新视野B2- U2 补充练习
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Supplementary Exercise Two (Band Two)
Part I Vocabulary
1. Computer science is not his specialty. He is a(n) in it. A. professional B. amateur C. expert D. hobby
2. Their first and last quarrel in marriage happened on the couple’s tenth together.
A. wedding anniversary B. wedding day C. memento D. annual
3. The older generation tends to on the ideas of the young. A. reflect B. frown C. react D. act
4. The lady expressed her to the neighbors for their sincere help. A. feelings B. passion C. helpfulness D. gratitude 5. She made a when a boy kicked a football into her garden. A. rumor B. fuss C. testimony D. temper. 6. There has been a gradual of workers away from manufacturing towards the service industries. A. removal B. migration C. range D. shift 7. The boss at the waitress when she broke a plate. A. swore B. scolded C. blamed D. criticized.
8. _________, the monthly income for an average family in this area is 5000 yuan. A. About B. Around C. Approximately D. Nearly 9. This story is _____________ interesting; Why not tell us a better one?
A. by no means B. by any means C. by all means D. in the meantime
10. My workmate shared his ___________ travel experience with us, we all laughed a lot.
A. amused B. excited C. amusing D. interested
Part II Sentence translation
1. 这男孩既聪明又勤奋,他一定大有作为。(promising) 2. 当我不愉快时,我总是靠父亲帮我鼓气。(count on) 3. 这位明星似乎总是对公众的评价漠不关心。(indifferent) 4. 我们希望好天气能至少持续一周。(persist)
5. 一些经济学家指出,低通货膨胀不见得是好事。(point out)
Part III Writing
Write a paragraph of about 80 words on People Read for Different Reasons, which starts with a general statement followed by supporting details.
General Statement: People read for different reasons. Points:1) __________________.
2) __________________. 3) __________________.
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