The Font Creator Program

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The Font Creator Program


3.1.1 [November 3, 2002]

Fixed paste special mapping bug

Fixed some minor bugs

Improved the help file thanks to all suggestions made by Joe Coulthard while reviewing the manual

3.1 [October 3, 2002]

Added a complete the help file

Added background image support

Some minor improvements

Fixed a couple of minor bugs

3.0.2 [November 3, 2000]

Added combine and split contours functionality

Fixed two minor bugs

3.0.1 [October 7, 2000]

"Make simple" that converts composite glyphs to simple glyphs.

New "Find" option that enables you to find glyphs through their

postscript name or mapping values.

"Preview Window" where you can see a sample text while editing your


Improved the undo redo functionality.

Copy and paste selections of glyphs.

Character to Glyph Index Mappings now show the Unicode Character Names.

Add mappings through the Unicode Block Selection Feature.

The kerning window shows the two glyphs in the same area.

PCL5 window.



Updated the tutorial.

A lot of other minor improvements and new features.

3.0 Beta 1 [July 30, 2000]

A complete rebuild of the software.

2.2 [January 30, 2000]

Updated the tutorial (to version 2.2).

Fixed Windows NT access problem with registry and installed fonts.

Extended the naming fields also added load and save functionality.

Added Monospaced support; adjust distance between letters (requested by Richard R. Kramer and Eric

K. Braun).

Added more keyboard shortcuts; read the tutorial regarding simple glyphs for specific information. Small adjustments to the templates; version field was not correct.

Added an optionally fixed zoom level when opening a glyph. (Antony Shipley mentioned this one). Various tiny bug fixes and enhancements.

2.1 [November 14, 1999]


2.0 [August 30, 1999]

The created and modified date and time properties were not handled correctly.

Bug fixed (introduced in version 1.2.1) that resulted in only square (or empty) characters in the test


Bug fixed that prohibited deleting glyphs in fonts without kerning.

The Font Creator Program now prevents exceptions when encountering wrong registry keys when

opening the installed fonts window.

Added 'Use my metrics' to composite glyph window.

Bug fixed that caused an exception when removing the kerning table.

Improved the "New Fonts..." feature.

Code mappings from the General->Cmap menu item now works with both decimal and hexadecimal

values (Thanks to Michael von Glasow).

Now you can select what header (postscript name or map codes) is shown above the glyphs in the

overview window (Suggested by Tom Thornton, Eric Dowty, Anders Sande and a lot of other people) Set the maximum length of the Font Family Name to 31. Otherwise Windows does not recognize the


Fixed a small but annoying samplebar bug.

Added more info in statusbar while editing simple glyphs.

Fixed a bug that didn't enable the paste button when another Font Creator Program performed a copy


1.2.3 [August 1, 1999]

Added functionality that changes the bearings in the glyph edit windows.

Some minor bug fixes.

Panose information swapped the wrong way. (This bug and the two below were noticed by Uwe


Width classification bug fixed.

Handling of backup files didn't work properly.

1.2.2 [June 12, 1999]

First release of the tutorial!

Added Grayscale support. Found in General->Grayscale...

Pasting bitmap from clipboard is now allowed (in glyph edit window).

Bug fixed, now hinting will be removed when editing a glyph. This was not always the case in version


Added a SpinEdit to the Threshold in the Image to Contour window.

Fixed a bug with the glyphs advanced width and left side bearings.

Added ascent and decent lines in glyph edit window.

1.2.1 [June 2, 1999] Updated the tutorial (to version 2.1). Improved the default new font templates. The symbol template used wrong mappings. Added drag and drop functionality to open font files dragged from the explorer to FCP. Added Naming fields License Agreement and License Agreement Link. The Position and the Size Tab on the Transformation Tool Bar now have the actual location and size of the selected contours. Added "Select All" functionality for both contours and points. If a composite glyph used two or more times a same glyph (like the double-quote ") only one was removed when trying to delete the used glyph. A composite glyph should be set to an empty glyph after all its used glyphs are removed. Added "delete gaspranges" available through right-click from menu-item "grayscale..". Fixed a bug that occurred when closing FCP while two or more fonts were still opened.


Kerning glyphs

Preserve unknown tables.

Preserve hinting in font and/ or glyphs. Hinting will only be removed when editing a glyph.

Reserved Postscript names are mapped to the .notdef name.

FCP now 'highlights' unused glyphs (actually a little box is shown in the glyph overview window).

1.2 [May 26, 1999]

New advanced feature Image to Glyph conversion added - available from Contours->Import Image...

Finally you can add your signature, logo and complete handwriting into your own fonts!

Added High-Logic [HL] to the Vendor List!

After saving a font file the font is assumed to be unmodified. This improves the functionality added in

version 1.1.4.

1.1.4 [May 15, 1999]

Improved the Splash screen.

Overlapping points are now drawn as one point. This prevents an even number of points on the exact

same position to hide themselves out.

Improved the Change setting for Unicode <-> Symbol.

Now FCP does a better job of remembering what fonts have been modified. In other words, fonts that

not have been changed are now closed without the annoying warning of "saving the font Y/N?".

(Thanks to Gwidon S. Naskrent). One more thing; because FCP isn't able to see wheather there's

changed anything in a 'General' menu item, FCP assumes the font has been changed if one of those menu items has been selected.

Fixed a bug that occurred when closing all windows at ones. It will still occur when you have opened

more than 100 fonts at ones.

About the Transformation Toolbar - changed the minimum value of the Size edit boxes from -32767 to

1 and changed the direction from the y-axis.

1.1.3 [April 22, 1999]

Fixed a strange bug that occurred when using a mousewheel after FCP was shell executed because an

associated file got opened.

Finished the toolwindow mentioned in release 1.1.2. Jeff Williams encouraged me to make this feature

so manual changes could be made.

Added 'snap to grid' support. (Gave it a higher priority thanks to Jeff Lee)

Changed the way the actual grid point size behaves. Now it really helps when trying to line up those

long lines.

The functionality of the 'New contour' feature has been changed. Now the user has to design the

contour (manually draw the points). This makes it a lot easier to quickly add contours.

Also a lot of small changes and some internal restructuring has taken place.

The 'testing a font' feature inside the Font Creator Program now supports printing.

1.1.2 [April 9, 1999]

Double-click in the Glyph Edit window now changes from contour mode to point mode and back. Multiple Undo and Redo Boxes like MS products.

Associating the .ttf extension to FCP was never a problem but now it is able to restore the association

to the previous application.

Finally fixed a bug that sometimes occurred while pasting a large number of glyphs, contours or points. New Floating and dockable toolbars so now FCP has an even more professional interface.

Added a checkbox that specifies whether the Font Creator Program should redraw the editing screen

while moving contours and points.

Started with a toolwindow where you can edit contours and points by typing coordinates etc. This is not

finished yet...


1.1.1c [March 15, 1999]

Better way of testing the fonts inside FCP, now all character sets are available.

1.1.1b [March 14, 1999]

Some small fixes, but the improvements are quite big!

Updated the new font templates.

Added some features in the Metrics menu item. Previous versions prevented installing and creating

Symbol fonts.

[March 11, 1999]

Completely redesigned the font installation procedure. Now you are guided through a Wizard, making

it possible to inform you when a font is already installed.

Open installed font file located in a folder other than the default windows folder now works as expected. Backups for fonts located in the default windows font folder are saved to the fcp folder. This way

Windows won't get confused about which fonts actually are installed.

Fixed byte versus smallint bug. Some composite glyphs had an unexpected change of the x-offset --

Henry Kammler thanks for reporting this bug.

Added color to the glyph captions. This option (like a lot of other options) can be changed through the

"Edit->Options" menu item.

Made the char grid navigable via arrow keys. The scrollbar lost focus. Gwidon S. Naskrent mentioned

this bug and a lot of good tips.

When a font has corrupted glyphs they won't show up, you'll see a red rectangle instead.

[March 3, 1999]

Some major bug fixes and a lot of new features added.

Finally all required internal font properties are available.

New bearings button added.

New Table Info menu item added.

Some useful tips through the 'tip of the day' feature.

A lot of index properties changed to descriptions.

New functionality -- convert between Unicode to Symbol Platform.

1.0.8 [February 21, 1999]

Added new menu item "Mode" where you can change between contourmode and pointmode while

editing a simple glyph.

Extended the glyph properties window.

New settings window added to the General menu item.

Some major/ fundamental bug fixes, according to deleting contours and points.

Changed the way of inserting and deleting glyphs. Now all edit-glyphs windows of the current font

have to close before you can perform those operations.

More options added to the "Edit -> Option" menu item.

Added some new internal calculations, improves the quality of the font file.

The "File -> New..." menu item has been implemented. You can choose between a new symbol font

and a normal (Unicode) font.

Added some settings like glyph width, height and size at overview and samples window.

1.0.7 [February 16, 1999]

Some major bug fixes.

Found some nasty bugs in the Undo, Redo and Repeat functionality.

1.0.6 [February 7, 1999]

Some minor changes (button and window positions, sizes etc...)

Registry items like recently opened files, position and size of mainform and tool window(s).


1.0.5 [January 25, 1999]

Fixed problem with locating the help file. Fixed thanks to Tom TCNS, Derek Baker and Del Fullmer. Open Font files now allows you to open fonts in the Windows font directory.

1.0.4 [January 19, 1999]

Fixed a couple of submenu (right-click menu's) items that where not attached to the existing


Corrected our e-mail and web-site address in the help file.

A little more documentation in the help file. Working on this one, but it will take some time.

Direct connection through the program to a file at our site, of course only if the user (you) want this!

[September 22, 1998]

First official public release.

[November 1, 1997]

First pre-alpha release.

Registration window, for registered users. At the moment it doesn't mean they get more features. But future versions will have some restrictions for unregistered users. New edit window for changing a glyph's internal name. Fixed a bug with the zoomin button. Fixed a bug with selecting multiple contours.

