2011-2013年广东高考英语听说考试真题(答案) - 图文

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Part B 视频文本内容

W:You have a twin birth named James, don’t you?

M: Yes, I do. He is at Harvard University and studies chemistry. He is very interested in it. W: But I thought twins would have the same interests and abilities.

M: Not always. Genes give twins the potential for developing the same interests and abilities, but Dad and Mum encouraged us to develop our own interests and we did.

W: Did you and James dress alike and have the same teachers in elementary school? M: No, my parents encouraged us to dress differently and we’re in different classes at school. W: Didn’t you have many same ideas?

M: Sure, some of the time, but that’s also true of any brothers who grew up together in the same family. 三问

1. 学生问:Does James like music as much as you?

电脑答:Yes, but only for relaxation. He’s never been interested in study in music, and he didn’t learn to play any musical instruments when we’re younger. I did well in much courses, but I was very interested in music and spent most of any spare time learning to play the piano and violin. 2. 学生问:What was James interested in when he was young?

电脑答:He loved skating. He spent most of his time skating in his school on weekends. He’s still doing that now.

3. 学生问:Who had the biggest effect/ influence on you? /Who influenced you most?

电脑答:Well, I think my father had big influence on developing differences in our interests. He encouraged us to learn different things and study different subjects. It was my father who suggested me doing the music at university.



1. 录音问:What does the man’s brother study at Harvard University? 学生答:Chemistry.

2. 录音问:What does the woman think about twins? 学生答:Twins will have the same interests and abilities. 3. 录音问:What did the man do in most of his spare time?

学生答:He spent most of his spare time learning to play the piano and violin. 4. 录音问:Where did James skate on weekends? 学生答:In his school.

5. 录音问:Who suggested the man doing music? 学生答:His father. Part C 录音文本

Uncle John Was Saved

When Uncle John was 85 years old, most of his families and relatives were already dead. He lived by himself in a big house. The only person who often talked to him was his nephew Tom. Tom called several times a week just for few minutes to say hello and see if everything was OK. One morning Tom phoned Uncle John again. Again no answer. Two hours later he called the 3rd time. Still no answer, he got very anxious. So he called Uncle John’s next door neighbor. Tom told her that he was worried about Uncle John and asked her to see what was wrong. A while later, the neighbor phoned Tom. She said nervously, ―Tom, I’m sorry it took so long. Uncle John didn’t answer the door, so I used his spare key. I found him lying on the bathroom floor. I could not wake him up.‖ Tom called the doctor immediately, and then rushed to Uncle John’s house. When he got there, the doctor had already been there. The doctor said that he was just in time to save him.

2011年广东高考英语计算机辅助口语考试(试题B) 视频文本内容

W: Dr. Brown, welcome to today’s program.


M: Thank you. It’s a pleasure being here.

W: We know that you are a language specialist, and you just published a book on how to learn a foreign language. And it’s selling well, so tell us the title of your book? M: It’s called ―Learning a language over Ex and Tost‖ (音)

W: That sounds very interesting, tell us what you discuss in your book.

M: It is very important to set up a regular program like planning a few minutes every morning around the breakfast time.

W: But I have been learning Spanish for four years, and I haven’t become a good speaker of it. M: We can’t become fluent speakers in the matter of a few minute hearing that. We should follow a regular course of study. 三问

1. 学生问:Could you please speak a little more?

电脑答:My basic suggestion is to learn a foreign language by talking small steps. Some people think they can learn a foreign language in thirty days, and they become very discouraged when they can’t. Learning 5 words a day and learning to use them actively is far better than Learning 30 and forgetting them the next day. But people many have different learning styles. 2. 学生问:What do you mean by ―learning styles?‖

电脑答:I mean different ways of learning. Some prefer to see models of the patterns they are expected to learn; others see the hearing instructions over reading them. All preferences are determined by factors so just character, culture and past experiences. 3. 学生问:How did you learn a foreign language?

电脑答:I learned while doing things. Moving around as well as trying to learn helps me. I often recite aloud the words when I cook potatoes and onions for breakfast in the morning. 五答

1. 录音问:What is Dr. Brown’s book about? 学生答:It’s about how to learn a foreign language. 2. 录音问:How long has the woman been learning Spanish? 学生答:4 years.

3. 录音问:What is Dr. Brown’s basic suggestion on learning a foreign language?


学生答:To learn a foreign language by taking small steps. 4. 录音问:What factors determine one’s learning styles? 学生答:Factors like character, culture and past experiences.

5. 录音问:What does Dr. Brown often do when he prepares his breakfast? 学生答:He often recites aloud the words. Part C 录音文本 Locked In

Last summer vacation, Tom took a part-time job in a company. His office was very small at the end of the second floor. One Friday evening, he finished his work and went out of his office. It’s already six o’clock. He looked around and found everybody had gone home. The building was very quiet, and the main lights were all out. He ran down to see whether he could find somebody, but it was too late. The doors all locked, and he was locked in the building. Tom went back to his office to phone the doorkeeper, but the phone did not work. He tried another one, and that phone did not work, either. Tom realized the phones in the office had been locked for the weekend. He thought, ―I had to be here for the weekend‖. Suddenly he remembered that in the reception room there was a phone that was always on. So he rushed to the reception room. The door was locked, too. So he went into the room through the window, and phoned the doorkeeper. Half an hour later, the doorkeeper came, and Tome went home.

2011年广东高考英语计算机辅助口语考试(试题C) Part B 视频文本内容

W: So how long is it since you came over to England? M: Well, it is about seven years now. W: How do you find it?

M: I would say the time I am used to most things now. W: So how was it at first?

M: Well, driving was the most difficult thing. I got used to driving on the left quite quickly. But it was other things like, er, one problem I had was with the horn. W: Why was that?


M: I found out that English people get very upset if someone sounds their horn. Another terrifying thing was that people suddenly step into the road, you know, on the zebra crossings. I wasn’t used to stopping and I almost run someone over. 三问

1. 学生问:What do you think of queuing in England?

电脑答:Well, queuing was a problem, too. I mean, it really is the national sport here. I’m still trying to get used to it. It just seems such a boring thing to do. You know, to stung in line for such a long times.

2. 学生问:Can you talk about English people?

电脑答:Well, they are very polite, you know, saying ―please‖ and ―thank you‖ all the time. I found it strange at first, all the time. Before I live here, I used to think English people were very formal.

3. 学生问:Do you have any other problems?

电脑答:No, no, not really. Except, I suppose about how to greet people, you know, to kiss or not to kiss. 五答

1. 录音问:How many years has the man been in England? 学生答:Seven years.

2. 录音问:What did the man get used to quite quickly? 学生答:Driving on the left.

3. 录音问:What does the man think of queuing? 学生答:It is such a boring thing to do. /It is boring.

4. 录音问:What did the man think of English people before he came to England? 学生答:They were very formal.

5. 录音问:What does the man still find difficult in England? 学生答:The way to greet people.


(2)根据谈话内容回答同学的问题。 Transcript: (110 words) M: Good morning, Jane. How are you getting along? W: Morning, Tom. The good news is that I passed my swimming test. M: Congratulations! I saw you swim in the pool every day. W: I really don’t have talent for swimming. Practice is my only way to pass the test. M: What’s the bad news then? W: The bad news is that I am living in the dormitory. M: Why did you move to the dormitory? W: I want to save some time and transportation. It takes me forty minutes from home to school every morning and fifty minutes from school to home every afternoon because of the traffic jam. Now please ask the speaker three questions. You have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question. 1. 你和你的室友相处得如何?

Question: How do you get along with your roommates? Answer:Not very well. My roommates never clean the dormitory. They leave dirty clothes and

socks everywhere. Sometimes I find someone’s dirty socks and jeans on my bed. I really can’t bear it any longer.

2. 为什么你不直接与他们谈一谈?

Question: Why don’t you have a talk directly with them? Answer:My teacher also advises me to do so, but I just don’t know how to say it to them. I feel

it’s too direct to tell them they shouldn’t behave that way. We Chinese people are always saying that ―one should save face for others.‖ What’s more, sometimes they help me with my study. I’m very grateful to them.


Question: What are your teacher’s suggestions? /What is your teacher’s advice? Answer:Well, he tells me to make a suggestion of taking turns to clean the dormitory. He says I

should be the first one in turn, then maybe they will accept this idea. But if this does not work out, he says I can have a heart-to-heart, friend-to-friend talk with them.

Now please get ready to answer five questions. You are allowed ten seconds to prepare the answer. When you hear a beep, begin to answer the question. 1. Question: What is Jane’s good news? Answer: She passed her swimming test. 2. Question: How much time does Jane spend on her way home in the afternoon? Answer: Fifty minutes.

3. Question: What does Jane find on her bed sometimes? Answer: Dirty socks and jeans. 4. Question: Why is Jane grateful to her roommates? Answer: Sometimes they help her with her study. 5. Question: Who does the teacher advise to clean the dormitory first? Answer: Jane.


Part C Retelling 梗概:Tom乘坐的公交车与货车发生了碰撞,警察帮助Tom及时到达考场。 关键词:exam(考试),bus(公交车),lorry(货车),crash into(撞上),police officer(警官) Transcript: (199 words) Go to the Exam Tom was a middle school student. One day Tom took a bus to the school for an exam. The exam was very important for him. His parents expected him to get good marks and hoped that he would get a place at a top university in the country. Suddenly a huge lorry stopped in front of the bus and even though the bus driver had made every effort to stop, the bus crashed into the lorry. There was a terrible noise. Luckily no one was hurt. Tom got off the bus and wondered what he could do to get to the exam in time. A police officer asked him if he was OK. Tom told the police officer that he was going to take a very important exam and that he was worried he might be late. The police officer picked up his phone and asked a police car to come at once. When it arrived, he asked Tom to get into the car. Then the police officer drove as fast as he could to the school. They arrived ten minutes before the exam started. So Tom was able to take the exam on time. Key:

One day, a student named Tom was taking a bus to his middle school. He was going to write an exam that day, which was very important. His parents hoped he’d do well on the exam and then be accepted into a top university. But suddenly a large lorry stopped in the road and the bus crashed into it. Nobody was hurt, but Tom wondered what to do when he got off the bus. He told a police officer at the scene that he was supposed to write a very important exam and that he was worried he’d be late. The police officer understood, and called a police car to come to the scene. When it arrived, Tom got in and the police officer drove as fast as possible. He managed to get Tom to the school ten minutes before the exam started. So Tom was able to write the exam, after all.


Part A Reading Aloud

The absence or presence of water governs life on land. It determines where and how animals live. But falling rain is not always welcome. The power of water is immense. Once on land, it begins its journey back to the sea, carving its way through the earth. 65% of the human body is water. It is our absolute necessity. We cannot live without it. We need it for drinking, for bathing and to grow food. And we have gone to great lengths to get it to where we want it to be. Water, the giver of life, essential to all and forever sacred.

(103 words)

Part B Role Play 情景介绍 角色:你是Mary。 任务:(1)与父亲谈论开车问题; (2)根据谈话内容回答同学的提问。


Transcript: (84 words) W: Guess what, Dad? I got it. M: What did you get, Mary? W: I got my driving license. OK, bye. M: Wait, wait. Where are you going? W: Mum said I could take the car to school this morning. And… M: Hold on, there. I’ve prepared a few rules about the use of the car in this house. W: Like what? M: Let me get my notes here. OK, here we are. Rule No.1 – no driving with friends for the first six months. Now please ask the speaker three questions. You have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question. 1. 我为什么不能与朋友们一起开车?

Question:Why can’t I drive with my friends? Answer: Teenagers are not mature enough to drive carefully, especially when they are driving

together. I mean, they speed, they ride for pleasure, they drive around town while after midnight. What is more, who really needs a car when a bike can work? I mean, life was different when I was your age. In fact, I used to go to school by bike.

2. 我真的需要这些规则吗?

Question: Do I really need these rules? / Are these rules necessary for me? Answer: Absolutely. Oh, where were we? Oh, yes, rule No. 2 – you must always wear your seat

belt and obey the rules of the road. OK, rule No.3 – you can’t drive long distances at night because you might get sleepy and drive off the road. And rule No.4 – you should never use a mobile phone while driving – that could cause an accident.

3. 这些规则有什么用处?

Question: What are these rules for? / What’s the use of these rules?

Answer: Oh, that’s rule No.5 – remember that I love you and I’m just a loving father who wants

his daughter to always be safe and the best dad in the world.

Now please get ready to answer five questions. You are allowed ten seconds to prepare the answer. When you hear a beep, begin to answer the question. 1. Question: What news did you tell your father? Answer: I got my driving license.

2. Question: Where did your mother say you could drive to? Answer: School.

3. Question: How did your father go to school when he was young? Answer: By bike. 4. Question: What’s the danger of driving long distances?

Answer: Getting sleepy and driving off the road. / You might get sleepy and drive off the road.

5. Question: Why has your father made so many rules? Answer: He loves me and wants me always to be safe.

Part C Retelling


梗概:Tom生病住院时对烹饪产生了兴趣,出院后自学烹饪并以此帮助他人。 关键词:cooking(烹饪),disease(疾病),hospital(医院),website(网站),recipe (食谱) Transcript: (198 words) A Child Chef Tom began to learn cooking when he was six years old. At that time, he suffered from a rare disease and was sent to a hospital. During the first three days there, Tom watched a lot of TV cartoons and felt bored with them. Then he visited the Internet for fun. He found a website teaching people how to cook. Tom was interested in the pictures of the website and fell in love with cooking. He told others that cooking helped him keep his mind off everything. Having recovered, Tom went back home and tried his best to learn to cook by himself. He spent most of his spare time learning to cook. He would not give up trying a recipe until he got it right. Now after five years of practice, Tom is famous as a cook in his hometown and uses his cooking skills to raise money for other children suffering from the same rare disease. He has raised more than 100000 dollars. He even has his own cook book which includes more than 60 recipes for simple food. ―Besides watching TV cartoons, children can also learn to cook by themselves.‖ said Tom. Key:

When Tom was six years old, he suffered from a rare disease and was put in a hospital. Bored of watching TV there, he went on the Internet. He soon found a website that taught people how to cook. He found it extremely interesting, and found it kept his mind off everything. He fell in love with cooking. After he recovered, Tom tried his best to learn to cook at home. Most of his spare time was spent learning to cook. He’d try a recipe over and over until he got it right. Now, five years later, Tom is a famous cook and has his own cook book. He uses his skills to raise money for children suffering from the same disease he had. He’s raised over 100000 dollars so far. He says, “Children can do much more than watch TV – they can also learn to cook by themselves.”


Part A Reading Aloud

Much of my work here is to show people the diversity of the wildlife and to explain its biology. It's important to get to know sharks. With gray sharks there is tension. They'll eat almost anything. You know, humans are much more dangerous to sharks than they are to us. When you spend time with sharks, you begin to understand them and learn to respect them. But you have to command their respect too. They're a vital link in the chain of life. Like wolves they weed out the sick and the injured.

(93 words)

Part B Role Play 情景介绍 角色:你是Mary。 任务:(1)找Dr. Brown 借一本小说,谈论小说内容; (2)根据谈话内容回答同学的提问。 生词:rebel 叛军


Transcript: (154 words) W: Doctor Brown, do you have the book Sunset? M: Yes, why do you ask, Mary? W: Could I borrow it? I’ve been wanting to read it for a long time. Last Saturday, I went to the biggest bookstore in town, only to find that it had been sold out. M: Yes, I can lend it to you after Jane returns it to me. She borrowed my book last Friday. W: Thanks a lot. I can’t wait to read it. I’ve read three of this writer’s books and thought they were all well done. Where did you get the book? I thought it had been sold out everywhere. M: I bought it online. And I booked it before it was published. W: It’s a good idea to order it in advance, especially for popular books. M: Well, I guess it is. But I’d like to warn you it’s not as good as they say. Now please ask the speaker three questions. You have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question. 1. 这本书有什么问题?

Question: What’s the problem of the book? Answer: Well, for one thing, the plot is hard to believe. For another, the characters are not like

real people.

2. 为什么你认为情节难以相信?

Question: Why do you think the plot is hard to believe/ unbelievable? Answer: Here’s an example. The hero Jack joins the army and is sent to the battle against the

rebels. He meets with his childhood friend who is then the leader of the rebels. Because of their old friendship the rebels easily give in.

3. 报纸怎么评论这本书?

Question: How do the newspapers comment on/upon this book?/ What are the newspapers’ comments on this book? Answer: Most of the newspapers say that this book is not as good as his other three books. And

the writer may not win the award of Novel of the Year, which he won last year.

Now please get ready to answer five questions. You are allowed ten seconds to prepare the answer. When you hear a beep, begin to answer the question. 1. Question: Where did you go last Saturday? Answer: The biggest bookstore in town. 2. Question: How did Doctor Brown get the book? Answer: He bought it online. 3. Question: What does Doctor Brown say about the characters of the book? Answer: They are not like real people. 4. Question: Who does the hero Jack meet with in the battle? Answer: His childhood friend. 5. Question: What award did the writer win last year? Answer: The award of Novel of the Year.

Part C Retelling 梗概:Tom要参加校篮球队的选拔, 他得到妈妈的鼓励并通过了选拔。 关键词:try (尝试,努力), nervous (紧张), encourage (鼓励),basketball court(篮


球场), happy (愉快的,高兴的) Transcript: (202 words) Tom’s Try at Basketball Tom got up early in the morning because he would have a try at basketball today. A few weeks ago, he decided to apply for the school basketball team. Tom ran downstairs to tell his mum that he had to leave for school early. Mum told him that he should eat breakfast first so that he would have enough energy after he got to school, but Tom said that he was too nervous to eat. ―You’ll have more energy if you do.‖ said Tom’s mum. Tom still felt a bit sick, but he ate some breakfast anyway. Before he left home, mum kissed Tom and encouraged him just to do his best. After Tom arrived at the basketball court, all the boys were required to run, catch and throw balls. Even though he had lost the ball several times, Tom thought he did pretty well. Afterward, Tom was really tired and walked off the court. One coach called his name and asked ―I would like you to join our school basketball team, what do you think, Tom?‖ though he felt tired, Tom was still very happy about the news. ―That is really great!‖ he shouted, ―Would I ever!‖ Key: Tom woke up early because he wanted to try out for the school basketball team. He was looking forward to it, but was too nervous to eat breakfast. His mother told him to eat something anyway, because it would give him the energy he needed. Tom felt a bit sick, but ate some in the end. Before he went, his mother kissed him and wished him good luck. After Tom got to the basketball court, the coach asked the boys to run, catch, and throw balls. Tom lost the ball a few times, but he still thought he did quite well. Afterwards, Tom was tired and began to walk away. But then a coach called his name. He asked Tom if he would like to join the school basketball team. Even though he was tired, Tom was extremely happy and excited. “That would be really great!” he shouted.


Part A Reading Aloud

Why are we here? Where do we come from? These are the most enduring of questions and it's an essential part of human nature to want to find the answers. But, in reality, our story extends far further back in time. Our story starts with the beginning of the universe. It began 13.7 billion years ago. And today, it’s filled with over 100 billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of billions of stars. In this series, I want to tell that story. We are part of the universe, so its story is our story. This film is about the stuff that makes us and where it all came from.

(108 words)

Part B Role Play 情景介绍 角色:你是Tom。 任务:(1)询问跨学校办图书卡的情况。 (2)根据谈话内容回答同学问题。 生词:renew(续借);log on to(登录) Transcript: (147 words)


W: Good morning. Is there anything I can do for you? M: Hello, my name is Tom. I was wondering if it was possible to join the library of South College. W: Are you a student at South College here? M: No, I'm not. I'm studying at North College. Someone told me it was possible to join even if I wasn't. W: That's right. It is. Are you over eighteen? That's minimum joining age. M: Yes, I am. W: That's no problem then. M: Could you tell me what I have to do to join? W: Well, you need to fill up some forms for the library. You also need to bring two recent photos with you. M: Do it cost anything to join? W: Well, it's free for students here. But otherwise, it's 25 pounds per year if you've got a student's card from another college. Now please ask the speaker three questions. You have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question. 1.我一次可以借几本书呢?

Question: How many books can I borrow at one time? Answer: Twelve at one time if you are a student, and that includes CDs, DVDs and videos. 2.我可以借多长时间呢?

Question: How long can I keep the books? Answer: Well, you can have both fiction and reference books for four weeks, which isn't bad really.


Question: What will happen if I return the books late? Answer: Like all libraries, there is a fine system in place. The minimum fine is 1.5 pounds but it can be much higher for some books, up to one pounds per week. We'll give you a guide with all the information when you join. You can always renew books by logging on to our website, if they are not required by anyone else.

Now please get ready to answer five questions. You are allowed ten seconds to prepare the answer. When you hear a beep, begin to answer the question. 1. Question: Answer: 2. Question: Answer: 3. Question: Answer: 4. Question: Answer: 5. Question: Answer:

Part C Retelling 梗概:Brown夫妇收养的袋鼠救了受伤后倒在地上的Mr. Brown。


关键词:kangaroo(袋鼠);save(救);adopt(收养);fall(落下,倒下);bark(吠叫) Transcript: (197 words) A kangaroo Saved Mr. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Brown were farmers in south Australia. They have been living there for twenty years. They had a kangaroo in their family. The kangaroo was called Lulu. Ten years ago, Mr. Brown found Lulu next to her dead mother and decided to adopt her. Lulu often followed Mr. Brown around the farm. One day while Mr. Brown was working on his farm, a heavy tree branch suddenly fell on top of him. Mr. Brown fell to the ground and didn't know what happened next. Lulu stood next to Mr. Brown's body. She started barking and didn't leave Mr. Brown side. \never heard Lulu bark like that. She sounded like a dog. She barked and barked. And she didn't stop.\had happened. She found Mr. Brown lying on the ground and immediately sent him to the hospital. Mr. Brown was saved. \a friendly and very smart kangaroo.\everywhere he went. Key:

The Browns adopted a kangaroo ten years ago. They named her Lulu. Lulu liked following Mr. Brown around the farm. One day, a heavy broken branch happened to hit Mr. Brown and he was seriously injured. Lulu, who then was following him, began to bark continually. Mrs. Brown heard Lulu’s bark, and went to see what had happened. She sent Mr. Brown to hospital immediately. Mr. Brown was saved and he was very thankful to Lulu.


Part A Reading Aloud

The history of gold is the history of the world. Since earliest times gold has been adored and treasured by man. A symbol of enduring value, gold has been used as a currency for centuries. In 1847 one man found gold in the bed of a Californian river. And so began the Californian Gold Rush. Men came in their thousands and the city that we now know as San Francisco was born. Today most of the world’s gold is found, not in rivers, but deep within the earth. Gold, now even more precious to man than ever.

(97 words)

Part B Role Play 情景介绍 角色:你是Tom。 任务:(1)与Mary谈论她高中毕业后的发展方向。 (2)根据谈话内容回答同学的问题。 Transcript: ( words) Now please ask the speaker three questions. You have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question. 1.你想在艺术学院学习什么专业?


Question: What subject do you want to study at the arts campus? Answer:


Question: Have you won any races in this field? Answer:


Question: How do you develop an interest in history? Answer:

Now please get ready to answer five questions. You are allowed ten seconds to prepare the answer. When you hear a beep, begin to answer the question. 1. Question:

Answer: Next month. 2. Question:

Answer: Only one month. 3. Question:

Answer: Her teacher. 4. Question:

Answer: In the museum in New York. 5. Question:

Answer: History is like a mirror.

Part C Retelling 梗概:Tom以低价买下铁路弯道处的房子,以高价租给大公司做广告。 关键词:house(房子);railway(铁路,铁道);bend(弯曲;弯);buy(购买);rent(租用;租金) Transcript: ( words) Key:

One day when the train Tom was taking slowed down at an under-developed place because of a sharp bend, he found an ordinary house alone standing beside it. He became interested in it, so he got off the train at the near station and managed to find the owner of the house. The owner of the house complained to Tom that he couldn’t bear the noise of the train and decided to sell it, but it’s difficult for him to find a buyer. Tom bought it at a low price, then he succeeded in persuading a big company to rent his house for advertising. The rent for three years was ten times the price of the house!


Part A Reading Aloud

In the heart of London sits one of Britain’s most recognizable buildings. Yet its story is one of the least understood. But what is now the site of a splendid palace was once open countryside. As royal residences go, Buckingham Palace is something of a newcomer. The state rooms are less than 200 years old. Yet its history is much older and more dramatic than you might think. Its rooms are filled with objects that are clues to the character of kings and queens past. And the art and architecture combine to make a statement about Britain’s place in the world.


Part B Role Play 情景介绍 角 色:你是校电视台记者Mary。 任 务:(1) 就新技术对教育的影响采访Dr. Brown; (2) 根据谈话内容回答同学的提问。 Tapescript: W: Dr. Brown, welcome to our program. M: Thank you. W: We know you are giving a new course this year. What is it about? M: I’m just giving a three-month course on the classroom of the future and the use of new technologies in the classroom. W: How will a classroom develop in the future? M: The future classroom will heavily depend upon new technology. But it’s still related to a traditional education. My course introduces what education experts think about the future classroom. W: What’s their idea about the future classroom? M: Uh… Actually, it’s quite a shocking idea for most people, myself included. Generally speaking, the idea is about three parts — the role of the Internet, examination, and learning goals. 三问部分: 在将来的教室里互联网有什么用? Question 1: What is the use of the Internet in the future classroom? / What is the Internet for in the future classroom? / What role will the Internet play in the future classroom? Answer 1: The Internet is the place for students to get information from. It is so easy to get information because you can find what you need within seconds. 27 将来学生如何参加考试? Question 2: How will students take exams in the future? Answer 2: Students can take exams on the Internet, and exams will be automatically marked by the computer, not by their teachers. What’s more, students will be tested on how to use information rather than knowing information. However, I actually don’t know whether that’s good or bad and whether it’s going to happen. 51 将来学生需要学习什么? Question 3: What will students need to study/ learn in the future? / What is necessary for students to learn/ study in the future? Answer 3: Students need to be creative because that’s the key to success in the future. The purpose of learning is not about knowing knowledge, but putting knowledge into practice. 28 五答部分: Question 1: How long is Dr. Brown’s course? Answer 1: Three months. Question 2: What will the future classroom depend on? Answer 2: New technology. Question 3: Where can students get information from in the future classroom? Answer 3: The Internet. Question 4: What will students be tested on? Answer 4: How to use information rather than knowing information. Question 5: Why do students need to be creative? Answer 5: That’s the key to success in the future. Part C Retelling 梗 概:Tom给Brown 夫人送信时无人应答,从窗户进屋后看到她躺在地板上。 关键词: postman (邮递员) deliver a letter (送信) house (房子)


