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The Central Plains area of how to promote regional development and opening-up and cooperation


Improve the mechanism of the development of Central Economic Zone linkage, to create a high level of open platform of cooperation, promote common development and prosperity of regional, comprehensively enhance the level of opening up, the construction of inland open, strengthen the regional coordinated development strategy fulcrum function.

第一节 优化区域内分工合作

The first section optimization of regional division of labor

加快区域一体化发展。完善产业分工协作体系,打造区域优势产业链,实现产业对接、错位发展。探索跨行政区域产业合作发展新模式,推动共建产业园区。打破行政界限和市场分割,建立统一的商品市场、产权交易市场、人力资源市场,加强科技资源、信用体系、市场准入、质量互认等对接。推动基础设施一体化,协同建设跨省铁路、高速公路等重大基础设施,加强能源开发、信息网络、生态保护等方面合作共建。合作开发精品旅游线路,打造“中原旅游”品牌。 Accelerate the development of regional integration. Perfect cooperation system industry, to create regional superior industry chain, to achieve industrial docking, dislocation development. To explore the development of a new mode of administrative regional industrial cooperation, promote the construction of industrial park. To break the administrative boundaries and market segmentation, the establishment of a unified market, property rights trading market, human resources market, strengthen scientific and technological resources, credit system, market access, quality certification and docking. To promote infrastructure integration, collaborative construction of inter-provincial railway, expressway and other major infrastructure, enhancing the development of energy, information network, ecological protection and


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other aspects of cooperation. Cooperation in the development of tourism products line, make \


Improve the regional cooperation mechanism. The establishment of government five Zhongyuan Economic Zone high-level coordination mechanism, major problems in the development of coordination area. The establishment of a joint meeting system to strengthen the mayor, in promoting regional cooperation in the planning, coordination, guidance and service function. In the area of special planning, regional policy coordination, resource flow, ecological environment prevention, joint law enforcement and other fields to explore the establishment of new mechanisms for cooperation. Use of the existing regional cooperation organizations, broaden areas of cooperation, enhance the level of cooperation. 第二节 支持开展区域合作示范

The second section support regional cooperation model


Encourage the interprovincial border area rely on transport, logistics, industry and other advantages, developing regional cooperation, build area of economy of Central Plains region cooperation demonstration zone. In support of Hebei province in Handan, the construction of Xingtai demonstration zone in regional cooperation, promote the Han ( Dan) Xing (Taiwan ) integration, development of advanced equipment manufacturing, modern logistics industry focus, explore new mechanisms


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for regional industrial cooperation, sharing of benefits, industrial and ecological development, investment and financing system reform and innovation. To speed up the transfer of industry demonstration zone construction to undertake Jin Shan Yu the Yellow River Golden Triangle area, support to carry out the experiment of coordinated development of regional, an important platform to build cooperation in the development of central and West regions. 第三节 密切与其他经济区联系

The third section close connections with other economic zone


Give full play to effect the strategy the hinterland of the Central Plains Economic Area, strengthen the cooperation with surrounding economic zone, focus on promoting the construction of open channel to the East Sea and west to the Eurasian Continental Bridge, to improve the internal and external opening level. Relying on the eastbound traffic channel, through Shanghai, Qingdao, convenient sea to Huanghua, Rizhao, Bohai, closely with the ring of Wanjiang City belt, the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, in order to undertake the transfer of industries, expand areas of cooperation. Relying on the traffic channel to the south, promote cooperation and the middle reaches of the Yangtze River area development, actively participate in the Pearl River Delta industrial division. Play bridge channel function, expand opening to the west, strengthen and Guanzhong - Tianshui Economic Zone and the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone, close cooperation with the West in the


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resources, energy and other aspects of the initiative, a new round of large-scale development of the western region. Relying on the north channel, strengthen economic








Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, improve the industry links and coordination level. Deepening economic and trade cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao regions, regularly organize a number of major economic and cultural exchange activities, accelerate the construction of Jiaozuo ( Taiwan ) Pioneer Park farmer cooperation park.

第四节 发展内陆开放型经济

The fourth section develop inland open economy


Construction of a major open platform. Supporting the national level, in line with the conditions of the provincial Development Zone expansion area and adjust the location, support at the provincial level development zones in accordance with the terms of the upgraded to state-level development zones. To support the establishment of areas under special customs supervision in areas where conditions are ripe. Improvement of the Zhengzhou air port facilities and functions, establishing large clearance liaison coordination mechanism, strengthen the linkage cooperation and coastal ports and border crossings, promote public, iron, air, sea and multimodal transport seamless, promote the construction of electronic port, improve customs clearance \one-stop \services, construction of the inland open economy demonstration area. Study on the establishment of the Zhengzhou inland vehicle import port, speed up to promote the


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healthy development of Luoyang aviation port. Give full play to the role of Liaocheng, Heze to the East Sea Bridge, enhance logistics transportation function, promote the transformation and upgrading of processing trade, the construction of the inland open test area. Relying on Shangqiu, Zhoukou, Zhumadian, Xinyang, Huang Huai four, construction of the Southeast Henan Province to undertake industrial transfer demonstration zone.


Improve the internal and external opening level. Hold the \Economic Area International Fair for investment and trade \500 enterprises and industry leading enterprises, to set up regional headquarters, R & D center and production base. Promote the qualified enterprises to overseas listing and financing, the active use of foreign preferential loans. Expand high-tech products, mechanical and electrical products with high added value such as export scale, vigorously develop trade in services and service outsourcing, the construction of Zhengzhou foreign trade export base. Actively undertake coastal gradient transfer of processing trade, the construction of a number of processing trade shift focus to undertake. To speed up the implementation of the strategy of going out, encourage and guide the conditional enterprises launch international operations, strengthen investment cooperation in energy, resources, agriculture, manufacturing, marketing network.

第五节 建设郑州航空港经济综合实验区

The fifth section construction of Zhengzhou airport economic comprehensive experimentation area


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Zhengzhou airport as the main body, with comprehensive bonded zone and related industrial park as the carrier, to comprehensive traffic structure, rely on, to the development of air cargo as a breakthrough point, strengthening policy support, deepen the reform and innovation, and actively undertake the transfer of domestic industries, vigorously develop the aviation logistics, aviation preference of high-end manufacturing and modern service industry, to promote cross-border trade e-commerce service pilot, construction of global online shopping goods collection and distribution center, continue to expand the industrial chain, change the upgrade of industry structure and development mode, and strive to basically completed in 2020 the national important aviation port economic zone, become ecological, wisdom, harmonious and livable modern aviation city and the central and western regions of the opening of the new highland, area of Central Plains economy core growth area.


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Zhengzhou airport as the main body, with comprehensive bonded zone and related industrial park as the carrier, to comprehensive traffic structure, rely on, to the development of air cargo as a breakthrough point, strengthening policy support, deepen the reform and innovation, and actively undertake the transfer of domestic industries, vigorously develop the aviation logistics, aviation preference of high-end manufacturing and modern service industry, to promote cross-border trade e-commerce service pilot, construction of global online shopping goods collection and distribution center, continue to expand the industrial chain, change the upgrade of industry structure and development mode, and strive to basically completed in 2020 the national important aviation port economic zone, become ecological, wisdom, harmonious and livable modern aviation city and the central and western regions of the opening of the new highland, area of Central Plains economy core growth area.


