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蓝色:错误 红色:重点

You'd better save some money now. It's always useful to have something to ------ (依靠).depend on

K. 动词fall后可接on, back, away, out, behind, off, into, in L. 动词put后可接 out, on, back, up, up with, away, off, in, straight 51.It is time you went to bed;pleased put out (熄灭) the candles 52.Seldom ____ any mistakes during my past few years of working here. A. would I make B. did I make C. I did make D. shall I make

Susan will come to watch him ________ at Wimbledon this week.

A. played

B. to play C. playing

D. play

watch sb do sth

感官性动词一般后面是什么词性? 表看见全过程 做宾补


好像是watch sb doing和do 两种用法,原型表看到全过程, Him 是宾啊

Watch sb doing sth 表示瞬时动作 Watch sb (to) do sth.表示动作的过程

如果没翻译错的话是1来1看他比赛,肯定是全过程 就用原型


不带to Let make have hear notice help

Susan will come to watch him ________ at Wimbledon this week.

A. played

B. to play C. playing

D. play

因为不是看他们 正在玩,所以不能选C to 在这里是省略的吧! 答案是D

____ have plenty of money will help their friends.

A. Those who B. He who C. That who D. You who

92.keeping diary 写日记

93. -------- (小点声),father is sleeping now. 93.keep quiet

94.The young man --------- (拯救了小女孩的性命) in the flood . 94.saved the little girl's life 95.Everyone









Tell me ___ Jones you mean----Jones the baker or Jones the postman? A.whichever B how many C.which D. what

8. A more important question is ______these ideas are well or ill founded. A. where B. when C. how D. whether 第一个是c

翻译成英语:“越来越多的人开始骑自行车” 学神:Cycling gains it's popularity.

学圣:Cycling is now adding it's appeal for many citizens. 学霸:Cycling attacts more and more people. 学渣:A growing number of poeple begin to cycle. 学沫:More an more people begin to ride bikes. 我:yue lai yue duo de ren kai shi qi zi xing che.

A. 动词set后可接 table, fire, example, heart, alarm, price B. 动词get后可接 message, supper, promotion, prize, call, life

1.We should (摆好餐具) before the guests’ arrive. 2.He (得了一等奖)of the competition. 3.The murder (放火) to the house.

4.He just (接到电话) from his college classmate. 5.She will (准备晚饭) before 7:00. 6.The child has (集中心思)on that toy

7.Some people have been here for years and (未得到晋级).

8.Parents should (树立好榜样 )for their children. 9.The company has (定价钱) for their new product. 10.As











现在给大家答案,大家看看哪有有问题哦。 1. set the table . got the first

prize 3. set fire 4. got a call 5.get support 6. set his heart 7. have never got promotion 8. Set good example 9.set the price 10.got the message

—Can we get everything ready by the weekend?

—It all depends on _______ we can get Mr. Green’s cooperation. A. that

B. what

D. if

C. whether 看缺少啥成分 选C是对的

if 和whether 的区别是,whether.....or not,2,)介词后面只能用whether。。。 这是只能用whether的情况

那是只有whether才能翻译成是否吧 if 不行吧 if 好像也可以翻译成是否 只不过分开头 还是在中间 IF 只能是如果吧 在中间 就是是否的意思

The question is ______can be put into practice.

A. how you have learned B. how what you have learned C. that why you have learned D. how that you have learned 3. We will work ____ we are needed.

A. whenever B. because C. since D. wherever 无论什么时候只要需要我 我们就会工作 意思上A更顺畅

It’s time that __________________________________________ (施) about the traffic problem downtown. 选A 状语从句, 表示无论何时

taking measures对吗 对,还考虑到了主语 we should take meassure

说的是现在采取措施 不是将要采取措施 不能用to 连接词后边 能加介词么

to do 表目的表将来 他用的现在时 现在到了采取措施的时候了 所以不能用to do 吧

it,s time to do到了做某事的时候了


----,we missed our train the day when we were back to Pairs. A with the bus late B the bus to be late C the bus being late D the bus was late

不是一个主语 只能有一个主谓 所以是独立主格


动词不定式作定语,放在所修饰的名词或代词后。与所修饰名词有如下关系: I have a meeting to attend. 我有一个会议要出席。

to be 主动了,was不被动,A排除了直接,bus误掉了应该be late,这样想行不

这道题是独立主格,就得看自己的主语,车晚点,是主动地,所以用ing To be表示将来。。。D需要连词来连接着两个简单句

The name originated from the days----this house belonged to the local policeman. Awhich B when Cthat Dwhat 先行词是days 先行词在句中充当时间状语 这个名字起源于属于当地警官的那一天 对 选B

那这个句子是when引导的时间状语从句?? WHEN在句中做连接词 定语从句关系词

when代替前面时间 关系副词

对 后面是定语从句 这缺少的是副词 连接days 所以是when —Why does she always ask you for help? —There is no one else _______, is there? A. who to turn to

B. she can turn to

D. for her to turn

C. for whom to turn

It's was not until December 31----we finally got a letter from him. A that B when C which D then

Seldom ____ any mistakes during my past few years of working here. A. would I make B. did I make C. I did make D. shall I make ____ more attention

the trees could have grown better. A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Having given

句中\...the trees could have grown better\是一个表达虚拟语气的句子。 题中要求选择的是如何表达假设条件的形式。

如果我们把这个句子用另一种形式\,the trees could have grown better.\来表示,就不难理解了。 hypothesis假设



K. 动词fall后可接on, back, away, out, behind, off, into, in L. 动词put后可接 out, on, back, up, up with, away, off, in, straight 51.It is time you went to bed;pleased (熄灭) the candles. 51. put out

52.I don't know how she --------- (忍受) his bad manners. 52. puts up with

53.The business of the company --------- (不景气) after the New Year. 53.fell off 动词短语专项练习

54. You'd better save some money now. It's always useful to have something to ------ (依靠). 54.fall back on

55.We'll have to ------- (推迟) this afternoon's meeting . 55.put off

57.The aged woman -------- (装出) an air of innocence.

58. At that time ,disagreement --------- (消除) and all his roommates worked together.

59.----- the books -------(放回) on the shelf when you've finished with them.

2014-02-07 12:20:30 高桥(1437208144)

60. If you don't takes his advice ,you 'll ---------(陷入) trouble.

60. If you don't takes his advice ,you 'll ---------(陷入) trouble.

56.We cannot ------(落后) them is computers. 56.fall behind

57.The aged woman---------(装出) an air of innocence. 57.put on

58. At that time ,disagreement ------(消除) and all his roommates worked together. 58. fell away

59.------- the books --------(放回) on the shelf when you've finished with them. 59.put.. Back

60. If you don't takes his advice ,you 'll --------(陷入) trouble. 60.fall into

2014-02-07 17:44:49 高桥(1437208144) 练真题

2014-02-07 17:45:10 高桥(1437208144)

1 5.Congratulations。John ! I am really happy____ you. A. about B. for C.to D. with 15. 【答案】B. 介词词义辨析

【分析】about 关于,for 为。。。, to 朝向, with对。。。、和。。。。选择B。 14.It's a bad practice to_______ children much money as a New Year gift-

A.accept B.agree C.allow D.admit 14. 【答案】C. 词义辨析

【分析】accept接受,agree同意,allow允许、给予,admit许可,所以选C。 13.I spent the whole day______ the motorbike.The work was anything but simple.

A.having repaired B.to repair C.repaired D.repairing 13. 【答案】D. 固定搭配

【分析】spend + 一段时间+ doing,所以选D。

12.______ is mentioned above,the number of the cattle here has been limited to 200.

A.As B.It C.What D.That

12. 【答案】A. as引导定语从句时的用法 【分析】本题考查as引导的定语从句。选A。

11.一Where will you start your work after graduation?

一M mm.it's not been decided yet.I______ continue my study for a higher degree. A.need B.might C.must D.should 11. 【答案】B. 助词


10.The students were all tired,but____ of them stopped to have a rest. A.any B.each C.none D. neither 10. 【答案】C. 否定代词

【分析】本题考查对否定代词的掌握。否定代词包括:nothing, no one, nobody, neither, none等。none指可数名词时,只能指三者或三者以上,而neither限定指两者。所以选C

9.In no way______ to tell lies to parents. A.children are allowed B.children will allow C.will children allow D . are children allowed

9. 【答案】D. 否定意义副词或短语作句首,要部分倒装。

【分析】否定意义副词或短语放在句首,要谓语前置。否定意义的词有never, seldom,

scarcely, little, few, not, hardly,以及not only…but (also), no sooner…than, hardly… when scarcely… when等。allow在本句里用被动语态,所以选D。 【答案】D. 否定意义副词或短语作句首,要部分倒装。

【分析】否定意义副词或短语放在句首,要谓语前置。否定意义的词有never, seldom,

scarcely, little, few, not, hardly,以及not only…but (also), no sooner…than, hardly… when scarcely… when等。allow在本句里用被动语态,所以选D。 8.You should have seen the look on her face when I told her I_____ the first prize.

A.win B.have won C.had won D.would have won . 【答案】C. 复合句结构和动词时态


7.If weather______,the students will go outing on Sunday. A.permits B.is permitted C.will be permitted D.will permit 【答案】A. 被动语态


6.George applied for the position three times_______ he finally got it. A.after B.before C.until D.when 【答案】B. 辨析引导时间状语的连词

【分析】本题考查对引导时间状语连词的掌握。从逻辑上判断,可以排除after和when。applied不是延续性的动作,不能用until,所以选B。 5.The captain Was unwilling to_____ me command of the ship. A.hand over B.hand in C.hand out D.hand on 【答案】A. 固定搭配

【分析】本题考查对hand短语的掌握。hand over交出职位;hand in 提交,呈送;hand out 分发,散发;hand on传递。根据题意是“交出职位”的意思,所以选A

4.He regretted the days_____ he wasted in the woods and when he should have studied. A.when B.where C.that D.what 4. 【答案】C. 定语从句



3.How pleased the detective was ______what his customer told him. A.hearing B.hear C.heard D.to hear 3. 【答案】D. 动词不定式

【分析】动词不定式做状语,表原因,所以选D。 2._____,John would have told you about it. A.If he has known it B.Had he known it C.If he knew it D.Should he know it 2. 【答案】B. 虚拟语气

【分析】与过去事实相反,虚拟语气的条件从句谓语用过去完成时(had+过去分词),主句谓语用“should (would, could, might)+have+过去分词”。本题所表示的事情发生在过去,所以选B。

1.Do you often ____until tomorrow what you should do today? A.put away B.put down C.put up D.put off 1.【答案】D. 固定搭配

【分析】本题考查对put短语的掌握。put away 收起,存放;put down放下,记

下;put up举起,抬起; put off推迟,拖延。根据题意是“拖延”的意思,所以选D。

1. It is raining so that we can go out without an umbrella. A. hard; hard B. hard; hardly C. hardly; hard D. hardly; hardly 雨下的太急了,以至于我们没有伞几乎走不出去。 【答案】B

【分析】 本题考查对hard和hardly两个单词的掌握。hard在这里意思为“努力地”,hardly的意思是“几乎不”,带有否定含义,结合句子,故本题应选B 2. A terrible earthquake happened in that district at the end of 2004,----- many countries in the world paid close attention to it. A. that B. which C. when D. where

2. 【答案】C 【分析】本题考查对非限定性定语从句的掌握。对于主句的时间状语“at the end

of 2004”进行修饰,需要使用由when引导的非限定性定语从句,补充说明这个时间内发生的情况。故而选C。

3. I unexpectedly him on the street yesterday evening. A. ran after B. ran through C. ran to D, ran into 3. 【答案】D

【分析】本题考查run的短语词组辨析。run after“追赶,追求”;run through“贯穿,浏览”;run to“向···跑去”;run into“偶然遇到”。结合题意,D为正确答案。

4. ---Can I pay the bill by check?

--- Sorry, sir. But it is our rule that payment----- be made in cash A can B. need C. shall D. will

4. 【答案】C 【分析】本题考查情态动词的用法。can“能够”,need“需要”,shall“应该”,表示说话人对主语的命令等,will“愿意”。结合句子,故选择C。

5. My train arrives there at eight. The plane I would like to take by then.

A. will have left B. has left C. had left D. would leave

5. 【答案】A

【分析】本题考查将来完成时。“我的火车八点到那里。”这是用一般现在时表示将来即将发生的动作。by then提示要用将来完成时态。“我要乘坐的飞机那个时候将已经起飞了。所以选A。

6. I have no idea which was the better, so I took ------of them. A. any B. both C. each D. Some 【答案】B


7. You should allow your child to voice his opinions ------they are different from yours.

A. as if B. before C. even if D. unless


【分析】本题考查对连词的掌握。as if“好像”,before“在···之前”,even if“即使”,unless“如果···不”。结合句子,C应为正确答案。 8. ------a heavy traffic jam on the highway, the taxi driver had to take a different route.

A. Having B. It had C. There was D. There being


【分析】本题考查的是独立主格。首先可以排除B和C。某处有某物,在英语里要用there be句型,所以A也不正确。故选D。

9. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely ------to the outside world.

A. losing B. lost C. to be lost D. having been lost

9. 【答案】B

【分析】本题考查非谓语动词做伴随状语的用法。losing是现在分词,表示主动含义,不符合题意;to be lost是动词不定式,表示将要发生的含义,having been lost强调已经发生的动作,均不符合句意的伴随状态;只有lost表示被动的伴随状态,故选B。

10. I don’t like these gloves. Please show me another --------. A. couple B. one C. pair D. Piece

10. 【答案】C

【分析】本题是词义辨析题。couple“夫妻,一对”,one“一个”,pair“一双”,piece“一片,一张”。a pair of gloves“一双手套”,所以选C。 11. ---Did you listen to the speech?

---No. We----- it, but we had lots of traffic on the way. A. could have attended B. must have attended C. didn’t attend D. hadn’t attended 【答案】A

【分析】本题考查的是虚拟语气的用法。本句是对过去动作的虚拟,could haveattended“本能够参加”(实际没有参加),must have attended“一定已经参加”(实际上很可能参加了),didn’t attend“没有参加”,hadn’t attended“没有参加过”。结合句子,正确答案为A。

12. What he said severely -----my feelings.他所说的严重伤害我的感情。

A. injured B. hurt C. spoilt D. wounded

12. 【答案】B

【分析】 本题考查近义动词的辨析。injure大多数情况下指肉体受伤,hurt常用于肉体或情感受伤害,spoil“损坏物品,宠坏孩子”,wound一般指争斗、战争中受伤。结合句子,应该选B。

13. The fans were very excited at the news ---Djokovic won 2012Australian Open.

A. that B. how C. what D. which



14. Smoking----- in all public places in China from May1,2011. A. prohibited B. prohibits C. is prohibiting D. is prohibited



15. The cakes are delicious. He’d like to have ----third one because second one is rather too small.

A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a



46.When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refused to(publication)______ it

稿子寄来后,编辑看第一句话就拒绝出版 【答案】publish

【分析】本题考查的是publication的动词形式。根据句子内容“refused to”应跟动词原形,所以划线部分应填动词publish。

47.Family members often talk to each other in (formal) ______ English.



【分析】本题考查的是formal的否定形式。结合句子,划线部分应填入否定含义的形容词informal(非正式的)。 48. We all believe that technology plays a key role in (shape) ______ our life styles我们都相信技术起着关键作用塑造我们的生活方式。


【分析】本题考查的是动词的动名词形式。“play a role in doing”意为“在做···方面起到作用”。故划线部分应为shaping。

49. They flew(飞) to the US reluctantly( 不情愿), which means they went there (willing) _______.


【分析】本题考查的是willing的否定形式unwilling,再加ly转化成副词形式。根据同义词reluctantly可以知道,划线部分应该用unwillingly。 50. There is a(possible) _____ that there is life on other planets. 答案】possibility

【分析】本题考查的是由形容词转换成名词的用法。There is a 后面应该加名词,所以要在划线部分填上possible的名词形式possibility。

51. Obviously you didn’t read the (instruct) _____ properly. 显然你没有(正确)阅读指导。


【分析】本题考查的是动词转化成名词形式。本题中“read the”后面要加instruct的名词形式instruction(s),单复数都可以。

52. She has a (consider) _____ amount of influence on the president. 她有一个(考虑)_____对总统的影响。



53. Why do you insist on (leave) _____ your dirty clothes all over the floor?介词后ing


53. 【答案】leaving

【分析】本题考查动词原形转换为动名词的用法。insist on doing意思是“坚持做···”。划线部分应填上leaving,作介词宾语。

54. Lack of money puts us in a (disadvantage) _____ and unfavorable position.



54. 【答案】disadvantageous

【分析】本题考查的是disadvantage的形容词形式。根据“puts us in a”可以知道后面要跟disadvantage的形容词形式disadvantageous,和unfavorable一起修饰position。

55. Before you leave the office, please (connect) _____your computer from the Internet.





46.Can you wait a moment while I change into something more_____(comfort)? 答案】comfortable词形转换 【分析】本题考查的是由动词转换成形容词的用法。不定代词something后面缺少形容词作定语,comfort是动词,意思是“安慰”,可以加后缀-able构成形容词,因此须转换为形容词comfortable。

47.For the first time that he could recall,Tom felt some_____(admire)for his stepfather.



48.We tried to stop the flames(火焰) from spreading,but we knew it was______(hope).

48. 【答案】hopeless词形转换

【分析】本题考查的是由动词转换成形容词的用法。hope是动词,意思是“希望”,须转换成形容词,做was的表语。其形容词形式为hopeful和hopeless,这里是否定的意思,所以用hopeless。 49.None of his_____(invent)ever worked. 没有his_____(发明)工作过。


【分析】本题考查的是由动词转换成名词的用法。None of his后面需要接名词,共同构成主语,invent是动词,意思是“发明”,须转换为名词invention,并用复数形式。

50、The restaurant had good food and a______(friend)atmosphere。 【答案】friendly词形转换 【分析】本题考查的是由名词转换成形容词的用法。从不定冠词a可以判断出空格处应该填形容词,修饰后面的atmosphere。friend是名词,意思是“朋友”,其形容词形式为friendly,意思是“友好的”

51、Don’t your parents mind your______(stay)out so late?

51. 【答案】mind doing固定搭配 【分析】本题考查的是固定搭配mind doing(介意做某事)。stay是动词,须加


52.The poisonous gases from that factory are very_____(harm)to plants and animals around it.


52. 【答案】harmful词形转换


53.We need to investigate all——(possible)for helping these children. 我们需要调查——(可能)来帮助这些孩子。

53. 【答案】possibilities词形转换


54.It is______(fortunate)that i was not informed about this earlier. 它is______(幸运的),我不了解这个。

54. 【答案】unfortunate词形转换 【分析】本题考查的是由形容词转换为相反意义形容词的用法。根据题意这里需要一个否定意义的形容词,可以在fortunate加前缀un-构成相反意义的形容词。 55、There are only a_______(limit)number of tickets available。 只有a_______(限制)门票的张数。

55. 【答案】limited词形转换


.......a heavy traffic jam on the highway,the taix driver had to take a different route.

A.having. B.it had. C.there was. D.there being

后面有在高速上作为一个限制,there be强调句型,强调在高速当时的状态,


The cells of the body and the organs(机构)they form don't function as well as they ____in childhood and adolescence (青春期) A do B has done C did D were doing

as well as 做同级比较,比较现在的和青春期童年的,因为后者时间段上是过去,所以过去式。

1. Jenny is only three years old. She is too young ________ alone at home. A. to leave B. to be leaving

C. to be left D. to have been left

1. 【答案】C

【分析】本题考查动词不定式被动态的用法。“too... to...”为一固定句型,too后面加形容词或副词原形,to后加动词原形构成动词不定式短语作结果状语。动词不定式采用主动态还 是被动态要根据不定式短语与其逻辑主语的关系来决定。本题动词不定式的逻辑主语是She

(Jenny ),其与不定式短语的关系是动作承受者与动作to be left alone之间的关系,故选C。

2. Mother has never been to Tibet but that’s the only city ________. A. where she most likes to visit B. that she most likes to visit C. which she likes to visit most D. what she likes to visit most 2. 【答案】B

【分析】本题考查定语从句的用法。the only city是后面定语从句的先行词。where是关系副 词,通常放在表示地点的先行词之后引导定语从句,并在从句中充当地点状语。但本句定语 从句中谓语动词缺少宾语,而作为关系副词的where不能作宾语,因此选项A是不正确的 what不能引导定语从句,因此选项D也是不正确的。在定语从句中,that既可代表事物也可代表人,which—般代表事物;它们都可以在从句中作主语或宾语,但是当先行词前面有only, any、few、little、no、all、one of、the same等词修饰时,定语从句只能用that而不能用which引导。故正确答案为B。

3. It’s so long since I last saw her that I couldn’t ________ her. A. realize B. review C. acknowledge D. recognize

3. 【答案】D


4. By the end of 2002 we ________ more than 5000 teachers of English all over the province.

A. trained B. had trained

C. would have trained D. have trained

4. 【答案】B 【分析】by the end of意为“到??为止”,在用这个短语表示时间的句子中,谓语动词通常 需要使用完成时,一般情况下使用将来完成时、过去完成时或现在完成时。用哪种时态要根据句中的具体时间而定。本题中的by the end of 2002意指发生在过去,所以要使用过去完成时。因此B为正确答案。 5. ──There must be someone at the door.

──Who could ________ be? It is already midnight. A. it B. he C. she D. this

5. 【答案】A

【分析】本题考查人称代词的用法。选项A可以指人,主要用于指性别不明的婴儿或用在不能确定对方性别的情况下。如本句中有人敲门,我们无法在见到人之前确定对方的身份,因此使用示人。在本题这一具体情景中我们不使用he或she这样的人称代词。而选项D则不能在这种语境中指代人。6. He talked as if he ________ there before.

A. used to be B. was C. had been D. had gone

6. 【答案】C

【分析】本题考查虚拟语气的用法。as if 引导的从句中虚拟语气的用法与非真实条件句中虚拟语气的用法相同:如从句表示的动作与现在事实相反就使用动词的过去时形式;如从句表示的动作与过去事实相反则使用动词的过去完成时形式;如从句指将来状况则用过去将来时。本题所表示的事情发生在过去,所以选C,表示“去过那里。”选项D. had gone则多表示“去了哪里”,说明已经离开的概念。

7. I ________ them to go by train, but they went by bus after all. A. suggested B. demanded C. proposed D. advised


【分析】本题考查动词用法。suggest可以接宾语:1. suggest doing sth. ; 2. suggest+名词; 3. suggests从句;但suggest后面不能用动词不定式作宾语。demand可以接宾语:1. demand+名词或代词;2. demand+动词不定式;3. demand sth. from/of sb.; 4. demand+从句。但没 有derpand+sb.+to do sth.的结构。propose可以接宾语:1. propose to sb.(向某人求婚);2. propose to do sth.; 3. propose sb. for sth.。因此这三个选项中的动词在用法上均不符合本题要 求。选项D后可接带to的动词不定式作宾语补语,即:动词+宾语+不定式(to do ),只有选项D符合该结构要求。

8. ________ knows the fact should report it to the manager. A. Whoever B. No matter who C. Someone D. Anyone


【分析】本题考查主语从句的用法。Whoever可以用来引导名词性从句或让步状语从句,而选项B. No matter who则只能引导让步状语从句。本句从句子结构上分析缺少了主语,即should report it to the manager没有主语,因此只有选项A可以填补这个空缺。选项C或选项D者都不是不定代词,虽然不定代词在句子中可作主语,但却不能作从属连词引导主语从句,只有在其后加上who后才可作主语。

9. I tried to catch the ball but it was ________ my reach. A. over B. above C. out D. beyond


【分析】本题考点为介词辨析。选项A和B—般不和one’s reach构成搭配,而选项C缺少of,无法和one’s reach构成搭配。正确用法是beyond/out of one’s reach。因此正确答案为D。

10. Let me ________ your telephone number before I forget it. A. put up B. put down C. put off D. put on

10.【答案】B 【分析】本题考点为短语辨析,考查带put的短语的用法。选项A意为“举起”;选项B意为“放下;记下”;选项C意为“推迟”;选项D意为“穿上;上演”。本题的宾语是telephone number,即“电话号码”,因此选项B为正确答案。

11. No sooner had the thief disappeared into a side street ________.

A. than the police arrived B. as the police arrived C. then the police arrived D. when the police arrived


【分析】本题考点为no sooner... than这一固定搭配结构。类似的结构还有:hardly... when和 scarcely... when。选项B、C、D通常不和no sooner—起使用。因此答案为A。

12. ________, we missed our train the day when we were back to Paris. A. With the bus late B. The bus to be late C. The bus being late D. The bus was late 12.【答案】C

【分析】本题考查独立主格结构。本题中的独立主格结构的构成为“名词+现在分词”,名词 与后面的分词形成主谓关系,在句中作原因状语。选项A为介词短语结构,通常作状语表示伴随情况,与本句所表达的因果关系不相符。选项B这种结构通常表示一个尚未发生的动作,与本句所表达的意思明显不一致。而选项D为一个完整独立的句子,而其与后面那个完整独立的句子之间必须有连接词。因此选项C为正确答案。

13. After a whole-night discussion, they have finally ________ the conclusion that they should be united as one and fight against the local authorities.

A. come B. reached C. received D. arrived 13.【答案】B

[分析】本题考查动词与conclusion—词的搭配。这一搭配形式通常为:arrive at a conclusion, come to a conclusion和reach a conclusion选项中arrive与come都缺少介词,不能构成正确搭配。.而receive则表示“收到”,不能与conclusion搭配,所以选项B为正确答案。

14. ________ from the top of the TV tower, you will find the city far more beautiful at night.

A. To see B. Seen C. Seeing D. See 14.【答案】C


15. But for his kind help, I ________ this experiment so quickly. A. shouldn’t be finishing B. couldn’t finished C. hadn’t finished D. wouldn’t have finished


【分析】本题考查虚拟语气的用法。在表示假设情况时,有时不需要使用条件状语从句,而是通过一个介词短语或其他方式表示,语法上称为含蓄条件句。含蓄条件句通常由without, but

for, but that, otherwise, or, but等引导。文中but for表示“多亏;要不是”,提示主句要使用虚拟语气。表不与过去事实相反时要使用should ( would, could, might) +have+过去分词。根据本句所表达的意思,should have done是指应该做某事而没做,而would have done表示可以做完某事,所以根据题意选D。

46、Instead of waiting for a ________ (favor) turn, the paper-making industry has begun seeking new ways for development. 46.【答案】favo(u)rable


47、 It is high time that we ________ (start) to do the experiment.


【分析】本题考查要点为It is (high) time that所接从句中谓语动词的形式变化。在这个结构中谓语动词要用过去时形式,因此动词start需要转换成started。\

48、It is high time that we ________ (start) to do the experiment. 47.【答案】started

【分析】本题考查要点为It is (high) time that所接从句中谓语动词的形式变化。在这个结构中谓语动词要用过去时形式,因此动词start需要转换成started。\

If we make a ________ (compare) between these two cities, we’ll find they differ widely in the control of pollution.



49. Don’t get your schedule ________ (change); stay with us in this class. 49.【答案】changed \【分析】本题考查get sth. done的结构。在这个结构中一般可以使用get sth. done或get sb. to sth.从这个句子来看应该是前一个结构,因此要使用change这个词的过去分词形式,因此本题的正确答案为changed。

This can be well used as a ________ (refer) for predicting the country’s future environment.

【答案】reference 【分析】本题考查词类转换。从不定冠词a可以判断出空格处应谆填名词。refer是动词,意思是“查看;参考”,其名词形式为reference。

When you tried to pay no attention to them, you saw the look of ________ (hopeless) in their eyes.


[分析】本题考查词类转换。从of这一介词可以判断出空格处应该填名词,构成介词短语。 hopeless是形容词,意思是“没有希望的、绝望的”,一般通过加后缀-ness构成名词。

The two men ________ (stand) over there heard every word we said. .【答案】standing

【分析】本题考查动词的分词用法。首先要了解题中two men与stand的关系,它们存在逻辑上的主动关系,因此需将动词stand改写为现在分词的形式,在句中作定语修饰名词two men。

It is so lonely a place that I object strongly to ________ (stay) here alone.


[分析】本题考查固定搭配object to doing sth?的用法。object to doing sth表反对做某事。括 号中所给的词stay是动词,应改为现在分词staying的形式。 Air is a ________ (mix), whose components are of great use in the chemical industry. 【答案】mixture

【分析】本题考查词类转换。从不定冠词a可以判断出空格处应该填名词。mix是动词,意思是“混合、融合”,其名词形式为mixture。 It was said that computers could crash because they were ________ (able) to make sense of “00” for the year 2000.


【分析】本题考查构词法中的否定前缀。此空需要填形容词,be able to短语作谓语,根据题意这里需要一个否定意义的形容词,可以通过加前缀im-构成相反意义的形容词。 05年真题

16.【答案】A 【分析】本题为细节题。解题的关键在于文章的第一句话:“Most holidaymakers are not aware of the health risks they face abroad,\。这里的 “are not aware of ‘ 与题干中的 “have little knowledge of\所表达的意思一样,因为little前面不加冠同时表示否定意义。由此可知选项A. the health problems on the trip是正确答案。虽然游客不了解出国旅行途中会面临的健康问题,但不等于游客不了解自己已经患上的疾病,故选项B. the diseases they have developed不正确;选项C和选项D中所表述的内容涉及到目的地国家的情况,文章中没有提到 17.【答案】B

【分析】本题为细节题。解题的关键是第三段第二句话:“The growing intensity and complexity of travel patterns means controlling health problems is becoming even more difficult.”这句话说明“控制健康方面的问题越来越难”主要有两个原因,原因之一是选项B. the way people travel today has become more complex,该选项与文章中 “complexity of travel patterns” 意思一致。选项A. individual health problem is ignored by both the government and the tourists在原文中并没有提到;选项C和选项D中所给出的原因与常识知识相关,但是在原文中都没有提到。


【分析】本题为细节题。解题关键在于对文章第四段的正确理解,特别是对“Health Travel”报告内容的正确理解。选项A的内容与上文中旅行方式多样

化相关,但报告并没有说明这一方式的变化,与报告目的不符。选项B表达的“旅行者不知道自己出国旅行面临的健康风险”并不是报告中所要表达的主要信息。选项C中的有关方面给予游客“错误的健康信息”也不是报告中的内容。选项D. travel health advice provided for the tourists is not adequate and often out of date与报告中所要表达的内容完全吻合,因此选项D为正确答案。 19.【答案】B

【分析】本题为词义猜测题。文章第三段最后一句“Recent outbreaks of SARS and bird flu in the Far East have shown that”对理解该词的意思十分重要。其中“SARS and bird flu”是理解该词的关键。如果了解了 “SARS and bird flu”就知道“impact”与选项A. affection (喜爱)无关。因为这里该词的意义与本文的主题无关。选项C是“贡献”的意思,选项D是“重要性”的意思,这两个意思代入原文都不对。选项B. influence意为“影响”,与文章的中心思想一致,即“与非典和禽流感对国民经济和旅游业都造成了巨大的影响”,因此选项B为正确答案。



6. 【答案】C

【分析】本题考查虚拟语气的用法。as if 引导的从句中虚拟语气的用法与非真实条件句中虚拟语气的用法相同:如从句表示的动作与现在事实相反就使用动词的过去时形式;如从句表示的动作与过去事实相反则使用动词的过去完成时形式;如从句指将来状况则用过去将来时。本题所表示的事情发生在过去,所以选C,表示“去过那里。”选项D. had gone则多表示“去了哪里”,说明已经离开的概念。

5. ──There must be someone at the door.

──Who could ________ be? It is already midnight. A. it B. he C. she D. this

5. 【答案】A



4. By the end of 2002 we ________ more than 5000 teachers of English all over the province.

A. trained B. had trained

C. would have trained D. have trained 4. 【答案】B 【分析】by the end of意为“到??为止”,在用这个短语表示时间的句子中,谓语动词通常 需要使用完成时,一般情况下使用将来完成时、过去完成时或现在完成时。用哪种时态要根据句中的具体时间而定。本题中的by the end of 2002意指发生在过去,所以要使用过去完成时。因此B为正确答案。

3. It’s so long since I last saw her that I couldn’t ________ her. A. realize B. review C. acknowledge D. recognize

3. 【答案】D


2. Mother has never been to Tibet but that’s the only city ________. A. where she most likes to visit B. that she most likes to visit C. which she likes to visit most D. what she likes to visit most

2. 【答案】B

【分析】本题考查定语从句的用法。the only city是后面定语从句的先行词。where是关系副 词,通常放在表示地点的先行词之后引导定语从句,并在从句中充当地点状语。但本句定语 从句中谓语动词缺少宾语,而作为关系副词的where不能作宾语,因此选项A是不正确的 what不能引导定语从句,因此选项D也是不正确的。在定语从句中,that既可代表事物也可代表人,which—般代表事物;它们都可以在从句中作主语或宾语,但是当先行词前面有only, any、few、little、no、all、one of、the same等词修饰时,定语从句只能用that而不能用which引导。故正确答案为B。

1. Jenny is only three years old. She is too young ________ alone at home. A. to leave B. to be leaving

C. to be left D. to have been left

1. 【答案】C

【分析】本题考查动词不定式被动态的用法。“too... to...”为一固定句型,too后面加形容词或副词原形,to后加动词原形构成动词不定式短语作结果状语。动词不定式采用主动态还 是被动态要根据不定式短语与其逻辑主语的关系来决定。本题动词不定式的逻辑主语是She

(Jenny ),其与不定式短语的关系是动作承受者与动作to be left alone之间的关系,故选C。

Instead of waiting for a ________ (favor) turn, the paper-making industry has begun seeking new ways for development.



It is high time that we ________ (start) to do the experiment.


【分析】本题考查要点为It is (high) time that所接从句中谓语动词的形式变化。在这个结构中谓语动词要用过去时形式,因此动词start需要转换成started。\

If we make a ________ (compare) between these two cities, we’ll find they differ widely in the control of pollution.




Don’t get your schedule ________ (change); stay with us in this class.

49.【答案】changed \【分析】本题考查get sth. done的结构。在这个结构中一般可以使用get sth. done或get sb. to th.从这个句子来看应该是前一个结构,因此要使用change这个词的过去分词形式,因此本题的正确答案为changed。

This can be well used as a ________ (refer) for predicting the country’s future environment.

【答案】reference 【分析】本题考查词类转换。从不定冠词a可以判断出空格处应谆填名词。refer是动词,意思是“查看;参考”,其名词形式为reference。

When you tried to pay no attention to them, you saw the look of ________ (hopeless) in their eyes.


[分析】本题考查词类转换。从of这一介词可以判断出空格处应该填名词,构成介词短语。 hopeless是形容词,意思是“没有希望的、绝望的”,一般通过加后缀-ness构成名词。

The two men ________ (stand) over there heard every word we said.


【分析】本题考查动词的分词用法。首先要了解题中two men与stand的关系,

它们存在逻辑上的主动关系,因此需将动词stand改写为现在分词的形式,在句中作定语修饰名词two men。

. It is so lonely a place that I object strongly to ________ (stay) here alone.


[分析】本题考查固定搭配object to doing sth?的用法。object to doing sth表反对做某事。括 号中所给的词stay是动词,应改为现在分词staying的形式。 Air is a ________ (mix), whose components are of great use in the chemical industry.



It was said that computers could crash because they were ________ (able) to make sense of “00” for the year 2000.


【分析】本题考查构词法中的否定前缀。此空需要填形容词,be able to短语作谓语,根据题意这里需要一个否定意义的形容词,可以通过加前缀im-构成相反意义的形容词。

16.【答案】A 【分析】本题为细节题。解题的关键在于文章的第一句话:“Most holidaymakers are not aware of the health risks they face abroad,\。这里的 “are not aware of ‘ 与题干中的 “havelittle knowledge of\为little前面不加冠同时表示否定意义。由此可知选项A. the health problems on the trip是正确答案。虽然游客不了解出国旅行途中会面临的健康问题,但不等于游客不了解自己已经患上的疾病,故选项B. the diseases they have developed不正确;选项C和选项D中所表述的内容涉及到目的地国家的情况,文章中没有提到 高桥

2014/2/12 星期三 21:00:17

17.【答案】B 【分析】本题为细节题。解题的关键是第三段第二句话:“The growing intensity and complexity of travel patterns means controlling health problems is becoming even more difficult.”这句话说明“控制健康方面的问题越来越难”主要有两个原因,原因之一是选项B. the way people travel today has become more complex,该选项与文章中 “complexity of travel patterns” 意思一致。选项A. individual health problem is ignored by both the government and the tourists在原文中并没有提到;选项C和选项D中所给出的原因与常识知识相关,但是在原文中都没有提到。 高桥

2014/2/12 星期三 21:00:41


【分析】本题为细节题。解题关键在于对文章第四段的正确理解,特别是对“Health Travel”报告内容的正确理解。选项A的内容与上文中旅行方式多样化相关,但报告并没有说明这一方式的变化,与报告目的不符。选项B表达的“旅行者不知道自己出国旅行面临的健康风险”并不是报告中所要表达的主要信息。选项C中的有关方面给予游客“错误的健康信息”也不是报告中的内容。选项D. travel health advice provided for the tourists is not adequate and often out of date与报告中所要表达的内容完全吻合,因此选项D为正确答案。 高桥

2014/2/12 星期三 21:01:04


【分析】本题为词义猜测题。文章第三段最后一句“Recent outbreaks of SARS and bird flu in the Far East have shown that”对理解该词的意思十分重要。其中“SARS and bird flu”是理解该词的关键。如果了解了 “SARS and bird flu”就知道“impact”与选项A. affection (喜爱)无关。因为这里该词的意义与本文的主题无关。选项C是“贡献”的意思,选项D是“重要性”的意思,这两个意思代入原文都不对。选项B. influence意为“影响”,与文章的中心思想一致,即“与非典和禽流感对国民经济和旅游业都造成了巨大的影响”,因此选项B为正确答案。



部门信息提供不及时等信息,因此选项A为正确答案。 Passage 2


【分析】本题为词义猜测题。从第一段该句中出现的“Be careful of”以及第一段所举的例子来看,选项A. to tell someone to make his judgment与原文中的?use the truth to deceive” 和所举例子都不相符。选项B. to refuse to believe that something is true与文中的举例相反。选项C. to make someone believe something is true与“?use the truth to deceive’,意思相近,但是并非是 “deceive” 一词所表达的含义。选项D. to give someone a wrong belief about something与举例完全一致,因此说明了 “deceive”这个单词的意思。


【分析】本题为细节题。解题的关键是最后一段第二句话“It’s against the law to makefalse claims so they try to mislead you with the truth.\。这句话解释广最后一段第一句话“Advertisers will sometimes use half-truths.” 的原因,也因此告诉我们题干中的 “the half-truths used by advertisers in their advertisements” 起到的作用是 misleading。选项A. illogical意为“不合逻辑的”,与原文意思不符。选项B. interesting和选项D. persuasive实际上是这些人所做的宣传在一定程度上起到了这些作用。


【分析】本题为推测题。文章第一段提出问题,后几段通过举例进一步说明生活中人们是怎样被“半实情”欺骗的。作者的意图很明显,是“to tell readers to think carefully about what they read and’hear”,即选项A是正确答案。选项B. to avoid leaving out important information应该说是对那些试图欺骗他人的骗子的警示,即在任何宣传中都不应该忽略重要信息。选项C.how to read advertisements意为“告诉读者如何阅读广告”,在本文中并没有告诉读者如何这样去做。选项D. how to deal with liars意为“如何对付骗子”,作者也没有在文章中提到这点。 24.【答案】B

【分析】本题为细节题。选项A. It’s common to deliberately omit important information in a news report.中的问题在于本文作者举例并没有涉及新闻报道,因此此选项错误。选项B. It’s quite likely that the truth can be used in dishonest ways.则与文章第一句话相呼应。文章最后一段还提到“mislead you with the truth” ,实际上就是与选项B—致。选项C的内容和文章倒数第二段最后一句陈述的 “During Governor Smith’s term, the State had a net gain of two million jobs.” 这一事实不符。而选项D. It is a fact that lies are lies but truths can hardly be lies.则和全文最后一句 “It’s a sad fact

of life: Lies are lies, and sometimes the truth can be a lie as well.”相矛盾。 25.【答案】C

【分析】本题为主旨题。通过前面的分析可以看出选项A、选项B和选项D的主要内容在文章中都讲到了,但每一项作为主旨大意又都不够全面,所以正确答案为C,即利用事实进行欺骗。 Passage 3


【分析】本题为细节题。“?online learning has become “hot’ ” 是因为 “It is seen by students and employees as a more flexible and convenient way to take classes; ” (文章第一段第一句)。因此选项A为正确答案。选项B. it doesn’t require classrooms or other on-site facilities在本文中并没有提到。选项C. everybody wants to be a part of it是在线学习火爆的结果,而不是导致火爆的原因。选项D的内容可以说也是\的结果,而不是原因。


【分析】本题为细节题,需要判断什么样的人不适合这种在线学习。解题需要用所给选项和文章中所给出的10个是非判断题进行对比。通过对比可以发现选项A、B、D分别符合第十、第八和第二个判断题要求,而选项C恰恰是第二个判断题相反的内容,因此选项C为本题答案。 28.【答案】B

【分析】本题为细节题。文章结尾段第一、二句话说明如果你对大部分问题的回答都是否定的,那么都采用在线学习的方式可能不是你的首选。选项B. try a web-enhanced course是作者给出的建议。选项A很明显是针对大部分问题都给出了肯定回答的人。而选项C意思是“如果对大部分问题的回答都是否定的,则建议寻求技术帮助。”,文章没有这样的信息。选项D的内容在本文中没有提到。 29.【答案】C

【分析】本题是为细节题。需要根据所给选项的内容与文章中提供的信息进行对比。选项A. Students who lack organizational skills are not likely to do well in online courses.在十个判断句中的第一句就提到了: “I have excellent organizational skills.”,因此不符合题目要求。选B. Adequate computer hardware and software are necessary for an online course.是十个判断句中第九句 “9. I have Internet Explorer 5.0 or later or Netscape 4.x or later on my computer and my Internet access is via a 56K m.是十个判断句中第七句 “7. I can perform the basic computer tasks.” 涉及的内容。而选项C. Certain online courses are not well suitable for

educational purposes.在文中并没有提到。此外通过排除法也可以得到正确答案为C。


【分析】本题是主旨题,需要确定文章的体裁。从文中可以看出,选项A表示的“申请表格”与本文无关;选项B表示的“在线学习调查报告”明显与文章所表达的核心内容不符;选项C表示的“在线学习所需性格分析测试”似乎与前面的问题有一定关系,但是从文中最后两句话 “If you plan to take an online course at Armstrong Atlantic State University, you will have access to technology help with your course through Student Technology Services. They can be reached by phone 927-5321 or by email at techhelp@mail.armstrong.edu.\可以得出一个结论,就是选项D. an advertisement of the online course at an American university最为贴切。 Passage 4 31.【答案】A

【分析】本题为细节题。从文中第一段第一句的后半句“it would seem to follow that one’s happiness has little to do with material well-being and a lot to do with attitude...” 可知幸福虽与否似乎和财富无关,但和态度倒是有很大关系,由此选项A. they take a more positive attitude to life为正确答案。其他三个选项的内容在文章中没有明确说明,因此不能作为本题的答案。 32.【答案】C

【分析】本题是词义猜测题。根据第一段的主要内容,即幸福与财富无关,而和态度有很大关系,在这个特定的语句中“Biswas-Diener agrees that attitude counts”可以判断“count”应理解为“有影响”或是“举足轻重”,而选项中只有matters—词含有此意故选择C。


【分析】本题为细节题。解题依据是文章的第二段。选项A. highway和选项D. Unpolluted water supply的确与幸福相关,但是 “Democracy, as measurement for most of the world, is a sure guide to happiness.”这句话则表明选项B. democracy才是引导人们拥有幸福感的另外一个主要因素。选项C. higher education在文中没有提到,因此可以说与幸福没有直接的关系。 34.【答案】D

【分析】本题是细节题。选项A. Americans like to claim happiness在文中并没有涉及;选项B.American college students are active受了文章第二段中 “The U.S. is pretty active” 的影响;选项C. America has close relationship with Slovenia与文章第二段中 “tied with Slovenia” 表达的不是同一概念,文章中是说美国与斯洛文尼亚在幸福感上同处第八的排名,而不是两国的关系;选项D. Americans are not as happy as they appear to be才是真正的答案。第二段最后一句“It would appear that merely living as if

you are No.l, and running around the world shouting you are No.l, doesn’t mean that you feel like No.l inside.” 明确告诉我们表面现象并不能说明你的内心感受,与选项D表达的内容完全一致。


【分析】本题为细节题。中国哲学家的原话(第三段第二句的最后)“happiness is the absenceof the longing for happiness”的意思是“幸福就是对幸福无所求”,和选项C. happiness will be available to those who don’t seek it deliberately是同一个意思。选项A是一个常识,但和原话意思有较大差异;选项B看似正确,但存在逻辑错误,不刻意追求幸福就是一种幸福,并不代表追求幸福的人就一定得不到幸福;选项D和原话意思也不一致。 56. This offer is subject to our final confirmation.


【分析】本题要特别注意be subject to这个短语的含义,即“受??制约的;有持续?? 的”;“offer”意为“出价、报价”

57. It may do little for the cold but it certainly cheers me up.



58. His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery.


[分析】本题翻译时要注意His failure to要转为动词译为“他没有”。此外result in表“导致”。 59. Knowing some of the common faults a writer can fall into while arguing is a way of avoiding them.

59.【译文】了解作家在论辩中可能会犯的普遍性错误是避免犯这种错误的办法。 【分析】本题关键是要译出动名词作主语的Knowing some of the common faults和作定语修饰faults限制性定语从句中的a writer can fall into,此外要注意把限制性定语从句中的时间状语 while arguing译出。

60. If you decide to buy, you must place a firm order within the stated time limit.


【分析】本题关键是要理解place a firm order意为“正式订货”,within the stated time limit意为“在规定期限内”。 2、13

1. It’s expected that the new highway ________ completed by next July. A. would be B. will have been C. has been D. had been 【答案】B

【分析】本题考查将来完成时的用法。对于将来完成时,当时间状语是由介同by或by the end of构成的介词短语,且介词by或by the end of后跟随一个表示将来某个时间的词,句子中的谓语动词通常需要使用将来完成时。选项A表示过去的将来;选项C表示现在完成,这时通需要有一个表示现在的时间状语才可以使用;选项D为过去完成时,gby the end of后面接一个表示过去的单词,则可以使用过去完成时;本题B为正确答案。

2. Nowadays the new medicine can ________ man of the deadly disease. A. save B. treat C. remove D. cure 2.【答案】D .

【分析】本题考点为动词固定搭配。在所给的四个选项中只有cure能用于“动词+某人+of’这 一结构,意思是“为某人治愈某种疾病”;其他三个词一般都不能用于这样的结构,故正确答 案应选D

3. I called Mr. Smith at his office this morning, but the voice ________ answered the phone was not his.

A. which B. who C. as D. whom


【分析】本题考查定语从句中关系代词的用法。本句中定语从句的先行词是voice,它在定 语从句中作主语。一般情况下当先行词不表示人的时候,关系代词通常使用that或which。 本句的先行词并不是人,所以不能选择关系代词who,或其宾格形式whom,而as带有“正 如??”的意思,通常用于引导非限制性定语从句,且多放在主句之前,在这里不符合句意,故正确答案为选项A。 4. I’m thinking about changing careers, but I don’t quite know how to

________ it.

A. go about B. go around C. go by D. go for

4. 【答案】A

【分析】本题考点为动词短语辨析。选项A. go about意为“开始从事”;选项B. go around意 为“流传”;选项C. go by意为“依照”;而选项D. go for意为“选择”。根据句意:我在考 虑换个工作,但不知道如何着手做这件事。答案应选A。

5. ________ well enough before the final exam, he failed to finish answering all the questions in time.

A. Preparing not B. To preparing not C. Not to prepare D. Not having prepared 5. 【答案】D


6. The name originated from the days ________ this house belonged to the local policeman..

A .which B. when C. that D. what 6. 【答案】B


7. Bill Clinton─one of the ________ American presidents gave a speech last week in Oxford University.

A. lively B. living C. alive D. live


【分析】本题考点为以live为词根的儿个形容词的辨析。lively指“活泼的;充满活力的”。 living与alive都可指“在世的;活着的”,但alive通常在be动词后作表语,或放在名词后作后置定语。而living—词则通常作为形容词放在名词前作定语。live乍形容词时指“实况的;现场的”。根据句意:比尔?克林顿——仍健在的美国总统之一,上周在牛津大学作了演讲。需要使用前置定语,故答案选B。

8. Little ________ about his situation though he was in great danger himself.

A. does he care B. he cared C. did he care D. he cares 8.【答案】C

【分析】本题考查倒装句的结构及动词时态。根据从句中的时态基本上可以确定本句动词应该使用过去式。此外,little—词在没有和a连用时通常表示否定意义。根据英语语法规则,否定词提到句首时,句子的主谓语部分应该倒装,起强调作用。类似的词还有:seldom, scarcely, hardly,no等。因此本题答案选C。 9. The new president is reported ________ China after he takes office in the capital.

A. to visit B .to have visited C. to be visiting D. visiting 9.【答案】A


10. They ________ be singing my favourite English song in the classroom. I can hear it.

A. could B. should C. might D. must


【分析】本题考点为情态动词辨析。could—般表示有能力或者是有可能;should—般表示从 责任、义务角度讲应该;might通常表示有可能,不表示有能力;而must—方面表示从外界条件要求角度讲必须怎样,同时还可以表示非常肯定的推测。根据本句句意,特别是根据最后一句话“lean hear it.”,我们可以得出这一推测是十分肯定的,而不是可能的,因此选项D


11. ________ when he started the research, he never gave up trying new ways to increase the production.

A. How old he was B. As he was old C. However old he was D. Old as he was



12. Because the equipment to be shipped to France is very delicate, it must be handed with ________.

A. care B. pleasure C. ease D. confidence

12. Don’t worry about your earrings─I’ m sure they’ll ________ sooner or later.

A. make out B. hold up C. turn up D. find out


【分析】本题考点为动词短语辨析。make out意为“理解、明白” ;hold up意为“举起、支 撑” ;turn up意为“出现” ;find out意为“找到”。根据句意:不要担心你的耳环——我肯 定它们迟早会出现的。故答案选C。 13. Mary ________ clean out the guest room last Saturday, but she was too busy that day.

A. has intended to B. was intended to C. intended to D. had intended to



14. If it ________ in the early April, the crops wouldn’t be growing so well now.

A. didna????t rain B. wasna????t rained C. hadna????t rained D. was not raining



15. By then, the country’s a green agriculturea???? centering on water and land will reach its full ________.

A. capacity B. power C. ability D. energy

15.【答案】A 【分析】本题考点为名词辨析。capacity指“(最大)容量;(做某事的)能力” ;power泛指“权力;才能;电力” ;ability多指“(人的)能力” ;energy指“气力;能量”。根据句意, 到那时,这个国家围绕水土发展的“生态农业”将达到其最大的产量。正确答案应该选A。

It’s said that every country has its own social and ________ (economy) problems.

She no longer had that feeling of (dependent) ________ she had fought so hard to win.


【分析】本题考查词类转换和构词法知识。从句子结构分析,dependent放在介词of后要用它的名词形式dependence,同时根据句意“她再也没有了那种她为之艰难奋斗才争取来的独立 感”,应填入其反义词,即在dependence前再加否定前缀,这个词的否定前缀为in-,因此应 填入independence这个词。

47. Hutchings, like many (ambition) ________ young lawyers, became interested in politics.


【分析】本题考查词类转换。从句子结构来看,ambition放在名词短语young lawyer前应该将其转化成形容词形式,作定语修饰young lawyer。因此ambition要变成形容词,即将名词后缀-ion变为形谷问后缀-ious。

48. For the (secure) ________ of passengers, all hand baggage is carefully checked at the airport.



将其转换成名词形式,因此去掉末尾的e加名词后缀-ity构成名词。 Weather (permit) ________, we’ll have a picnic at the beach next Saturday.



50.The computer does not work properly. I think it needs (repair) ________. 50.【答案】 repairing


Ms Lee recommends that the student who was late this morning (speak) ________ to the director.


[分析】本题考查宾语从句中的虚拟语气。英语表示“建议、要求、命令”等的动词后面的宾 语从句通常要使用虚拟语气,谓语动词的构成是should +动词原形,should通常可以省略。因此本题的正确答案为speak。

Do you realize that the rules of safe driving (application) ________ to all of us?


【分析】本题考查词类转换。分析句子结构可以看出,宾语从句中的主语the rules缺少谓语动词,因此应将application改变成其动词形式。

You’d better speak slowly; otherwise you will fail to make yourself (understand) ________.



It (sudden) ________ occurred to her that Joe was afraid of being alone. 54.【答案】suddenly

【分析】本题考查词类转换。分析句子可知,在句子主语与动词之间应该有一个副词,因此应将sudden这个形容词通过加词尾-ly的方式构成副词。 The place is so (attract) ________ that most tourists will spend much more time here than in other places.


【分析】本题考查词类转换。根据句子结构可以看出,在so... that这个结构中,so后面需要使用形容词或副词。从本句意义来看应该使用形容词。因此应该将动词attract^化成形容词,该词通过加词尾-ive的方式可以构成形容词。 04年真题阅读passage2


[分析】本题是推理题。文章第一部分列出了 10个选项,在后面的段落里分别指出你选择的肯定的项目数目的多少说明你身体里毒素沉积的程度大小,与选项C中所说“你体内存有有害物质” 一致。而其他选项所说的原因虽然根据人们的常识知识是正确的,但是在文章中都没有提及,因此都不正确。

22.【答案】A 【分析】本题是细节题。解题关键是文章10个选项后的第一段第二句“They stay in your body and can even affect yon years later.”,这个句子与选项A中 “affect him years later” 完全一致,故正确答案是A。其他选项的内容在文章中都没有提及,因此都不是正确的。


【分析】本题是细节题。根据10个选项后的第二段第一句“If you answered yes to 3 or less you could have a low level of accumulated toxins in your body, affecting your ability to think dearly.”可以得知,“如果你对三个或三个以下的问题的答案是肯定的,你体内毒素的沉积程 度则较小,会影响你清楚思考的能力。”根据这个句子可以确定选项D所提出的“low”与文 章内容一致,是正确答案。其他答案与题干要求不符。 24.【答案】C

【分析】本题是细节题。需要确定“如果一个人体内中毒较深,他需要对多少问题回答为肯 定的。”文章 10个选项后第三段 “If you answered yes to most of these questions, you could be experiencing heavy body pollution.”这一信息与选项C. most完全一致。选项A中所不的 “considerable accumulated toxins”,其程度明显低于 “most”。选项B说明的 “a low level of accumulated toxins in your body”当然程度也明显低于“most”。而选项

