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2006年全国国际货运代理从业人员资格考试试卷 国际货代业务试卷Ⅰ 一.单项选择题


A. 中国国际货运代理协会 B. 工商行政部门 C. 人事部 D. 劳动部


A. CIF Liner Terms B. CIF Landed C. CIF Ex Ship’s Hold D. CIF Berth Terms


A. 有一定数量的报检员 B. 经商务部注册登记

C. 经海关注册登记 D. 有一定数量的报关员


A.接受收发货人委托从事货运服务 B. 接受



D.以宣传自己服务优势的竞争手段从事经营活动 5.我国甲进出口公司于2005年11月15日上午8点用电报向美国乙公司发出要约,规定承诺于11月20日前到达甲公司才有效。11月18日,甲公司同时接到乙公司的承诺和撤回承诺的通知。根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,在此情况下(C)。 A. 该买卖合同成立 B. 该买卖合同不成立

C. 甲公司同意乙公司撤回,该买卖合同不成立 D. 甲公司不同意乙公司撤回,该买卖合同成立 6.国际货物买卖合同中规定溢短装条款,通常是允许卖方(B)。

A. 在交货质量上有一定幅度的差异 B. 在交货数量上有一定幅度的差异

C. 在包装规格上有一定幅度的差异 D. 在交货时间上有一定幅度的差异


A. 2年 B. 3年 C. 4年 D. 5年 8.在国际海上集装箱货物运输中,集装箱设备交接时,如集装箱发生损坏,应在集装箱设备交接单上做相关纪录。集装箱设备交接单上的记录代码BR DR分别代表(A)。

A.破损、污箱 B.破损、凹损 C.凹损、污箱 D.危标、污箱

9.国际海运集装箱按用途不同可以分成不同类型的集装箱,其中”FR”代表( D )。

A. 干货箱 B. 超高箱 C. 挂衣箱 D. 框架箱

10. 在租船运输业务中,根据中国《海商法》的规定,对于以下几种租船方式,只有在(D)中,船舶出租人必须履行班轮运输中承运人的适航义务和不得不合理绕航的义务。

A.航次租船 B.定期租船 C.光船租船 D.航次期租

11. 在航次租船方式下,货物装卸费由船舶出租人还是承租人承担取决于合同的具体规定。下列(B)规定表明船舶出租人不承担货物装卸费用。


12. 鹿特丹(ROTTERDAM)是下列那一条集装箱货物运输航线上的港口(D)

A. 远东-北美西海岸航线 B. 奥新航线 C. 远东-北美东海岸航线 D. 欧地线

13. 根据金康94合同的含义,船舶出租人在任何时候,只要估计船舶不能在受载期内抵达装货港,就可以向承租人提出询问。船舶出租人提出该询问之后,承租人必须在48小时内做出回答,否则会被自动地当作另有一新修改过的新的解约日,即船舶出租人提出的新的估计可装货日起再加上(C)。

A. 3天 B. 5天 C. 7天 D. 9天

14. 美国海关24小时预申报规则要求船公司或无船承运人在装港装货前24小时以电子数据方式向美国海关递交(B)

A. 装货清单 B. 载货清单 C.货物积载图 D. 集装箱装箱单

15. 根据航次租船合同的规定,在船舶抵达港口递交NOR一段时间后,开始起算(A)。

A. 装卸时间 B. 受载期 C. 租船合同期限 D. 宣载期

16. 航空货运中的特殊操作代码PER表示的中文含


A. 活动物 B. 易腐货物 C. 食品 D. 航材

17. 在国际航空货物运输中,下列(C)属于非公布直达运价。

A. 普通货物运价 B. 等级货物运价 C. 分段相加运价 D.集装货物运价

18. 某集装箱代号为AKA1234CZ,该集装箱属于(A) A. 南方航空公司 B. 东方航空公司 C. 国际航空公司 D. 海南航空公司

19. 在国际航空货物运输中,下列说法错误的是(B) A. 每件普通航空货物的最小体积不得小于3厘米x10厘米x20厘米

B. 每票普通货物的最小重量不得小于1千克 C. 易碎物品每件重量不超过25千克

D. 鲜活易腐货物每件重量以不超过25千克为宜 20. 日本大阪关西国际机场的三字代码是(A) A. KIX B. ORD C. CAN D. NRT 21. 目前全国正在统一治理公路运输车辆超载超限问题下列构成超载超限的是(A)。

A. 四轴车辆,其车货总重超过40吨的 B. 六轴车辆,其车货总重超过50吨的

C. AB都是 D. AB都不是

22. 铁路始发站在(D),开始对承运货物承担有关责任。

A. 收货完毕后 B. 核对货物后

C. 接到托运人运单申请后 D. 货运单上加盖承运人承运日期后


A. 图晖线 B. 滨绥线 C. 湘贵线 D. 北疆线

24.国际上公认的物流条形码制只有三种,其中最常用的是(C)。 A. ITF-14

条码 B. UCC/EAN-128

码 C. EAN-13条码 D. EAN-8条码 25.在库存管理中CVA分析法的分类标准是(B) A. 库存产品的价值 B. 库存产品的重要性 C. 库存产品的大小D. 库存产品的多少

26.有关下列供应链管理的正确描述是(A) A. 供应链管理是一种集成和系统的管理思想和方法

B. 供应链管理就是物流管理

C. 供应链管理只关注组织内部的功能整合 D. 供应链管理是一个静态的响应系统


A. 小批量、多批次运输 B. 大批量、少批次运输

C. 采用零担运输的形式 D. 对流运输 28.按照我国法律的规定,明知委托事项违法,货运代理人为了自身利益仍然进行货运代理活动的,则(D)

A. 被代理人不负被追偿责任 B. 货运代理人不负被追偿责任

C. 货运代理人不负连带责任 D. 委托人和货运代理人都负连带责任


A. 保险人 B. 国际货代公司 C. 货主 D. 船公司


A. 形象价值大于产品价值 B. 形象价值小于产品价值

C. 客户预期价值大于客户感受价值 D. 客户预期价值小于客户感受价值


31. 中国国际货运代理协会的宗旨之一是配合政府部门加强对我国国际货运代理行业的管理。(A) 32.按照我国的有关规定,国际货运代理企业从事航空运输销售代理活动,应当取得中国航空运输协会颁发的资格认可证书。(A)








39.在货物堆码中,对于箱、桶、麻袋装的货物以及木材、钢材等货物,一般采用成组堆码方式储存。(B) 40.在国际海上运输中,托运人托运一件货物,货物的重量为0.6吨,体积为0.7立方米,通常其运费吨就是0.7。(A)

41. 在海上危险货物运输中,货主和货运代理公司以及承运人均无过失,但由于该批货物的特性而造成船舶损失时,货主和货运代理公司要承担赔偿责任。(B) 42.航次租船租期的长短取决于完成一个航次或几个





46.在国际海上集装箱运输中,散装集装箱(bulk container)属于通用集装箱。( B )

47.在航次租船合同中,约定承租人“责任终止条款”的效力取决于船方是否能够有效行使留置权。(A )

48.在国际航空货物运输中,原木作为货物包装需要作熏蒸的目的是为了防止木制品病虫害蔓延。(A) 49.在国际航空货物运输中,贵重货物在装机或装集装箱过程中至少应有三人在场,其中一人必须是承运




52.在国际航空货物运输中,托运书的收货人栏内不得写”to order”或”to order of the shipper”(按托运人的指示)等字样,主要原因在于航空货物运单不能转让。(A)

53.亚欧大陆桥运输是指国际集装箱从东亚、东南亚国家或地区由海运或陆运进入我国口岸,再经公路运往蒙古、欧洲、中东等国家和地区或相反方向的过境运输。(B )





58.供应链有所加盟的节点企业组成,一般有一个核心企业,该核心企业必须是生产制造企业。(A) 59.B-to-C型电子商务是企业与消费者之间的电子交易业务。(A)

60.在货物验收过程中,发现数量不符,若在损益范围内的,应该按照送货单数量入库。(B )


61.根据我国民航总局的有关规定,国际货运代理企业申请民用航空运输销售代理资格应具备的条件是(A B C D)

A. 申请人必须是注册资本达到一定数量的企业法人 B. 必须有至少三名取得国际货运代理资格证书的销售人员

C. 必须有固定的独立营业场所 D. 必须有必要的电信设备

62.我国某公司从天津出口一批货物到曼谷,根据《INCOTERMS 2000》下列( A B D )贸易术语规定货物的风险自装运港货物越过船舷是从卖方转移给买方。


63. 在信用证业务的有关当事人之间,存在合同关

系的有(A B )。

A. 开证申请人与开证行 B. 开证申请人与受益人

C. 开证行与受益人 D. 开证申请人与通知行

64.报关员代表所属企业向海关办理报关业务时,应履行的义务是(A B D)。

A. 熟悉所申报货物的基本情况,提供进出口报关单向海关办理报关手续

B. 负责在规定的时间内办理缴纳所申报进出口货物的各项税费的手续、海关罚款手续和撤案手续 C. 接受社会各类企业、单位委托办理报关手续 D. 配合海关对走私违规案件的调查 65.人员推销的基本形式有(A B C)

A. 上门推销 B. 柜台推销 C. 会议推销 D. 寄发广告

66.根据《海关对保税仓库及所存货物的管理办法》规定,保税仓库允许存放的货物有(A B C) A. 转口货物 B. 供维修外国产品所进口寄售的零配件

C. 未办结海关手续的一般贸易货物 D. 针对外贸企业使用的进口货物

67. 国际货运代理企业在海运拼箱货的操作中,下列表述正确的有(A D)

A. 拼箱货操作一般不能接收指定货(即指定船公司的货物)

B. 拼箱货操作一般应接收指定货

C. 收到拼箱货时不要核定丈量货物的尺码及重量 D. 收到拼箱货时要核定丈量货物的尺码及重量 68. 在国际海上集装箱运输中,运输危险货物时应使用的单据是( A B D )。 A. 危险货物安全适运申报单

B. 海运危险货物包装容器性能检验结果单 C. 限重危险货物证明

D. 集装箱装运危险货物装箱证明书(装箱证明) 69.航次租船合同的主要特点包括(A B)

A. 船舶出租人配备船员 B. 船舶出租人负责船舶营运

C. 船舶承租人配备船员 D. 船舶承租人负责船舶营运

70.船舶出租人和船舶承租人签订一份航次租船“订租确认书”,下列(A C D)内容一般应包括在订租确认书中。

A. 装卸港名称 B. 交还船的时间和地

C. 运费和支付方法 D. 合同范本

71.在国际航空运输中,某货运代理人从不同货主处接收了下列货物,其中可以拼装成一票货进行运输的货物是( B C)。

A. 工业钻石 B.普通电器元件 C.运动鞋 D. 大使馆的邮件

72.国际航空集装器代号通常由前面3个字母、中间4位数字和后面2个字母组成。有关它们的说明正确表述的是(A B C)

A. 前3个字母依次表示集装器的类型,底板尺寸、外形和适配型

B. 中间4位数字表示集装器的序号

C. 最后2个字母表示集装器所属的所有人、注册人 D. 最后2个字母表示集装器的生产方

73.关于海运提单、航空运单、铁路运单、多式联运单据的表述正确的是(A C)。

A. 它们都是运输合同的证明 B. 它们都是物权凭证

C. 它们都是收货凭证 D. 它们都可以流通转让


库对此正确的处理方法是(A C)

A. 及时通知货主 B. 不作处理,直接入库

C. 获得送货人确认签字 D. 与送货人共同检查货物

75.包装在物流运输环节中的基本功能有(B C )。 A. 增加价值 B. 保护货物 C. 便利储存运输 D. 美观 国际货代业务试卷Ⅱ


1.某进出口公司出口某种货物100件,每件重300公斤,成交价为CFR釜山,总金额50000元人民币,运价为每吨300元人民币,出口税率为10%。 问:⑴该公司应付多少运费? 答:应付9000人民币

300元人民币x300(公斤)x100(件)=9000人民币 ⑵应付多少出口关税? 答:应付出口关税4100人民币

50000元人民币-9000人民币=41000人民币 41000人民币X10% = 4100人民币

2.某出口商以CFR成交一批出口货物,货物成交价为USD350000。该出口商委托甲货运代理人查问这批货物从装货港到卸货港的海运运费。甲货运代理人从乙船公司那里得知运输这批货物按从价运费的方式计收运费,并且“Ad Val.”是0.6%假如你是货运代理人,请告诉该出口商,运输这批货物所需要支付的海运费是多少?


FOB价格为:USD350000x(1-0.6%)= USD347912.52 USD347912.52 X 0.6% = USD2087.48

3.Routing: SHANGHAI, CHINA (SHA) TO NAGASAKI, JAPAN (NGS) Commodity: Personal Effects

Gross Weight: Each 20.4kgs, total 6 pieces Dimensions: Total 6 pieces, Each 89x61x35cm 计算航空运费

SHANGHAI CN SHA Y.RENMINBI CNY KGS NAGASAKI JP M 230 N 38.22 45 28.13 0008 300 18.8 0300 500 20.61 1093 100 18.43 2195 500 18.80 答案:

Volume :_89x61x35cm=190015cm3 x 6 = 1140090 cm3

Volume Weight:_ 1140090 cm3_÷

6000cm3/kg_=190.015kgs =190.5kgs__ Gross Weight: ___122.4kgs________ Chargeable Weight: _190.5kgs______ Applicable Rate: __50% x 38.22CNY =19.11CNY


Weight Charge: 19.11CNY x 190.5 = 3640.46CNY



2001年12月马赛港交货。2001年11月15日,中国银行上海分行(开证行)根据买方指示向买方开出了金额为20万美元的不可撤销的信用证,委托马赛的一家法国银行通知并议付此信用证。2001年12月20日,卖方将200台计算机装船并获得信用证要求的提单、保险单、发票等单据后,即到该法国议付行议付。经审查,单证相符,银行即将20万美元支付给卖方。载货船离开马赛港10天后在航行途中由于船员航行操作过失,船舶触礁,救助无效。货船及货物全部沉入大海。此时开证行已收到了议付行寄来的全套单据。,买方也已得知所购货物全部灭失的消息。因此,卖方举借支付货款,理由是其不能得到所期待的货物。根据中国海商法和国际贸易惯例,请回答: (1)这批货物的风险自何时起由卖方转移给买方 (2)买方能够因这批货物全部灭失而免除其所承担的付款义务?




包括运输工具触礁、沉没造成的货损和货物灭失。 (4)作为承运人的船公司是否要承担责任,为什么? 答:承运人不须承担责任。中国海商法中规定承运人对“船长、船员、引航员或者承运人的其他受雇人在驾驶船舶或者管理船舶中的过失”不负责任。

2.我国A贸易公司委托同一城市的B货运代理公司办理一批从我国C港运至韩国D港、的危险品货物。A贸易公司向B货运代理公司提供了正确的货物名称和危险品货物的性质,B货运代理公司为此前发起公司的HOUSE B/L给A公司。随后,B货运代理公司以托运人的身份向船公司办理该批货物的订舱和出运手续。为了节省运费,同时因为B货运代理公司已投保责任险。因此B货运代理公司向船公司谎报货物的名称,亦未告知船公司该批货物为危险品货物。船公司按通常货物处理并装载于船舱内,结果在海上运输中,因为货物的危险性质导致火灾,造成船舶受损,该批货物全部灭失并给其他货主造成巨大损失。请根据我国有关法律规定回答下列问题:









在北京办理中转。为此A货运代理公司委托香港B货运代理公司驻北京办事处办理中转业务。但是,由于航空公司工作疏忽,致使该货物在北京至香港的运输途中遗失。根据以上案情,请回答如下问题: (1)A货运代理公司和B货运代理公司的法律地位是什么?他们是否应对货物遗失承担责任?

答:A货运代理公司是集运商,B货运代理公司是A货运代理公司的代理人,对承运人航空公司而言,他们是托运人。他们对货物遗失不承担责任。 (2)本案是否适用国际航空货运公约?为什么? 答:适用国际航空货运公约。因为货物从沈阳运至香港属于国际运输





答:(1)承运人签发海运单交托运人 (2)托运人发给收货人装船通知书,并寄送海运单副本参考(3)收货人凭身份证明书,证明其为有关海运单上的收货人,换取D/O。在中国通常还须收货人同时提供海运单副本并背书交承运人。


(1) 如何包装这票货物

答:用硬质木材或铁箱包装,必要时加“井”字铁腰加固并使用铅封或火漆封志 (2) 容器应贴有哪些标贴

答:除识别标签和操作标签外不应有其他任何额外标贴,特别是不应有任何对内装货作出提示的标记 (3) 在货运单栏“Nature and quantity of Goods”,应该注明什么字样?

答:真实的货物名称,准确的净重和件数,同时注明“Valuable Cargo” 字样。 (4) 能否办理运费到付? 答:能

(5) 这票货物的声明价值不得超过多少美元? 答:不得超过十万美元

2006年全国国际货运代理从业人员资格考试试卷 国际货代英语试卷Ⅰ


1.The scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of consignor includes(C).

A. booking space with exporter B. paying the freight to the exporters

C. arranging export customs clearance D. booking space with the insurer

2.According to INCOTERMS 2000( A )means that the sellers delivers the goods, cleared for export, to the carrier nominated by the buyers at the named place.

A. FCA B. FOB C. CFR D.CPT 3.According to UCP500, the terms “beginning” of a month in the letter of credit shall be construed as (C)

A. from the 1st to the last day of the month B. from the 1st to the 15th of the month C. from the 1 to the 10th of the month D. from the 1 to the 5th of the month


4.Which of the following insurance coverage does not cover total loss of or damage to cargo caused by earthquake or lightning? ( B )

A. WA B.FPA C. Institute Cargo Clause(B) D. Institute Cargo Clause(C) 5.Which of the following standard Charter Party forms is used in a Voyage Charter?(A)


6.Laytime and demurrage clause normally appeared in the ( B )Charter Party.

A. Time B. Voyage C. Bareboat D. TCT

7.Which of the following terms on the B/L shows that the Bill of Lading is clean B/L?(C) A. insufficient packing B. one carton short

C. in apparent good order and condition D. missing safety seal

8.The number of original Bills of Lading required by the L/C may be expressed as 3/3, which means ( A )

A.3 originals and 3 copies B. 6 originals C.3 originals and all should be tendered to the bank

D.6 originals and all should be tendered to the bank

9.When determining the freight rate, the age-old principles of “what the traffic can bear” is increasingly substituted by the ( C )principle nowadays.

A. open market rate B. surcharges C. service cost D. stowage factor

10. Which of the following modes of container transport may not be FCL/FCL.( D ) A.



DOOR/DOOR C.DOOR/CY D. CFS/CFS 11. The responsible period of the carrier for the loss of or damage to the cargo as well as delay in delivery under CMR Convention is between (D). A. the Port to Port B. the Door to Door C. the Rail to Rail

D. the time the carrier taking over the goods and the time of delivery

12. The terms under which the shipowner is not responsible for loading and discharging stowage and trimming costs is (B)

A. FOBST B. FIOST C. FIOS D. FIO 13. For a Supply Chain to realize the maximum strategic benefit of logistics, the full range of functional work must be ( A ).

A. managed B. integrated C. transported D. supplied

14. The rate of FAK refers to ( B ).

A. freight for class B. freight of all kinds C. weight/measure rate D. all inclusive rate 15. Which of the following is not belonged to the Advisory Body of FIATA?( A )



16. Assisting the consignee, if necessary, in warehousing and distribution is one of the services provided by the freight forwarder on behalf of the consignee.( A )

17. The CPT term may be used irrespective of

the mode of transport including multimodal transport and this term requires the buyer to clear the goods for export.( A )

18. The word “to, until, till, from” applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be understood to include the date mentioned.(A)

19. The All Risks of PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clause does not cover risk of war and special additional risks but cover the general additional risks.(A)

20. A booking note is a commitment on the part of the shipper to ship the goods and serves as the basis for the preparation of the Bill of Lading.( A )

21. The UCP500 published by the International Chamber of Commerce contains detailed provisions dealing with the operation of the Bill of Lading.( B )

22. The Voyage Charter means that the vessel is put at the disposal of the Charterer for a certain period employment without any crew.( B )

23. Straight Bill of Lading are not negotiable and cannot be transferred to third parties.( A ) 24. From legal point of view, the Notify Party on the Bill of Lading is not the party of the contract of the carriage of goods by sea.( A ) 25. The road transport in the countries outside Europe is to a great extent governed by the CMR Convention.( B )

26. One of the advantages in multimodal transport is to minimize time loss at transshipment point.( A )

27. The primary objective of information flow management is to reconcile differentials of different




individual logistics areas, to improve overall supply chain performance.( A )

28. The figure like 1/10/2005 in British English will be understood as January 10, 2005, while in American English will be understood as October 1, 2005.( B )

29. E-business not only involves exchanges among customers, business partners and the

vendor, but also includes operations that handled within the business itself.(A)

30. Usually, an Air Waybill is non-negotiable, that is, the goods must be sent to the consignee titled in the Air Waybill.( A )


31. Which of the following belong to logistics activities?( B C D )

A. facility network B. transportation C. warehousing D. inventory

32. According to INCOTERMS2000,which group of the following trade terms mean that the seller should contract for the carriage of the goods.( A B )


33. Which of the following insurance coverage cover





charges.( A B C D )

A. WA B. FPA C. All Risks D. Institute Cargo Clause(A)

34. The Air Waybill is the most important document in air cargo transportation. It serves as ( A B C ).

A. receipt and delivery of shipment B. evidence of contract of air cargo transportation C. customs declaration D. document of title

35. A Voyage Charter Party mainly contains the ( A D )clauses.

A. payment of freight B. delivery and redelivery

C. payment of hire D. time for loading and discharging

36. FIATA has created several documents and forms, they are ( A B C D).

A. FWB B. FCR C. FWR D.FCT 37. The carrier is relieved of liability under CMR Convention if the loss, damage or delay is due to (A B).

A. any wrongful act of the consignor B. inherent vice of the goods

C. the act of his agent D. the act

of his servants

38. From the logistical system viewpoint, three factors are fundamental to transportation performance, these are ( A B C ). A.





speed D. warehousing

39. The principles of writing business letters are (A B C D).

A. correct grammar B. logically connected ideas

C. appropriate layout D. suitable style 40. FIATA’s main objectives are ( A B ) A. to unite the freight forwarding industry worldwide

B. to assist with vocational training for freight forwarders

C. to unite the transport industry worldwide D. to safeguard the interests of the importers and exporters


(41 D) means the assembly of small parcels

of cargo from several consignors at one point of origin intended for several consignees at another point of destination. As a consolidator, the freight forwarder will provide the service in his own name and issue a (42 C) . To the individual consignors, the consolidator is the (43 A), which in his relationship with the actual carrier, he is the (44 C). Consolidation can benefit all concerned, e.g. exporters and shippers, carrier and forwarder. For exporters and shippers, they get the benefit of a rate lower than they would have normally paid to the carrier. And shippers find it advantageous to deal through a freight forwarder who provides consolidation services to a wide range of destinations instead of approaching several (45 A). Each of which may be offering services only on routes which they operate.

41. A. Transshipment B. Distribution C. Transportation D. Consolidation

42. A. master B/L B. shipped B/L C. House B/L D. direct B/L

43. A. carrier B. agent C. consignor D. consignee

44. A. broker B. carrier C. consignor D. agent

45. A. shipping lines B. trading firms C. receivers D. consignees

A (46 B) system can be made up of many different functional activities, some of which are described briefly below. Information links all areas of the logistics system together. Information processing is becoming increasingly automated, complex, and rapid. It is key to the efficient functioning of system. (47 A) is a broad area concerning all movements of raw materials, work in process, or finished goods within a factory or warehouse.(48 A) processing is the system a firm has for getting orders from customers, checking on the status of orders and communicating to customers about them, and actually filling the order and making it available to the customer. (49 C) involves

selection of the mode, the routing of the shipment, compliance with regulations in the region of the country, and selection of the carriers.(50 C ) and storage activities relate to warehouse layout, design, ownership, automation, training of employees, and related issues.

46. A. management B. logistics C. information D. shipping

47. A. order processing B. transportation C. warehousing D. material handling

48. A. order B. information C. storage D. shipping

49. A. procurement B. inventory C. transportation D. packing

50. A. merchandising B. shipping C. warehousing D. information

国际货代英语试卷Ⅱ 一. 英汉互译题 1.英译汉

(1) insurable interest 保险利

(2) supply chain management 供应链管理

(3) clean bill of lading 清洁提单

(4) business partner 伴

(5) bank draft 票

(6) Notify party (7) With particular average (8) Straight bill of lading 单

(9) Salvage charges 用

(10)Letter of credit (11)Bale capacity (12)Insurance premium (13)Value chain (14)Issuing bank (15)Trade terms (16)Free from particular average 商业伙银行汇通知人 水渍险 记名提救助费信用证 袋装容积 保费 价值链 发证行 贸易条款 平安险

(17)Customs clearance 清关 (18)Delivery order , 提货单 (19)Shipping order 装货单(下货纸)

(20)Direct bill of lading 直达提单 2. 汉译英(简写不得分) (loss ((((






人 commission agent 数 stowage factor 损 general average 陷 inherent vice (6) 迟延交付 delay in delivery

(7) 货物灭失或损坏 loss of or damage to the goods

(8) 出口舱单 export


损 constructive total

manifest (


期 shipment date (10)航次租船合同 voyage charter party (


据 negotiable documents (12)保险凭证 insurance certificate

(13)指定货物运价 specific commodity rate 14

统 communication system(15)知识产权 right of intelligence

(16)海运提单 ocean of lading (17


(18)客户需求 requirements

bill 运


customs (19)库存战略 inventory strategy (


务 consolidation service 二.英文单证操作题

根据下列所提供的信用证条款的主要内容及有关信息,审核集装箱托运单、海运提单、保险单和商业发票中填写不正确的项目,并予以改正。 Irrevocable documentary credit Number: LC223-5866686 Date: March 5,2004

Date and place of expiry: April 30, 2004 Qingdao, China

Advising Bank: Bank of China

Beneficiary: China ABC Import and Export Corp.

Applicant, U.K.Tom Corp.

Shipment from :Qingdao to London, on or about April 5,2004

Partial shipment: Not allowed Transshipment: Not allowed

Description of goods: 100% Cotton Towel as

per S/C No.CH2004


Total quantity: 200 Cartons Total gross weight: 20500kgs Total measurement: 30CBM Price terms: CIF London, U.K. Following documents required:

① Signed commercial invoice in triplicate ② Packing list in triplicate

③ Full set of clean on board Ocean Bill Of Lading made out to order of shipper and endorsed in blank and marked “freight prepaid” and notify applicant.

④ Insurance Policy in duplicate for full CIF value plus 10% covering All Risks as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the PICC dated 1/1/1981 and stating claims payable in London, UK in the currency of the credit. Information:

Date of Invoice: March 25,2004 Ocean Vessel: “BBB”Voy. No.:005E

B/L No. 0128

Container No. CBHU0180286 Marks & Nos: CT LONDON NO.1-200

Forwarder: China CCC Forwarder Co., (acting as agent of the China ABC Import and Export Corp.) 答案:

(1) 集装箱货物托运单修改的地方 Consignee: To Order of Shipper Notify Party: U.K.Tom Corp.

Freight & Charges: Freight Prepaid 可否分批:not allowed 装期: before April 5,2004

(2) AAA Shipping Co. Bill of Lading

Shipper: China ABC Import and Export Corp. Consignee: To Order of Shipper

Place and date of Issue: Qingdao, April 5,2004 LADEN ON BOARD THE VESSEL DATE: April 5,2004 (3) Commercial Invoice To: U.K.Tom Corp.

Date of Invoice: March 25,2004 Letter of Credit No.: LC223-5866686

(4) Insurance Policy

被保险人:To Order of Shipper 保险金额:USD11000

Conditions: Covering All Risks as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the PICC dated 1/1/1981 Claim Payable at: London, U.K. Date: April 5, 2004

