四六级作文预测-2015-6 - 图文

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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes towrite a composition on the topicGlobalWater Use by Sector. You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline givenbelow.

GlobalWater Use by Sector

As isvividly revealed in the picture, we can clearly see the amount of water used bythree different sectors and the change of them between 1900 and 2000. As far aswe can see in the graph, water used for agriculturealways made up the largest proportionand

increased substantially from about 500 km3 to 3000 km3.The amount



for industrialanddomestic use


increased,although the change of these two sectors was far less than that of agriculture.Water used for these two sectors began to increase in 1950. Up to the year of2000, water for industrial and domestic use raised to almost 1000 km3and approximate 500 km3. As aresult, we can safely come to the conclusion that global water use is strictlyrelated to the development of our society. In the first place, agriculture hasalways played the most important andirreplaceable role for human beings have to depend on food in order tolive.With time going on, industrydevelops at an increasing speed, especially after theindustrial revolution. Therefore, the amount of water forindustrial use increases more quickly after the 1950s. Meanwhile, with moremodern facilities and equipment invented by humankind, people make more use ofwater in their daily life. Under such circumstances, people are supposed to trytheir best to make the most of water and save water, which will benefit humanbeings in the long run.


第一段结合图片内容指出,农业,工业,家庭用水的整体趋势都是增长的,其中农业的用水量最大,增速在50年代加快。第二段中解释了这个现象产生的原因,提出了合理的展望。 第一段中agriculture意为“农业”, proportion意为“比例”,,industrial意为“工业的”,domestic意为“家庭的”;第二段中irreplaceable意为“不可替代的”,with time

going on意为“随着时间推移”,industrial revolution意为“工业革命”,in the long run意为“从长远来看”。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes towrite a short essay onEnvironmentalProtection, You should write at least 120words but no more than 180words.


As isvividly depicted in the cartoon given above, we can observe that the evergreen foresthas been gone for along time and replaced by the modern facilities constructed by human beings.This phenomenon deserves comments. We can’t but admit that our

environment hasbeen influenced to a rather large extentdue to the incessant and irresponsible exploration and activities of human beings.

Thereis no denying that human beings have no choice but to take advantage of natural resources in order to live a happy andenjoyable life. As a result, our nature has always being under great pressurebecause of the everlastingexploration and activities undertaken by humankind. On the other hand, notbeing aware of the significance of environment protection, human beings oftencarry out their development plans in an irresponsible way. Under suchcircumstances, our irreplaceable living environment is continually beingaffected and damaged to a great degree.

Therefore,it is high time that immediatemeasures be taken to protect our environment. Whoever damages our environmentin whatever way should be punished strictly. Only in these ways can humanbeings try their best to live an environment-friendly life.



第一段中evergreen forest意为“常绿林”,to a large extent和第三段的to a great degree意为“很大程度”;第二段中take advantage of意为“利用”, everlasting意为“永久的”;第三段中it is high time that?意为“是时候??”。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutesto write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description ofthe picture and then express your views on Saving Face. Youshould write at least 120 wordsbut no more than 180 words.

Saving Face

Thepicture above is a vivid description of a phenomenon that we Chinese lay muchimportance on saving face. The man adheres to treating their guests in amoreextravagant way, which set methinking deeply.

Webelieve that two reasons account for this phenomenon. In the first place, thereis no denying that the majority of Chinese people traditionally pay muchattention to fame andvanity. Theycannot stand being looked down upon or ignored by others. As a result, theytend to spend more money on somethingluxurious but wasteful when being compared. On the other hand, Chinese peopleare educated to treat guests with hospitality and enthusiasm, which makes them spare no efforts to entertain guestswithout taking money and practicability into account. Therefore, some negativecustoms are developed and adopted by most people. Fromthe above-mentioned information, we can safely draw the conclusion that thetraditional Chinese custom of saving face may influence our society in anegative way. Some unnecessary waste will put our environment under morepressure. In this case, we have to transform our ways to cater to guests and get ridof extravagance. After all, saving face is not as important as protectingour environment for what is really irreplaceable is our nature.



第一段中save face意为“要面子”,adhere to意为“坚持”,extravagant意为“浪费的”;第二段中vanity意为“虚荣”,tend to意为“倾向于”,spare noeffort to意为“不遗余力地”;第三段中cater to意为“迎合”,get rid of意为“摆脱”。


Directions: For this part, you areallowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. Youshould start your essay with a brief account of the flooding of passwords inpeople’s life and then explain the consequences of having toremember so many passwords. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Look!I have input all of my e-mail addresses, passwords,and PIN numbers correctly…but could you tell me what my name is?

As isshown in the picture, a woman who is working in front of a computer said,“Look! I have input all of my e-mailaddresses, passwords, and PIN numberscorrectly...but could you tell me what my name is?” Obviously, the picturereveals a common phenomenon that passwords are flooding in the Internet age.Passwords have indeed impacted many people.

Onthe one hand, people have been fed upwith having to remember so many passwords. What’s worse, although you haveremembered

a big list of passwords you may someday have to change them all,because someone breaks into the Internet. Onthe







an irritating problem for online consumers, but it’s an even biggerand more costly one for websites. Many websites have to invest a big sum ofmoney to deal with their users’ password reset requests because many of themforget their passwords often. Passwordsare of course important, but to remember so many is really frustrating.



第一段中input意为“输入”, PIN number意为“数字密码”;第二段中be fed up with意为“厌倦了??”,break into意为“入侵”;第三段中irritating意为“烦人的”。


Directions: For this part, you areallowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. Youshould start your essay with a brief account of the decline of book reading and then explain why it is important to read books. You should write atleast 120words but no more than 180 words. As isdepicted in the picture, a young man who is talking to a young woman said, “I lovereading so much that I spend several hours each day in reading. My favoritebook is Facebook.” The picture reveals in a humorous way that book reading is in a decline in the Internet age.

However,reading is absolutely a must forhuman beings. No matter where our society is heading, reading plays anirreplaceable role for modern people. Reading makes a full man. Withoutreading, on rarely develops a sharp mind and shapes a decent personality. Reading allows you to have a clear vision for the future aboutyourself and the outside world. It is hard to believe that

those who read lesscan achieve a better future. Reading helps you to get to know the world in asound way. Through the wisdom of the writer, one can learn what he or she hasnever known before. Toconclude, although reading is suffering a decline in the Internet age, readingcannot be ignored, for one gets to knowmore about the world through reading.



第一段中in a decline意为“走下坡路”,the Internet age意为“网络时代”;第二段中must意为“必须的事物”,shape意为“塑造”,a clear vision for the future意为“对未来清晰的展望”;第三段中get to know意为“了解”。



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutesto write a composition on the topicExpenditureon Fast Food. You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline givenbelow.

Expenditure on Fast Food

The bar chartdemonstrates the expenditure on fast foods of different income groups. Overall, people of high income group spend the mostmoney on fast foods (a little more than 80 pence per person per week). In comparison, people who have an averageincome and low income spend less, around 70 pence and 40 pence respectively.

The highincome group prefers hamburgers and spends 43 pence per week on them. This ismore than twice the amount of money they spend on pizza (20 pence) and fish andchips (17 pence). Hamburgers also rankfirst among the choices of the average income group at 34 pence. Comparedwith the high income group, the average income group spends more on fish and chips – 25 pence per person per week. They only spend alittle more than 10 pence on pizza.

Fish and chipsreplace hamburgers and become the most popular choice in the low income group –people spend an average 18 pence per week on them.Money spent on hamburgers is only 14 pence per person per week, which is almostone third of that of the high


group whereasmoney





a mere 7pence.




第一段中different income group意为“不同收入群体”,in comparison意为“相比较而言”,respectively意为“分别”;第二段中rank first意为“排第一”,fish and chips意为“炸鱼和薯条”,per person per week意为“每人每周”;第三段中whereas意为“然而”,mere意为“仅仅”。


Directions: Several cities inChina have introduced a new electronic system to guarantee fair enrollment formiddle schools. Under the new system, a student’s household registration determineswhich school he would be admitted to. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on A Balanced Education, You should writeat least 150 words but nomore than 200 words.

ABalanced Education

It can be inferred from thepicture above that the enrollment policyof compulsory

education in


–anautomatic selection

according toone’s registered residence – wasdesigned to ensure that every child, regardless their family background andsocial status, can enjoy equal chance.

Admittedly, with such apolicy, students no longer have to take examination and schools can no longerpick the students they deem most potential. Students will be judged only bytheir registered address, not their intelligence. Nevertheless, in my opinion,these measures are

only palliatives.The reason why parents and children have been competing for all these years isthat the educational resources are unevenlydistributed in China. Some of the schools recruit better teachers andpossess better equipments while others don’t. One of the most obvious resultsof the current enrollment policy is a surge in the price of the real estate that guarantees enrollmentto a more promising school. It is no denying that thispolicy would work within a short period of time. But to sustain the balance in education, the government should probablyput more money in cultivating outstanding teachers and encouraging them tosupport education in less developed regions. 点评:


第一段中enrollment policy意为“招生政策”,compulsoryeducation意为“义务教育”,automatic意为“自动的”,be designed to意为“目的是”;第二段中palliative意为“缓和剂”,unevenly意为“不平均地”, distribute意为“分配”,promising意为“有前途的”;第三段中It is no denying that意为“不可否认的是”,sustain the balance意为“保持平衡”。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed30 minutes to write a composition on the topicTime Spent on Housework. You should write at least 150 words and base yourcomposition on the outline given below. TimeSpent on Housework

Thebar chart demonstrates the amount of time men and women of different employmentgroups spend on housework in 1995, 2005, and 2015. Overall, regardless ofthe employment status, the amount of time women spend on houseworkdropped slightly in

2005 and rallies in 2015 whereas that of men increased by 0.5 in total.

Womenwith no employment spend the most time on housework in all three years and thenumber fluctuates slightly from 7hours in 1995 to 6.5 hours in 2005, and returns to 7 in 2015. Women with part-timeemployment spend a little less time on housework. The number of hours theyspend on housework is 5.5, 5, and 6 in 1995, 2005, and 2015 respectively. Womenwho are full-time employed spend 2 hours on housework in 1995, 1.5 in 2005, and2.5 in 2015. They only spend around one-third the time other women spend onhousework.

Incomparison, men with full-time employment spend the least hours on housework,with an overall uprising trend. In1995 and 2005, they spend only 1 hour on housework per day and in 2015, the figure increase by 0.5 to 1.5.



第一段中regardless of意为“不管??”,employment status意为“就业情况”,increase by意为“增长了”;第二段中fluctuate意为“波动”,the decliningof scholars’;第三段中uprising trend意为“上升趋势”,figure意为“数据”。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes towrite a short essay on the topicHandleCriticism and Compliments Properly based on the picture below.You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than200 words. Handle Criticismand Compliments Properly

Whatwe can see from the picture above is that a salesman in an office trying to promote a kind of hearing aid says: “It’s a special hearing aid. It filters out criticism and amplifiescompliments.” Funny though itsounds, it reflects the improper way of handling criticism and compliments,which is not uncommon among some people. Thereis no doubt that criticism can sometimes do harm to people’s confidence anddignity and compliments can beencouraging. However, it is improper, even wrong to simply reject criticismand amplify compliments. On the one hand, criticism has atremendous value for one’s growth and development as a human being,such as helping people to know their defects and adding to one’sself-knowledge, stopping one fromerring,etc. On the other hand, compliments, especially deceptive ones made on purpose, will lead to blind optimism, whichwill hinder one from making right judgments, decisions or choices.

Toconclude, one cannot simply take a negative attitude toward criticism andwelcome compliments excessively. Aproper way is to accept pertinent andbeneficial criticism and refuse insincere compliments.



第一段中promote意为“推销”, hearing aid意为“助听器”filter out意为“过滤”,amplify意为“放大”;第二段中dignity意为“尊严”,improper意为“不恰当的”,tremendous意为“巨大的”erring意为“犯错误” deceptive意为“欺骗性的”;第三段中excessively意为“过度地”, pertinent意为“中肯的”。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay on the picture below. You should start youressay with a brief account of the impactof floods of smart phone apps on their users and then explain the advantages and disadvantages of numerous smart phone apps.You should write at least 150words but no more than200words.

As isdepicted in the picture, a woman talks to a man, complaining the floods ofapps. What she intends to expressincludes two points: apps would generatemany amazing things; various choices of apps draw the users’ attention so thatthey ignore the real world.

Let’s put itanother way. On one hand, it is convenient for smart phone users to have somany apps. They can surf the Net through apps to do whatever they want: buyingthings, chatting with their friends, receiving emails, having videoconferences, reading books,

and watching films, etc. On the other hand, theside effects caused by apps cannot beundervalued.Firstly, it may lead to message leakage.Secondly, the rubbish files produced by apps may slow down the running speed ofsmart phones. Thirdly, overuse of smart phones will be harmful for one’sphysical and mental health. Smart phone users are engrossed in their screens and are isolated from the outsideworld, ignoring everything around them.

To conclude,apps should be utilized wisely. Whenenjoying the enrichment of apps weshould stay awake and not be draggedinto the virtual world.



第一段中intend to意为“想要”,generate意为“产生”,shade away意为“消逝”,Contrarily意为“相反地”;第二段中undervalue意为“低估”,message leak意为“消息泄露”,be engrossed in意为“沉迷于”;第三段中utilize意为“利用”,enrichment“丰富”,drag into意为“拖进”

