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人文知识部分的考察一共有10道题目,包括四道文化题目、三道文学题目、三道语言学题目。纵观历年真题,英语语言学部分主要考察语言学的概念,并根据概念进行实例分析。 Part One: General Ideas and Conecpts about Linguistics

1. 语言的基本特征:任意性、二重性、创造性、移位性和文化传递性。

2. 语言学的基本概念:口语与书面语、共时与历时、语言与言语、语言能力与语言运用、语言潜势与语言行为。 3. 语音学:发音器官的英文名称、英语辅音的发音部位和发音方法、语音学的定义,发音语音学、听觉语音学、


4. 音位学:音位理论、最小对立体,自由变异、互补分布、语音的相似性、区别性特征、超音段音位学、音节、


5. 词法学:词法的定义、曲折词与派生词、构词法、词素的定义、词素变体、自由词素、粘着词素等。 6. 句法:句法的定义、范畴、短语规则、句子规则,表层结构和深层结构、转换与生成。 7. 语义学:语义的定义、语义的有关理论、意义种类、词汇意义关系、句子语义关系。

8. 语用学:语用学的定义、语义学与语用学的区别、语境与意义、言语行为理论、合作原则语言变化: 9. 语言的发展变化(词汇变化、语音书写文字、语法变化、语义变化) 10. 语言与社会:社会语言学的概念、语言变体、语域、双语现象与双言制。

11. 语言思维与文化:语言与文化的定义、萨皮尔-沃尔夫假说、语言与思维的关系、语言与文化的关系、中西文


12. 语言习得“语言习得的基本理论、语言习得的认知因素、语言环境与关键期假设,语言习得的过程、语言习得


13. 二语习得:母语习得与二语习得之间的关系、对比分析、错误分析、中介语、输入假说。个体差异等。 14. 语言与大脑:神经语言学与心理语言学的基本概念。

Part Two: 真题分析与讲解(2005-2008)

TEM 8 2005

1. Syntax is the study of . A. language functions B. sentence structures C. textual organization D. word formation

2. Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of human language? A. Arbitrariness B. Productivity

C. Cultural transmission D. Finiteness

3. The speech act theory was first put forward by .



A. John Searle B. John Austin C. Noam Chomsky D. M.A.K. Halliday TEM 8 2006

1. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is the notion of . A. reference B. meaning C. antonymy D. context 2. The words “kid, child, offspring” are examples of .

A. dialectal synonyms B. stylistic synonyms C. emotive synonyms D. collocational synonyms 3. The distinction between parole and langue was made by . A. Halliday B. Chomsky C. Bloomfield D. Saussure

TEM 8 2007

1. The distinctive features of a speech variety may be all the following EXCEPT . A. lexical B. syntactic C. phonological D. psycholinguistic

2. The word “tail” once referred to “the tail of a horse”, but now it is used to mean “the tail of any animal.” This is an example of .

A. widening of meaning B. narrowing of meaning C. meaning shift D. loss of meaning

3. refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules of word formation. A. Phonology B. Morphology C. Semantics D. Sociolinguistics

TEM 8 2008

1. Which of the following is NOT a design feature of human language? A. Arbitrariness B. Displacement C. Duality D. Diachronicity

2. What type of sentence is “Mark likes fiction, but Tim is interested in poetry.”? A. A simple sentence B. A coordinate sentence C. A complex sentence D. None of the above

3. The phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form is called . A. hyponymy B. synonymy C. polysemy D. homonymy

Part Three: 语言学概论精选习题(100题)

1. Which of the following statements about language is NOT true? A. Language is a system B. Language is symbolic C. Animals also have languages D. Language is arbitrary 2. Which of the following choices is NOT a constituent? A. I like the song. B. I C. song D. like

3. Of the following sound combinations, only is permissible. A. kibl B. bkil C. ilkb D. ilbk

4. The relation between the determiner “this” and the noun “man” in the phrase “this man” is . A. government B. concord C. binding D. paradigmatic

5. The sentence that has an NP and a VP is mostly shown in a formula “S→NP+VP”. A. hierarchical B. linear C. tree diagram D. vertical 6. “Big” and “small” are a pair of opposites.

A. complementary B. gradable C. complete D. converse 8. Arbitrariness of language was first discussed by .



A. Chomsky B. Halliday C. Firth D. Saussure 9. Which pair of words is NOT a minimal pair?

A. cat/bat B. put/but C. jig/pig D. sit/bit 10. Which function is the major role of language?

A. Informative B. International C. Performative D. Emotive

11. If two sounds are in complementary distribution, they are of the same phoneme. A. symbols B. allophones C. phones D. signs

12. Which branch of study CANNOT be included in the scope of linguistics? A. Syntax B. Pragmatics C. Phonetics D. Anthropology 13. Atom is a word of origin.

A. Latin B. Greek C. Arabic D. Spanish 14. The distinction of language and parole is made by .

A. Halliday B. Sapir C. Chomsky D. Saussure

15. are bound morpheme because they cannot be used as separate words. A. Roots B. Stems C. Affixes D. Compounds

16. is the study of the relationship between symbols and their interpreter. A. Syntax B. Semantics C. Pragmatics D. sociolinguistics

17. is the defining properties of units like nouns (number, gender, case, etc.) and verbs (tense, aspect, voice, etc.).

A. Parts of speech B. Word classes C. Categories D. Functions of words 18. The noun “tear” and the verb “tear” are .

A. homophones B. homographs C. complete homonyms D. allophones

19. The function of language is one of the most powerful uses of language because it is so crucial in changing the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or something. A. performative B. phatic C. recreational D. emotive

20. The term may be defined as a way of referring to the approach which studies language changes over various periods of time and at various historical stages.

A. synchronic linguistics B. comparative linguistics C. diachronic linguistics D. anthropological linguistics 21. examines how meaning is encoded in a language.

A. Semantics B. Syntax C. Pragmatics D. Morphology

22. Saussure distinguishes the linguistics competence of the speaker as . A. parole B. language C. system D. langue

23. This fundamental distinction between competence and performance is discussed by . A. Chomsky B. Saussure C. Bloomfield D. Austin

24. An affix can be added to certain type of to form a new word. A. infix B. affix C. stem D. word

25. In a sentence, which of the following is usually NOT stressed?

A. Nouns B. Verbs C. Prepositions D. Adjectives

26. The maxim of requires that a participant?s contribution be relevant to the conversation. A. quantity B. quality C. manner D. relation 27. The relationship between “meat” and “meet” is .

A. synonymy B. antonymy C. polysemy D. homonymy

28. That there is no direct link between language and the real world is the view of concerning the study of meaning.

A. naming B. conceptualist C. contextualist D. behaviourist 29. What are the dual structures of language?



A. Sounds and letters B. Sounds and meaning C. Letters and vocal cords D. Sounds and symbols 30. Where are the vocal cords?

A. In the mouth B. In the nasal cavity C. Above the tongue D. Inside the larynx 31. Which of the following statements about language is NOT true? A. Language is a means of verbal communication. B. Language is some arbitrary symbols.

C. The language system is unique to human being. D. Language is yet to be understood.

32. studies the sound system in a certain language.

A. Phonetics B. Phonology C. Semantics D. Syntax

33. is the smallest unit of language in terms of relationship between expression and content. A. Root B. Allomorph C. Morpheme D. Word

34. A speaker?s actual utterance in Chomsky?s terminology is called . A. deep structure B. linguistic universals C. universal grammar D. surface structure

35. A word with several meanings is called a(n) word.

A. polysemous B. synonymous C. abnormal D. multiple

36. The study of how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication is . A. general linguistics B. phonology C. semantics D. morphology 37. Leech divided meanings into types. A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

38. English has managed to widen her vocabulary by borrowing words form other language EXCEPT . A. French B. Korean C. Latin D. Greek 39. Distinctive features are used to describe .

A. phones B. phonology C. allophones D. phonemes

40. The English word “untouchable” is composed of morphemes. A. four B. three C. two D. five

41. The process by which words are formed by putting the initial letters of several words together is called .

A. compounding B. clipping C. acronym D. blending 42. “The Adam?s Apple” is .

A. a kind of apple B. related to Adam

C. the front part of larynx D. on the top of larynx 43. The founder of modern linguistics is .

A. Chmosky B. Halliday C. Bloomfield D. Saussure

44. Modern linguistics focuses on the present day language, and it will be possible to describe language from a perspective.

A. sociological B. synchronic C. diachronic D. psychological 45. The four major modes of semantic change are . A. extension, narrowing, meaning shift and class shift B. extension, generalization, elevation and degradation C. extension, narrowing, specialization and degradation D. extension, elevation, amelioration and degradation

46. In the production of consonants at least articulators are involved. A. one B. two C. three D. four



47. The basic unit in the study of morphology is . A. the internal structure B. morpheme C. the rules by which words are formed D. word

48. The relation between “food” and “bread” is called .

A. synonymy B. polysemy C. homonymy D. hyponymy 49. Voiceless sounds are produced when the vocal folds are .

A. closed B. apart C. totally closed D. completely open 50. Which of the following is NOT a compound word?

A. Pencil box B. Unreasonable C. Deadline D. Upstairs 51. involve more than one manner of articulation.

A. Stops B. Fricatives C. Affricates D. Laterals 52. Which is NOT true for the vowel /i/ ?

A. High B. Unrounded C. Mid D. Front

53. The sentence “I apologize!” belongs to the category of according to the speech act theory. A. expressive B. performative C. representative D. consultative 54. General linguistics is the scientific study of .

A. language of a certain individual B. the English language \\

C. human languages in general D. the system of a particular language 55. The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in .

A. the place of articulation B. the obstruction of airstreams C. the position of the tongue D. the shape of the lips

56. studies how speech sounds are made, transmitted and received. A. Phonetics B. Phonology C. Phoneme D. Phonics

57. sounds are produced with the back of the tongue and soft palate. A. Velar B. Palatal C. Glottal D. Alveolar

58. is concerned with the study of the actual use of language in communication. A. Sociolinguistics B. Semantics C. Pragmatics D. Synchronic linguistics 59. Where is the primary stress of the word “phonology”? A. pho B. no C. lo D. gy

60. refers to the utterance of a sentence with determinate sense and reference. A. Locutionary act B. illocutionary act C. Elocutionary act D. speech act 61. Which of the following words is built by abbreviation? A. Smog B. Fridge C. Motel D. Edit

62. Chomsky believes that language is somewhat innate, and that children are born with what he calls a LAD. What does LAD stand for?

A. Language associative district B. Language acquisition district C. Language associative device D. Language acquisition device

63. The semantic components of the word “man” can be expressed as . A. +animate, +human, +male, adult B. +animate, +human, +male, +adult C. +animate, +human, -male, -adult D. +animate, +human, -male, +adult

64. A(n) is the smallest unit of sound in a language, which can distinguish two words. A. morpheme B. sound C. phoneme D. allophone 65. Productivity is one of the features of language.

A. distinctive B. design C. suprasegmental D. pragmatic 66. What is the common feature of the three sounds: /b/, /p/, and /m/? A. Voiceless B. Voiced C. Nasal D. Bilabial

67. Which of the following items is NOT one of the grammatical categories of English pronouns?


