2020版高考英语(外研版)大一轮复习练习:必修5Module 5 阅读理解专项练Word版含答案

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Kuringai Chase National Park

Guided Walks and Nature Activities


Early Morning Walk in Upper Lane Cove Valley

Meet at 7:30 am at the end of Day RD,Cheltenham,while the bush is alive with birdsong.

Round trip:4 hours


Possum Prowl

Meet at 7:30 pm at Seaforth Oval carpark.Enjoy the peace of the bush at night.Lovely water views.Bring a torch and wear sports shoes as some rock climbing involved.Coffee and biscuits supplied.

Duration (持续时间):2 hours


Bairne/Basin Track

Meet at 9:30 am on Track #8,West Head Road.Impressive Pittwater views.Visit Beechwood Cottage.Bring lunch and drink.Some steep (陡峭的) sections.Reasonable fitness required.

Duration:about 6 hours


Poetry Around a Campfire

Meet at 7:00 pm at Kalbarri Visitor Center.Share your favourite poem or one of your own with a group around a gently burning fire.Tea and biscuits to follow.Dress up warmly.

Cost:$4.00 per person

Duration:2.5 hours


Morning Walk at Mitchell Park

Meet at 8:30 am at the entrance to Mitchell Park,for a pleasant walk wandering through rainforest,river flats and dry forest to swampland.A pair of binoculars(双筒望远镜) is a must to bring as many birds live here.Finish with morning tea.

Round trip:3 hours


EASY suitable for all fitness levels

MEDIUM for those who periodically exercise

HARD only if you regularly exercise

【语篇导读】本文是应用文。文章介绍了在Kuringai Chase National Park由导游带领的五项游览活动。

1.Where are visitors required to meet to explore the beauty of nature at night?

A.At the end of Day RD,Cheltenham.

B.At the entrance to Mitchell Park.

C.On Track #8,West Head Road.

D.At Seaforth Oval carpark.

FRIDAY MAY 12举行的活动“Meet at 7:30 pm at Seaforth Oval carpark.Enjoy the peace of the bush at night”可知,在此处集合的游客可探索夜晚大自然的美景。

2.What should visitors prepare if they take part in Poetry Around a Campfire?

A.A torch.

B.Sports shoes.

C.Some snacks.

D.Warm clothes.

Poetry Around a Campfire活动的描述“Meet at 7:00 pm...Dress up warmly”可知,该活动在晚上举行,要求游客自带保暖衣物。

3.What activity does Morning Walk at Mitchell Park provide?

A.Bird watching.

B.Animal hunting.

C.River swimming.

D.Mountain climbing.

Morning Walk at Mitchell Park活动的描述“A pair of binoculars is a must to bring as many birds live here”可知,参加该活动的游客可以观赏鸟类。


In summer 2007,I joined the British Red Cross at 15.After several days of training,I was attending my first event as a fully qualified Red Cross volunteer.Our team was providing medical cover for a large martial arts grading event.

Although I’d passed my first aid course with flying colours,I was nervous before the event began.There’s quite a difference between the classroom and the real thing!Two experienced adult volunteers would be working with me for the day.

Rosie was taking part in the under-16s event.This was supposed to be non-contact,and she was wearing full protective clothing just in case.All these precautions(预防措施) didn’t help,however,when her competitor misjudged a move and delivered a violent blow to her head.

“Guys,we need some help over here!” Over we went,all three of us carrying various bits of kit(工具箱).Rosie was lying on the ground.As we approached we could see she was conscious.Brian,my colleague,took the lead.

“Hey there,stay nice and still for me.Chris here is just going to hold your head.Don’t worry;it’s just a precaution.”

I helped,painfully aware that hundreds of sets of eyes were following our every move.However I soon forgot all about this as I focused on the task at hand.

Rosie was complaining of pain in her neck.These are all classic signs of a possible spinal

injury.Quickly,Brian found there were no other injuries and an ambulance was called.I was still holding her head and doing my best to comfort her.

The doctors arrived and we put Rosie carefully into the ambulance for a trip to hospital.Then we went back to the first aid post quickly.

Ten years on when a call comes in,that slight feeling of nervousness is still there.However,so is the feeling of making a difference,being there during a painful moment in someone’s life.


4.What does the underlined part “with flying colours” probably mean?





“I was attending my first event as a fully qualified Red Cross volunteer”可知,作者很出色地通过了急救课程考核,成为一名合格的红十字志愿者。

5.How was Rosie injured?

A.She was hit by mistake.

B.She made a wrong move.

C.She didn’t take precautions.

D.She was not herself and fell.

“her competitor misjudged a move and delivered a violent blow to her head”可知,Rosie的对手做出误判,给了她头部狠狠一击。

6.How did the author help Rosie?

A.She took her to hospital.

B.She checked her injuries.

C.She did something for her pain.

D.She held her head and calmed her.

“I was still holding her head and doing my best to comfort her”可知,作者托住Rosie的头部,并不断安抚她。

7.What do we know about the author now?

A.She often receives first aid training.

B.She’s working as a professional doctor.

C.She feels a sense of achievement about her work.

D.She’s no longer nervous when performing first aid.

“so is the feeling of making a difference,being there during a painful moment in someone’s life”可知,作者在急救工作中感受到了一种可以帮助别人的成就感。


Before January 2005,young girls couldn’t play soccer in Katutura,a black township in

Namibia,Africa.They had no soccer balls,no playing field,no shoes,and no leader.Each day,girls and boys gathered at the Nordkamp Center after school.Most of the boys would play soccer in a nearby dirt field while the girls remained at the center to jump rope or read books.

Center director Mary Beth Gallagher loved soccer and knew that the girls would love it,too.So she organized a girls’ team with players under the age of 12.She knew it would be the youngest girls’soccer team in the whole country.Because they had no other girls’ teams to compete with,Mary Beth arranged matches against the boys’ teams.The boys were bigger and stronger,but the girls didn’t back down.

Soon news spread about the Nordkamp girls’ team.An American soccer team from New York heard about them and immediate ly sent all their uniforms and shoes to their “soccer sisters”.When the bright orange uniforms arrived,the Nordkamp girls danced happily.

“You look like pumpkins,” Mary Beth said.

A girl’s voice called out,“If we are pumpkins,we’re beautiful pumpkins.”

With their new name the Pumpkins,the experienced team was ready for a big match.

On December 1,2006,the Pumpkins gathered and walked in a big orange line to a field near the Nordkamp Center.Their first opposing (对抗的) team laughed at the young players,but they didn’t laugh for long.They quickly found out just how good the Pumpkins were.The Pumpkins beat that first team and then the next.These girls became famous,and their story was also encouraging to others in Namibia.


8.Before January 2005,in Katutura .

A.kids preferred jumping rope to soccer

B.there was no girls’ soccer team

C.boys had no place to play soccer

D.girls often played soccer with boys

“They had no soccer balls,no playing field,no shoes,and no leader.”和第二段中的“So she organized a girls’team...”可知,B项正确。

9.What’s Mary Beth’s attitude toward the idea of girls playing soccer?





“Mary Beth Gallagher loved soccer and knew that the girls would love it,too”可知,对于女孩子踢足球这件事情Mary Beth是满怀希望的,故选C项。

10.Why was the Nordkamp girls’ team called the Pumpkins?

A.Because of the color of its uniforms.

B.Because of the heights of its players.

C.Pumpkins are its players’ favorite food.

D.Pumpkins always bring people good luck.

“the bright orange uniforms”和Mary Beth所说的“You look like pumpkins”可知,由于她们队服的颜色看起来和南瓜的颜色一样,所以她们就被叫做南瓜(the Pumpkins)了,故选A项。

11.What can we learn from the girls’ story?

A.All time is no time when it is past.

B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C.Where there is a will,there is a way.

D.Self-trust is the first secret of success.

“The boys were bigger and stronger,but the girls didn’t back down.”

和最后一段中的“The Pumpkins beat that first team and then the next.”可知,这些女孩不屈不挠,勇往直前,终于踢出了一片属于自己的天空,故选C项。


You can relax if remembering everything is not your strong suit.Recent research makes the case that being forgetful can be a strength—in fact,selective memory can even be a sign of stronger intelligence.

Traditional research on memory has focused on the advantages of remembering everything.But looking through years of recent memory data,researchers Paul Frank and Blake Richards of the University of Toronto found that forgetting can be just as important to our decision-making as what our minds choose to remember.

“The goal of memory is not the transmission of information through time.Rather,the goal of memory is to optimize (优化) decision-making,” their study in Neuron states.

Making intelligent decision does not mean you need to have all the information at hand,it just means you need to hold onto the most valuable information.And that means clearing up space in your memory palace for the most up-to-date information on clients and situations.

Our brains do this by generating new neurons (神经元) in our hippocampus (海马体),which have the power to overwrite existing memories that are influencing our decision-making.If you want to increase the

number of new neurons in our brain’s learning region,try exercising.Moderate aerobic exercise like jogging,power walking,and swimming have been found to increase the number of neurons making important connections in our brains.

When we forget the names of certain clients and details about old jobs,our brain is making a choice that these details do not matter.Although too much forgetfulness can be a cause for concern,the occasional lost detail can be a sign of a perfectly healthy memory system.

We can get critisized for being absent-minded when we forget past events in perfect detail.These findings show us that total recall can be overrated.Our brains are working smarter when they aim to remember the right stories,not every story.


12.What’s the purpose of memory?

A.To hold onto all the information.

B.To transmit information through time.

C.To help people make the best decision.

D.To remember everything in perfect detail.

“Rather,the goal of memory is to optimize decision-making”可知,记忆的目的是优化决策。故选C项。

13.What do we know about new neurons from Paragraph 5?

A.They have the power to change our existing memories.

B.Moderate aerobic exercise may fail to improve their number.

C.They have the power to influence directly our decision-making.

D. Exercising can increase the number of them in our hippocampus.


14.Which one may the author agree with?

A.Traditional research on memory stresses forgetting.

B.Our brains are smart enough to make selective memory.

C.Our brains function better when we remember everything.

D.Frequent forgetting means a perfectly healthy memory system.


15.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Being Forgetful Might Mean You’re Smarter

