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摘要: 很多烤鸭常常会问:雅思听力如何能提高啊?其实秘诀就是多练,下面小马小编带来英语初级听力在线试听内容,希望各位烤鸭可以好好看看,也许会对您有帮助的。

英语初级听力在线试听。练习 雅思 听力,一定选择难度适中的听力材料,建议听力基础薄弱的烤鸭,选择初级教程进行训练。下面小编带来英语初级听力在线试听,希望能帮到各位烤鸭。



Do you think you could stop whistling? I'm trying to write an essay.

—Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were in the other room.

—Is it alright if I leave my rucksack on the back seat?

—Yes, of course. Go ahead.

—And would you mind if I took off my shoes? My feet are killing me.

—Well, I'd rather you didn't. It's a rather hot day.

—Hello, Charles, I haven't seen you all day. What have you been doing?

—Actually I've been working on my first novel.

—Oh, yes. How far have you got with it?

—Well, I thought of a good title, and I made a list of characters, and I've designed the front cover.

—Have you started writing it yet?

—Oh, yes. I've written two pages already.

—Only two?

—Well, yes. I haven't quite decided yet what happens next.

—I saw an accident yesterday.

—What were you doing at the time?

—I was queuing for the cinema.

—And what did you do when you saw the accident?

—I rushed forward to see if I could help.

—Hmm. You are a good squash player. How long have you been playing?

—I have been playing since the beginning of the last temp3. What about you?

—Me? Oh, I've been playing about two years now. But I'm still not very good.

—I've got a watch with a silver strap.

—That's nothing. I've got one with a gold strap.

—I've got a watch that tells you the date.

—That's nothing. I've got one that tells you the date and the day.

Woman: Look at these glasses, this one's even got lipstick on it.

Waiter: I'm very sorry, madam. I'll bring you clean ones right away.

Man: Ah, Head Waiter, I want to have a word with you.

Head Waiter: Yes, sir. Is there something wrong, sir?

Man: Something wrong? I should think there is something wrong. My wife and I have been kept here waiting nearly an hour for our meal!

Head Waiter: I'm terribly sorry about that, sir. Our staff has been kept unusually busy this evening. I'll see to it personally myself. Now, if you wouldn't mind just telling me what you ordered.

Woman: This coffee is practically cold.

Waiter: I am sorry, madam. I'll bring you a fresh pot straight away.

This table shows the number of commuters into central London between 7:00 am and 10:00 am daily. The total

number is 1,023,000. Of these, 405,000 travel by underground—that's 29% of the total, and 28% travel by British Rail—

that's 391,000 people daily. 10% use both rail and underground, and 10%, 99,000 people, travel by bus. That means a total of 788,000 people, 77%, on public transport. The remainder use private transport. 197,000 come by car and the rest come either by motorbike or bicycle. This means 4% come by motorbike or bicycle, and 19% by car.

Mrs. Nicholas went away for a fortnight. Before she went, she called in at the local police station and talked to the policeman on duty.

Mrs. Nicholas: I'm going away to the seaside for a few days and I'd like you to keep an eye on my home while I'm away.

Policeman: Certainly, Madam. What's your name and address?

Mrs. Nicholas: The name's Nicholas, and the address is 14 Spring Vale.

Policeman: Thank you. You'll lock all the doors, and make sure all the windows are shut, won't you?

Mrs. Nicholas: Of course.

Policeman: And you'll remember to cancel the milk.

Mrs. Nicholas: Yes, I've already done that.

Policeman: And the papers.

Mrs. Nicholas: Yes.

Policeman: And you won't leave any ladders about.

Mrs. Nicholas: No, we haven't got a big ladder.

Policeman: That's fine. Are you friendly with the people next door?

Mrs. Nicholas: Yes, we are.

Policeman: Well, I think you'd better tell them you're going away, too. Ask them to give us a ring if they see or hear anything suspicious.

Mrs. Nicholas: Yes, I will. Thank you.

(There is a party in progress and one person A is standing by the drinks table serving drinks. B approaches and A offers her a drink.)

B: Aha, I thought you might be here.

A: Ah, hello. How are you?

B: Not bad. How are you?

A: All right, I suppose.

B: What are you drinking?

A: Some sort of wine. Do you want some?

B: No, I think I'd prefer beer. Have they got any?

A: Yes, there's some over there.

(B pours out a drink.)

B: Well, what do you think of the party?

A: It's not bad. I'm not really in the mood for a party, though.

B: Why's that?'

A: I don't know, really. I suppose I'm a bit tired.

(During the last exchange C has approached the table to get a drink. A offers C a drink but accidentally drops it.)

A: Oh, sorry about that.

C: (annoyed) I should think so!

A: Don't worry. It's not too bad.

C: What do you mean? It's gone all over my trousers—I only bought them last week.

A: There's no need to shout.

C: (loudly) I'm not shouting.

A: Yes, you are.

C: (very loudly) No, I'm not!

B: (wanting to calm the situation) Look, look, why don't you dry them with this?

C: (ignoring B) You should watch what you're doing!

A: What do you mean? It was your fault!

B: How about another drink? (C ignores B.)




摘要: 有的烤鸭备考雅思听力,就知道做题,题目做的再多,如果不进行听的训练,在考试中,也是很难得高分的,下面小编带来初级英语听力在线训练,希望能帮到你。

在 雅思 听力方面薄弱的烤鸭,不但要多进行听说训练,而且要选择合适的练习材料,下面小编带来初级英语听力在线训练,希望能帮到各位烤鸭。

点击下载2000-2014年 雅思听力 考试真题pdf版


Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the cinema, please?

—No, I'm sorry I can't. I'm a stranger in these parts. But why don't you ask that man with a beard? He'll be able to tell you, I'm sure.

—Which one do you mean?

—Look, the one over there, by the lamp-post.

—Ah, yes. I can see him now. Thank you very much.

—Not at all.

—You are not eating your breakfast.

—I don't feel very well.

—Oh, dear, what's the matter?

—I got a terrible headache.

—You must go back to bed. You look quite ill.

—I don't want to cause any bother. I'd rather work it off.

—Out of the question. You must go to bed and keep wamp3.

—I'm sorry to bother you. Can you tell me where War and Peace is showing?

—Yes. At the Empire Cinema.

—Would you know when it starts?

—No. I can't tell you when it begins. But I know how you can find out. It's here in this Entertainment's Guide.

—Can you show me which page is it on?

—Certainly. But I'm not sure whether you want to go early or late.

—You are up early this morning.

—Yes. I've been out and bought a paper.

—Good. Then you'll be able to tell me what the weather's like.

—It's raining.

—Oh, dear, not again.

—Don't worry, it's not nearly as wet as it was yesterday.

—Thank goodness for that.

—Good morning. Can I see Mr. Baker, please?

—Have you an appointment?

—Yes, at ten o'clock.

—What's your name, please.

—Jones, Andrew Jones.

—Ah, yes. Mr. Baker is expecting you. Will you come this way, please? Mr. Baker's office is along the corridor.

—What does your friend do for a living?

—She is one of those persons who look after people in a hospital.

—Oh, I see. She is a nurse, you mean.

—Yes. That's the word I was looking for. My vocabulary is rather poor, I'm afraid.

—Never mind. You explained that very well.

—What shall we do this weekend?

—Let's go for a swim.

—Where shall we go for it?

—Let's go to Long Beach. We haven't been there for a long time.

—That's a splendid idea. I'll call for you in a car at eleven o'clock. Is that alright for you?

—Yes. That'll be perfect. See you tomorrow, then. Goodbye.

—You have some black, walking shoes in the window. Would you show me a pair in size seven, please?

—Oh, dear, what a pity! There are none left in size seven. Here is a pair in a slightly different style.

—Can I try them on?

—Yes, of course.

—I like these very much. What do they cost?

—They cost 4.25 pounds.

—Good. I'll have them, then.

—Excuse me, but I must say goodbye now.

—Can't you stay a little longer?

—No, I'm sorry, but I really must go. I shall miss my bus if I don't hurry.

—When does your bus go?

—At ten o'clock. Good gracious, it's already 10:15. I'll have to ask you to drive me home.

—That's alright, but I hope to see you again soon.

—That's most kind of you.

Woman: Which do you prefer: driving a car yourself or being a passenger?

Man: Well—that depends. I enjoy driving, especially on long empty roads where I can go nice and fast. But I'm not very fond of sitting in traffic jams waiting for lights to change, and things like that. I suppose I don't mind being a

passenger, but only if I'm sure that the other person really can drive properly.

Woman: So you don't really like being in other people's cars, then?

Man: Well, as I say, it's all right with a good driver. Then I can relax, sit back and enjoy the scenery. But yes, you're right—on the whole I certainly prefer driving to being a passenger.

Hello, Allen. This is Collin speaking.

—Fine. How about you?

—Good. And how's Bob feeling after his holiday?

—I see. I've got quite a lot to tell you.

—I've just got engaged!

—Yes! No. We haven't fixed the date yet.

—What's she like?

—Lovely girl! We met on a bus, believe it or not.

—Yes. We just happened to be sitting together and got into the conversation. And we made a date for the same evening, and discovered we've got a lot in common, you know, same interests and, we laugh at the same things.

—No. You don't know her. Hmm. At least she doesn't know you or Bob.


伯瑞在线外教 专业?实惠?效果好


力是学习英语当中很重要的一块,试问一个人如果听不懂如何去交流呢?因此学好英语必须是 听力为前提,英语的应试内容 听力部分一般占到30%,而且是第一个要考察的内容。语言是交流,交流是以听和说为基础。而说 又是以听力为前提。如何练好听力能力呢? 下面介绍下,英语在线听力需要注意的一些要点。笔者希望英语学习者们 能够真正的用进去。

一. 英语在线听力中应注意几个问题


在英语里有不少读音相近,但意思却截然不同的词汇,象cure[kjue](医愈)和kill[kill](杀死),menu(菜单)和manure(肥料)等。设想如果有一个医生想说:"I'll cureyou."(我要治好你的病。)却因发音不好,说成:"I'll kill you."(我要杀死你。)那病人会吓成什么样子。又比如,有人对你说:" I am thirty.My wife is thirty,too."而你听到的却是:" I am dirty. My wife isdirty,too."你一定会莫名其妙。实际上,所差之外就是一个音素。因此,我们从一开始就要注意区分和模仿正确的语音,语调。在这个基础上提高听、 说,才能收到良好效果。


听、说是一种语言交流,没有一个外语环境或一定的听、说条件,只靠单枪匹马很难收效。当然,现代科学为我们提供了录音机这一工具,我们可以把课 文,对话和中外成品磁带录制下来反复听和模仿。还可以把自己的口头作文和复述录下来,仔细审听,发现问题,及时纠正。但是,在自然条件下,听与说是不能分 的。一个人听的过程实际是另一个人说的过程。如果有条件的话,最好能把自学的伙伴组织起来,定期开展会话活动,或利用社会上,公园中提供的"外语之角"等 条件,既练了说,又练了听,在实际的语言环境中练习,才能取得长足的进步。



二. 英语在线听力中听力的技巧


伯瑞在线外教 专业?实惠?效果好

至录下自己的发音和原音比较,逐段纠正语音、语调。二是听抄法:又称四遍法,第一遍听大义;第二遍利用复读机尽量听写出每句话,但不要参考听力原文;第三遍和听力原文比对,找出听不懂的原因;第四遍翻译或者背诵。精 听后务必趁热打铁,总结知识点:语音强调三点,一是建立单词正确的“听觉形象”;二是熟悉连读和失爆等变音现象,它们本质上是人们讲英语语速快时为了方 便发音的自然结果,却造成我们分辨词语的困难;三是注意重读和语调,它们传递着超出词句本身含义的内容。小词习语强调小词搭配,比如多如牛毛的含get的 短语,如同汉字中越是简单的字越难写得漂亮一样,小词搭配经常造成理解障碍。而句型表达和背景学习重在吃透听力原文,以阅读促听力。精听要求注意力高度集中,必须净化练习环境,否则容易养成三心二意的习惯,但精听比精读更容易疲劳,时间不宜过长,各类英语考试的时间都在30 分钟左右,所以练习也以这个长度为宜。(二)泛听:泛听目的有二:一是练习捕捉大意,让理解单位从“词汇”到“句子”再到“大意”;二是熟悉语速和语境,既真实英语的使用环境。切忌把泛听当精听。战胜“细节完美主义”的办法是重大意而非细节,重内容而非语言,重正在听的内容而非听过的内容。“拳不离手,曲不离口”,泛听要形成“磨耳朵”的习惯,充分利用排队、等车等边角时间,泛听之后还要复述大意,检测听力效果。帕累托原则(因19世纪末和20世纪初意大利经济学家及社会学家帕累托首先提出而得名)告诉我们,任何一组东西中,重要与次要的比例是 20%:80%,精听与泛听的比例也可遵循这一原则,设定为1:4。

