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Passage 1

I am talking to the children in the street and also thinking about the very difficult question of how best to learn their language. The problem is (1)______ simple. Learning a first language is easy. These children, for example, started listening to their own language even before they were born and they will keep (2)______ it throughout their lives. They aren't even aware they are learning it most of time. I, however, have not had (3)______ to or the benefit of speaking and listening to my second language (4)______ a very young age.

I am often (5)______ trying to express myself in my second language. I want to be like the children I see on the street who can speak the (6)______ language so well. I make myself (7)______ better by telling myself that I have more experience and knowledge than those children and so I can (8)______ better. But, instead of holding on to this (9)______ thought for a couple of moments, I turn right around and remind myself that having knowledge and experience is not always (10)______. For example, knowledge and habits that I have taken from my first language often cause me to make mistakes that a child (11)______ never make. In fact, I have reaped very few (12)______ being an older language learner. I think about how I can keep notes to help me remember what I have learned (13)______ young children cannot. But, of course, if I (14)______ the memory of a child, I would not need to keep so many notes. Sometimes I feel like just (15)______.

A child must gather information about a language from all around and use that language for many years in order to communicate well. The same is (16)______ for me. But, (17)______ a child, I use experience and insight I've (18)______ and find opportunities to try to discuss more difficult subjects and, (19)______ , I often make bigger mistakes than a child would. When I ask for directions or (20)______ myself, I embarrass myself. I should only talk to the children on the street for now.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. far away A. working A. ability A. to A. frustrated A. similar A. get A. lecture A. comforted

B. far more B. thinking B. access B. on B. comforted B. same B. feel B. argue B. comforting B. possible

C. far from C. practicing C. purpose C. from C. advised C. different C. say

C. communicate C. comfortable C. worth

10. A. positive

11. A. ought 12. A. benefits 13. A. therefore 14. A. had 15. A. giving up 16. A. real 17. A. unlike 18. A. gathered 19. A. however 20. A. introduce

Passage 1

B. need B. beginnings B. while B. have B. making up B. true B. alike B. chose B. forever B. lecture

C. would C. beliefs C. where C. have had C. keeping up C. simple C. dislike C. watched C. as a result C. watch

I have a friend who seems to know every word there is in the English language dictionary. When I can't think of a word that I want to use, I simply ask my friend, and (1)______ enough she knows the word. It is no wonder (2)______ she always scores (3)______ than I do on English exams. On the (4)______ hand, my friend and I both agree that I speak English much better than she does. In fact, my friend finds real difficulty in having a conversation in English and is quite shy when called (5)______ in the classroom. Unlike my friend, I (6)______ every opportunity I can to (7)______ English conversations both in and out of the classroom. My friend and I have something (8)______ when it comes to learning English, though—our (9)______ to studying.

I am not sure (10)______ I would prefer to be in her situation, receiving high marks on tests but communicating poorly, or in my own, speaking well but not testing as well. It shows you how we all have different ways of learning as well as different strengths. It also shows that (11)______ is not about the words you know, but rather how you use them. In fact, I have a couple of friends who have traveled to English-speaking countries with (12)______ command of English than what I have. I don't know how many words they knew before they (13)______their travels, but they (14)______ many. It didn't hold them back (15)______. They (16)______ positive throughout their travels though they did make mistakes. And, though they often embarrassed themselves, they (17)______and learned from the mistakes they made along the way. When they returned from their trips, not only (18)______their language skills developed, but also their ability to laugh at themselves was improved. Finally, they (19)______ how to best learn a language.

Each of us has (20)______ that we use to help us to learn. I think that mine is my courage. I may not be the smartest student in my class, but I'm trying to be the bravest.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. simple A. that A. higher A. left A. upon A. require A. back off A. in common A. promise

B. real B. which B. more B. other B. with B. bring B. take part B. on average B. commitment B. which B. conversation B. more B. left off

B. couldn't have known B. but B. remained B. laughed on B. was B. gave insight B. points

C. sure C. whether C. well C. another C. out C. take C. participate in C. in general C. discipline C. either C. speech C. less C. left out C. have not had C. though C. achieved C. laughed by C. did

C. collected insight up C. strengths

10. A. whether 11. A. communication 12. A. greater 13. A. left for 14. A. had not had 15. A. instead 16. A. attained 17. A. laughed at 18. A. had

19. A. gained insight into 20. A. computers

Passage 1

Older people just don't understand teenagers. We are not all the same and we don't just listen to rock and roll and hip-hop. And, not all of the tunes that (1)______ to us have lyrics that are offensive. What is more, we have a lot to offer our community. Most of us (2)______ in community and school activities that have a positive influence (3)______ the public as a whole. It (4)______ that older people think that everything teenagers think and do is harmful and (5)______. It is hard to see a good idea go without (6)______ simply because the idea came from someone under the age of 20. I find (7)______ very interesting that the only people who really want to listen to (8)______ teenagers think, or have any concern (9)______ what we are doing are the ones who want to learn how to sell us stuff. You see it over and over when you (10)______ the television—child actors using expressions (11)______ five years ago trying to sell us something today. I get upset (12)______ I watch TV; I feel like older people think that I am stupid.

I have a (13)______ things that I would like to say to older people (14)______ the companies they use to sell me stuff. First of all, I don't talk like that, (15)______, not anymore, so try to (16)______ up. I am unique and like to express myself in unique (17)______. Second, I am not stupid and can tell you are trying to talk me (18)______ buying and I am not buying. And last of all, my ideas should get respect (19)______ when you can't make money off of them. If your ideas are smart, why does our world have so many problems? I think that it's time people (20)______ to what teenagers have to say. Our perspective is vital to the health of our community.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. appeal A. take A. to A. moves A. negative A. seeing A. it A. which A. as to

B. attract B. participate B. with B. seems B. positive B. note B. this B. that B. as yet B. turn on B. after B. during B. some of B. as well as B. at least B. go B. fashions B. from B. even B. listen

C. draw C. get C. on C. follows C. active C. notice C. that C. what C. as well C. turn up C. from C. before C. little of C. as long as C. in the end C. keep C. ways C. upon C. though C. listened

10. A. turn to 11. A. since 12. A. when 13. A. couple of 14. A. as soon as 15. A. at last 16. A. get 17. A. methods 18. A. into 19. A. if

20. A. have listened

Passage 1

Most people believe that teenagers and their parents have a hard time (1)______, but, in fact, most teenagers and their parents relate to each other quite well. Most teenagers not only listen to what their parents have to say, but they also (2)______ the rules their parents set. (3)______, most parents not only talk to their teenagers, but also enjoy listening to and benefit

from (4)______ they are offering. So why are relationships between teenagers and their parents such a big (5)______? It is probably because these relationships, like all others, are difficult and (6)______ patience along with understanding. Being patient (7)______ understanding requires a level of energy that busy parents and teenagers have a(n) (8)______ time keeping up and so poor communication often occurs. In a house where a teen is being (9)______ there are added difficulties to consider. Most (10)______, a new member of the family is bound to (11)______ some of the decision-making. It can be difficult for parents to (12)______ the influence they hold over their child's choices. But, when children (13)______ their teens, they demand a greater share of the control(14)______ their lives and will often become upset and take it without asking when a parent does not (15)______ them enough. Just how ready parents are to (16)______ some of the decisions with their teenager will determine whether this change will be a positive one or a(n) (17)______ one for the family.

It is far more effective for parents to allow (18)______ the child's perspective and let him make his own choice (19)______ make a decision for their child. This doesn't (20)______ that they should remove themselves from their child's life. Parents must challenge and commit themselves to knowing their child so that they can help their child make the best decisions for themselves.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. getting together A. defend A. In the same way A. what A. concern A. require A. as well A. easy A. raised

B. getting along B. recognize B. As a result B. when B. debate B. give B. as well as B. hard B. trained B. absolutely B. admit B. give in B. arrive B. over B. help B. share B. negative

C. getting up C. follow

C. On the other hand C. how C. issue C. return C. and yet C. comfortable C. learned C. importantly C. adopt C. give out C. enter C. at C. offer C. have C. pleasant

10. A. thoroughly 11. A. affect 12. A. give up 13. A. become 14. A. on 15. A. send 16. A. take 17. A. absolute

18. A. for 19. A. instead of 20. A. say

Passage 1

B. over B. rather than B. mean

C. with C. or C. tell

We just don't treat each other (1)______ we used to. I suppose we don't have the time, (2)______ our lives are too difficult or something. Maybe the city (3)______ is too big. People are coming and going all the time. I don't (4)______ know my neighbors and I can't say it would be (5)______ if I did. They would probably just move (6)______ within the year. And, people can be impolite and unwilling to share. I can't do my daily chores without someone (7)______ me at the food store or (8)______ me off at a crossing. It's (9)______, \—\

I grew up and lived (10)______ of my life in a small town and it wasn't like this. The (11)______ of the grocery store, Mr. Turner, knew my name and would (12)______ a Sunday paper for me, (13)______ until Thursday. The neighbors visited my family all the time and we sometimes had each other (14)______ or even all got together for a barbecue (烧烤). When cars passed each other, (15)______ would wave. They were going (16)______ that they could see one another's smiles.

I guess I really miss the way we all seemed to (17)______ each other back then—back there. The next-door neighbor (18)______ to see what was going on. (19)______ instead of saying \off that noise\he or she might say, \you want some help with that?\(20)______ \make the first move.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. as that A. or A. I live A. just A. worthy it A. beyond A. push A. cutting A. just

B. like that B. but B. I live in B. even B. worth of it B. within B. to push B. pushing B. also B. most B. head

C. the way C. however C. where I live in C. only C. worth it C. for C. pushing C. shoving C. even C. such little C. owner

10. A. little 11. A. boss

12. A. set up 13. A. sometime 14. A. over 15. A. they 16. A. so slow 17. A. care about 18. A. came over 19. A. Even if 20. A. rather than

Passage 1

B. set off B. sometimes B. around B. someone B. very slowly B. take care of B. came off B. What if B. rather

C. set aside C. anytime C. up C. the drivers C. more slowly C. look after C. come on C. As if C. or

The woman grew quite excited when she noticed her guest (1)______ her garden. She(2)______ at the chance to change the subject and began, \tell how much love is in a person's heart by looking at what kind of garden he keeps. I want to be the kind of person who knows (4)______ to care. I hope you can see it in my backyard.\

She pointed to some of her plants and (5)______, \one is (6)______ a little down today (7)______ all of the heat we've been having, but she'll be fine when the heat (8)______ in a couple of days. I think I'll take this umbrella here and shade her from the (9)______ until then.\she went on (11)______, \we go, that's better, isn't it, sweetheart?\She turned and (12)______ a large bush shooting skyward. \is my rosemary (迷迭香). I remember (13)______ her home from the shop six years ago. She was (14)______ little thing then. I did everything I could for her. The first night after I planted her here, I (15)______ up all night reading children's books to her that I (16)______ to my daughter. And, each day (17)______ the plants, I sang a song just for her. This was (18)______ the songs I sang to the other plants that she could hear. (19)______ she's grown over the years! I think the others must be (20)______ of all the space that I give her.\another as she went on with the personal history of each plant.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A. to eye A. jumped A. he A. how A. started A. doing

B. be eyeing B. went B. she B. which B. continued B. looking

C. eyeing C. got C. you C. what C. began C. being

7. 8. 9.

A. despite A. increases A. sun

B. from B. remains B. rain B. worked B. speaking B. raised B. bring B. such a B. worked B. used to reading B. that I watered B. due to B. What B. envious

C. to C. breaks C. clouds C. did C. to speaking C. faced C. to bring C. so C. laid

C. got used to reading C. when I watered C. according to C. Much C. mad

10. A. made 11. A. speak 12. A. smelled 13. A. bringing 14. A. such 15. A. stayed 16. A. used to read 17. A. I watered 18. A. in addition to 19. A. How 20. A. delighted

Passage 1

I rang the doorbell, and we waited. I was feeling a little (1)______. We were late for dinner, and I was a bit embarrassed, not to (2)______ the argument that my wife and I had had on the road to Arthur's home. The weather was hot and we were both (3)______ with the traffic. Arthur arrived at the door to greet us (4)______ a warm Armenian smile. Words did not come out of his mouth, but his look was so inviting that the eye (5)______ I shared with him made me feel ashamed and I regretted (6)______ something faster to free him (7)______ this expression. I raised my right hand to shake his and he extended both of his big hands and wrapped them about mine, giving a powerful (8)______. I was about to let go (9)______ he moved his right hand and put it behind my shoulder, pulled me closer, and planted a kiss on my left cheek. He hadn't cut the hair on his face, so I could feel his whiskers (腮须) on my face. It was like having my dad kiss me when I was a little boy. I wasn't really (10)______ this custom, but when he finally let go, I have to admit that my attitude had changed entirely. I felt relaxed. I had lightened up and thoroughly forgotten about my (11)______ perfect journey to his home.

Arthur's wife was standing behind him and I expected him to make an introduction, but there was no need. (12)______, as he began to make a gesture toward her, she grabbed me and pulled me close for a kiss of her own. No whiskers this time. She probably left a bit of her red lipstick (口红) on my face, though. I imagined (13)______ home with such a red mark on my cheek and the (14)______ I would get from my wife. (15)______, she was there and

received a red mark that matched mine.

I was completely (16)______ on the kiss when \his wife's lips giving me (18)______. She said it with a look that was even more sincere than the look Arthur first greeted us with and I was again moved. I wanted to be able to offer my own guests such an impression (19)______ welcome, but I (20)______ controlled myself not to express these feelings. Who would resist such a warm welcome?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. impressed A. mention A. frightened A. in A. contact A. not to do A. away A. roar A. when

B. relaxed B. speak B. embarrassed B. with B. touch B. not doing B. from B. laughter B. after B. meant to B. more than B. Instead B. arrived B. acceptance B. Generally B. worried B. burst B. a movement B. for B. consciously

C. upset C. talk C. frustrated C. for

C. communication C. doing not C. for C. squeeze C. before C. used to C. rather than C. Thus C. arriving C. reaction C. Interestingly C. excited C. arose C. an action C. upon C. reluctantly

10. A. kept to 11. A. less than 12. A. Therefore 13. A. to arrive 14. A. relation 15. A. Fortunately 16. A. focused 17. A. broke 18. A. a startle 19. A. in 20. A. reasonably

Passage 1

It isn't always about how smart you are or how hard you tried. It isn't even always about how well your speech was written or how well you made your (1)______. Sometimes it's simply about how tall you are. That's right, how tall you are. Researchers had two men of (2)______ equal intelligence (智力), speaking ability, and physical (3)______ give the same speech. They practiced together and tried to present with similar energy, (4)______ of speech, pitch and tone of voice, gestures, and expressions. Both men gave the speech to five different

groups of twenty. Both men were 5 foot 8 inches tall. The (5)______ was that when they made their presentation, one man was provided a 4-inch riser to (6)______ behind the podium (讲台). After they finished, the people were asked about their (7)______ to their speaker's perspective. Seventy-six percent of the audience who listened to the man who appeared to be 6 foot tall agreed strongly with his (8)______ while only 13% disagreed. (9)______, the man who did not use the riser only had 57% agree with his argument (10)______ 24% disagreed. The researchers (11)______ the same experiment ten more times with (12)______ results.

Whether we know it or not, we(13)______ to focus on others' looks and much of the (14)______ we get from them is based on their physical appearance. Introductions, job interviews, and encounters (15)______ strangers are all influenced by looks, and probably (16)______. This is not to say that keeping your appearance neat is not important, but there are things that we cannot control (17)______ height and how attractive we are to most people. It is (18)______ knowledge that, when we are choosing someone for public office, the better-looking choice usually wins. The fact (19)______ we often base these choices on their appearance (20)______ their views shows just how much we are persuaded by a person's looks. Bad news must be easier to take when it's coming from a pretty face.

1. A. communication 2. A. relatively 3. A. movement 4. A. level 5. A. effect 6. A. stand on 7. A. reaction 8. A. situation 9. A. As a result 10. A. where 11. A. rewarded 12. A. similar 13. A. increase

B. argument B. especially B. contact B. degree B. difference B. rise over B. comment B. quality B. In addition B. while B. repeated B. different B. tend

C. encouragement C. possibly C. appeal C. rate C. significance C. put on C. view C. perspective C. On the contrary C. which C. carried C. unique C. persuade

14. A. discovery 15. A. with 16. A. if more so 17. A. for 18. A. common 19. A. what 20. A. other than

Passage 1

B. introduction B. for B. too much so B. as B. average B. which B. less than

C. impression C. as

C. something too much C. like C. normal C. that C. rather than

Polio (小儿麻痹症) was one of the most feared diseases of the first half of the 20th century. It appeared (1)______, mostly in children, causing parents to worry during the epidemics of the 1940s and 1950s. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt caught the disease in 1921. He was (2)______ without the use of his legs.

Different to what is commonly believed, polio did not typically (3)______ serious damage to one's legs. (4)______, the majority of individuals who caught it only (5)______ small problems, such as fever and headache. These difficulties only (6)______ a few days, and many had such small cases (7)______ they did not even realize they were ill. (8)______, they often continued (9)______ their daily lives, attending school or work, unknowingly giving many others the virus. This explains (10)______ many people who had serious cases of polio believed that they were the only one in their family, neighborhood, or community to have (11)______ the disease. In truth, there could have been many individuals (12)______ whom they came into contact that had the illness, (13)______ did not show symptoms.

In 1948, Jonas Salk (14)______ research on a vaccine for the disease. (15)______ in 1955, the Salk vaccine was shown to be (16)______ in preventing the disease after trials (17)______ nearly two million children. A nationwide program to vaccinate (接种疫苗) was quickly started and (18)______ several years and improvements on the vaccine by Albert Sabin, the United States was almost entirely (19)______ the disease. Today, polio is all but forgotten, as it has (20)______ disappeared from developed countries.

1. 2. 3. 4.

A. by chance A. remained A. result in A. Rather than

B. by turns B. left B. emerge in B. In place of

C. by mistake C. got C. happen in C. Rather

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. implemented A. went A. that A. Therefore A. during

B. experienced B. passed B. which B. However B. while B. why B. done B. to B. so B. started B. Than B. efficiency B. affecting B. after B. done away B. relatively

C. experimented C. lasted C. so C. In such C. with C. how C. suffered C. with C. but C. worked C. Then C. effective C. protecting C. before C. put an end to C. inevitably

10. A. when 11. A. had 12. A. for 13. A. since 14. A. made 15. A. After all 16. A. operative 17. A. involving 18. A. since 19. A. rid of 20. A. completely

Passage 1

I remember the day I was told I had polio very well. That morning, I was in physical (1)______ class at school, and we were out playing football. I noticed (2)______ I was running, my leg was weak and (3)______ work right. I didn't really think too much of it until (4)______ that day when I was marching and playing music with the high school band (管乐队) in a parade (游行). Strangely, the parade was going on to (5)______ money for polio (小儿麻痹症) in a town about 30 miles (6)______ I lived. While marching in the parade, my legs again became weak. (7)______, they were (8)______ weak that I had to (9)______ of the line, and I went back to the school bus to (10)______ down.

(11)______ part of the events to raise money for polio, there were car races that night. They were (12)______ the money they made from the races to the Polio Organization. I was feeling pretty sick at that time, (13)______ I stayed in the school bus (14)______ other band members were out watching the races. The band director came back to the bus, and after taking a look at me, he decided that he should find a car and drive me home. When I got home, my parents became very (15)______. They called a doctor right away that evening. The doctor came out to the house and said that I had polio and sent me to the hospital.


A. education

B. program

C. train

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. during A. shouldn't A. later A. arise A. from which A. In short A. such A. drop out

B. when B. hadn't B. late B. rise B. from where B. In all B. very B. fall off B. lie B. As B. dividing B. as B. while B. depressed

C. since C. wouldn't C. latter C. raise

C. after the school C. In fact C. so C. drop in on C. laid C. Being C. donating C. then C. that C. ashamed

10. A. lay 11. A. Despite 12. A. doubling 13. A. so 14. A. during 15. A. concerned

Passage 1

\sell anything bought or made... or buy anything sold or made... or make anything sold or bought... or repair anything sold, bought, or made. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that.\ Lloyd Dobler, a character (人物) in the movie Say Anything, said this. It (1)______ the attitude of many young people entering the workforce—young men and women who were born in the 1970s—that the careers (2)______ them are not meaningful.

Many adults believe these young people are lazy and happy to (3)______ the gains made by past generations, and these adults (4)______ this generation the name \X\These adults often (5)______ about working their way up from the bottom doing jobs like hauling and dumping trash. Other adults who have been working for (6)______ can relate to the feelings expressed by the (7)______ generation in the workforce and agree that things, (8)______, have changed and jobs are becoming less (9)______. They blame the trend toward jobs with duties that are too narrow. In order for companies to (10)______ greater efficiency from their workers, each person must continuously do one task day in and day out. Many (11)______ for more creative input and decision-making than what this model provides. In addition, many who have recently graduated from college find it (12)______ when they find out they need to get further training just to get a job that pays less than $10 an hour. Companies are also employing more part-time workers (13)______ so that they don't have to pay as much as they pay a full-time worker. Unfortunately, (14)______ someone wants to

work their way up from the bottom in a company, it is hard to get the chance, (15)______ short-term workers fill most beginning positions.

(16)______ to common belief, young people do not quit at the first sign of hard work and they don't (17)______ \careers. They want the same type of employment opportunities that existed for (19)______ generations. They want opportunities that demand courage and (20)______ their creative spirit. \said Lloyd Dobler. His statement expresses the hopes of those entering the workforce today.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. represents A. prior to A. live off A. have been given A. yell A. sometime A. young A. in the end A. enjoying

B. confuses B. open to B. live in B. have given B. boast B. sometimes B. youth B. at first B. enjoyed B. do B. long B. frustrating B. so much B. even B. otherwise B. Opposite B. look down on B. awarding B. before B. challenge

C. instructs C. unique to C. make living C. are given C. define C. some time C. youthful C. in fact C. enjoyable C. achieve C. desire C. convincing C. so what C. even as C. even C. Contrary C. look up to C. rewarding C. continuous C. compete

10. A. take 11. A. want 12. A. boring 13. A. so that 14. A. even if 15. A. because 16. A. Against 17. A. look around for 18. A. training 19. A. prior 20. A. change

Passage 1

What was my favorite job? Let's (1)______. I have taken care of gardens, children, and adults without goals; made hamburgers, pizza, and houses in trees; taught English, Math, and how to find a job; served French, Chinese, and Indian food; answered calls, letters sent over the Internet, and questions about directions; and (2)______ all of those jobs, I hauled and dumped trash. I have had (3)______ that was enjoyable and frustrating, early in the morning and late at night, indoors and outdoors, paid and unpaid. I have been (4)______ at, looked down upon, praised, rewarded, scared to death, and confused. All together, I can boast that I (5)______ 23 different jobs—21 of which I quit, one of which I lost because I did a bad job and the twenty-third is my present job—and I am only 35 years old. I am living proof (证据) that working one job until you die is a thing of the (6)______. What was my favorite job? I would have to say that my favorite job was waiting tables at an East Indian restaurant (7)______ attending college and shortly after I graduated. (8)______, I hated waiting tables, but over time I grew to love it. I could really relate to the pace, the people, the attitude, and the (9)______ of the job. I went to work at around 5 p.m. and ate at the restaurant with fellow waiting (10)______ and then prepared the eating area for guests. The repetition of setting up the restaurant was a bit (11)______, but without stress. Then at 5:30 p.m. the initial guest traffic began to arrive, (12)______ not in full force. It was just kind of a warm-up for the rush of people to come. At 6:30 p.m. the rate (13)______ I did my work increased and I spoke and moved with haste as I tried to manage the (14)______ of up to six tables at once, taking their orders, serving their food, (15)______, and leaping to their side when they called for me. Things were very demanding until around 9:00 p.m. (16)______ the guest traffic slowed, and then usually (17)______ 10:00 p.m. all of the guests had left. The muscles in my legs were occasionally a little sore from (18)______ running about for four hours, but, if I (19)______ a good job or got lucky, I had a pocket full of money, tips from guests. I cleaned up the dining area and had a seat with the kitchen staff for a beer. The owner of the restaurant always paid for the first drink, so everyone usually had (20)______ one before going home. Most of us didn't go home after we left the restaurant, though. We continued on with our evening moving to a different restaurant or club.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. watch A. prior to A. career A. yelled A. had got

B. follow B. past over B. employment B. instructed B. have offered

C. see C. early on C. service C. assisted C. have held

6. 7. 8. 9.

A. past A. as A. Absolutely A. image

B. present B. while B. Normally B. picture B. people B. boring B. regardless B. at which B. needs B. doing the route B. as B. by B. initially B. had done B. at last

C. future C. during C. Originally C. look C. staff C.challenging C. instead C. in which C. essentials C. making the rounds C. when C. after C. apparently C. had made C. in the end

10. A. members 11. A. exciting 12. A. though 13. A. of which 14. A. necessary 15. A. making the route 16. A. while 17. A. in

18. A. continuously 19. A. had had 20. A. at least

Passage 1

I can't tell you how many times I've been asked if I own a gun. \States, so do you own a gun?\I suppose it is a good question. You can't (1)______ TV without news about a robbery (2)______ a gun was used, more precisely, a pistol. America is unusual in its (3)______ to gun ownership (所有权). Most countries do not allow gun ownership. Those (4)______ to ordinary citizens' owning handguns often (5)______ the rates of crimes in other countries to the rates in the United States. The United States has (6)______ more crimes with guns than other countries where handgun ownership is not allowed. It is hard to (7)______ the fact that the country with the (8)______ rate of crime in the world is the easiest place to buy a gun.

Presently, many, (9)______ not most Americans, admit the need for tighter laws to control the ownership of handguns. And yet, most (10)______ efforts to make strict laws to keep guns out of the hands of would-be offenders are (11)______ by people who believe owning a gun is an American's right. When identifying a cause for the (12)______ of laws controlling gun ownership, many (13)______ blame to one organization (14)______, the National Rifle Association (国家枪支协会). It is one of the most (15)______ organizations in America and it (16)______ to it that public officials do not make laws that keep people (17)______ owning guns. The organization's public relations (18)______ is polished and effective, and its executives are well-connected in Washington, D.C. Persons representing this

organization often point out that criminals get access to guns through means outside of the law, (19)______, laws would not do much to reduce access to handguns. It should be noted that (20)______ the efforts of the National Rifle Association, some recent handgun laws have actually been passed in the United States, but it is hard to say accurately if the laws are working to reduce access to handguns by criminals.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. focus on A. to which A. style A. opposed A. compare A. so A. identify A. lowest A. if

B. turn on B. for which B. access B. combated B. compete B. too B. estimate B. highest B. when B. current B. mentioned B. need B. attach B. in fact B. powerful B. looks B. against B. influence B. and yet B. regardless

C. call for C. in which C. approach C. committed C. illustrate C. far C. ignore C. first C. whether C. apparent C. challenged C. lack C. devote C. in addition C. absolute C. sees C. off C. campaign C. and therefore C. with

10. A. unusual 11. A. judged 12. A. desire 13. A. apply 14. A. in particular 15. A. negative 16. A. finds 17. A. from 18. A. impression 19. A. even so 20. A. despite

Passage 1

When I tell people I am from New York City, they often ask me, \mugged?\The answer is no, but I may be a(n) (1)______. Unfortunately, I know several people who have been robbed of their wallet by someone with a pistol or knife, and some of them more than once. I don't think that this is because New York City is a more dangerous place than other cities. In fact, there are other cities with higher crime (2)______. More accurately, New York City is presently the 5th most likely major U.S. city in which to (3)______. New York City is a place where public buses and trains are used a lot. (4)______,

people do a lot of walking between their home or work and the bus or train and actually come in (5)______ with other people. This probably (6)______ a greater risk of (7)______ on the street. Most other cities are places where people use personal cars to (8)______ and so they don't come in face-to-face contact with as many people on the streets. I think being part of a community and using public buses and trains is (9)______ the extra risk. I mean that if I did live someplace else with fewer robberies, it would probably mean living in a place where I would be driving a car more. (10)______ the risk of getting robbed on the way home, I would be (11)______ risk of getting in a car accident.

Anyway, I like to think I haven't been mugged because I have made good (12)______ about my safety. Maybe, I am a little more (13)______ than some of my friends or I probably have just been fortunate in not having too many bad things (14)______ to me. There are a few simple things that I do, (15)______, to stay out of dangerous situations. A majority of robbers attack their victims at night in (16)______ that are not lit well and lack other people. I do what I can to avoid this type of area. Also, when going out at night, I try to go out with other people. During the day, I don't go (17)______ areas of town that I am not familiar (18)______ if I am alone, at least not areas that don't have a lot of people. When (19)______ through a parking lot, I try not to walk between parked cars. And finally, if something seems odd about a place or street, I go the other way. Those are the major things I do. It's (20)______ unusual. It is probably just common sense.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. explanation A. figures A. get mugged A. Still A. agreement A. creates A. being robbed A. pull in A. worthy

B. perfection B. rates B. mugged B. However B. communication B. makes B. having robbed B. get around B. worth B. Except for B. at B. foundations B. confident B. happen B. therefore

C. exception C. degrees C. have mugged C. Therefore C. contact C. emerges

C. having been robbed C. come about C. unworthy C. In addition to C. in C. choices C. consistent C. happening C. however

10. A. Instead of 11. A. with 12. A. ranges 13. A. cautious 14. A. happened 15. A. in addition

16. A. sections 17. A. for 18. A. with 19. A. walked 20. A. anything

Passage 1

B. spots B. through B. to B. walking B. something

C. positions C. with C. for C. walk C. nothing

Did you ever have someone's name on the tip of your tongue and yet you were unable to recall it? (1)______this happens again, do not (2)______ to recall it. Do something (3)______ for a couple of minutes (4)______ the name may come into your head. The name is there, (5)______ you have met this person and learned his name. It (6)______ has to be dug out. The initial effort to recall (7)______ the mind for operation, but it is the subconscious (8)______ that go to work to dig up a (9)______ memory. Forcing yourself to recall (10)______ never helps because it doesn't (11)______ your memory; it only tightens it. Students find the preparatory method helpful (12)______ examinations. They read over the questions (13)______ trying to answer any of them. (14)______ they answer first the ones (15)______ which they are most confident. Meanwhile, deeper mental activities in the subconscious mind are taking (16)______; work is being done on the (17)______ difficult question. By the time the easier questions are answered, answers (18)______ the more difficult ones will usually begin to (19)______ into consciousness. It is often (20)______ a question of waiting for recall to come to the memory.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. As A. try A. simple A. unless A. now A. then A. prepares A. deeds A. light

B. When B. wait B. apart B. and B. because B. really B. begins B. activities B. fresh B. almost B. weaken B. in B. besides

C. While C. hesitate C. else C. until C. since C. only

C. helps C. movements C. dim C. barely C. decrease C. by C. before

10. A. hardly 11. A. loosen 12. A. into 13. A. after

14. A. Thus 15. A. of 16. A. place 17. A. too 18. A. to 19. A. appear 20. A. nearly Passage 1

B. But B. in B. shape B. more B. of B. come B. likely

C. Then C. for C. action C. less C. for C. extend C. just

In the nineteenth century, the invention of the telegraph made it possible to send noises, signals, and even music over wires from one place to another. (1)______, the human voice had never traveled this way. Many inventors tried to find a (2)______ to send a voice over wires, and in 1876 some of their (3)______ were crowned with (使圆满结束) success. Two American (4)______, Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray, (5)______ at almost the same time. The United States (6)______ Court finally had to decide which of the two (7)______ the first inventor of the telephone. The Court decided (8)______ Bell's favor.

Born in Edinburg, Scotland, Bell grew up in a family (9)______ was very interested in teaching people to (10)______. His grandfather had been an actor who left (11)______ to teach elocution (雄辩术); his father was a teacher who helped deaf-mutes learn (12)______ to speak.

However, probably none of the (13)______ inventions gave Bell the same feeling of triumph (14)______ he had on the day (15)______ he spilled some acid from his batteries. It was after he had worked for months (16)______ he found ways to send something more (17)______ metallic twangs (“嘣”的一声) over the wires. Thinking Watson, his helper, was in the next room, Bell called, \next room. He was down in his laboratory, (19)______ to the receiver. To Watson's (20)______, he heard the words perfectly. He ran to tell Bell the news: the wires had carried Bell's voice perfectly.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A. Therefore A. solution A. affects A. inventors A. succeed A. Senior A. was

B. However B. mean B. profits B. discoverers B. succeeding B. Supreme B. were

C. Still C. way C. effects C. producers C. succeeded C. Superior C. being

7. A. off 8. A. out 9. A. necessarily 10. A. fascinating 11. A. preserve 12. A. was 13. A. the same 14. A. mind 15. A. does 16. A. That is 17. A. efficient 18. A. instant 19. A. demonstrated 20. A. everything

B. out of B. over B. particularly B. genuine B. assure B. am B. the familiar B. heart B. makes B. Here is B. numerous B. instance B. gave B. nothing

8. 9.

A. at A. that

B. in B. where B. speak B. theatre B. what B. latter B. as B. when B. when B. to B. come up B. beside B. surprise

C. to C. who C. tell C. the theatre C. why C. lately C. which C. that C. which C. than C. go away C. next C. regret

10. A. talk 11. A. a theatre 12. A. how 13. A. later 14. A. like 15. A. which 16. A. that 17. A. of 18. A. come here 19. A. besides 20. A. dismay

Passage 1

Nowadays most people decide quite (1)______ what kind of work they would do. When I was at school, we had to choose (2)______ when we were fifteen. I chose scientific subjects. \physics and chemistry, but in the (5)______ I decided that I (6)______ a scientist. It was a long time (7)______ I told my parents that I wasn't happy at school. \said my mother. (8)______,\job.\

I (9)______ about it with my friends Frank and Lesley. (10)______ of them (11)______ suggest anything, but they promised that they would ask their friends. A few days later (12)______ I was still in bed, (13)______ telephoned. \asked. \my clothes factory. My name is Mr. Thomson.\I went to see him. I was so excited that I almost forgot (16)______ goodbye, \mother said to me.

I arrived (17)______ early and when Mr. Thomson came he asked me if I (18)______ waiting a long time. \(19)______ me a job—not as a photographer though, (20)______ a model!

1. 2.

A. early

A. what should study

B. presently B. what be studied

C. soon

C. what to study

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. For the future A. In three years A. final

A. would not be ever A. before A. I didn't either A. told

B. In the future B. For three years B. last

B. never would be B. as B. Nor I did B. asked B. Neither B. should B. while B. anyone B. suggest B. later B. to say B. more B. would be B. offered B. as

C. In future

C. Three years C. end C. would be never C. when C. So didn't I C. talked C. Nor C. might C. whereas C. someone C. recognize C. that C. to speak C. a bit C. was C. paid C. but

10. A. Both 11. A. could 12. A. since 13. A. everyone 14. A. understand 15. A. so 16. A. saying 17. A. much 18. A. had been 19. A. afforded 20. A. being

Passage 1

Honoré de Balzac, the famous French writer, was a man of many accomplishments. In his own (1)______, one of his main accomplishments was his ability (2)______ a student of handwriting. He had spent much time (3)______ this subject, and he often told his friends that he could (4)______ describe a person's character from a (5)______ of that person's handwriting.

One day, a woman friend (6)______ him a sample of a boy's (7)______. She said that she wanted (8)______ what Balzac thought of the boy's character.

Balzac studied the handwriting carefully (9)______ a few minutes. Then he looked at the woman (10)______. The woman, however, told him that the boy was no (11)______ of hers and that he could (12)______ her the truth.


He then went on (14)______ that he thought the boy was a (15)______ and lazy person. He added that the boy should be (16)______ carefully, otherwise, he (17)______ grow up to bring disgrace (18)______ his family.

\that strange?\said the woman, (19)______. \this happens to be a page

(20)______ your own copybook, which you yourself used when you were a boy.\

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. opinion A. as A. at A. particularly A. mark A. brought A. diary A. knowing A. at

B. comment B. of B. about B. accurately B. symbol B. bought B. handwriting B. to know B. for B. worried B. follow B. say B. freely B. to say B. careful B. watched B. would B. up B. was smiling B. for

C. suggestion C. for C. on C. cautiously C. sample C. fetched C. letter C. to knowing C. with C. surprising C. relative C. tell C. continuously C. to saying C. cautious C. looked on C. should C. for C. smiling C. from

10. A. strangely 11. A. friend 12. A. speak 13. A. frankly 14. A. having said 15. A. careless 16. A. looked out 17. A. may 18. A. upon 19. A. smiled 20. A. out

Passage 1

Have you ever cheated on a test? I (1)______ if I said that I had always had a strong sense of integrity or that I learned my lesson about cheating any way other than the hard way. (2)______, I was caught.

My fifth grade teacher was an expert at catching students who cheated. He was (3)______ letting us grade our own papers. He read the correct answers aloud and we would follow along and mark them right or wrong. One (4)______ was that while I was correcting a particularly tough question on a test, he gave us a (5)______ answer. I saw that mine was wrong and changed it. I don't know how to (6)______ my cheating. Maybe it was to (7)______ an outstanding mark or because my parents were putting excessive (8)______ on my performance in school. Whatever the reason, I (9)______ that my inner compass that guides me to do right was not working.

We handed our papers in to him when he was finished giving us the answers and we were finished making the corrections. Two days later my teacher (10)______ the names of six students. My name was one of them. He instructed us to (11)______ him in the hall to speak with him individually. Each student who went to meet with him before me returned with tears in his or her eyes and I became (12)______ nervous while waiting. When I went to talk to him, he calmly (13)______ the question, \you know why you are here?\My (14)______ begged me to tell him the truth, but still a(n) (15)______ of me hoped that he didn't actually know. He then asked me if I had cheated on the test. I knew that it was too late to (16)______ genuine regret by admitting the truth, so I remained silent. He (17)______ me that he knew I had cheated. In fact, I had originally got all of the answers on the test right, but he had given us the strange answer to tempt us (18)______ changing our first answer. I didn't feel good about myself and I wanted badly to be sent home so that I did not have to face my classmates. Unfortunately, I only received a firm (19)______ and had to return to class. To make matters worse, this particular teacher was also my next-door neighbor. For weeks, I protested when my mother would tell me to go outside to play, because I was afraid I might (20)______ him.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. would be lying A. In other words A. in the sense of A. instant A. different A. account for A. utilize A. force A. remark

B. am lying B. In a word B. in the habit of B. moment B. strange B. count on B. remain B. stress B. concede B. mentioned B. meet B. progressively B. posted B. conscience B. component B. present B. ensured B. into B. accusing

C. will be lying C. In another word C. in the case of C. instance C. normal C. make for C. obtain C. strength C. consist C. spoke C. greet C. significantly C. posed C. moralit C. elemet C. demonstrate C. promised C. from C. warning

10. A. called 11. A. find 12. A. steadily 13. A. appointed 14. A. consciousness 15. A. part 16. A. perform 17. A. assured 18. A. in 19. A. blaming

20. A. run over

Passage 1

B. run out C. run into

Are good people in short supply? Is it progressively difficult to have a strong sense of morality? What exactly is integrity? The answer (1)______ the first two questions is no. And as for integrity, it is like having an inner (2)______ that helps you do what is right. We often refer to the integrity of the soldiers. They protected the people and the land, and (3)______ they held a core set of values that could serve (4)______ a model for everyone around them. Their values (5)______ integrity, kindness, and a helpful and positive attitude. And, (6)______ it or not, most people still hold on to these values firmly. Most people will actually go(7)______ their way to do what is right.

Coming to the conclusion that the people today will sell their conscience (8)______ for a little money or that honest people are scarce (9)______ leads to a decline in trust of strangers. We need to continue to focus on the positive and make a (10)______ effort to greet one another with respect and openness. This will serve as a model for others and (11)______ a positive future. When we see someone on the street, we should look at them and say to ourselves, \I (12)______ truly in need, this person would lend a hand and I would do (13)______ for him.\can be, and when we look at others with this in (14)______, we ourselves become open to their assistance. Sometimes that's all that it(15)______, treating people with respect and trust they deserve.

(16)______ a story that might help you change your mind about people. My wife could be considered forgetful and the things she has lost are (17)______. She has lost her wallet three times in the past five years. Each (18)______ there was at least $50 in it. Each time it was found by someone who (19)______ their integrity by returning it to her by means of an address or telephone number within the wallet. The money and (20)______ else was still inside. There was nothing to keep the person who found her wallet from taking the money and saying that it was missing when they found the wallet, but that's not what happened.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A. to A. component A. above all A. in A. consisted A. believing

B. for B. compass B. above it B. as B. included B. to believe

7. A. off 8. A. out 9. A. necessarily 10. A. fascinating 11. A. preserve 12. A. was 13. A. the same 14. A. mind 15. A. does 16. A. That is 17. A. efficient 18. A. instant 19. A. demonstrated 20. A. everything

B. out of B. over B. particularly B. genuine B. assure B. am B. the familiar B. heart B. makes B. Here is B. numerous B. instance B. gave B. nothing

