s about time the government __C___ immediate action to bring the spreading of SARS under control. A. takes B. take C. took D. should take 20. The newly-built stadium can __A___ 80,000 viewers.

A. accommodate B. accomplish C. accelerate D. accumulate

Practice 4

1. Lest anyone should worry that this will lead to a price increase, let me C ____ you that it will not.

A. insure B. relax C. reassure D. recall

2. For wildlife enthusiasts the journey is __C__ -- the region is known for its sea birds. A. interested B. delighted C. worthwhile D. worthy

3. We were expecting some twenty people to come but half of them never _D____. A. turned in B. turned out C. showed off D. showed up

4. Our water supplies were low, and the food had almost __D__. We were in serious trouble. A. pulled out B. left out C. gone out D. run out

5. I’ve ___C_ these lines again and again but I still keep forgetting them. A. gone off B. gone about C. gone over D. gone through

6. I don’t understand how he can say that everything’s fine when _ A_____ that it’s not. A. it’s so obvious B. that’s so obvious C. he’s so obvious D. one’s so obvious 7. I would prefer _ C ___ the weekend at home rather than drive all the way to your mother’s. A. spending B. having spent C. to spend D. and spend

8. Careful surveys have indicated that as many as 50% of patients do not take drugs _D____ directed. A. such B. so C. like D. as

9. She came back from school the first day, _A___ that she had made several friends. A. happy B. happily C. being happy D. to be happy

10. __C__, children can get themselves into all sorts of trouble very quickly.

A. To be left alone B. To leave them alone C. Left alone D. Being left alone 11. Ford proposed a system __ C ____ each worker would have a special job to do A. that B. which C. in which D. in that

12. These insects are so small that they are difficult _B__ without using a microscope. A. to be seen B. to see C. to see them D. being seen

13. __B____ how the human body works, you need to have some knowledge of chemistry. A. So as to understand B. In order to understand C. So that to understand D. In order that to understand 14. She grabbed me __B___ and pulled me onto the bus.

A. by an arm B. by the arm C. by arm D. by my arm

15. Anti-government demonstrations do occur, but seldom, if ever, __C__ in the newspaper. A. are they reporting B. they are reporting C. are they reported D. they are reported


16. Old people are __ A ___ to claim a special heating allowance from the government. A. entitled B. appointed C. powered D. meant

17. The rise in violent crime is one of the more worrying _A____ of the current situation. A. aspects B. positions C. matters D. affairs

18. The comet should be __C___ the naked eyes as a fuzzy patch three times the size of the Moon. A. sensible B. countable C. visible D. available

19. The French pianist, who had been praised very highly, __A_____ to be a great disappointment. A. turned out B. turned in C. turned round D. turned up

20. It seems almost __D___ that they will discover the error when they check the account. A. dependable B. indispensable C. determined D. inevitable

Practice 5

1. We must make sure to keep __C__ with new developments in computer technology.

A. step B. progress C. pace D. speed

2. The Red Cross has started _A___ food and blankets to villagers in the flood area. A. distributing B. sharing C. dividing D. spreading

3. It’s no use just telling me to do it; give me advice as to how to do it. D A. critical B active C. attentive D. positive

4. He often sleeps with the window open as he thinks that fresh air is __B___ to his health. A. undependable B. indispensable C. unmistakable D. inexpensive 5. I used to play golf but I _C____ to tennis to get more exercises. A. become B. removed C. switched D. sought

6. Neither Russia nor the United States _B___ to discover a mutually acceptable plan for gradual disarmament.

A. have able B. have able to C. have been able D. has been able

7. ___D___ late one night, I noticed a suspicious character loitering near the house. A. Having called on a friend B. Calling on a friend C. To call on a friend D. To have called on a friend

8. The amount of water used in the manufacturing process is enormous, but the amount wasted is ___B__. A. the greatest B. even greater C. greatest D. more greater

9. He admitted, with ___B___, that he didn’t understand a word of the speech.

A. a puzzling frown B. a puzzled frown C. a frown puzzling D. a frown puzzled 10. There is something wrong with my TV set. I must have it ___B__. A. check B. checking C. to check D. checked

11. WE have not fixed the date ___D__ we shall start our holidays. A. and B. that C. when D. which

12. Try to make as _C____ mistakes as possible in your homework. A. little B. less C. few DD. Fewer

13. I tried to be interested in what he was saying, but the more he talked __C____. A. the more bored became I B. the more bored I became C. the more I became bored D. I became the more bored

14. It is essential that every child __B__ the same educational opportunity. A. had B. would be C. has D. have

15. With the hospitality so __D__ of these people, they opened their house to over fifty guests.


A. particular B. characteristic C. special D. essential

16. The president made a __C__ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meet which encouraged the sportsmen greatly.

A. flat B. tedious C. vigorous D. harsh

17. A completely new situation __B___ when the high technology was introduced. A. rose B. arose C. raised D. aroused

18. I dream to study in Beijing University and now I’m working hard to make it A in time. A. come true B. realize C. be come true D. realizing 19 —What do you think of Lily’s Chinese?

—Personally, I think she speaks English as well as, __C______, Mary. A. if no better than B. if she is not better than C. if not better than D. if much better than

20. He was bothered by the__A__ bark of dogs in the neighborhood every night. A) constant B) perpetual C) long D) steady

Practice 6

1. Living here at the top of the mountain with no one else near you must be very __A___.

A. lonely B. alone C. single D. sole

2. The thought __C__ to me this morning that it’s Susan’s birthday tomorrow and we haven’t got her present.

A. appeared B. happened C. occurred D. struck

3. Catherine won’t mind if you B____ her workload ---- she needs the extra money. A. amount to B. add to C. put up D. go on

4. She told her children that they must not, _A___, play with matches.

A. on any account B. to good account C. by no means D. by all means

5. He lent me a thousand pounds, which ___C_ exactly the amount I needed to solve my problems. A. is B. are C. was D. were

6. I’ve done everything I can think of to help her. I don’t know _C_____.

A. what else doing B. doing what else C. what else to do D. to do what else 7. You don’t object __B__ you by your first name, do you?

A. for me to call B. to my calling C. me to call D. my calling

8. He heard of a chance remark which made __C___ that his friend was in trouble. A. himself realize B. himself realizing C. him realize D. him to realize

9. I know what they are thinking. You would rather I ___C___. You don’t believe I could be of any help. A. wouldn’t come B. haven’t come C. hadn’t come D. didn’t come

10. The driver admitted that not only __B___, but he didn’t have a driving license either. A. he was not insured B. was he not insured C. he was insured not D. was not he insured

11. _B___ of the two men had stolen her purse, Babara was determined to find out. A. Whoever B. Whichever C. Who D. Which

12. He __D___ on his own, but his colleagues have pulled him through. A. never managed B. has never managed

C. would never manage D. would never have managed

13. I could not afford to eat in such restaurants and anyone else I knew _B____.


A. could not too B. could not either C. could also not D. could neither

14. Neither rain, nor snow or sleet _A___ from delivering our letters, which we so much look forward to receiving.

A. keeps the postman B. keep the postman C. the postman keeps D. the postman keep 15. These chairs may look good, but are very uncomfortable __B____. A. to sit on them B. to sit on C. sitting on them D. sitting on

16. The leading astronomers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were __A_____ (fascinated) by comets.

A. intrigued B. infected C. inconvenienced D. inclined

17. The specific mechanisms by which cortisone and similar compounds function are __C___ (poorly) documented.

A. partially B. occasionally C. inadequately D. rarely

18. The new management, __D____(coupled with) the use of their capital, would enable them to increase their production.

A. apart from B. aside from C. covered with D. combined with

19. In the past, billboards were ___A____ (largely) the preserve of advertisers of such products as beverages and tobacco.

A. for the most part、 B. in some areas、 C. without exception、 D. by rights

20. Evidence exists that hearing problems may be _D___(alleviated) by changes in diet and exercise habits.

A. initiated B. cured C. complicated D. lessened

Practice 7

1. Topics for conversation should be _B ____to the experiences and interests of the students.

A. convenient B. relevant C. similar D. accustomed

2. The matter of whether or not the Royal Family should pay taxes was first __B ___in an article in the Times.

A. aroused B. raised C. arose D. rose

3. He is an honest official and has never _C ____ any gifts from people who sought his help.

A. received B. expected C. accepted D. foreseen

4. Having settled the matter to his __C ___,Jonson tried to put it out of his mind.

A. interest B. happiness C. satisfaction D. comfort

5. Apart from the fact that we went to the same school, we have absolutely nothing in _C ____.

A. mutual B. ordinary C. common D. similar

6. I can _D ____ with the house being untidy, but I hate it if it’s not clean.

A. live on B. come out C. hold on D. put up

7. The box was crammed ___A __ books. I managed to pull one out and opened it to see what was inside.

A. with B. by C. for D. of

8. Without a doubt, __D ___ the key issue in the President’s campaign.

A. is taxation going to be B. is going taxation to be C. is going to be taxation D. taxation is going to be

9. Although he is the biggest boy in our class, he is _B ____ any one of us.

A .the weaker than B. weaker than C. the weakest of D. weakest of

10. ―You look really tired.‖“ _C ____ if you’d just worked for 12 hours without a break.”


A. so do you B. so you do C. so would you D. so you would 11. It was stupid __D ___ so much for car repairs when he could do them himself.

A. for his paying B. of his paying C. for him to pay D. of him to pay

12. The classroom has such comfortable chairs _C ____ the students find it easy to fall asleep.

A. so B. and C. that D. then

13. If we hadn’t worked hard in the past few years, things _A ____ so smoothly now.

A. wouldn’t be going B. wouldn’t have been going C. won’t be going D. wouldn’t have gone

14. I can’t think of any reason __C ___ you should take all the blame for what happened.

A. how B. which C. why D. when

15. I think that is what he said, but I can’t swear _A____ him correctly

A. to having heard B. to have heard C. to hearing D. to hear 16. Sorry I can’t answer your question. I know _B____ about the subject.

A. a little B. little C. a few D. few

17. Susan feels tired and sleepy. She wishes she __B___ so late last night.

A. didn’t stay up B. hadn’t stayed up C. wasn’t stayed up D. hadn’t been stayed up

18. ___C__ about his financial position that he can hardly sleep at night.

A. So much he worries B. So he worries much C. So much does he worry C. So does he worry much

19. It was in the year 1925 __B___ John Biard found a way to send pictures by wireless.

A. when B. that C. in which D. which 20. ―There, I told you there was a small hut on the hillside.“‖ __D___ — how strange I hadn’t noticed it.”

A. Neither is there B. Neither there is C. So is there D. So there is

Practice 8

1. Looking down on the valley, he was suddenly __B ___ of his childhood days playing in the mountain


A. remembered B. reminded C. recalled D. recollected

2. Although it ___C __ considerably more to do it this way, it does work out cheaper in the long run. A. spends B. affords C. costs D. Pays

3. I’ve made an ___D ___ for you to see the dentists at 5 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. A. interview B. assignment C. opportunity D. apartment

4. The existing methods of storing and __C __ personnel information are inadequate. A. operating B. dealing C. handling D. manufacturing

5. Mother was so weak after the operation that the doctors wondered if they would be able to A ____ her through.

A. pull B. push C. draw D. cure

6. I __D __ having to pay taxes for health care and then having to pay again when I am ill. A. confuse B. wonder C. offend D. resent

7. How can I have any self-confidence when you’re always so _C ___ of me? A. severe B. unpleasant C. critical D. particular

8. There’s no point telling her she’s doing wrong because she just __A ___ criticism. A. shrugs off B. puts away C. breaks off D. casts aside


9. She’s more __C ___ than most people to help out when you ask her. A. assured B. enjoyable C. inclined D. likeable

10. ___B ___ looking for me this evening, tell him that I will be back at six o’clock. A. Anyone should come B. Should anyone come C. If anyone had come D. If anyone would have come

11. Alex __C ____ that window because he never came anywhere near here yesterday. A. mustn’t have broken B. wouldn’t have broken C. can’t have broken D. needn’t have broken

12. He was asked to show them the same respect __C ___ they would to him. A. like B. which C. as D. when

13. She had no way of knowing, __A __, whether her husband was injured. A. nor did we B. so did we C. not we either D. and we too

14. The rain is coming through the roof. We _C _____ get a builder to look at it tomorrow. A. had rather B. would rather C. had better D. would like to 15. You were disappointed, I realize, but you ___D__ such a fuss in public. A. don’t have to make B. needn’t make C. mustn’t have made D. needn’t have made

16. The cat, sleeping in the sunlight, lay __A____ as if it were dead.

A. motionless B. as motionless C. being motionless D. to be motionless 17. We can go to the seven o’clock performance or the eight ---- ___B______. A. whatever suits you best B. whichever suits you best

C. whenever suits you best D. however suits you best

18. We decided against installing new heating apparatus, for the reason __A___ it would be too costly.

A. that B. why C. since D. because

19. ______B__ from space, our earth, with water covering about 75% of its surface, appears as a ―blue planet‖.

A. Seeing B. Seen C. To be seen D. Being seen 20. ___C___, I realize that I owe a debt to my early country life.

A. Lover of town while I am B. A lover of town since I am C. Lover of town as I am D. A lover of town as I am


for automobile,chemical,food and building and construction industries.

21. In insurance,the party who insures others against possible loss o r damage and undertakes to make payment in case of loss is called the insurer;the party who is insured against possible loss and to whom payment covering the loss will be made is called the insured.The contract made between the insure r and the insured is the insurance pal icy.The amount of money the in—sure r agrees to cove r by insurance against the subject matte r is the insured amount(which is usually the amount of CIF value of the consignment plus 10%representing an anticipated profit for the buyer).The sum of money the insured agrees to pay the insure r for an insurance policy is called premium.

22. Insurance is a risk transfer mechanism by which an organization can exchange its

uncertainty for certainty. The uncertainty experienced would include whether a loss will occur, when it will take place, how severe it will be and how frequent there might be in a year. This uncertainty makes it very difficult to budget and so the organization seeks ways of controlling the financial effect of the risk. Insurance offers the opportunity to exchange this uncertain loss for a certain loss: the insurance premium. The organization agrees to pay a fixed premium, in return, the insurance company agrees to meet any losses which fall within the terms of the policy. This is a risk transfer mechanism which is of immense value not only to industry, but also to individuals.

23. Long-term investment refers to the investment not intended to be realized within a year,

including shares investment, bonds investment and other investments.

Shares investment and other investments shall be accounted for by cost method or equity method respectively, in accordance with different situation.

Bonds investment shall be accounted for according to actual amount paid The interest accrued contained in the actually paid amount shall be accounted for separately.

24. Law on Production Safety

Article 19 The mines and construction entities as well as those engaged in the production, selling and storage of hazardous substances shall establish an administrative organ for production safety or have full-time personnel for the administration of production safety.

The persons-in-charge and the personnel for the administration of production safety of the entities that are engaged in the production, selling and storage of hazardous substances and the mines and construction entities shall not take their positions until they have passed the examinations of the administrative departments concerning the knowledge and management capacity of production safety.


25. During the oxidizing stage, oxygen gas is usually injected into bath. An additional

injection can accelerate the melting phase and oxidize directly phosphorus, silicon, manganese, carbon, and iron of metal. During the oxidation period, the reactions that occur in the bath of the basic electric-arc furnace are similar to those in the basic oxygen furnace. When these oxides included in the slag react with the carbon of the bath, this gives rise to the gaseous carbon monoxide which causes the heat to boil and hydrogen, nitrogen and non-metallic compounds escape as gases.

26 Vacuum treatment is based on the following consideration. Dissolved gases only partly

escape while the steel solidifies/for this reason, all steels contain quantities of the gases: hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen, which cause embrittlement, voids, inclusion, and other undesirable phenomena in the steel after it solidifies. This impoverishes the technological properties of the steel. For example, hydrogen in solution in solid steel has a deleterious effect upon the mechanical properties; ductility is lowered without a corresponding increase in strength and also leads to cracking in highly-stressed components. Nitrogen lowers the ability of steels to undergo deep drawing operations. If the external pressure is lowered, then the gas which is dissolved in the metal can escape.

27. During decarburization, additions are made for obtaining the proper final chemical composition. These additions usually consist of desired amounts of high carbon ferrochromium, stainless steel scrap, carbon steel scrap, nickel, iron, high carbon ferromanganese, and molybdenum oxide. These additions serve to reduce the bath temperature as carbon and chromium oxidation are exothermic. In general, the bath temperature is controlled to less than 1720°C. Total alloy addition weights are in the range of 5–30% of tap weight.

28. The dilution technique is that used by the AOD and all converter processes. The

injection of inert gas (argon or nitrogen) lowers the partial pressure of CO in the bath, thus allowing higher chromium contents to be in equilibrium with lower carbon contents。Duplex processes are used for making stainless steels. There is an electric arc furnace or similar melting unit that melts down scrap, ferroalloys and other raw materials to produce the hot metal. The hot metal, which contains most of the chromium and nickel as well as some other alloying elements, is the charge to the converters. The converters are used to achieve low carbon stainless steels which may be tapped into a teeming ladle. The EAF-AOD process is one such duplex route.

29. Special techniques are used for producing hot formed tubes. For manufacturing the

seamless variety, there are basically three stages:


- piercing a heated bloom into a hollow bloom by a variety of techniques (press piercing, rotary piercing)

- ―stretch reducing the hollow block into a tube blank - finishing the reheated tube blank into a tube,

In addition, they are combinations of piercing and stretch reducing.

For piercing purposes, two-high rotary piercing mills have gained the widest significance. The cross rolling action causes the core of the bloom to loosen so that it can be driven over a piercer.

30. In themochemical treatment, the chemical composition of the steel is selectively changed by diffusing one or several elements into or out of the surface layer. This process is designed for arriving at definite properties such as scale resistance, corrosion resistance, or enhanced wear resistance. Nitrogen, aluminum, silicon, boron and chromium are the elements mainly used in these themochemical processes.

Besides the separately carried out heat-treatment, processes, controlled cooling applied in connection with the deformation processes is of growing importance as it allows additional downstream heat treatment to be dispensed with.

31. Themomechenical treatment is a hot-forming process in which both temperature and

deformation are controlled in order to achieve a specific condition of metal and hence certain properties.

Strip is frequently heat treated in batch-type annealing furnaces. For this purpose the strip must be coiled. Continuous rolling has to be interrupted to result in discontinuous heat treatment. Continuous annealing installations are already must for strip. The advantages are the following:

- reduced cycle times,

- improved surface and flatness

- more homogeneous mechanical strength,

- higher strength at lower quantities of alloying elements/

32. Shafting is the machine element that supports a roller and wheel so that they can perform

their basic functions of rotation.Shafting, made from round metaI bars of various lengths and machined to dimension the surface, is used in a great variety of shapes and applications. Because shafts carry loads and transmit power,they are subject to the stresses and strains of operating machine parts.Standardized procedures have been evolved for determining the material characteristics and size requirements for safe and economical construction and operation.


33. A bearing can be defined as a member specifically designed to support moving machine components.The most common bearing application is the support of a rotating shaft that is transmitting power from one location to another. Since there is always relative motion between a bearing and its mating surface,friction is involved.In many instances,such as the design of pulleys,brakes,and clutches,friction is desirable. However,in the case of bearings, the reduction of friction is one of the prime considerations:Friction results in loss of power,the generation of heat,and increased wear of mating surfaces.

34. Plain Carbon Steels:This category of steels includes those materials which are a combination of iron and carbon with no alloying elements.As the carbon content in these materials is increased,the ductility (ability to stretch or elongate without breaking) of the materiaI is reduced.Plain carbon steels are numbered in a four digit code according to the AISI or SAE system (i. e.10XX). The last two digits of the code indicate the carbon content of the material in hundredths of a percentage point. For example, a 1018 steel has a 0.18-percent carbon content.

35. Stainless Steels:As the name implies,this group of materials is designed to resist oxidation and other forms of corrosion,in addition to heat in some instances.These materials tend to have significantly greater corrosion resistance than their plain or alloy steel counterparts due to the substantial additions of chromium as an alloying element.Stainless steels are used extensively in the food processing,chemical and petroleum industries to transfer corrosive liquids between processing and storage facilities.

36. Tool Steels: This group of high strength steels is often used in the manufacture of cutting tools for metals,wood and other workpiece materials.In addition,these high-strength materials are used as die and punch materials due to their extreme hardness and wear resistance after heat treatment.The key to achieving the hardness,strength and wear-resistance desired for any tool steel is normally through careful heat treatment.These materials are available in a wide variety of grades with a substantial number of chemical compositions designed to satisfy specific as well as general application criteria.

37 Casting is the introduction of molten metal into a cavity or mold where,upon solidification,it becomes an object whose shape is determined by mold configuration.Casting offers several advantages over other method of metal forming:it is adaptable to intricate shapes,to extremely large pieces,and to mass production;it can provide parts with uniform


physical and mechanical properties through out and,depending on the particular material being cast,the design of the part,and the quantity being produced,its economic advantages can surpass other processes.

38. Annealing Annealing is the process of softening steel to relieve internal strain.This makes the steel easier to machine.The metal is heated above the critical temperature and cooled slowly.The most common method is to place the steel in the furnace and heat it thoroughly.Then turn off the furnace,allowing the metal to cool slowly . Another method is to pack the metal in clay,heat it to the critical temperature,remove it from the furnace,and allow it to cool slowly.

39. Extrusion is employed for producing both complicated as well as hollow sections. Having been heated to press temperature, the blank is inserted into a thick-walled press chamber at one end. The chamber is closed by a die containing the profile to be produced. From the opposite side, the ram,using glass powder as a lubricant, presses the material through the die, thus forming the section. A mandrel inserted into the die can also be used for extruding hollow section and pipes.

40. During forging and pressing, the desired plastic deformation is obtained through the

impact of compressive forces. These techniques are of compressive forces. These techniques are of significance wherever hot rolling cannot be applied due to the weight of the workpieces, their shape or for economic reasons. Forging is superior to machining in two respects; there are no chips (material loss) and the grain flow within the wrokpiece is interrupted (improved strength properties).At the metallurgical plants, large unit weights are preferably produced by forging. Fogging techniques are subdivided into: 1) open die forging; 2) die forging.

41. The stove is PLC controlled with the aim of dome temperature and waste gas temperature. In initial stage, the dome temperature is lower than the preset value, large flow rate of gas and air with reasonable fuel/air ratio is adopted for fast automation combustion. When the preset dome temperature is reached, then taking the dome temperature as target for auto control, i.e. keep the constant gas flow and enlarge the air flow. When the preset waste gas temperature is reached, then the operating mode auto change to let the waste gas temperature as target for auto control.



