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Part 1: Grammar and Vocabulary.

01. Unpopular as white has been in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown.

句义:白色过去不受人欢迎,现在却成了婚纱的首选。 答案:B 考点:倒装 分析:

as相当于though的意思,使用时可倒装,e.g. Try as she might, Sue couldn't get the door open.

A. Unpopular has as white been

B. Unpopular as white has been C. Unpopular has been as white D. White has been as unpopular

02. What the government should do urgently is to take actions to boost the economy.

句义:政府的当务之急是采取措施促进经济发展。 答案:D 考点:词义辨析 分析: A. brook 容忍

B. blush 因羞愧而脸红 C. brood 焦虑,忧思 D. boost 促进, 激励

03. Windstorms have recently established a record which meteorologists hope will not be equaled for many years to come.

句义:近来的暴风雪创造了一个新记录,而气象学家一直认为如此程度的暴风雪在多年之后才会到来。 答案:B 考点:语意分析 分析:

many years to come 意为“在未来的几年里” A. that will come

B. to come C. that are coming D. coming

04. We expect Mr. Smith will take over Class One when Miss White retires. 句义:我们希望珍妮小姐退休后,怀特先生能够接管一班。

答案:D 考点:词义辨析 分析:

A. take to 开始从事;开始沉湎于 B. take up 开始采用;采取,承担 C. take off 脱去;拿掉 D. take over 接收,接管

05. Tom hardly seems middle-aged, let alone old. 句义:汤姆看上去都不像中年人,更别提老了。 答案:A 考点:固定搭配 分析:

let alone是固定用法,例句:The baby can’t even sit up yet, let alone walk! 这个婴儿连坐都不会呢,更不说走路了 A. let alone

B. less likely C. much worse D. all else

06. All was darkness besides an occasional glimmer in the distance. 句义:到处都漆黑无比,除了远处那若隐若现的微光。 答案:C 考点:词汇用法


except for后面接名词,是除了??以外;besides虽也可以接名词,但是“除??还有”的意思

A. except

B. no more than C. besides D. except for

07. The prospect of increased prices has already provoked worries. 句义:物价上涨的趋势已经引起了人们的恐慌。 答案:B 考点:词义辨析 分析:

A. irritated 使发怒,使急躁 B. provoked 引起;引发 C. inspired


D. hoisted 把??吊起,升起

08. Her father is so deaf that he has to use a hearing aid. 句义:她父亲聋得很厉害,必须用助听器。 答案:A 考点:固定表达 分析:

hearing aids是助听器 A. aid

B. help

C. support D. tool

09. From the cheers and shouts of encouragement, I guessed that she was winning the race.

句义:从欢呼和呐喊的鼓励声中,我猜她赢得了比赛。 答案:D 考点:词义辨析 分析:

A. stimulus 刺激 B. heartening 令人振奋的 C. urging 说服

D. encouragement 鼓励

10. Although the model looks good on the surface; it will not bear close scrutiny. 句义:尽管这个模特外表很漂亮,但经不住从近处细看。 答案:B 考点:词义辨析 分析:

A. temperament 性格,性情,气质 B. scrutiny


C. contamination 致污物 D. symmetry 相似;相仿

