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BOOK One (The Second Edition)

Unit 4

How to Make a Good Impression


Students will be able to:

1. grasp the main idea and structure of the text;

2. appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in the text;

3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;

4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.

Ⅱ.New Lexis:

impression conscious reaction range introduction spouse interview encounter focus persuasive presentation physical rate pitch tone absorbed how-to stride impress shake handshake consistent address match depress audience contact relax lighten powerful entertainment roar brood

make up one?s mind range from…to… be committed to be absorbed in fix one?s eye?s on drive sb. crazy at one?s best lighten up take sb. or sth. seriously

Ⅲ. Structure:

1.We show our true feeling with our eyes, faces, bodies, and attitudes, causing a

chain of reactions.

2.You were so absorbed in the moment that you lost all self-consciousness.

Ⅳ. Pre-reading Activities

1.What may influence people?s impression of a person?

physical appearance, energy, rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice, gestures, … 2.You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Then, what can we do to

make a good impression on others? (open-ended)



Ⅴ. Background Information:

Make a strong first impression: six tips that really work

We have all heard this warning: “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” Also, psychologists, writers, and seminar leaders caution that we only have from seven to seventeen seconds of interacting with strangers before they form an opinion of us. With this widely acknowledged pressure to “make our case” instantly, here are six tips for making your first impression a positive one.

1. the greatest way to make a positive first impression is to demonstrate immediately that the other person, not you, is the center of action and conversation. Illustrate that the spotlight is on you only, and you?ll miss opportunities for friendships, jobs, love relationships, networking, and sales. Show that you are other-centered, and first-time acquaintances will be eager to see you again.

2. Closely related: You?ll make a superb initial impression when you demonstrate good listening skills. Give positive verbal cues: “Hmm…interesting!” “Tell me more, please.” “What did you do next?” just as actors benefit from prompts, your conversational partner will welcome your assistance in keeping the exchange going. Nonverbally, you show you?re a skilled listener by maintaining steady eye contact. Remember how you respond to the social gadabout who appears to be looking over your shoulder for the next person he wants to corner. Remember, and avoid that habit.

3. Use the name of a new acquaintance frequently. “Judy, I like that suggestion.” “Your vacation must have been exciting, Fred.” You show that you have paid attention from the start, catching the name during the introduction. Equally as important, you?ll make conversations more personal by including the listener? name several times.

4. Be careful with humor. Although a quip or two might serve as an icebreaker, stay away from remarks that could bring about adverse results. Because you don?t know a stranger?s sensitivities, casual joking might establish barriers you can?t overcome, either now or later.

5. Appearance counts. Several years ago, a professional colleague offered to meet me for lunch. I decided against wearing a suit, opting for a sport coat and tie. When he showed up in shorts and sandals, the message he conveyed was: “Bill, meeting you is a rather ordinary experience, and doesn?t call for me to present a business-like appearance.” Not surprisingly, that was the last time I met with him. True, standards for appropriate dressing have changed greatly. Maybe the best advice I can share came from a participant in a seminar I conducted. She said, “ I don?t dress for the job I have now, I dress for the job I want to have.”

6. As a communication specialist, I have to point out that an individual?s speaking style impacts the first impression, maybe more than we wish. Listeners judge our intelligence, our cultural level, our education, even our leadership ability by the



words we select ---and by now we say them.

StageⅠPresentation A. Vocabulary

1. impression n. an effect, a feeling, or an image retained

What’s your first impression on your English teacher?


The trick to a successful interview is that an interviewee can impress the interviewers with his good qualities. 搭配:

leave/ make an impression on/ upon sb., 给某人留下印象 leave sb. an impression 给某人留下印象

impress vt. impressive a. — I am impressed by...

— Her/his... impresses me greatly.

impress sb. by/ with…给某人留下…印象 be impressed by/ with/ at对…有印象

impress sth. on/ upon sb.使某人明白…的重要性

2. conscious adj. aware, realizing sth. 他伤得很重,但仍未失去知觉。

He was badly hurt, but he remained conscious.

众所周知,孩子们不像成人一样,他们会无意识地在生活中运用规则。 As is known to all, children, unlike adults, apply rules to life unconsciously. self-conscious adj. : shy or nervous unconscious adj. : unaware

consciousness n. : state of being conscious consciously ad.

unconsciously ad.无意识地,无感觉地

self-conscious a. 有自我意识的;难为情的

搭配:be (un) conscious of / that(没有)意识到…

If you are conscious of something, you notice it or are aware of it.

3. range vi. to vary between certain limits

搭配:range from…to…从…到…(范围或幅度内)变化 a wide range of 大范围的




Their prices range from $5 to $15.

The adoption of a spoken English test has caused a chain of reactions among students, ranging from approval to disapproval.


a wide-ranging discussion

a wide range of levels among these students.

4. encounter vt. to meet sb. or sth. by chance

n. a meeting by chance

If you take up this assignment, you are likely to encounter many difficulties.

5. focus v. to concentrate 搭配:focus on/ upon集中于 I tried to focus my thoughts.

For a few moment, my eyes wouldn?t focus.

He suddenly focused his attention on foreign policy.

focus n. attention

The new system is the focus of the debate.

6.absorb 吸收

扩展:absorption n. absorbing a.

搭配:be absorbed in专注于,聚精会神于


Definitely speaking, students may absorb much information and knowledge by participating in social activities.


So absorbed was she in reading the touching novel that she didn?t hear somebody knocking at the door.

7.consistent 一致的

扩展:consistently ad. consistency n. consist v.

搭配:be consistent in在…是一贯的 be consistent with与…相一致 一个在行为方面保持一致的人是值得信任的。 A person who is consistent in his actions is trustworthy.


If a consumer finds the quality of the product is not consistent with its introduction, he has the right to demand a refund.



8. commit v. to do (sth. wrong); perform; send to commit a mistake 犯错误 to commit a crime 犯罪

to commit forces to the Gulf 往海湾派兵 be committed to 致力于,投身于

The State is firmly committed to promoting high standards of health, safety, and efficient service.

9. be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心于 他陷入了沉思。

He was completely absorbed in his own thoughts . She has been absorbed in a horror fiction.

10. fix one’s eyes on look at a thing or person carefully He stood by the window with his eyes fixed on me. 他靠窗站着,眼睛一动不动地盯着我看。 She fixed her eyes on the distant ship.

11. at one’s best in one's best state or condition This is an example of his work at its best. He was never at his best early in the morning.

In Beijing, you can enjoy Chinese Kung Fu at its best.

这代表了他鼎盛时期的作品。 他清晨从来不在最佳状态。


12.lighten up something you say to tell someone to stop being so serious or annoyed


Lighten up, would you? She didn't mean to hurt you. 别生气了,行吗?她不是有意伤你的。

13.take sb./sth. seriously think sb./sth. is important

You take everything too seriously! Relax and enjoy yourself.

Don't take him seriously. He's always joking.

B.Text Study

1.Part Division of the Text Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas



1 1-2 What time you make the most important impression on others or others leave the most important impression on you. 2 2-15 It answers the question of how to make a good impression on others. The writer offers some pieces of advice. 2. Structure Analysis

A. The Writing Model of the Passage: Problem + Solution + Conclusion


Problem: Unspoken communication impresses people. 1-2 Solutions: You are the message. 3-5

Be yourself. 6-9 Use your eyes. 10-11 Lighten up. 12-14

Conclusion: You can make it! 15

B. The way to develop paragraphs: General Statement + Examples Paragraph Analysis: Para.2 General Statement Some of your

most unforgettable meetings.


? An introduction to your future spouse. ? A job interview. ? An encounter with a stranger.

Work with your partner and find out the General Statement and Examples in Paragraph 4. Tips

Text Study—Structure Analysis

General Statement Examples

Use your good qualities. physical appearance

Energy rate of speech

pitch and tone of voice gestures

expression through the eyes



the ability to hold the interest of others

3.Difficult sentences

1. …, we show our true feelings with our eyes, faces and attitudes, causing a chain of reactions,

ranging from comfort to fear.


V-ing structures are used to express subordinate actions, functioning like subordinate clauses.

…, we show our true feelings with our eyes,

faces and attitudes, causing (= we cause ) a chain of reactions, ranging (= the reactions range) from comfort to fear. Practice

公共汽车晚点了一小时,这使我错过了比赛的开场。 雨一直下了两周,整个村子都被淹了。 Translate the sentences, using V-ing structures.

The bus arrived one hour late, causing me to miss the beginning of the game. It rained for two weeks on end, completely flooding the village.

2. You were committed to what you were talking about and so absorbed in the moment, you lost all self-consciousness.


“And” combines equivalent grammatical units.



You were committed to what you were talking about + and (you are) so absorbed in the moment, + (that) you lost all self-consciousness.

“And” / “or” often combines equivalent grammatical units.

They?re the same whether they?re having a conversation, addressing their garden club or being interviewed for a job.

3. I disagree. If I did agree, I certainly wouldn?t look at my feet or at the ceiling. I?d keep my eye on the lion!


Subjunctive mood is used to emphasize the importance of eye contact.


Group Work: A Job Interview

One student role-plays a job interviewee and the other members interviewers from a soft drink company. Remember to apply the four strategies in the text to the job interview.

Some information about the interviewee: Applying for Assistant Manager now

Worked as Customer and Service assistant in 2005 Fluent English

Excellent computer skills Open-minded & cooperative Graduate

Sun Hotel, 028-3886550

Dos and Don’ts in an Interview 1. Dos

For gentlemen What to dress? A suit and a tie.



A pressed dress shirt and lacks (长裤). Polished dress shoes. Professional haircut. For ladies What to dress? A business suit.

A dress blouse and a long dress. Skirt or trousers.

Medium-heeled dress shoes. Styled hair.

Keeping jewelry to a minimum.

How to stand, sit and walk? Stand tall.

Walk tall and sit tall. Sit at the front edge of Leaning slightly forward.

How to use your eyes and gesture?

Maintain sincere continuous eye contact but avoid staring. Use natural and meaningful gesture when necessary. ...

2. Don’ts

Wear heavy make-up and strong perfume. Be late.

Eat, drink, chew gums or smoke. Cross your arms over your chest. Use cell phone in the interview.

the chair.

StageⅢ Summary

People judge other people within the first seven seconds of meeting them. You can have a positive effect on other people through using your eyes, face, and body in unspoken communication. What you say needs to match what you do. When you enter a room full of people, you can look at them and smile. You have the power to have a good effect on others because you are the only one who can be you. The key is to be your

best by being relaxed and thinking of others instead of yourself.

StageⅣ Homework

1)To ask students to be familiar with the text again and memorize the new words and




2) Students should be ready for dictation about the key words and sentences. 3) Finish the exercises in Unit 4. 4) Teacher may assign Ss to do ?Translation? on p. 86.

5) Useful expressions

to make/give a presentation发表演说, 陈述展示 with one?s whole being全身心投入地 a staff meeting职工会议

entertainment industry娱乐业

an uncomfortable scene尴尬的场合 to address a club在俱乐部上发言 a job interview工作面试

to roar with laughter放声大笑

6) Multiple Choice

1.We must focus _______ our sales force as the chief means of improving trade. A. to B. in C. on D. with

2.He is very much ______ to the cause of language teaching. A. communicated B. committed C. consistent D. committing

3. She is always trying to make a good impression ______ people with her new ring.

A. by B. with C. on D. in 4.If you ______, I would have told you. A. asked B. have asked

C. had asked D. would have asked

5. Jefferson always made on-the-spot survey, _____ he based his conclusion. A. which B. from which C. in which D. on which

6. The officer from the police gave a _________ on drug abuse. A. address B. presentation C. staff D. interview

7. Autism is a series of disorders that can ____ from mild to severe. A. absorb B. range C. encounter D. match 8. Liu Xiang is ______ this season.

A. at best B. at his best C. in his best D. in best

9. The clothes a person wears express his __ or social position.


