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# include
一 需求分析 (1)顾客
1 查看房间信息(空房号,等级,床位数) 2 入住(房号,姓名,身份证) 3 退房(结账) (2) 管理员
1 查看房间信息(空房号,房间状态,等级,床位数) 2 入住(房号,改变房间状态,登记人) 3 退房(结账,登记人) 二 实体 1 房间:: 号码 c_room 等级 c_dank 床数 c_nbed 状态 c_statds 价格 c_rate
2 顾客:: 身份证 id 人数 m 要求等级 r 入住房间 room
三 程序流程
1. 管理员登陆 2. 选择功能
1. 登记入住 void check_in(); 2. 退房 void check_out(); 3. 定房 void book(); 4. 订房
3. 管理员退出 四 功能模块 1 顾客模块 1)登记入住
1 输入人数m和房间等级要求r 2 按r搜索空房 再按m搜索 3 如果有符合条件的显示 4 如果没有则给出优化方案 5 选择房间
6 给出每个人每天要付的费用dayrent 7 登记个人信息 8 改变房间状态 2)退房
1 计算每人应付费用和总共费用 2 改变房间状态 3)订房
1 输入人数m 房间等级要求r 2 按r搜索空房 再按m搜索 3 如果有符合条件的显示 4 如果没有则给出优化方案 5 选择房间 2 管理员模块 1)登录系统
1 输入用户名和密码 2 检验密码
3 通过/重新输入 2)登记入住(同上) 3)退房(同上) 4)订房(同上) 5)房间信息管理
1 显示空房及对应的等级空房 2 显示已订房号码及开始入住日期
: IT CONTROLS OVER ALL THE FUNCTIONS //*****************************************************************
class menu
{ public :
void main_menu(void); void startup(void); void box(void);
void line_hor(int, int, int, char); void line_ver(int, int, int, char);
// RELATED TO HKEEP //*****************************************************************
class hkeep
{ public :
hkeep(void); ~hkeep(void); void add(void); void modify(void); void deletion(void); void display_list(void);
private :
void display_record(int); int found_record(int); void delete_record(int); void modify_record(int);
int recordno(int); int last_code(void);
int code;
char name[20],roomno[10],order[99];
void menu :: line_hor(int column1, int column2, int row, char c)
cout< } } //***************************************************************** // CLASS NAME : MENU // FUNCTION NAME : LINE_VER // DETAILS : IT ACCEPTS ROWS AND COLUMNS AND // DRAWS THE VERTICAL LINE //***************************************************************** void menu :: line_ver(int row1, int row2, int column, char c) { for(row1;row1<=row2;row1++) { gotoxy(column, row1); cout << c; } } //***************************************************************** // CLASS NAME : MENU // FUNCTION NAME : STARTUP // DETAILS : IT CREATES THE STARTING SCREEN //***************************************************************** void menu :: startup(void) { // clrscr(); int i,j,s; char a[] = \ char b[] = \M*A*N*A*G*E*M*E*N*T\ for(i=0;i<=79;i++) line_ver(1,25,i,179); // gotoxy(1,11);clreol(); 悠悠同学网 gotoxy(1,13);clreol(); j = 63; s = 100; for(i=1;i<=43;i++) { sound(s); s = s+20; delay(50); gotoxy(1,12); clreol(); gotoxy(i,12); cout< } // nosound(); delay(100); char ch = 219; s = 500; for(i=0;i<=79;i++) { sound(s); s =s+10; gotoxy(i,10); cout< } nosound(); delay(200); ch = 219; s = 1290; for(i = 79; i>=1;i--) { sound(s); s = s- 10; gotoxy(i,14); cout< } nosound(); delay(1000); 悠悠同学网 clrscr(); cout<<\made by :\ char jklf[]=\ cout<<\ for(int u=0;u<7;u++) { cout< { char ch; while (1) { clrscr(); textmode(C40); clrscr(); box(); gotoxy(12,5); cout<<\Keeping \ gotoxy(12,6); cout<<\ gotoxy(12,10); cout<<\1 : Store Customer Order\ gotoxy(12,11); cout<<\2 : Display customer Order\ gotoxy(12,12); cout<<\3 : Delete Order\ gotoxy(12,13); cout<<\4 : Modify Order\ gotoxy(12,14); cout<<\0 : Quit\ gotoxy(11,18); cout<<\Enter your choice\ ch = getch(); textmode(C80); clrscr(); if ( ch == '1') { hkeep d; d.add(); } else if ( ch == '2') { hkeep d; d.display_list(); } else if ( ch == '3') { hkeep d; d.deletion(); } 悠悠同学网 else if( ch == '4') { hkeep d; d.modify(); } else if(ch == '0') break; } } //***************************************************************** // CLASS NAME :HKEEP // FUNCTION NAME : HKEEP (CONSTRUCTOR) // DETAILS : IT IS A CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION, GIVING // DEFAULT VALUES //***************************************************************** hkeep :: hkeep (void) { code = 0; name[0] = '\\0'; roomno[0] = '\\0'; order[0] = '\\0'; } //***************************************************************** // CLASS NAME : HKEEP // FUNCTION NAME : ~HKEEP (DESTRUCTOR) // DETAILS : IT IS A DESTRUCTOR FUNCTION //***************************************************************** hkeep :: ~hkeep (void) { } //***************************************************************** // CLASS NAME : HKEEP // FUNCTION NAME : DISPLAY_LIST // DETAILS : IT DISPLAYS LIST OF THE PERSON'S // RECORDS //***************************************************************** void hkeep:: display_list(void) 悠悠同学网 { clrscr(); menu m; char *t_name, *t1_name = NULL; gotoxy(3,5); cout<<\Enter the character(s) for selective list \ gotoxy(3,6); cout<<\or press 悠悠同学网 // FUNCTION NAME : DISPLAY_RECORD // DETAILS : IT DISPLAYS SINGLE RECORD FOR THE // GIVEN RECORD //***************************************************************** void hkeep :: display_record(int t_code) { fstream file;\:: binary | ios::in); file.seekg(0,ios::beg); while( *) this, sizeof(hkeep))) { if(t_code == code) { gotoxy(3,3); cout<<\serial No.\ gotoxy(3,5); cout<<\ : \ puts(name); gotoxy(3,6); cout<<\No. : \ gotoxy(3,7); gotoxy(3,7); cout<<\ : \ puts(order); break; } } file.close(); } //***************************************************************** // CLASS NAME : HKEEP // FUNCTION NAME : LAST_CODE // DETAILS : IT COUNTS THE RECORD IN THE FILE AND // RETURNS THE LAST CODE //***************************************************************** int hkeep :: last_code() { fstream file;\:: binary | ios::in); file.seekg(0,ios::beg); int t=0; while(*) this, sizeof(hkeep))) 悠悠同学网 t++; file.close(); return t; } //***************************************************************** // CLASS NAME : HKEEP // FUNCTION NAME : FOUND_RECORD // DETAILS : IT RETURNS THAT RECORD IS FOUND FOR THE // GIVEN CODE NO. OR NOT //***************************************************************** int hkeep :: found_record(int t_code) { fstream file;\ios :: binary | ios :: in ); file.seekg(0,ios::beg); int found = 0; while( *) this, sizeof(hkeep))) { if(t_code == code) { found++; break; } } file.close(); return found; } //***************************************************************** // CLASS NAME : HKEEP // FUNCTION NAME : ADD // DETAILS : IT ADDS THE RECORD IN THE HKEEP'S FILE //***************************************************************** void hkeep :: add(void) { menu m; int valid, saved=0 ; int t_code; t_code = last_code(); t_code++; if(t_code == 1) 悠悠同学网 { code = t_code; strcpy(name,\ strcpy(roomno,\ strcpy(order,\ fstream file;\ios :: binary | ios :: app); file.write((char *)this, sizeof(hkeep)); file.close(); delete_record(t_code); } char ch; do { clrscr(); gotoxy(3,3); cout<<\serial No.\ gotoxy(3,5); cout<<\ : \ gotoxy(3,6); cout<<\no. : \ gotoxy(3,7); gotoxy(3,7); cout<<\ : \ m.line_hor(1,79,23,196); do { valid = 1; gotoxy(1,25);clreol(); gotoxy(3,25); cout<<\THE NAME OF THE PERSON\ gotoxy(13,5); gets(name); strupr(name); if(strlen(name) > 19 || strlen(name) == 0) { valid = 0; sound(500); delay(100); nosound(); gotoxy(1,25); clreol(); gotoxy(1,24); cout<<\SHOULD NOT BE BLANK OR GREATER THAN 19 \ gotoxy(1,25); 悠悠同学网 cout<<\ress any key to continue ... \ getch(); gotoxy(1,24); clreol(); gotoxy(1,25); clreol(); gotoxy(13,5); clreol(); } }while(!valid); do { valid = 1; gotoxy(1,25); clreol(); gotoxy(3,25); cout<<\THE ROOM NO. OF THE CUSTOMER, } }while(!valid); gotoxy(1,25); clreol(); gotoxy(1,23); clreol(); gotoxy(1,13); cout<<\you want to save the record (y/n) : \ do { valid = 1; gotoxy(41,13); ch = getche(); ch = toupper(ch); if(ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0; sound(500); delay(100); nosound(); gotoxy(41,13); clreol(); } }while( !valid); if (ch == 'Y') { saved =1 ; code = t_code; fstream file;\ios :: binary | ios:: app); file.write((char *) this, sizeof(hkeep)); file.close(); t_code++; } gotoxy(1,14); cout<<\you want to add more records (y/n) : \ do { valid = 1; gotoxy(41,14); ch = getche(); ch = toupper(ch); if(ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0; sound(500); delay(100); 悠悠同学网 nosound(); gotoxy(41,14); clreol(); } }while(!valid); }while(ch == 'Y'); } //***************************************************************** // CLASS NAME : HKEEP // FUNCTION NAME : DELETE_RECORD // DETAILS : IT DELETES THE RECORD IN THE HKEEP'S FILE // FOR THE GIVEN CODE //***************************************************************** void hkeep :: delete_record(int t_code) { fstream file;\:: binary | ios :: in); fstream temp;\:: binary | ios: file.seekg(0,ios::beg); while( *) this, sizeof(hkeep))) { if(code != t_code) temp.write((char *) this, sizeof(hkeep)); } file.close(); temp.close();\:: binary | ios: t_code = 1; while( *)this,sizeof(hkeep))) { code = t_code; file.write((char *)this, sizeof(hkeep)); t_code++; } file.close(); temp.close(); } ut); ut);\:: binary | ios::in); 悠悠同学网 //***************************************************************** // CLASS NAME : HKEEP // FUNCTION NAME : DELETION // DETAILS : IT GIVES THE CODE NO. TO DELETE THE // RECORD IN HKEEP'S FILE //***************************************************************** void hkeep :: deletion(void) { menu m; clrscr(); int valid; int t_code = 0, t; char t1_code[5], t2_code[5]; char ch; gotoxy(3,3); cout<<\Enter Order Serial No. of the record to be deleted \ gotoxy(3,4); cout<<\or Press do { valid = 1; gotoxy(45,12); ch = getch(); ch = toupper(ch); if (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0; sound(500); delay(100); nosound(); gotoxy(45,12); clreol(); } }while(! valid); if (ch == 'N') return; gotoxy(1,25); cout<<\ delete_record(t_code); clrscr(); gotoxy(1,14); cout<<\Deleted\\n\ m.line_hor(1,79,24,196); gotoxy(1,25); cout<<\any key to continue...\ getch(); return; } display_list(); gotoxy(1,25); clreol(); gotoxy(3,25); cout<<\Order Serial No. of the record or //***************************************************************** void hkeep :: modify_record(int t_code) { menu m; int valid,modified = 0; char ch; m.line_hor(1,79,12,196); gotoxy(3,14); cout<<\Serial No.\ gotoxy(3,16); cout<<\ : \ gotoxy(3,17); cout<<\No. : \ gotoxy(3,18); cout<<\ : \ m.line_hor(1,79,23,196); gotoxy(13,16); cout<<\(y/n) : \ do { valid =1; gotoxy(28,16); ch = getche(); ch = toupper(ch); if (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0; sound(500); delay(100); nosound(); gotoxy(45,12); clreol(); } } while(!valid); valid = 0; while(!valid && ch == 'Y') { modified = 1; valid = 1; gotoxy(13,16);clreol(); gotoxy(3,25); cout<<\THE NAME OF THE PERSON\ gotoxy(13,16); 悠悠同学网 gets(name); strupr(name); if(strlen(name) > 19 || strlen(name) == 0) { valid = 0; sound(500); delay(100); nosound(); gotoxy(1,25); clreol(); gotoxy(1,24); cout<<\SHOULD NOT BE BLANK OR GREATER THAN 19 \ gotoxy(1,25); cout<<\any key to continue ... \ getch(); gotoxy(1,24); clreol(); gotoxy(1,25); clreol(); gotoxy(13,16); clreol(); } } gotoxy(1,25); clreol(); gotoxy(13,17); cout<<\(y/n) : \ do { valid = 1; gotoxy(28,17); ch = getche(); ch = toupper(ch); if(ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0; sound(500); delay(100); nosound(); gotoxy(28,17); clreol(); } }while(!valid); valid = 0; while ( !valid && ch == 'Y') { modified = 1; valid = 1; gotoxy(13,17); clreol(); gotoxy(3,25); 悠悠同学网 cout<<\THE ROOM NO. OF THE CUSTOMER, return; } display_record(t_code); gotoxy(3,12); cout<<\you want to modify this record (y/n) : \ do { valid =1 ; gotoxy(45,12); ch = getche(); ch = toupper(ch); if(ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0; sound(500); delay(100); nosound(); gotoxy(45,12); clreol(); } }while(! valid); if( ch == 'N') return; modify_record(t_code); return; } display_list(); gotoxy(1,25); clreol(); gotoxy(3,25); cout<<\Order Serial No. of the record or 悠悠同学网 m.line_hor(1,79,24,196); gotoxy(1,25); cout<<\any key to continue ... \ getch(); return; } display_record(t_code); gotoxy(3,12); cout<<\you want to modify this record (y/n) : \ do { valid =1 ; gotoxy(45,12); ch = getche(); ch = toupper(ch); if(ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0; sound(500); delay(100); nosound(); gotoxy(45,12); clreol(); } }while(! valid); if( ch == 'N') return; modify_record(t_code); } //***************************************************************** // FUNCTION NAME : MAIN // DETAILS : IT CALLS THE STARTUP FUNCTION AND // MENU FUNCTION. //***************************************************************** void main(void) { menu m; m.startup(); m.main_menu(); } 悠悠同学网 附录 Base.Dlg.cpp程序: #include \#include \#include \#include \#include \ #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CBaseDlg dialog CBaseDlg::CBaseDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) { } //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CBaseDlg) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here : CDialog(CBaseDlg::IDD, pParent) //}}AFX_DATA_INIT 悠悠同学网 void CBaseDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CBaseDlg, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CBaseDlg) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CBaseDlg) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_TAB_BASE, m_oTabBase); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CBaseDlg message handlers BOOL CBaseDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // TODO: Add extra initialization here m_oTabBase.AddPage(\商品类别\m_oTabBase.AddPage(\商品资料\TERIEL); m_oTabBase.AddPage(\付款方式\m_oTabBase.Show(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE 悠悠同学网 } CallDlg.cpp程序: #include \#include \#include \ #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCallDlg dialog extern CMyPosApp theApp; CCallDlg::CCallDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) { } void CCallDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CCallDlg) //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CCallDlg) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here : CDialog(CCallDlg::IDD, pParent) //}}AFX_DATA_INIT 悠悠同学网 } DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_CALL, m_oCallstatic); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_CALLBILLID, m_oCallbillid); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CCallDlg, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CCallDlg) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCallDlg message handlers void CCallDlg::OnOK() { } BOOL CCallDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnOK(); if(dowhat==\{ } if(dowhat==\ m_oCallbillid.GetWindowText(dowhat); theApp.scallid=\ m_oCallbillid.GetWindowText(theApp.scallid); 悠悠同学网 } } _variant_t vtemp = m_pRecordset->GetCollect(\if(vtemp.dblVal>0) else ftotal=0; ftotal=(float)m_pRecordset->GetCollect(\ stotal.Format(\m_oTotalm.SetWindowText(stotal); m_oConsume.SetWindowText(stotal); catch(_com_error e)///捕捉异常 { } CString temp; temp.Format(\结帐]计算单据商品金额出错:%s\AfxMessageBox(temp); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE void CCheckDlg::OnButtonCheckok() { m_oConsume.GetWindowText(stotal); m_oTotalm.GetWindowText(sbilltotal); int nselect=m_oCombopay.GetCurSel(); m_oCombopay.GetLBText(nselect,spaymode); CString stotal,sbilltotal,spayID,sql,spaymode,snowtime; long lpayID; _RecordsetPtr m_pRecordset; 悠悠同学网 lpayID=GetPaymodeID(spaymode); spayID.Format(\ if(fchange<0) return; //得到系统时间 CTime now=CTime::GetCurrentTime(); snowtime=now.Format(_T(\sql=\ SALEBILL set ENDDATE='\ +stotal+\已结帐',PAYMODE=\ where ID='\ try { } catch(_com_error e)///捕捉异常 { } //output the checkout time and paymode to the print. theApp.snowtimep=snowtime; theApp.spaymodep=spaymode; theApp.sconsume=stotal; theApp.sactsum=sbilltotal; CString temp; temp.Format(\结帐]单据头更新数据库出错:%s\AfxMessageBox(temp); return; _variant_t RecordsAffected; theApp.m_pConnection->Execute((_bstr_t)sql,&RecordsAffected,adCmdText); 悠悠同学网 //Insert data into PAYDETAIL. CString sclass,scontotal,sdiscount,sacttotal,svaltotal; int nItemCount=m_oChecklist.GetItemCount();//表项总数 for(int i=0;i sclass=m_oChecklist.GetItemText(i,0); scontotal=m_oChecklist.GetItemText(i,1); sdiscount=m_oChecklist.GetItemText(i,3); sacttotal=m_oChecklist.GetItemText(i,4); float fvaltotal=atof(scontotal)-atof(sacttotal); svaltotal.Format(\sql=\ into PAYDETAIL(BILLID,CLASS,TOTAL,DISCOUNT,ACTTOTAL,VALTOTAL) values('\ try { } catch(_com_error e)///捕捉异常 { CString temp; temp.Format(\结帐]付款明细(PAYDETAIL)插入数据出_variant_t RecordsAffected; theApp.m_pConnection->Execute((_bstr_t)sql,&RecordsAffected,adCmdText); \ 错:%s\ } } AfxMessageBox(temp); return; 悠悠同学网 } //When the check button is click down,send a message(WM_CHECKOUT) to the CPosDlg. LRESULT Res=::SendMessage(theApp.pWnd, WM_CHECKOUT, 0, 0); CDialog::OnOK(); long CCheckDlg::GetPaymodeID(CString payname) { m_pRecordset->Open((_variant_t)sql,_variant_t((IDispatch*)theApp.m_pConnection,true),along paymodeID; _RecordsetPtr m_pRecordset; CString sql=\try { m_pRecordset.CreateInstance(\ dOpenStatic,adLockOptimistic,adCmdText); } void CCheckDlg::OnChangeEditReceive() } catch(_com_error e)///捕捉异常 { } return paymodeID; CString temp; temp.Format(\结帐]获取付款方式ID出错:%s\AfxMessageBox(temp); paymodeID=(long)m_pRecordset->GetCollect(\ 悠悠同学网 { // TODO: If this is a RICHEDIT control, the control will not // send this notification unless you override the CDialog::OnInitDialog() // function and call CRichEditCtrl().SetEventMask() // with the ENM_CHANGE flag ORed into the mask. CString sreceive,schange,stotal; m_oChange.SetWindowText(\ m_oReceive.GetWindowText(sreceive); m_oTotalm.GetWindowText(stotal); fchange=atof(sreceive)-atof(stotal); if(fchange>=0) { schange.Format(\ m_oChange.SetWindowText(schange); } } void CCheckDlg::ReadtoList(CString sbillid) { _RecordsetPtr m_pRecordset; //Must define it in function!!!! CString sql,sclassname,sclassname1,sctotal; long lclassid; float fctotal=0; sql=\Sum(ITEMTOTAL) as XXX,CLASSID from BILLID='\ //删除所有list中的数据。 m_oChecklist.DeleteAllItems(); SALEDETAIL where
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