山东理工大学《国际经济学》试卷纸 - 图文

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山东理工大学《国际经济学 》试卷纸

( )卷 学年第 学期 班级: 姓名: 学号:

…………………………………装……………………………订…………………………线………….……………………………… 适用专业 题号 得分 评阅人 复核人 一 二 三 考核性质 四 五 六 七 八 命题教师 九 十 考试时间 100分钟 十一 总分 I、Multiple Choice Questions(30 points) 1…If the Home economy suffered a meltdown, and the Unit Labor Requirements in each of the products quadrupled (that is, doubled to 30 for cloth and 60 for widgets) then home should A. export cloth. B. export widgets. C. export both and import nothing. D. export and import nothing. E. All of the above. 2 If wages were to double in Home, then Home should: A. export cloth. B. export widgets. C. export both and import nothing. D. export and import nothing. E. All of the above. 3. If the world equilibrium price of widgets were 4 Cloths, then A. both countries could benefit from trade with each other. B. neither country could benefit from trade with each other. C. each country will want to export the good in which it enjoys comparative advantage. D. neither country will want to export the good in which it enjoys comparative advantage. E. both countries will want to specialize in cloth. 4. Which one of the following statements is true? A. Inflation can occur even under conditions of full employment only if the central bank continues to inject money into the economy. B. Inflation can occur even under conditions of full employment only if the central bank continues to withdraw money from the economy. C. Deflation can occur even under conditions of full employment only if the central bank continues to inject money into the economy. D. Inflation cannot occur even under conditions of full employment if the central bank continues to inject money into the economy. E. None of the above. 5. A sudden increase in the U.S. price level A. makes those with dollar debts worse off. B. makes those with dollar debts better off. C. does not affect those with dollar debts. D. makes those with DM debt better off. E. None of the above. 6.. If Australia has more land per worker, and Belgium has more capital per worker, then if trade were to open up between these two countries, A. Australia would export the land-intensive product. B. Belgium would import the capital-intensive product. C. Both countries would export some of each product. D. trade would not continue since Belgium is a smaller country. E. None of the above. 7. If Australia has more land per worker, and Belgium has more capital per worker, then if trade were to open up between these two countries, A. the real income of capital owners in Australia would rise. B. the real income of labor in Australia would clearly rise. C. the real income of labor in Belgium would clearly rise. D. the real income of landowners in Belgium would fall. E. the real incomes of capital owners in both countries would rise. 8. If trade opens up between the two formerly autarkic countries, Australia and Belgium, then A. the real income of Australia and of Belgium will increase. B. the real income of Australia but not of Belgium will increase. C. the real income of neither country will increase. D. the real income of both countries may increase. E. the real income of both countries will increase. 9. The marginal product of labor in manufacturing slopes downward because of A. diseconomies to scale. B. discontinuities in the production function. C. diminishing returns. D. gross substitution with the food sector. E. None of the above. 10 In the Specific Factors model, each of the two sectors A. employs the same factors used by the other. B. employs different factors than those employed in the other. C. employs a fixed coefficient production function. D. shares one factor of production with the other sector. E. None of the above. 共 5 页 第 1 页 山东理工大学《国际经济学 》试卷纸

( )卷 学年第 学期 班级: 姓名: 学号:

…………………………………装……………………………订…………………………线………….……………………………… 11 A system of managed floating exchange rates is A. a system in which governments may attempt to moderate exchange rate movements without keeping exchange rates rigidly fixed. B. a system in which governments use flexible exchange rates. C. a system in which governments are forbidden from attempt to moderate exchange rate movements without keeping exchange rates rigidly fixed. D. a system in which governments need to reach a prior agreement among them before they may attempt to moderate exchange rate movements without keeping exchange rates rigidly fixed. E. None of the above statement is true. 12 Which one of the following statements is true? A. Inflation but not deflation can occur even under conditions of full employment. B. Deflation but not inflation can occur even under conditions of full employment. C. Inflation or deflation can occur even under conditions of full employment. D. Inflation can occur even under conditions of full employment only in the long run E. None of the above. 13. If the Unted States had relatively more capital per worker than Mexico, and if the Leontieff Paradox applied to this trade, then a successful expansion of trade under NAFTA between Mexico and the United States would tend to benefit which group in the United States? A. Environmentalists B. Capitalists C. Workers D. Land owners E. Skilled labor with relatively high levels of human capital 14. According to the Heckscher-Ohlin model, the source of comparative advantage is a country's A. technology. B. advertising. C. human capital. D. factor endowments. E. Both A and B. 15 The J-curve illustrates which of the following? A. The effects of depreciation on the home country's economy B. The immediate increase in the current account caused by a currency depreciation C. The gradual adjustment of home prices to a currency depreciation D. The short-term effects of depreciation on the current account E. The Keynesian view of international trade dynamics 16 When a country’s currency is devalued, A. output decreases. B. output increases. C. the money supply decreases. D. the money supply increases. E. Both B and D. 17 The simultaneous export and import of widgets by the United States is an example of A. increasing returns to scale. B. imperfect competition. C. intra-industry trade. D. inter-industry trade. E. None of the above. 18 If output more than doubles when all inputs are doubled, production is said to occur under conditions of A. increasing returns to scale. B. imperfect competition. C. intra-industry trade. D. inter-industry trade. E. None of the above. 19 Intra-industry trade can be explained in part by A. transportation costs within and between countries. B. problems of data aggregation and categorization. C. increasing returns to scale. D. All of the above. E. None of the above. 20 If some industries exhibit internal (firm specific) increasing returns to scale in each country, we should not expect to see A. intra-industry trade between countries. B. perfect competition in these industries. C. inter-industry trade between countries. D. high levels of specialization in both countries. E. None of the above. 21. How does a rise in real income affect aggregate demand? A. Y ?? Yd ??Im ??CA ??AD ?, but Y ?? Yd ?? C ?? AD ? by more. B. Y ?? Yd ??Im ??CA ??AD ?, but Y ?? Yd ?? C ?? AD ? by more. C. Y ?? Yd ??Im ??CA ??AD ?, and Y ?? Yd ?? C ?? AD ?. D. Y ?? Yd ??Im ??CA ??AD ?, but Y ?? Yd ?? C ?? AD ? by less. E. Y ?? Yd ??Im ??CA ??AD ?, but Y ?? Yd ?? C ?? AD ? by less. 共 5 页 第 2 页 山东理工大学《 国际经济学 》试卷纸

( )卷 学年第 学期 班级: 姓名: 学号:

…………………………………装……………………………订…………………………线………….……………………………… 22 Assume the economy is initially consuming along the inter-temporal budget constraint at point A, where no saving occurs. How does a fall in the real interest rate, r, affect present consumption? A. Present consumption decreases. B. Present consumption increases. C. Present consumption is unaffected. D. Present consumption’s change is ambiguous. E. Not enough information is provided. 23 Which of the following best refers to the outright construction or purchase abroad of productive facilities by domestic residents? A. Foreign direct investment B. Portfolio Investment C. Short-term capital investment. D. Long-term capital investment E. None of the above. 24 Most direct investment in the United States has come from A. Japan. B. Canada. C. Western Europe. D. South America. E. Asia. 25 Most U.S. direct foreign investment occurs in A. communications. B. agriculture. C. petroleum. D. manufacturing. E. None of the above. 26 If a small country imposes a tariff, then A. the producers must suffer a loss. B. the consumers must suffer a loss. C. the government revenue must suffer a loss. D. the demand curve must shift to the left. E. None of the above. 27 For a given level of A. nominal GNP, changes in interest rates cause movements along the L(R,Y) schedule. B. real GNP, changes in interest rates cause a decrease of the L(R,Y) schedule. C. real GNP, changes in interest rates cause an increase of the L(R,Y) schedule. D. nominal GNP, changes in interest rates cause an increase in the L(R,Y) schedule. E. real GNP, changes in interest rates cause movements along the L(R,Y) schedule. 28 A rise in A. real GNP decreases aggregate real money demand for a given interest rate, moving the L(R,Y) schedule to the right. B. real GNP raises aggregate real money demand for a given interest rate, moving the L(R,Y) schedule to the left. C. real GNP raises aggregate real money demand for a given interest rate, moving the L(R,Y) schedule to the right. D. nominal GNP raises aggregate real money demand for a given interest rate, moving the L(R,Y) schedule to the right. E. real GNP raises aggregate nominal money demand for a given interest rate, moving the L(R,Y) schedule to the right. 29 Suppose the United States eliminates its tariff on ball bearings. Ball bearing prices in the United States would be expected to A. increase, and the foreign demand for U.S. exports would increase. B. decrease, and the foreign demand for U.S. exports would increase. C. increase, and the foreign demand for U.S. exports would decrease. D. decrease, and the foreign demand for U.S. exports would decrease. E. None of the above. 30 A specific tariff provides home producers more protection when A. the home market buys cheaper products rather than expensive products. B. it is applied to a commodity with many grade variations. C. the home demand for a good is elastic with respect to price changes. D. it is levied on manufactured goods rather than primary products. E. None of the above. F. Answer sheet: 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 共 5 页 第 3 页

山东理工大学《 国际经济学 》试卷纸

( )卷 学年第一 学期 班级: 姓名: 学号:

…………………………………装……………………………订…………………………线………….……………………………… II An examination of the Ricardian model of comparative advantage yields the clear result that trade is (potentially) beneficial for each of the two trading partners since it allows for an expanded consumption choice for each. However, for the world as a whole the expansion of production of one product must involve a decrease in the availability of the other, so that it is not clear that trade is better for the world as a whole as compared to an initial situation of non-trade (but efficient production in each country). Are there in fact gains from trade for the world as a whole? Explain.(15 POINTS) III Why are prices of factors of production not equalized? (15 POINTS) IV. The Brazilian firm is charging its foreign (U.S.) customers one half the price it is charging its domestic customers. Is this good or bad for the real income or economic welfare of the United States? Is the Brazilian firm engaged in dumping? Is this predatory behavior on the part of the Brazilian steel company?(15 POINTS) 共 5 页 第 4 页

山东理工大学《国际经济学 》试卷纸

( )卷 学年第 学期 班级: 姓名: 学号:

…………………………………装……………………………订…………………………线………….……………………………… V. Using a figure describing both the U.S. money market and the foreign exchange market, analyze the effects of an increase in the U.S. money supply on the dollar/euro exchange rate.(10POINTS) VI. Using a figure, show that under full employment, a temporary fiscal expansion would increase output (over-employment) but cannot increase output in the long run.(15POINTS) 共 5 页 第 5 页

