
更新时间:2023-05-06 12:58:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载






1)修饰可数名词与不可数名词:some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of


3)只修饰不可数名词的有:much, (a)little, a great deal of



1、a student's room, students' rooms, father's shoes。

2、Children's Day

3、a friend of my father's

4、a twenty minutes' walk,ten miles' journey,a boat's length,two pounds' weight, ten dollars' worth。


5、a map of China,the end of this term,the capital of our country, the color of the flowers。(说明:无生命名词的所有格则必须用of结构)

6、Li Lei and Wang Fei's bedroom, an hour and a half's talk


7、Jim's and Peter's desks; Joe's and David's books




I.voice, noise, sound, music


III.place , floor, room , ground

IV.work, job


1)Help yourself to _________.

A. some chickens

B. a chicken

C. some chicken

D. any chicken

答案: C (选择A的同学要注意chicken当鸡肉讲时不可数)

2)________ it is today!

A. What fine weather

B. What a fine weather

C. How a fine weather

D. How fine a weather


答案: A. (选择B的同学要注意weather不可数. 选择C和D的同学要注意weather是名词, 要用what来感叹.)

3) Which is the way to the __________?

A. shoe factory

B. shoes factory

C. shoe‘s factory

D. shoes‘ fa ctory

答案: A. (选择D的同学注意这里不是指名词所有格, 而是名词作形容词的用法.类似的用法如: pencil box; school bag等.)

4) This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them.

A. are studying

B. is studying

C. be studying

D. studying

答案: A. (选择B的同学要注意, 当这种概念名词当―人‖讲的时候要做复数处理.类似的还有: the police are running after the thief等)






1. ---What would you like to drink, ________ or orange?

---Orange, please.

A. hamburger

B. chip

C. coke

D. icecream

2.--- They are thirsty. Will you please give them ______ ?

--- Certainly.

A. some bottles of waters

B. some bottles of water

C. some bottle of water

D. some bottle of waters

3.The ________are going to fly to Beijing.

A. Germen

B. Germany

C. Germanys

D. Germans

4.What‘s your _______ for being late again?

A. idea

B. key

C. excuse

D. news

5.--- It‘s dangerous here. We‘d better go out quickly.

--- But I think we should let _______ go out first.

A. woman and children

B. women and child

C. woman and child

D. women and children

6.--- You can see Mr. Smith if there is a sign ―_______ ‖on the door of his shop.

--- Thanks.





7.Are they going to have a picnic on _______ ?

A. Children‘s Day

B. Children s‘s Day

C. Childrens Day

D. Children Day



9.There is still orange here, but people wan

A. little, little B

10.I have never read any books of


B. Mark Twain

C. Charles Dickens

D. Bill Gates


1.Twelve were hurt, but no were lost in tha

A. person, life B

2.One of the family



3.There are some foreigners talking in the room. They are two ,three and two


4.The sign ―BUSINESS HOURS‖ can be seen in a





-But there is not enough

C. room

D. ground

7.These _________ have saved many children‘s lives.

A. woman doctors

B. women doctor

C. women doctors

D. woman doctor

8.Yesterday Xiao Min bought a new pair of .It is made of

A. glass; glass

B. glasses; glass

C. glasses; glasses

D. glass; glasses


-Every morning he takes a to his office.


10.I went to the shop to buy a dict


11.-Do you think selling vegetables



12.You should take more _______. Don‘t always s it at the desk busy doing your_______.

A. exercise,exercise

B. exercises,exercises

C. exercises,exercise

D. exercise,exercises

13.She was born in Wuhan,but Beijing has become her second_______ .

A. home

B. family

C. house

D. country

14._____ day we‘re having today!

A. What a fine

B. How fine

C. What fine a

D. What fine

15.What did the headmaster say about Jim‘s ______?

A. two-months holiday

B. two months‘ holidays

C. two-month holiday

D. two month‘s holiday

16.一Where is David?

一Oh, he is reading___ under the tall tree in the garden.


A.several papers B.several paper C.a piece of paper D.a paper

17.一The Internet is so convenient that we can get all ________we wanted.

—That‘s right. It is very helpful in our li ves now.

A.the information B.an information

C.the informations D.information

18.--- What about Mr.Black‘s speech?

--- Wonderful! There were ____ people there.

A. a large number of B.much C.a great deal of D. lots


Yesterday my mother went into a shop to buy some fruit and v1.She put her basket and her handbag down on a table and went to buy some apples. She was going to pay them when she found the handbag was gone! The basket was on the table, but the handbag was not. My mother w

Suddenly there was a lot of n 2at the door of the shop, and two p 3came in. They were holding a man and my m 4bag. One of them asked my mother how m 5 money she had.




1)基数词读法:年,月,日,时刻的读法,如2007年六月十三日读作:June (the) thirteenth, two thousand and seven


2)表示一个具体数字时,hundred, thousand, million, billion一律不用复数;在表示一个不确定数字时则用复数。例如:

There are three thousand students in our school.

After the war, thousands of people became homeless.


如:They arrived in twos and threes.他们三三两两的到达了。

4)表示"几十岁",例如:He died still in his forties.

5)表示"年代",用in +the +数词复数;



The first truck is carrying a foot baskets.


We'll have to do it a second time.


3) 注意较为容易拼写错误的序数词及其缩写形式:one---first, two---second, three---third, five---fifth, eight---eighth, nine---ninth, twelve---twelfth。

缩写形式:first→1st second→2nd third→3rd fourth→4th twenty-second→22nd

4) 表示分数时,分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示。分子大于1时,分母加-s。例如:three fourths, one second, two fifths



主语+谓语+倍数(或分数)+ as + adj. + as

I have three times as many as you.我有你三倍那么多。


1.We will have a _________ holiday after the exam.

A. two month

B. two-month

C. two mo nth‘s

D. two-months

答案: B (选择C的同学要注意应用two months‘; 选择D的同学要注意名词之间有―—― 后的组合词当作形容词来用, 因此就不用所有格形式了.)

2.._______ trees are cut down in the forests every year.

A. Thousand

B. Thousands

C. Thousand of

D. Thousands of

答案: D. (选择C的同学注意词组记忆的准确性)

3.Our sports meeting will be held ________.

A. on 24, Tuesday, April

B. in April 24, Tuesday

C. on Tuesday, April 24

D. in April Tuesday 24

答案: C. (选B的同学是受到中文的影响,要特别注意中英文的差异)


a seven-year-

4. Our school will hold a sports meeting next week. Tom and I will be in boys' .




答案: C. 800来修饰race,有两种表达法,800-metre race或

5. I'm very hungry, I have eaten two cakes, would you please give me one?

答案: C. 序数词前加不定冠词,表示―又一,再一‖,表示another。


A. Four three

B. Three four

C. Three fourth

D. Three fourths

答案: D. 此题考查分数的写法,如果分子大于1,分母用复数。

例6We will have


A. four weeks

B. a four-

答案: B. 此题为一个四星期的假期,数词+名词用作定语。




1.---How many workers are there in your factory?

---There are two __________.

A. hundreds

B. hundred

C. hundred of

D. hundreds of

2.About ________ students in our class can describe that place in English.

A. three-fifths

B. three-fifth

C. third-five

D. third-fifths

3.---Can you write the number eighty-five thousand, six hundred and twenty-six?

---Yes, it is __________.

A. 856620

B. 85626

C. 58662

D. 58626

4.. When was the PRC founded? It was founded on _________.

A. July 1, 1921

B. October 1, 1949

C. August 1, 1927

D. May 1, 1922

5.. _______ Chinese are looking for ways to learn English well before Beijing 2008 Olympics.

A. Thousand

B. Thousands

C. Thousand of

D. Thousands of

6.Mr Zhang teaches at

A. a No.5


C. the

7.John lives on


B. twentieth

C. the twentieth

D. the twentyth

8.He has worked on the farm for

9.Xiao Mao and Da Mao are in


A.42 size

B. Size 42


1.It is said that SARS has killed more than ________ people worldwide.

A. three hundreds

B. three hundreds‘

C. three hundred‘s

D. three hundred

2.-What do you think of a war, Li Ming?

-I‘ve no idea. But it‘s a fact that _______ people had to leave their hometown during the War on Iraq.


A. three millions

B. million of

C. millions of

D. several millions

3.We all think that the _______ century will bring us more hopes.

A. twenty-first

B. twentieth-first

C. twenty-one

D. twentieth-one 4.Both of the two rulers are broken. I want to buy a _______one.

A. three

B. third

C. forth

D. /

5. I heard the sports meeting has been put off until _______, hasn‘t it?

A. the 3 and 4

B. the 3th and 4 th

C. the 3rd and 4 th

D. four and five

6. _______ of the earth _______ made up of oceans.

A. Two-third; is

B. Two-thirds; is

C. Two-third; are

D. Two-thirds; are

7. Since 1964, _______ satellites have been sent into space.

A. dozens of

B. four dozens

C. dozen of

D. several dozens

8. Jack Booth is a _______ man.

A. 21-years-old

B. 21 years old

C. 21-year-old

D. 21 year old

9. I‘ve lived here for about _______.

A. two and a half year

B. two and a half years

C. two year and a half

D. two years and half

10.---Dad, what‘s the sea like?

---Well, it‘s large and full of water. It covers about _____ of the earth.

A. one third

B. three quarter

C. three-fourth

D. three quarters






















3) 名词前已有this, that, my, your, some, any, no, each, every等代词作定语时,不用冠词。

4) 在表示家庭成员名称,称呼语,表示头衔或职务的名词前不加冠词。

5) 表示某一类人或事物的复数名词前。


at table at the table at desk at the desk

at school at the school by sea by the sea

go to sea go to the sea go to school go to the school

go to bed go to the bed go to hospital go to the hospital

in class in the class in bed in the bed

in prison in the prison in hospital in the hospital

in place of in the place of in case of in the case of

in future in the future next year the next year

on earth on the earth take place take the place

in front of n the front of out of question out of the question

two of us /the two of us

a teacher and writer a teacher and a writer


1It's time for dinner. Kings are at

答案: C. 在姓氏复数前用the表示一家人,就餐用

2-What d

-I often have bread and

答案: A. 物质名词前一般不用冠词。

3Don't give up, try for

答案: B. 根据题意,请再试一次,序数词second前加a,表示another。

4Would you go for walk with me after

答案: B. go for a walk为固定搭配,三餐前不加冠词。

5There isn't water or air on the moon, and


答案: D. 当man表示人类时,前面不加冠词。

6more you read English,

答案: A. 定冠词the用于比较级中,表示越…,越…。




一. 单项填空

1.More college graduates would like to work in west part of our country______

A. the, the


C./,the D

2.He hit his sister in


3.-Have you seen

-Is it

A. a, the

B. the, the

C. the, a D

4.There's ―u‖ and ―s‖ in word ―use‖.

A. an, a, the

B. a, an,×

C. a, a, a D


-Oh, I saw old woman sitting on a chair by the lake. Maybe she is.

A. a B

6.-Do you see man with dog?

-Oh, Yes,

A. the, a, The B

7.next morning, she went to school without breakfast.

A. The, the, the

B. Th

8.-How do you like


A. the, a

B. a, the C

9.---What‘s the matter with you?

---I caught ________ bad cold and had to stay in ________bed.

A. a;/

B. a; the

C. a; a

D. the; the

10.---Have you seen _______ pen? I left it here this morning.

---Is it ________ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.

A. a; the

B. the; the

C. the; a

D. a; a



1. I‘m going to see my mother. She is ill ____.

A. in hospital

B. in the hospital

C. in a hospital

D. at a hospital

2. We have three meals ___day. We have _______breakfast at 6:30 in ___morning every


A. the,the,the

B. the,/,the

C. a,/,the D .a,the,the

3.——Tina,could you please play____piano for me while I‘m singing?

——With pleasure.

A .a B. an C. the D. /

4. -- What is ______ most useful invention in the 20th century?

-- ______ computer, I think.

A. the; A

B. a; A

C. the; The

D. /; the

5. Can you see ______ one-eyed cow in ______ field?

A. an; the

B. a; the

C. /; the

D. a; a

6. My friend Bob likes to play ______ basketball before ______ supper.

A. the; the

B. /; the

C. the; /

D. /; /

7. ____ Guangzhou today is more beautiful now. Mr. Jackson said he would visit it ____ third time.

A. The; a

B. The; the

C. /; a

D. /; the

8. I think this is ______ useful dictionary.

A. very a

B. very an

C. quite a

D. quite an

9. -- Did you have ______ good time yesterday afternoon?

-- Yes. It is ______ pleasure to fly kites on sunny spring days.

A. a; a

B. a; the

C. the; a

D. a; /

10. -- How far is it from our school to ______ seaside?

-- It is ______ eight-kilometer walk from here.

A. the; an

B. /; an

C. the; a

D. /; a


On fine morning in May, my classmates and I went to visit university. It is one of ____biggest universities in our city. We saw students of university were studying. We talked with old professor .He told us a lot about his university. At half past ten we said goodbye to professor of university and came back to school. We had a good time that day because we learned a lot from visit.




基础题:1-5 CBDCD 6-10 BADBA

提高题:1-5 BAAAD 6-10 CCBDA 11-15 CDAAC 16-18 CAA

综合填空1. vegetables 2. noise 3. policemen 4. mother‘s 5. much


基础题:1-5 BABCD 6-10 BCBCB

提高题:1-5 DCABC 6-10 B ACDD



at table 在进餐 at the table 在桌子旁边at desk 在读书 at the desk 在课桌旁

at school 在上学 at the school 在学校里by sea乘船by the sea在海边

go to sea出海go to the sea去海边go to school 去上学 go to the school(因事)去学校

go to bed 上床睡觉 go to the bed 在床上go to hospital 去看病 go to the hospital 去医院

in class 在上课 in the class 在班级里面in bed 卧床 in the bed 在床上

in prison 坐牢 in the prison(因事)在监狱in hospital 住院 in the hospital(因事)在医院

in place of 代替 in the place of 在...的地方in case of 万 in the case of 就...来说

in future从今以后,将来in the future未来next year明年the next year 第二年

on earth究竟on the earth在地球上,在世上take place 发生 take the place 代替

in front of在…(外部的)前面in the front of在…(内部的)前面

out of question 毫无疑问 out of the question 完全不可能

two of us我们当中的两人/the two of us我们两人(共计两人)

a teacher and writer一位教师兼作家a teacher and a writer一位教师和一位作家

基础题:1-5 C DADDB 6-10 BBCAD

提高题:1-5 ACCCB 6-10 CCCDA


On a fine morning in May, my classmates and I went to visit a university. It is one of the biggest universities in our city. We saw the students of the university were studying. We talked with an old professor .He told us a lot about his university. At half past ten we said goodbye to the professor of the university and came back to / school. We had a good time that day because we learned a lot from the visit.






[例] ---I‘ll plan a visit to Hong Kong if it ____ tomorrow .

--- Really ? I think I ________with you .

A. don‘t rain , go

B. won‘t rai n , go

C. isn‘t rain , will go

D. doesn’t rain , will go


一般过去时与过去完成时,一般过去时与过去进行时,一般过去时与过去将来时[例] He was sure that he his wallet in the office .

A. left

B. would leave

C. had left

D. has left

[例] When she _____ at the door, my mother _____ some washing.

A. knocked... did B. was knocking (i)

C. knocked… was doing

D. knocks… is doing



[例] ----______ you ever ________ Tom before ?

---- No, I _____ him just two minutes ago.

A. Did, know ; met

B. Have, known ; have met

C. Have, known; met

D. Did, know; had met


[例] Mr. Smith _____ short stories, but he ____ a TV play these days.

A. is writing…is writing

B. is writing… writes

C. writes… is writing

D. writes… writes


[例] — How did the accident happen?

— You know, it difficult to see the road clearly because it .

A. was…was raining

B. was…had rained

C. is…is raining

D. was…rained



[例] -- How long ______ you __________England , Sue ?

-- Since two years ago.

A. have, been to

B. have , gone to

C. have , been in

D. have , moved to


[例] It ______ two years since he _______ the Party.

A. is; has joined

B. was; joined

C. has been; joined

D. had been; joined


[例] The meeting has been off for two hours .


It _______________________since _______________.

The meeting ___________________two hours ago.



[例] When I _____ the Children's Palace, the children _____ with joy.

A. visited… was jumping

B. was visiting , jumped

C. visited… jumped

D. visited , had jumped

[例] My father ______________in this school when he was 12 years old .

A. study

B. was studying

C. would study

D. studied


[例] My sister to see me . She‘ll be here soon.

A. comes

B. is coming

C. had come

D. came


[例] ----______ you ______ the text?

---- Yes, we _____ it two hours ago.

A. Did, copy; did

B. Have, copied; have copied

C. Have, copied; did

D. Did, copy; had


[例] ---Hi! Kelly . I didn't see you at the party.

---Oh, I ________ ready for the maths exam.

A. am getting

B. was getting

C. got

D. have got


[例] The teacher told us yesterday that December 25 ________Christmas Day.

A. is

B. was

C. has been

D. will be


[例] --- I am so sorry , I ____________your number , can you say it again ?

--- 89907622

A. had forgotten

B. have forgetton

C. forgot

D. foget



1)---Could you tell me whether he ___________it over before he cut down the trees ?

--- I am not sure .

A. will think

B. would think

C. had thought

D. thought

2) .—Is John going away?

— I think so . He for a better job, but he didn‘t get it.

A. had hoped

B. was hoped

C. hoping

D. has hoped

3) ---Bad luck! The film ______ already _____ for half an hour before we came here.


---Don‘t worry. Let‘s watch another one then.

A. had, begun

B. has, been on

C. had, been on

D. has, begun

4)More than two months ____ already.

A. passed

B. have past

C. has passed

D. have passed

5) In the past three years there great changes in Beijing.

A. are

B. will be

C. has been

D.have been

6) __Rick! Your clothes is wet through. Didn‘t you listen to the weather report this morning?

__No, I didn‘t. I was in a hurry. Besides, it _____when I left.

A. hadn‘t rained

B. wasn’t raining

C. rained

D. would rain

7) ---Where were you last night ?

--- I had too much work to do yesterday, so I _______ the office until midnight, .

A. hadn‘t left

B. didn’t leave

C. wouldn‘t leave

D. hasn‘t left

8) --- What you usually do in the afternoon during your holiday?

--- I used to with my friends in a cafe .

A. do, have a drink

B. do, having a drink

C. did, have a drink

D. will, have a drink

9) --They ________ about their teacher when he _______ in.

-- So was he angry with that?

A. had talked… came

B. talked…was coming

C. would talk…came

D. were talking…came

10) ---Can I help you, sir?

---Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday, but it .

A. didn’t work

B. won‘t work

C. hasn‘t worked

D. doesn‘t work

11) John isn‘t here now. He ______ Japan. But he ______ in two days.

A. has been to, will come back

B. has gone to, will be back

C. has been in, won‘t come back

D. has gone to, won‘t come back

12) The Greens _____ Beijing in a week

A. is moving to

B. is moving

C. will move

D. are moving to

13) ---Why didn‘t he go with us ?

--- He _____ there several times .

A. has been to

B. had been to

C. has been

D. had been

14)--- How long have you learnt English ?

--- _____ since I began to study English .

A. It passed five years

B. It’s five years

C. It had been five years

D. It was five years

15) While he ______ NBA Games in the sitting room, his mother _______ .

A. watched,was doing some cleaning

B. was watching, was doing some cleaning

C. was watching, did some cleaning

D. watched, did some cleaning

16) --- You meant when you got home , your mother _____ supper .


--- Yes . so we had supper at once .

A. was cooking

B. cooked

C. had cooked

D. would cook

17) ---Mum , My grandfather often ____ me stories when I was a child , I remembered it clearly.

--- So _________ . He loves you very much .

A. was telling, did he

B. tells , he does

C. told, did he

D. told , he did

18) --- I haven‘t written a letter to him for a long time. How about you ?

--- Well, I _________just now .

A. wrote it

B. wrote one

C. did it

D. did one


The film was put on in that cinema four days ago.

The film ___________________________________four days ago.

The market opened last year.

The market ________________________for _______________________.

My friend went to Beijing last year. She is still in Beijing.

My friend

He came here five years ago.


It‘s five years since he left Wuhan.

He for five years .

I have had this book for three years.

It he bought this book .






I don’t know what was the matter with her.

Do you know who Father Christmas is?

② could, would等引导的主句是一直礼貌用语而不是一般过去时态。

Could you tell me where he lives(易用成lived)?

Would you please let me know where the principle is(易用成was)?


The teacher said, "The earth goes round the sun."

→The teacher said(that)the earth goes round the sun.







ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth.来转换;直接引语是特殊疑问句时需保留疑问词、

把问句改为陈述句还要注意时态和人称的变化;直接引语是一般疑问句时用if 或






1. —Excuse me.Could you tell me _____ get to the station?

—Certainly.Turn right at the end of the road and you can't miss it.

A.how can we B.how we can C.when can we D.when we can

2. --- Do you still remember________ at the meeting.

--- Sorry! I was so sleepy at that time.

A. whether the headmaster said

B. what the headmaster said

C. if the headmaster said

D. what did the headmaster say

3. I wondered a famous singer because her voice wasn‘t so beautiful.

A. whether Lily would become

B. if Lily will become


C. weather Lily would become

D. if would Lily become

4. --- Nobody was sure in 2000 when I was born.

--- How time flies! You are 20 now.

A. what life would be like

B. what would life be like

C. what be would life like

D. life would be like what

5. --- Mother didn‘t tell me .

--- But I did call you this morning and she took a message.

A. if you will go shopping with me

B. whether you will go shopping with me

C. that you will go shopping with me

D. if you would go shopping with me

6. The teacher told the students .

A. the earth went around the sun

B. that the earth go around the sun

C. the earth goes around the sun

D. that the earth went around the sun

7. --- Tom never gets lost in HongKong.

--- He said that there for a long time.

A. he has lived

B. he had lived

C. he was living

D. he have lived

8. --- Do you know at that moment? --- No. I wasn‘t there then.

A. what were they doing

B. what they did

C. what they were doing

D. what did they do

9. --- I want to know . --- Acturally, it‘s her dog.

A. who is she looking for

B. who she is looking

C. who is she looking

D. who she is looking for

10. --- Have you decided for Canada? --- Not yet.

A. when will you leave

B. when you will leave

C. when are you leaving

D. when you leaving

11. --- Could you tell me ? --- At about ten.

A. what time did your father arrive home

B. what time does your father arrive home

C. when your father arrived home

D. when your arrives home

12. Jim asked Lucy feed their cat.

A. doesn‘t forget to

B. didn‘t forget to

C. not to forget to

D. to forget to


1. He said _____ everyone was here except Lin Feng.

A.that B.what C.when D.where

2. --- Could you tell me________?


--- It‘s a secret.

A .where do you live B. who you are waiting for

C. who were you waiting for

D. where you live in

3. Would you please tell me ?

A. if he came back

B. when did he came back

C. whether would he come back

D. when will he come back

4. Andy really didn‘t know to help the dying old woman.

A. what to do

B. how could he do

C. whether he can do

D. what can he did

5. Do you know best of the three?

A. which book he likes

B. what book he likes

C. which book doe she like

D. what book does he like

6. I don’t know when she , but when she , I will let you know.

A. arrive, will arrive

B. will arrive, arrives

C. arrives, arrives

D. will arrive, will arrive

7. I can't understand ________ the boy alone.

A. why she left

B. why did she leave

C. why had she left

D. why she had left

8. Can you guess ?

A. if the man is in white a footballer

B. that is the man in white a footballer

C. whether the man in white is a footballer

D. if the man in white is a footballer or not

9. Miss Chen wants to know or not, then she can do something for it.

A. if they will come here

B. whether they will come here

C. if will they come here

D. weather they will come here



1. ‘Please open the windows!’ Mum said to Lucy.

Mum Lucy .

2. Lily wanted to know, ‘how much is the pencil-box?’

Lily wanted to know .

3. ?Where was I born?‘ Can you guess?

Can you guess _____ _____________ _________?


4. ?Your classmates will visit Miss Wang this Sunday.‘ Mr Li said to me.

Mr Li told me .

5. ?What does your sister prefer?‘ I wonder.

I wonder ___________ ____.

6. ?Light travels much faster than sound.‘ Everybody in our class knew .

Everybody in our class knew .

7. Jim’ mother wants to know. ‘Does Jim study hard at school?’

Jim’ mother wants to know .

8. A foreigner asked me in the street, ‘Which is the way to the Tim Mall?’

A foreigner asked me in the street .

9. ‘Is your father a reprter?’ Lucy asked me.

Lucy asked me .

10. ‘Don’t be late next time!’ Mrs Liu said to John.

Mrs Liu John .


1. ‘Who is the little girl in red?’ No one knows.

No one knows .

2. ?Please take good care of my dog when I am away.‘ Mrs White said to her.

Mrs White her .

3. The doctor said to me, ‘don’t smoke any more.’

The doctor _____________ __________ .

4.‘Jack, could you open the window for me, please?’ Mr Smith said.

Mr Smith ______ Jack ____________________ the window .

5. ?What time did he get up this morning?‘ Please tell us.

Please tell us _____________ ____ ____________.

6. Our classteacher said to him yesterday, ‘please come early next time.’Yesterday our classteacher _______ him ______ _____.

7. ‘Can you come here at once?’ The manager asked Kate on the phone.

The manager asked Kate on the phone .

8. The police want to find out, ‘Is there a picture of the lost boy in the newspaper?’

The police wants to find out .








1. asked, to open the window

2. how much the pencil-box was

3. where I was born

4. my classmates would visit Miss Wang that Sunday

5. what your sister prefers

6. light travels much faster than sound

7. if Jim studies hard at school

8. which is the way to the Tim Mall

9. if my father was a reprter

10. told, not to be late next time

2. 提高题

1.who the little girl in red is

2. asked, to take good care of her dog when she was away.

3. told me not to smoke any more

4. asked, if he could open, for him

5. what time he got up this/ that morning

6. asked, to come early the next time

7. if she could come here / go there at once

8. if there is a picture of the boy in the newspaper











