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(一) 单选题

1. In order to win the competition,they practiced the song _______.

(A) over and again

(B) over and over again (C) again and over

(D) again and again over

参考答案: (B)


2. I thought Jim would say something about his school report, but he _______ it.

(A) doesn’t mention (B) didn’t mention (C) hasn’t mentioned (D) haven’t mentioned

参考答案: (B)


3. My sister _______ on her best clothes and left for the party.

(A) put (B) puts (C) will put (D) is putting

参考答案: (A)


4. 3. I was afraid the sickness had sapped my strength.

(A) accelerated (B) loosened (C) increased (D) gradually weakened


参考答案: (D)


5. They won’t buy new clothes because they _______ money to buy a new house.

(A) save (B) are saving (C) have saved (D) were saving

参考答案: (B)


6. He was so busy that he _________ his health.

(A) reviewed (B) ignored (C) neglected (D) regarded

参考答案: (C)


7. In spite of his ________ quietness, George is very aggressive.

(A) outward (B) coward (C) reward (D) inward

参考答案: (A)


8. _______ trees makes our environment better.

(A) Plant (B) Planted

(C) Having planted (D) Planting


参考答案: (D)


9. Unemployment in this country is quite high, especially the senior workers.

(A) junior (B) early

(C) experienced (D) elderly

参考答案: (D)


10. So many fantastic ideas! It’s too much for me to _______ all at once.

(A) abandon (B) absorb (C) break (D) revolve

参考答案: (B)


11. He was wearing casual clothes.

(A) serious (B) informal (C) formal (D) tidy

参考答案: (B)


12. I can’t just tell you directly; it would _________ the flow of the story.

(A) ruin (B) spoil (C) harm


(D) damage

参考答案: (B)


13. The experience of staying far away from home created a very special bond between us.

(A) relationship (B) proof (C) blog (D) money

参考答案: (A)


14. If I _______ how that works, I’ll post an update.

(A) figure out (B) break out (C) carry out (D) turn out

参考答案: (A)


15. “It’s such a nice place,” Mother said as she sat at the table________ for customs.

(A) conserved (B) deserved (C) preserved (D) reserved

参考答案: (D)


16. Love, joy, hate, fear and grief are all emotions.

(A) smiles (B) actions (C) sadness (D) feelings


参考答案: (D)


17. He stood there motionless and ________ at the natural beauty of the sea.

(A) in wonder (B) in doubt (C) in question (D) in trouble

参考答案: (A)


18. As competition became tense, the company decided to ________ its business in China.

(A) go down (B) break down (C) wind down (D) let down

参考答案: (C)


19. 6. He was born with a slight deformity of the feet which made him limp.

(A) disability (B) inability (C) distortion (D) illness

参考答案: (A)


20. Last week we _______ to the restaurant in the new hotel.

(A) go

(B) have gone (C) went (D) are going


参考答案: (B)


40. The school offers us the for study.

(A) appliance (B) facilities (C) instrument (D) apparatus

参考答案: (B)


41. I’m perfectly ________ doing it myself, thank you.

(A) able of (B) able to (C) capable of (D) capable to

参考答案: (C)


42. That original novel in English is far beyond the ________of those non-English major students.

(A) ability (B) capability (C) capacity (D) faculty

参考答案: (C)


43. He played the violin well and ________ from all the other musicians.

(A) stood up (B) stood by


(C) stood for (D) stood out

参考答案: (D)


44. It was in that beautiful park ______ we celebrated the family reunion last week.

(A) when (B) where (C) that (D) which

参考答案: (C)


45. The police were soon __________ after the serious traffic accident.

(A) in the rise (B) on the scene (C) on the sea (D) on the air

参考答案: (B)


46. His parents came to live in America 15 years ago and he was brought up in a_______ ________ family.

(A) orphan (B) immigrant (C) mushy (D) fortunate

参考答案: (B)


47. Her ex-husband has to the children once a week.

(A) exit (B) entrance (C) access


(D) assess

参考答案: (C)


48. _______ you leave the house at the same time as your brother does?

(A) Are (B) Do (C) Have (D) Had

参考答案: (B)


49. The doctor took my temperature and _______ to my heart.

(A) listen (B) will listen (C) has listened (D) listened

参考答案: (D)


50. He went ahead and fought, ___________ the consequences.

(A) despite of (B) regardless of (C) in spite (D) instead of

参考答案: (B)


51. ________ faces stared up at her from the audience.


(A) A bit of (B) A sea of (C) Amount of (D) A little of

参考答案: (B)


52. Her opinion counts because of her experience.

(A) considers (B) is important (C) is called (D) calculates

参考答案: (B)


53. He _______ at the meeting, but his heart attack prevented him.

(A) speaks

(B) is going to speak (C) was going to speak (D) speaked

参考答案: (C)


54. He made a __________ of $50,000 on his old house.

(A) living (B) visit (C) gift (D) profit

参考答案: (D)



55. The market is gloomy. Will his new plan __________ good results?

(A) bring together (B) bring about (C) bring forward (D) bring down

参考答案: (B)


56. I _______ to see you at 10:00 tomorrow.

(A) am going (B) go (C) went (D) has gone

参考答案: (A)


57. If people were __________ of education, the nation would not progress.

(A) decreased (B) deprived (C) survived (D) arrived

参考答案: (B)


58. He was embarrassed at first but he was clever enough to amuse the audience with his sense of _________.

(A) guilt (B) direction (C) humor

(D) achievement



(6) (A)damaging (B)saving (C)protecting (D)guarding

(7) (A)needed (B)bad (C)poor (D)unwanted

(8) (A)opened (B)closed (C)opening (D) closing

(9) (A)shameful (B)successful (C)pitiful (D)careful

(10) (A)help (B)buy (C)show (D)sell




3. Living a healthy lifestyle may mean something different from one person to the next. For some, health is 1 by living a disease-free life. For 2, healthy is being able to play with grandchildren or perhaps adhering to a weekly exercise schedule. Though the definition of health may 3 between people, living a healthy lifestyle is a fundamental component to 4 your optimal mental and physical well-being. Focusing 5 a healthy lifestyle not only improves your quality of life, but it may add years 6. Being mindful of your diet, physical activity and stress levels allows you to effectively balance all 7 of your life and might increase your life span. 8, your doctor can recommend lifestyle habits that contribute to a longer and 9 life. For example, leading a healthy lifestyle by engaging in regular physical activity and eating a balanced diet promotes low levels of stress, 10 in women. (1) (A)define (B) defines (C)defined (D)defining

(2) (A)some (B)another (C) others (D) the others

(3) (A)differ (B)different (C)difference (D)indifferent

(4) (A)acquiring (B)achieving (C)receiving (D)accepting

(5) (A)to (B)of (C)in (D)on

(6) (A)also (B)as well (C)as well as (D)again

(7) (A)aspects (B)ways (C)walks (D)ideas

(8) (A)Otherwise (B)However (C)But (D)In addition

(9) (A)healthier (B) perfect (C)happy (D)less disease

(10) (A)special (B) specially (C)especial (D)especially





(三) 阅读理解

1. Even for people who’ve gone many years without exercising, there are compelling reasons to get active, no matter what their ages. “The fitter and more active you become, the longer you’ll live and less heart disease you’ll have,” says Dr. Aaron Baggish, a cardiologist and fitness expert at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital. He suggests that people first start exercising by moving whenever possible, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Next, he asks his patients to identify times during the day they can exercise and what resources they have at their disposal. For example, does their workplace or senior center have a fitness facility, or do they have access to a safe place to walk, no matter what the weather? People in the 60- to 80-year-old age group should spend eighty percent of their workout doing moderate aerobic activity. That can be anything from brisk walking, cycling, dancing, to a Zumba class. For the remaining twenty prevent of the time, it’s a good idea to focus on strength training. This can be done at a gym but can also be done at home ? no weights needed. Try squats, push-ups, and arm reaches. Work toward a goal of exercising for one hour, five times a week. For those with no particular health concerns, a program of moderate walking and strength training is a safe way to go. Those who have heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, or other muscle or bone problems should talk to a doctor before starting. Take it easy at first, and ramp up to a more intense level gradually. “Most of all, remember that something is better than nothing and there is no age when it’s too late to start,” says Dr. Baggish.

When people start exercising, they need to consider their age.(A) T (B) F

If you do exercises more than others, you’ll live long and have less disease.(A) T (B) F

Walking and taking the stairs are the two kinds of exercises.(A) T (B) F

Old people need to spend much time on strength training.(A) T (B) F

If one is too old, it’s better for him not to do exercises.(A) T (B) F

参考答案: (BAABB)



2. A professor stood before his class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “yes”. The professor then produced two Beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed. “Now,” said the professor as the laughter subsided, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things: your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions. And if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The sand is everything else ? the small stuff like your job, your house and your car. If you put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Take care of the golf balls first ? the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.” One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the Beer represented. The professor smiled and said, “I’m glad you asked. The Beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of Beers with a friend.”

There was no room left when the sand filled up the jar.(A) T (B) F

The teacher told the students that the jar was similar to the life.(A) T (B) F

Besides your family and your health, golf, as a kind of exercises, is another important thing in your life.(A) T (B) F

If you set small stuff priorities, you’ll lose some important things in your life.(A) T (B) F

The Beer means you can share times with your friends.(A) T (B) F

参考答案: (BABAA)


3. The food service industry has shown double-digit growth in China each year since 2003. But it’s still only half the size of that in the U.S., which means it has plenty of room to grow. Multinational fast food chains such as McDonald’s and Yum Brands arrived early in China. And they’ve come to lead the market for western, quick service meals... Yum Brands, which owns KFC


and Pizza Hut, opens another new restaurant in China every day. In fact, for the first time ever in 2010, it made more profits there than in the United States. And it soon expects to have a three to one market share lead over McDonald’s, its closest rival. KFC, now the number one fast food chain in China, definitely helped a lot. The popular American business did so by catering for local tastes with products such as rice porridge with pork. Meanwhile, Pizza Hut remains China’s number one casual dining chain, something it lost in the U.S. many years ago. But McDonald’s is investing heavily to catch up with Yum. The company says it plans to “re-image” its stores. That will involve friendly designs, comfortable seating, warmer colors and conveniences such as WiFi. McDonald’s is also offering the “McDelivery” service. Of course, fast food gets cold fast, so McDonald’s is providing another American experience. It plans to open drive-through windows at half of its new restaurants in the next few years. But the fight goes beyond fried chicken and Big Macs. Local fast food chains are becoming more and more competitive. Two chains, Country Style Cooking Restaurant and Little Sheep Group, are quite impressive. Their appearance on the scene, along with other Asian restaurant chains, proves the Chinese market is about more than just convenience. The battle for the Chinese stomach in a hungry market has only just begun.

According to the text, the U.S. food service industry is ________ as big as China’s food service industry.(A) exactly (B) twice (C) three times (D) four times

___________ is the number one fast food chains in Chinese market.(A) KFC (B) Pizza Hut (C) McDonald’s (D) Little Sheep Group

Which of the following is NOT a part of McDonald’s “re-image” plan?(A) Friendly designs. (B) Warmer colors. (C) Comfortable seating. (D) Rice porridge with pork.

Yum Brands made more profits in China for the first time in _______.(A) 2003 (B) 2010 (C) 2013 (D) 2008

In terms of market share, __________ has a lead over McDonald’s currently in China.(A) Pizza Hut (B) Country Style Cooking Restaurant (C) Yum Brands (D) Little Sheep Group

参考答案: (BADBC)


4. Love, is the emotion that makes enemies into friends and friends into enemies. So many legends surround this emotion, from the goddess Athena and Helen of Troy to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. There are so many levels of love. Friendship starts off this list. We do feel love towards our friends. This is what helps us get along so well and why we miss them when we don’t


see our friends for a long time. It’s also why we hold certain friends over others no matter what happens. Sometimes, the bond between friends deepens to the point where a stronger bond of love is made, making them family. Another level of love is for our siblings and other family members. Even though sometimes we don’t like some of our family, that bond is still there. It’s this family bond level of love that brought about the phrase?blood is thicker than water. A third level of love is the bond that brings man and woman together. This level is among the strongest of them all. It is this level of love that has brought together kingdoms into nations in the past and ended so many great wars. It’s also the love for a woman that has started a few of our well-known wars, like the Trojan Wars of ancient times. The last mentionable level of love is that bond between a mother and her children. This bond starts from the very first tiny fluttering of movement and never ends, even after death of the child. A mother protects her children in the name of love. It’s because of her children that a mother will work at a job she hates, just to make sure they have everything they could ever want or need. Poems, plays and legends can only briefly touch the true meaning of love. What is love? I don’t know, but I’ll do what I can to express it to my son, my husband, my family and friends in the best possible way that I can.

The emotion that makes friends into enemies and enemies into friends is ________.(A) hate (B) patience (C) love (D) joy

The phrase “blood is thicker than water” best illustrates ________.(A) the love towards friends (B) the love between mother and child (C) the love between a man and a woman (D) the love for siblings and other family members

What level of love is among the strongest of all according to the text?(A) The love towards friends. (B) The love between mother and child. (C) The love between a man and a woman. (D) The love for family members.

According to the author, the bond between a mother and her children __________.(A) starts when the children are very lovely. (B) starts when the children have grown up. (C) ends when the children die. (D) exists even after the children’s death.

Which of the following legends is not cited in the text?(A) Romeo and Juliet. (B) Jack and Rose in Titanic. (C) Helen of Troy. (D) Goddess Athena.

参考答案: (CDCDB)


5. “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”, said Confucius.


Everyone wants to come back home and sleep stress free after a whole day’s work. So what are the jobs which provide the greatest satisfaction? Here’s a list of the most satisfying professions across the globe. Author: It is one of the professions that allow you to express your views without much limitation. Words are a powerful expression of thoughts that can stir all the emotions. And one of the biggest advantages of being an author is living a new life every single day in a world of their own. Artist: The people working in this field are the most happy of all. This is the profession that proves how job satisfaction and money are the two sides of the same coin. Creativity, flexibility and freedom are all available for an artist. When an artist is lost in the universe of imagination, the rest of the world is missing out. Psychologist: Being one of the most wonderful careers on the planet, psychology uncovers the mysterious sides of a human’s life. The amount of joy received from uncovering the reasons behind one’s attitude is simply beyond words to explain. It is a job that requires a lot of patience, but patience pays off. Teacher: Teaching is one of the noblest professions and earns a lot of respect. The process of showing a path to someone, to enlighten a soul, and to make them self-aware leads to a close bond with each other. And this is also the profession with maximum job security, even at the time of recession. Social Worker: To find happiness in someone else’s happiness, to improve the quality of one’s life, to safeguard their rights and to support them through difficult times is the work of a social worker. Needless to say, the amount of satisfaction derived from extending a helping hand to those in need provides satisfaction that can not be matched at all.

What is the biggest advantage of being an author?(A) Earning much money. (B) Having high social position. (C) Making more friends. (D) Living different life every day.

What are the two sides of being an artist?(A) Having both happiness and money. (B) Having both money and satisfaction. (C) Having both freedom and money. (D) Having both satisfaction and freedom.

What does the job of psychologist require most?(A) Time. (B) Energy. (C) Knowledge. (D) Patience.

Which job has the maximum job security?(A) Author. (B) Artist. (C) Teacher. (D) Social Worker.

Which of the following is NOT included for the social worker’s work?(A) To help people earn more money. (B) To safeguard people’s rights. (C) To support people in need through difficult times. (D) To help people improve the quality of life.





6. The school was across the street from my home and I would often watch the kids as they played basketball after class. A sea of children, and yet to me, a girl stood out from them all. She was different from others as she seemed so small among those boys. I remember the first day I saw her playing basketball. I watched in wonder as she ran circles around the other kids and managed to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into the net. The boys always tried to stop her but no one could. I began to notice her at other times, basketball in hand, playing alone. Every day she would practice over and over again, sometimes until dark. One day I asked her why she practiced so much. She looked directly into my eyes and said, “I like basketball, and I want to go to play in the best college basketball team.” She looked quite firm, “That’s my dream.” In the following years, I watched her through those junior high years and into high school. Every week she led her school team to one victory after another. One day in her senior year, I saw her sitting on the grass alone. I walked across the street and sat down beside her. Quietly I asked what was wrong. “Oh, nothing,” she answered, “My coaches think I am just too short at five feet five inches to dream about a top college team.” She looked a bit depressed. I felt sorry for her and asked her if she had talked to her dad about it yet. She lifted her head and told me that her father thought those coaches were wrong and did not understand the power of a dream. “If you truly wanted to realize your dream, nothing could stop you except one thing?your determination”, He encouraged her, “If the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.” The next year, as she and her team went to the Northern California Championship game, a famous college coach found her. And she was going to get the college education that she had dreamed of and worked towards for all those years. Her father is right: If the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.

According to the author, the girl stood out from others because of the following reasons EXCEPT ___________(A) she was his student (B) she was small (C) she practiced hard (D) she played well

The girl looked firm because ___________(A) her father encouraged her to play basketball. (B) her dream was to study in a college . (C) a top college team was her dream and she would work hard for it. (D) height is not a problem for her.

Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?(A) The girl was the leader of the school team. (B) The girl's father always believed the power of a dream. (C) The coaches were not good to the girl. (D) The girl’s father may be a strong-willed person.

What did the father mean when he said “If the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count”?(A) We should always dream something big. (B) Determination can help us overcome difficulties. (C) Anyone can dream anything. (D) If you have a dream, you will succeed.


What helped the girl realize her dream?(A) Her determination. (B) Her diligence. (C) Her father’s support. (D) All the above.

参考答案: (ACCBD)


7. Good Health starts from infancy. It is here that protection and care are needed, so that each organ functions well, each organ develops naturally, and there are no deformities, disabilities and diseases. But often the health of children remains neglected, with the result that they grow unhealthily and that affects their education as well. A healthy child develops into a healthy adult. If the child does not grow properly, he may become handicapped in some way and his ill-health may spoil his adult life. He may not be able to join any active service; he may not be a successful professional, and he may not have a happy life . Health is real wealth. A healthy person is an asset to himself, to his family and to his community. Health is the pivot upon which a man’s whole personality and his well-being depend. An ailing and aching body saps the enthusiasm for pursuit. Health cannot be achieved merely by taking one or two pills everyday or by observing a few restrictions. It can be achieved only by understanding what health is, upon what it depends and then applying this knowledge in everyday life. The care of the body regarding food, cleanliness, exercise, rest and protection against disease, is essential for the preservation of sound health. Life is for living. Without health, life is deprived of not only much of its usefulness but also its joys and pleasures. The stream of life will be rich and lasting in proportion to the resources which nourish it. These resources belong to every person. They are food, exercise, proper posture, care of bodily functions, avoidance of alcohol and tobacco and wholesome mental and emotional attitudes.

When should people start paying attention to their health?(A) When they are adults. (B) When they are infants. (C) When they grow up. (D) When they are teenagers.

If the child does not grow in healthy way, what problems will he meet?(A) He may not succeed in his work. (B) He will be unhappy in his life. (C) He will be unhappy in his life. (D) All of the above.

According to the passage, what does health mean to a people?(A) Time. (B) Status. (C) Wealth. (D) Usefulness.

Through which way can you achieve health?(A) By putting healthy knowledge into practice. (B) By taking some medicine. (C) By doing routine physical examination. (D) By reading some books about health.


If you want to keep healthy, you need to do the following things EXCEPT______.(A) Pay attention to the food and exercise (B) take pills everyday (C) avoid unhealthy habit like smoking and drinking alcohol (D) Be aware of mental health

参考答案: (BDCAB)


8. One Mother’s Day morning a troubling thought crossed my mind. You’ve never, ever, in your whole life, told your mother you love her. What if she dies and you have to live with that for the rest of your life? What reason did I have for not telling Mum I loved her? I didn’t know I had to! Such words were never spoken in our home. My parents loved each other and they loved their five children, but our family didn’t hug and say mushy things such as “I love you.” My parents were also loved by their parents, but there were no hugs and sweet talk there either. Mum’s mother had been a child immigrant to the country and worked as a domestic helper when she was just eight years old. Before that, she had lived in an orphanage in London. She had no memories of her mother. None. Naturally, my grandmother wasn’t big on outward shows of affection. Hence, my mother didn’t receive any I-love-you either, and she wasn’t good at giving affection to her children, except when they were in the baby and toddler stages. Everyone in my family was supposed to translate warm meals, clean beds and good clothing as “love.” But, seeing love in action doesn’t make up for failing to hear the words “I love you”. That Mother’s Day, I felt God speaking to me, telling me to break down that barrier. He told me that my mother needed to hear me say, “I love you.” And I needed to say it! Mum lives three hours away, so it wasn’t possible to tell her face-to-face. I phoned. At first, I wished her a happy Mother’s Day. Then we talked about the weather, other members of the family and Dad’s health. All the while, the words “I love you” were burning in my mind. When you’ve never said those words to someone, they don’t just roll off your tongue. Finally, when I felt our conversation winding down, I blurted, “I love you, Mum.” She said, “I love you too, dear,” just as if she’d been saying it to me all my life.

There are five children in the author’s family and they always say nice things to each other. (A) T (B) F

The author always hugs her mother and says “I love you”. (A) T (B) F

The author’s parents used to live in an orphanage in London. (A) T (B) F

On Mother’s day the author called her mother. (A) T (B) F


Eventually it was the author’s mother who said “I love you” first. (A) T (B) F

参考答案: (BBBAB)


9. With the cost of a college education going through the roof, what would you tell your child to study so he can be sure of getting a good job when he graduates? If your child’s main goal is to get a job, I would suggest he rethink the whole idea of going to college. There is, it seems, a major cause of confusion in our society because people don’t understand the difference between education and training. Education is akin to research and development in that one never knows where, if anywhere, it will eventually lead. It’s certainly a nice luxury if one can afford it and if one has the capacity to grow intellectually but it’s no guarantee of a steady income. Training, on the other hand, addresses the skills and knowledge necessary to do a job. Traditionally, advanced education was reserved for just a tiny portion of the population while all others learned a trade and that was often through the apprentice system. Of course, there were those who worked their way through school and into monied slots but those were mostly schools where one can be trained for a profession such as colleges of law, medicine, business, engineering, etc. So what do you tell your child? If a job and the income it will provide are the most important, then keep in mind that four years of education will cost not only the tuition and living expenses but four years of lost earnings as well. Instead, he might want to consider earning a wage while learning a trade and then putting the same cash and credit into starting a business. Or he might want to consider attending a community college, a mixture that combines mostly remedial schooling with a form of apprenticeship. Stick to the readily applicable skills and technology classes, and there might actually be a job available upon graduation.

According to the passage, which of the following statements is true about education?(A) It was offered for a large number of people in the past. (B) It is similar to research and development . (C) Most People can afford it. (D) It is a guarantee of a steady income.

According to the passage, which of the following statements is true about training?(A) It must teach students rich knowledge. (B) One has to study law, medicine, business and engineering. (C) It will be a way of making a lot of money. (D) It provide skills and necessary knowledge of jobs.

Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the cost of education?(A) Tuition. (B) Living expenses (C) Earnings of part-time jobs. (D) Four years of lost earnings.

What can NOT be learnt from community college?(A) Knowledge from book. (B) Skills for some simple jobs. (C) Advanced technology. (D) Language training.


What’s the author’s attitude towards higher education? (A) Neutral. (B) Approving. (C) Indifferent. (D) Disapproving.

参考答案: (BDCCA) 没有详解信息!

(一) 单选题

1. We are planning to celebrate the achievement of our students.

(A) failure (B) success (C) succeed (D) succession

参考答案: (B)


2. Two unhappy marriages have left their mark on the poor woman.

(A) sign (B) influence (C) spot (D) weight

参考答案: (B)


3. The book of J. K. Rowling is sold well whenever it is_______.

(A) declared (B) released (C) relieved (D) announced

参考答案: (B)



4. It is essential that he ______ there at once.

(A) was sent (B) send (C) be sent (D) is sending

参考答案: (C)


5. I assure you that the problem ______ as quickly as possible. Have a little patience.

(A) will be solved (B) will solve (C) solve (D) solves

参考答案: (A)


6. Police are investigating the_____ of the explosion.

(A) pause (B) cause (C) excuse (D) caution

参考答案: (B)


7. I prefer ______ rather than steal.

(A) to die (B) dying (C) to dying (D) die


参考答案: (A)


8. The plant is now in danger of _______ due to excessive deforestation.

(A) extinct

(B) extinguishing (C) extinction (D) loss

参考答案: (C)


9. He went to Cuba in the preceding summer.

(A) before (B) near (C) future (D) previous

参考答案: (D)


10. He couldn’t help being touched by her _______ purity.

(A) childish (B) young (C) childlike (D) childhood

参考答案: (C)


11. Everyone might undergo such changes once in a while.

(A) experience (B) understand (C) experiment (D)


expect 参考答案: (A)


12. We waited until five o’clock, but he did not?________.

(A) show off (B) show up (C) show around (D) show on

参考答案: (B)


13. He ________the bird but missed.

(A) aimed to (B) aims at (C) aims to (D) aimed at

参考答案: (D)


14. This article shows how to prepare a CV, and gives tips on applying for jobs.

(A) thoughts (B) ideas (C) opinions (D) suggestions

参考答案: (D)


15. You can’t ______ anyone for your lagging-behind of the study.

(A) accuse (B) blame (C) scold (D) criticize

参考答案: (B)



16. How can I return your kindness of giving me the money?

(A) reply (B) repay (C) recover (D) reserve

参考答案: (B)


17. We should not only know the theory but also how to _____ it to practice.

(A) put (B) give (C) apply (D) get

参考答案: (C)


18. As we all know, the rose symbolizes love.

(A) resents (B) presents (C) represents (D) illustrates

参考答案: (C)


19. The habit of reading in bed should be abandoned.

(A) practice (B) customs (C) action (D) deed

参考答案: (C)


20. Pick me up at eight o'clock, I (?) my bath by then.

(A) will have had (B) will be having


(C) can have had (D) may have

参考答案: (A)


21. It is said that the Mom maltreats her own daughter.

(A) kills (B) beats (C) starves (D) abuses

参考答案: (D)


22. _____, your health insurance and other benefits will be immediately cut off.

(A) Should you be fired (B) Would you be fired (C) Could you be fired (D) Might you be fired

参考答案: (A)


23. His job is ______and tedious.

(A) monotonous (B) appealing (C) refreshing (D) interesting

参考答案: (A)


24. He turned off the alarm and was ready to ______ out of bed.

(A) spring


(B) run (C) step (D) turn

参考答案: (A)


25. This company was _______ by his parents twenty years ago.

(A) found (B) find (C) founded (D) set

参考答案: (C)


26. I had a strong _______ to help and care for people.

(A) idea (B) thinking (C) desire (D) thought

参考答案: (C)


27. This is the first ______ store built in this city.

(A) apartment (B) mall

(C) compartment (D) department

参考答案: (D)



28. At no time has the country been more flourishing than at present.

(A) busy (B) poor (C) prosperous (D) strong

参考答案: (C)


29. He said he was prepared to_____ younger people in the party.

(A) make way for (B) leave for (C) give away to (D) get away from

参考答案: (A)


30. We had no ______ of transportation except for two bicycles.

(A) modes (B) methods (C) approaches (D) means

参考答案: (D)


31. She felt it unforgettable to _______ a moon cake with the children on that Mid-Autumn Day.

(A) share (B) give (C) send (D) get


参考答案: (A)


32. Can you suggest how we might handle the problem?

(A) deal (B) tackle (C) cope (D) treat

参考答案: (B)


33. He is not very clever, so he decided to work hard to ________ it.

(A) set up (B) put up

(C) make up for (D) take up

参考答案: (C)


34. He was the greatest______ovelist in England.

(A) alive (B) live (C) living (D) lively

参考答案: (C)


35. He reasoned that if we started at dawn, we would be there by noon.

(A) decided (B) persuaded (C) concluded (D) convinced

参考答案: (C)



36. The ______ practice in such cases is to apply for a court order.

(A) medium (B) average (C) overall (D) general

参考答案: (D)


37. Congress passed a law that______ the disposal of waste.

(A) regulates (B) relates (C) registers (D) regards

参考答案: (A)


38. Provision of safe food was their main _____ for the disaster victims.

(A) care (B) concern (C) anxiety (D) worry

参考答案: (B)


39. The little boy _______ a book from the floor and put it on the platform of the classroom.

(A) picked on (B) picked up (C) picked out (D) picked over


