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Second Language Acquisition to Foreign Language Teaching Enlightment from the Perspective of Critical Period Hypothesis
1. Introduction
In the broad sense, “second language” is a language acquired by a person in addition to his mother tongue. Second language learners have a relatively natural language environment, with a number of native-speakers in their round, and they can be as skillful in language use as the natives, or at least close, especially in spoken language. Shu & Zhang pointed out that “acquisition” is used to describe the process of foreign language learning, as a result of the influence of the achievements in L1 acquisition research. Learning often refers to the conscious study of foreign language grammar and rules in the formal settings (e.g. in the classroom). In China, second language mainly refers to English, and a large number of adult learners can not reach the proficiency as natives do even after years of study. It is commonly held by the general public in our country that a huge amount of time, energy and money have been invested into English teaching and learning, but the effect is not satisfying, with “Chinglish”, “mute English” and “deaf English”. Donoghue (1968) and Andersson (1969) claim that children seem capable of learning a foreign language without elaborate training and without retaining much interference from their native language. Lenneberg (1967) put forward the famous Critical Period Hypothesis that suggests the existence of a critical period for language learning, extending from age two to puberty.
2. Critical Period Hypothesis
Lenneberg points out that child can learn a language without difficulty in a few years after it was born, so child can learn a second language as well as a first language
effortlessly. CPH essentially holds that the ability to learn a language is limited to the years before puberty, and after this period of time, most probably as a result of maturational processes in the brain, this ability to learn a language disappears, explaining the reason for foreign accent’s appearance. He also claims that lateralization of the language function is normally completed at puberty, making post-adolescent language acquisition difficult.
3. Methods
From the learners’ perspective, the older students have a better ability in acquiring syntax and grammar, and they can use what they have learned to communicate according to the understanding of culture and social environment. Children learn a new language mainly on memory and imitation, so they can accept the pronunciation fast and correctly under the condition that the teacher has a standard pronunciation. Puberty may be an important turning point in phonology acquisition, just like what Lenneberg has stated “foreign accents cannot be overcome easily after puberty” (1967).
In order to break the barriers, the need for instruction in other languages has led to a variety of educational approaches and methods which are aimed at how a second language learning, such as grammar-translation method, audio-lingual method, and communicative approaches. The most fundamental change in the area of second language learning in recent years has shifted the concern from teachers to the interest in the learner and the acquisition process. Since classroom instruction is a major channel for most Chinese learners to learn a new language, curriculum designers should take foreign contextual knowledge compensation into account. Teachers should create a natural and authentic environment as possible as they can to arouse children’s interest and curiosity, and should provide students with chances to practice the language in communication, giving contexts, roles and tasks that students probably could face one day. Students are expected to interact with each other and with the teacher in “natural” situation, either face
to face, through group work or in their writings. Students can also read authentic materials such newspapers, journals and literary works, or watching films and slides to develop personal contacts with native speakers through various channels.
4. Conclusion
It is necessary to start English learning at the kindergarten and elementary school stage and the learning/teaching should be emphasized in listening and speaking. In this way, the early learning will lay a good foundation for the learners’ future study and achievements. Mutual communication is an efficient way for second language learners to gain achievement step by step.
1. Andersson, T. Foreign Languages in the Elementary School [M]. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1969.
2. Donoghue, M. Foreign Languages and the Elementary School Child [M]. Dubugue: Willam C Brown Publishers, 1968.
3. H. H. Stern. Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching [M]. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1999.
4. Lenneberg, E. Biological Foundations of Language [M]. New York: Wiley & Sons, 1967.
5. Shu Dingfang, Zhuang Zhixiang. Modern Foreign Language Teaching: Theories, Practice and Methods. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1996, 30-33, 34-36.
6. 熊金菊. 年龄差异影响外语学习的研究评述[J]. 长沙大学学报,2006 (4): 136-143.
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8. 徐兴祥. 论儿童第二语言习得 [J]. 重庆大学学报, 2004 (2): 20-24.
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