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Phrases of Unit1---10,NHE3
Phrases of Unit1, NHE3
1. 欢迎到华盛顿特区 2. 带你参观这个国家的首都 3. 花两个小时 4. 大约中午回来 5. 从国会大厦开始
welcome to Washington D.C. take you around the nation’s capital take two hours be back about noon start at the Capitol Building
6. 参议员和代表为国家的法律投票决定senators and representatives vote on laws for the
country 7. 街对面是最高法院。 8. 国会图书馆 9. 真难以想象。 11. 华盛顿纪念碑
12. 这样一个漂亮、高的纪念碑 13. 直插云霄
14. 其中最受人欢迎的一个景点 15. 参观白宫
16. 看看美国总统住的房间 17. 林肯纪念堂
18. 其中最受人敬仰的一个地方
There across the street is the Supreme Court. the Library of Congress Just imagine.
the Washington Monument such a beautiful tall monument reach up into the sky one of the most popular sights take a tour of the White House
see the rooms where the American President lives the Lincoln Memorial one of the most loved places Cemetery
20. 如此多的美国英雄被埋葬。 21. 有任何关于华盛顿的问题
So many American heroes are buried. have any questions about Washington
10. 有在美国印刷的每本书的复印件 have a copy of every book printed in the United States
19. 经过伯特摩克河到阿林顿国家公墓 go across the Potomac River to the Arlington
22. 希望你随美国之旅愉快地看了华盛顿特区I hope you have enjoyed seeing Washington
D.C. with Tour USA 23. 影视商店 24. 音乐厅 25. 喜欢打高尔夫球 26. 我认为它没有趣。 27. 练习得很多 28. 他不喜欢输! 29. 人靠衣装。 30. 喜欢跳舞和打保龄球 31. 决定去保龄摇滚馆 32. 其他所有的人
a video store a concert hall like playing golf
I don’t think it is interesting. practice a lot He doesn’t like losing! Clothes make the man. like to dance and bowl
decide to go to the Bowl and Rock all the other people
33. 运动衫
34. 感到穿着过分和傻 35. 请一个漂亮的金发女郎跳舞 36. 走开 37. 到处转了一会 38. 早早的回家 39. 去买几件新衣服 40. 你所穿的真得很重要吗? 41. 买跑鞋
42. 你为什么不买一件衬衫呢? 43. 一个天文学家 44. 行星和恒星的专家 45. 在尺寸上 46. 表面温度 47. 华氏五百多度 48. 金星上的风
49. (风)每小时刮三百英里 50. 没有水和氧气 51. 从没有在五十度以上 52. 降到零下二百度 54. 在太空 55. 单独在宇宙 56. 许多恒星 57. 还没发现它们
58. 金星太近了而不能维持生命. 59. 就在那儿正好的地方
60. 你在回答问题时运用你的想象。 61. 自己写些有关这幅画的情况。 62. 有什么种类的车辆在街上? 63. 人们穿的是怎样的? 64. 这些人住在什么国家? 65. 瞧这个穿制服的人。 66. 在外走路 67. 嘴里叼着某物 68. 走过一座桥 69. 朝下看河
70. 看见他自己在水里的倒影 71. 有一只狗在朝上看我。
sport shirt
feel overdressed and silly ask a pretty blond to dance walk away
walk around for a while
walk home early
go shopping for some new clothes Is what you wear really important? shop for running shoes Why don’t you buy a shirt? an astronomer
an expert on the planets and stars in size
the temperature on the surface over 500 degrees Fahrenheit the winds on Venus blow 300 miles per hour have no water and no oxygen be never above 50 degrees drop to 200 degrees below zero in space
be alone in the universe lots of stars
haven’t found them yet
Venus is too close to the sun to support life. be in just the right place
Use your imagination as you answer the questions. Write about the picture on your own. What kind of vehicles are on the street? How are the people dressed? What country do these people live in? Look at the man in the uniform. be out walking carry sth in his mouth walk across a bridge look down at the river
see his own reflection in the water There is a dog looking up at me.
53. 也许在那儿以外有别的行星像地球。There may be other planets out there like our earth.
72. 抢走他的骨头 73. 一...就... 74. 掉进河里漂走 75. 这个寓言有什么寓意? 76. 不要贪心别人有的东西。 77. 最常见的贵重金属
78. 用我们采的一半银子做摄影胶片 79. 用铝做软饮料的罐子 80. 诸如飞行器、照相机和窗框 81. 不像银子
82. 在首饰制作中用它来镶嵌宝石
grab his bone away as soon as
fall into the river and float away What’s the moral of this fable? Don’t be greedy for what others have.
the most common precious metal
use half the silver we mine on photographic film use aluminum for beer and soft frink cans
such things as aircraft, cars, cameras, window-frames unlike silver
use it in jewelry for mounting precious stones
83. 冲过含贵金属的岩石后携带了金子颗粒carry particles after running over rocks
containing the precious metal 84. 把一整块羊皮放进小溪里 85. 羊皮上的毛 86. 吸附金属的小微粒 87. 用钢代替铝来制造啤酒听 88. 像铂的一半一样贵 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
put the fleece of a sheep into the stream the wool of the fleece trap the tiny pieces of metal
use steel instead of aluminum to make soft drink cans be half as expensive as platinum
Phrases of Unit2, NHE3
这个有摩天大楼令人兴奋的城市 你们美国之旅的导游 坐渡船到自由女神像 突出在纽约港 正如你们所看到的 正好在所有大楼的中间 看那些在草地上野餐的人 有许多小船的湖 沿着第五大街走 浏览商店橱窗
有漂亮裙子和套装的服饰店 有钻石和金子的珠宝店 在百老汇 就在这儿
去看话剧和音乐剧 经过帝国大厦
观看曼哈顿岛的全景 看这个城市的一个好方法 美国的金融中心 this exciting city of skyscrapers your guide for Tour USA
take the ferry to the Statue of liberty stand out in New York Harbor as you see
right in the middle of all the tall buildings look at all the people picnicking on the grass the lake with many small boats go down / walk along Fifth Avenue look in the store windows
clothing stores with beautiful dresses and suits jewelry stores with diamonds and gold on Broadway right here
go and see a play or a musical
go by the Empire State Building
see all up and down the island of Manhattan a wonderful way to see the city
the money center of the United States
20. 美国的商业中心 the heart of American business
21. 沿街行走的人们与街两边如此高的大厦相比The people going down the street look very
显得十分渺小。 small with such tall buildings on both sides. 22. 带某人去自由女神 take sb. to the Statue of Liberty 23. 第五大道和华尔街 Fifth Avenue and Wall Street 24. 停下来买热狗 25. 吃麦片、腌肉、薄饼
26. 传糖桨、奶油、果浆、盐和胡椒 27. 喝杯热巧克力 28. 按时到校
29. 喝你的不加牛奶的(清)咖啡 30. 学功课 31. 注意体重 32. 均衡的饮食
33. 吃一顿(不)丰盛的早饭 34. 先喝一杯桔汁 35. 吃两片抹有果酱的吐司 36. 之后
37. 吃上面有香蕉的玉米片 38. 那就是我吃的所有东西. 39. 葡萄柚汁
stop for a hot dog
have cereal, bacon and pancakes pass syrup, cream, jelly, salt and pepper drink a cup of hot chocolate get to school on time
drink your coffee black/drink your black coffee study one’s lessons watch one’s weight a balanced diet
have a small (good) breakfast start with a glass of orange juice have two pieces of toasts with jelly after that
have cornflakes with a banana on top That’s all I eat. grapefruit juice
40. (用牛奶和黄油)炒的\\煎的\\煮的鸡蛋 scrambled/
41. 一个叫 “食性决定人性”的电视节目 a program called “You are what you eat” 42. 影响我们感觉的方式 43. 使你喜怒无常、脾气变坏 44. 对你的牙齿不好 45. 新鲜水果饮料 46. 减少使用人造防腐剂 47. 吃高纤维低脂肪的食物 48. 法式薯条 49. 奶昔 50. 停止使用
51. 四组食物 52. 为什么狗被训练这样做? 53. 友情的誓言
54. 永远做你的朋友(友谊)不绝衰 55. 山平河枯。 56. 闪电和打雷 57. 当天地合一时
affect the way we feel
make you moody or bad-tempered be bad for your teeth fresh fruit drinks
cut down on artificial preservatives eat food high in fiber, low in fat French fries milk shakes cut out sth/cut sth out four food groups
Why are the dogs trained to do so? oath of friendship
be your friend for ever without break or decay The hills are all flat and the rivers are all dry. (it) lighten and thunder when Heaven and Earth mingle
58. 直到(那时我)才(会离开你)。 59. 在世界上我们所捕获的鱼中 61. 冷藏在海里捕的3/4的鱼 62. 回到鱼港
63. 把鱼化冻切块并当鲜鱼出售
64. 在北半球 65. 来自赤道以南 66. 世界上吃鱼的冠军
Not till then will I part from you. of all the fish we catch in the world the rest
freeze the three quarters of the fish caught at sea back in port
defrost the fish and fillet it and sell it as fresh fish
in the northern hemisphere from south of the equator the world champion fish eaters
60. 剩余的
67. 吃了比他们最强的对手多一倍的鱼
(吃的鱼是他们最接近的对手的两倍) eat twice as much fish as their closest rivals 68. 美国人的平均数 69. 雌鲟鱼的卵 70. 被称为鱼子酱 71. 问一张便宜椅子的价 72. 有坐船度假的现金 73. 买厨房用的椅子
the average American the eggs of the female sturgeon be called caviar charge a cheap chair
have the cash for a vacation on a ship shop for a chair for the kitchen
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
Phrases of Unit3, NHE3
不论我们在哪儿 no matter where we are 因为好吃的波士顿烤豆 for the wonderful Boston baked beans 熠熠发光、漂亮的有镀金穹顶的 the State Capitol with its beautiful gold-covered 州议会大厦 dome shining in the sun 面朝波士顿公地 face the Boston Common 历史雕塑 historical statue 看到许多家庭坐在天鹅船里在池 notice the families enjoying the ride around the 里泛游 pond in the swan boats 在烽火山 on Beacon Hill 波士顿其中最古老的一个区域 one of the oldest sections of Boston 到波士顿海港 go down to Boston Harbor 穿过北区 go through the North End 属于?? belong to 在美国独立战争时期 at the time of the American Revolution 紧靠着 be close to 大约六个街区远 about six blocks away 朝右边的车窗外面看 look out the window on the right side of the bus 在山顶的高高的花岗岩柱子 a tall granite column on top of the hill 全在水下 be all under water 布满高楼大厦 be covered with tall buildings
19. 结束我们的旅行 20. 看到一切最好的东西 21. 包括许多饭店 22. 与迈克一起乘车
23. 洗、梳、吹、卷头发 24. 洗盘子 25. 整理床铺 26. 倒脏 27. 喂、溜狗 28. 煮咖啡 29. 给地毯吸尘
30. 早上例行要做的事 31. 在某人做某事的同时 32. 每隔十分钟/每十分钟 33. 坐大约二十分钟左右的车 34. 走一刻钟 35. 穿衣服 36. 下车
37. 让我搭车去上班 38. 去大学
39. 有一个特卖活动。 40. 半小时后能准备好 41. 为一家旅行社工作 42. 去过欧洲二十多次 43. 很难说。
44. 穿越意大利,德国之旅 45. 你在旅行中得做什么? 46. 在机场接人
47. 使所有的游客及行李都上车
48. 负责旅游行程中每一天(的事物)49. 描述景点
50. 确保膳食良好 51. 帮游客购物 52. 生病、迷路 53. 法语也说得挺好
54. 听起来你在工作中很愉快。 55. 当一名导游最好。 56. 朝一个小丑招手 57. 喊狼来了的牧羊童 58. 看守一群羊 59. 感到厌烦,无聊 60. 决定找点乐事 61. 袭击我的羊 62.
end our tour
find the very best of everything including a number of restaurants ride with Mike
wash, comb, dry , curl one’s hair do the dishes/wash the dishes make the beds empty the trash feed, walk the dog make coffee vacuum the rugs morning routines
at the same time sb does every ten minutes
ride the bus for about 20 minutes or so walk for a quarter of an hour get dressed get off
give me a ride to work to the university
There is a special sale.
can be ready in half an hour work for a travel agency
have been to Europe more than 20 times That’s hard to say.
the tours through Italy and Germany What do you have to do on a tour? meet sb at the airport
get all the tourists and their bags on the bus be in charge of every day of the tour describe the sights
make sure the meals are good
help the tourist with their shopping get sick/lost
also speak French fairly well
It sounds like you are happy in your career. Being a tour guide is the best. wave at a clown
the shepherd boy who cried wolf watch a flock of sheep get bored decide to have some fun attack my sheep the people in the village
63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79.
come running to help go back to their work cry three more times
Soon after, some wolves really did come. lose all of his sheep the first tame animals
keep them for milk and meat in Iran and Iraq about 8500 B.C.
There are more than three times as many sheep as people.
最大的绵羊养殖场 the largest sheep station 平均大小的一块麦地 an average size field of wheat 提供足够的种子为下一季播种 supply enough seed to sow for the next crop 在发达国家 in a developed country 供五人吃一年 feed five people for a year 养活30到50人 feed between 30 and 50 people 把母牛和美洲野牛进行杂交 cross a cow with an American buffalo 饲养这种动物以生产更多的肉, breed this animal to produce more meat 帮助(解决)世界人口食品(问题)and help world food population
80. 皮弗娄牛是奶牛和美洲野牛的杂交品种。Beefalo is a cross between a cow and a buffalo.
Phrases of Unit4, NHE3
1. 一定是
2. 你们大家早上好。 3. 美国之旅的导游 4. 沿着湖宾大道开车 5. 在密歇根湖岸 6. 正如你们所能看到的 7. 沙丘
8. 坐着其中一条旅游船旅行 10. 看着树摇来摇去
11. 对你们参观这座叫着风城的 12. 芝加哥是有好处的 13. 商业区
14. 芝加哥贸易委员会 16. 国城市之一 17. 在十九世纪
must be
Good morning to you all. a tour guide for Tour USA drive along Lake Shore Drive on the shore of Lake Michigan as you can see sand dunes
take a trip on one of the tour
watch the trees bending back and forth be good for your visit to the windy city called Chicago the business district the Chicago Board of Trade
American cities for products made in the USA in the nineteenth century
跑来帮忙 回去工作 又喊了三次
不久之后,一些狼真的来了。 失去他所有的羊 最早被驯服的动物
约公元前8500年在伊朗和伊拉克 有比人多两倍的羊。
9. 并从城外的水面上看这座城市 boats to see the city from out on the water
15. 提供美国制造产品的最重要的美 one of the most important
18. 全国的肉中心市场 19. 以??而著名 20. 芝加哥艺术学院 21. 看从全国各地收集来的画 22. 十多个极好的博物馆
the central meat market for the whole country be known for
the Art Institute of Chicago
see the paintings collected from all over the world more than fifteen excellent museums
23. 就现在 right now
24. 听见从美国来的著名歌星演唱的歌剧 the Chicago Lyric Opera House 25. 芝加哥抒情歌剧院 26. 歌剧表演
27. 经过最古老的棒球公园 28. 在西海岸 29. 再多一些信息 30. 去度假 31. 度假 32. 代替
33. 预定星期一去洛杉矶的774航班
34. 把它改到迟一点的日期 35. 告诉某人说什么 36. 和一个帮手工作一整天 37. 打扫衣橱 38. 搬所有的家具 39. 把所有的盒子搬进来 40. 仅仅再做一件事
41. 我刚刚烤的一个漂亮的蛋糕 42. 你认为彼得为什么会这样说? 43. 想要
44. 在过桥以后的格林街/博邓大道
45. 烤午饭要吃的鸡 46. 发现某事如此迷人 47. 表现的恰如人类 48. 即使 49. 摇尾
50. 以不同的方式用尾巴 51. 赶苍蝇
52. 把食物储藏在尾巴里 53. 靠储存在尾巴里的脂肪生存 54. ??是真的吗?
hear opera sung by famous singers from the US opera performances go by the oldest baseball park on the West Coast some more information be/go on vacation take a vacation in place of
have a reservation for Flight 774 on Monday to Los Angeles
change it to a later date tell sb what to say
work all day with a helping hand clean the closets move all the furniture carry in all the boxes do just one more thing
the beautiful cake I've just baked. Why do you think Peter says so? want sb to do
on Green Street/Borden Avenue after the bridge
bake chicken for lunch find sth so fascinating behave just like humans even though wag their tails
use their tails differently keep flies away store food in their tails
live off the fat that is stored in their tails Is it true that...?
55. 用尾巴站立 56. 用后腿打斗
stand on its tail fight with its back legs
57. 把他们的尾巴用作另一只腿/胳膊 use its tail like a third leg/arm 58. 用他们的尾巴紧紧抓住树和藤蔓 hold on to trees and vines with its tail 59. 蟒蛇
boa constrictor
60. 用尾巴吊栽树上 hang by their tails
61. 天下万物都有定时 There's a season to everything, and there's a time to every
63. 战争/和平有时 64. 有记载的英国公司
purpose under the heaven, mom/to keep silence(silent) a time of war/peace
the company of Great Britain on record
62. 生有时/哭有时/哀悼有时/静默有时a time to be born/to weep/to
65. 在股票交易所出售股份筹集资金 sell shares and raise money at stock exchanges 66. 从石油赚钱 67. 占全球贸易的四分之一
make money from oil make up one quarter of all many countries.
68. 一个庞大的公司每年赚比一些国家 A giant company earns more money in a year than 69. 最近它转赚了一千亿美元,和比利 Recently, it earns approximately $100,000 million 时的国民收入一样多。 —the same as the national income of Belgium.
Phrases of Unit5,NHE3
1. 曾经被称为美国的巴黎的城 3. 在三点以前回到你们的旅馆 4. 保存的和百多年前的漂亮的
the city which was once called the Paris of America be back at your hotel by three o'clock wonderful old homes that have been kept as they were more than l00 years ago
2. 在新奥尔良一家著名的菜馆停下stop for lunch at one of New Orleans’ famous restaurants
5. 乘坐许多船中的一条作沿河旅行 take a trip along the river m of the many tour boats 6. 新奥尔良的中心是法国人聚居区。 The heart of New Orleans is in the French Quarter. 7. 我们刚经过的可爱的房子的铁阳台 the iron balconies and the courtyards of the lovely
8. 看上去像法国或西班牙的
homes we are passing
become/look French or Spanish
9. 在约1800年变成美国的一部分 become part of the U.S. around 1800 10. 这座城市保存了欧洲的风格. This city has kept its European feeling. 11. 在月斋前的最后一天的狂欢节期间 during the Mardi Gras festival 12. 到这儿来的最激动人心的时候 the most exciting time to be here 13. 爵士乐之故乡 14. 听伟大的音乐家演奏
the home of Jazz
hear the great musician play
15. 我们到了安托尼饭店, 16. 他正在家里工作 17. 给草坪除草 18. 给花园除草 19. 清洁楼阁 20. 打扫地下室 21. 修箱子 22. 修电视 23. 在海岸的某地方 24. 在湖边 25. 在山里 26. 在树林里 27. 在山谷 28. 在郊区 29. 梦中的房子 30. 我们第一栋房子的时候 31. 选个地方住 32. 贵得太多 33. 存多得多的钱 34. 在城里
35. 好长时间未和你讲话了
you 36. 租个公寓 37. 实际上不是 38. 从郊区开车进城 39. 聚会(动词,名词) 40. 花多年研究新西兰土著毛利人
42. 十四世纪的某个时候 43. 什么种类的??? 44. 他们主要是战士。 45. 我们不知道它是否是真的。
47. 正要被打败
48. 那时的地理和天气是一样的么? 49. 首批到新西兰的殖民者 50. 亚热带气候
Here we are at Antoine's. He is at home, working. mow the lawn weed the garden clean the attic 、 sweep the basement repair the suitcase fix the TV
on the coast somewhere on the lake in the mountains in the woods in the valley in the suburbs dream house
the time we were planning our first house choose a place to live (in) much too expensive save a lot more money in the city
haven't talked to you for ages/haven't talked to in a long time rent an apartment not really,
drive in from the suburbs get together
spend many years studying the Maori natives of New Zealand
sometime in the fourteenth century What sort of??
They were fighters, mainly. We don’t know if it’s true or not. Cook.
be just about beaten
Was the land and climate the same then? the earliest settlers of New Zealand a subtropical climate ’
41. 毛利人的历史可以追溯到什么时候? How far back do the Maori go?
46. 有个毛利人和库克船长打仗的故事.There's a story about the Maori fighting Captain
51. 发现峡湾
52. 难道毛利人没有许多上帝么? 53. 最有影响力的上帝叫一骜 54. 相信塔朴律
55. 保护部落的酋长和土地 56. 违反塔朴律 57. 受到惩罚 59. 勇敢的人类学家 60. 有一架直升机在现场. 61. 在狮子的爪子上跑过 62. 抓住老鼠并张开它巨大的嘴 63. 在某一天以某种方式宋帮某人 64. —段时间之后 65. 听到狮子生气地吼道 66. 被猎人的网罩住 67. 把你从那儿弄出来 68. 咬网
69. 网上有了个洞。 70. 从洞里挤出来
71. 这就算是给你—个教训吧。 72. 最后乞求到道 73. 你一切都好么? 74. 从城里搬到郊区
find fiords
Didn't the Maori have a lot of gods? The most powerful god was called Io, believe in the laws of Tapu
protect the chief and the lands of the tribe break the Tapu be punished
the brave anthropologist There's a helicopter at the scene. run across the paws
grab the Mouse and open his huge jaws help sb. in some ways some day some time later
hear the lion roaring angrily be caught in a hunter's net get you out of there nibble on the net
There was a hole in the net. squeeze through the hole Let this be a lesson to you. beg finally
How's everything with you? move out of town to the suburbs
58. 它和英语的单词禁忌一样意思为禁止的东西。It’s the same as the English word taboo
75. 卡路理可表示不同食物的能量。 Calories show the energy content of different foods. 76. 需一定的量使我们的身体正常运转 need a certain mount to make our bodies work
properly 77. 所吃的糖大约是1800年的二十倍, eat about 20 times as much sugar and at least five
times as much fat as they did in l800
78. 和心脏病发病率的的增长有关系 have something to do with the increase in heart disease 79. 婚宴
81. 把鸡蛋填进鱼里 82. 把鸡肉放进一个烤全羊里 83. 把这一切放进一只烧了的骆驼里 84. 每百克的水果里的鳄梨含有165
85. 所含的蛋白质是牛奶的两倍
wedding feasts . stuff a fish with eggs
put the chicken inside a whole roast sheep put all of this inside a cooked camel
The avocado contains l65 calories for every l00 grams of fruit. .
contain twice as much protein as milk
80. 准备一餐肚里放有配料的烤骆驼 prepare a meal of stuffed roast camel
Phrases of Unit6,NHE3
1. 给你展示这个充满活力的德克萨斯城市 show this exciting Texas city 2. 旅行将花费大约2小时。 3. 有足够的时间去观赏竞技表演
The tour will take about 2 hours. have plenty of time to go to the rodeo
4. 发现观看这种竞技表演就像真地在西部与find the rodeo a real western experience, with lots
许多牛仔、马在一起并进行奇特的骑马体验of cowboys and horses and fancy riding 5. 穿过达拉斯的商业中心 6. 服饰设计与制作 7. 在达拉斯人的商业生活中 8. 服装贸易中心
10. 所有大石油公司的主要办公室 12. 遍及西南部 13. 用原木做成
14. 人们造房子的最简单的方法 15. 一个体育迷
16. 达拉斯以其闻名的饭店 17. 墨西哥风味的食物
18. 德克萨斯兼有墨西哥风味的食物
dress design and manufacturing in the business life of Dallas the Apparel Mart the main offices of all the large oil companies
throughout the Southwest be made of logs
go through the business center of Dallas
9. 为让你看见一个在工作的油田而驾车出城drive out to let you see an oil field at work
11. 这又高又大的铁制构架被称为井架. The great tall iron structure is called a derrick.
the easiest way for people to make a house restaurants for which Dallas is well-known Mexican-style food Tex-Mex food
a sports fan
19. 辣味肉末炒菜豆和炸玉米饼还有辣椒the chili and tacos and hot peppers 21. 做从地里深处取石油的工作 22. 给??照一张像 23. 一个学生证 24. 一张婴儿照 25. 一张赊账卡 26. 打开邮件
be at work getting the oil from deep in the ground
20. 去和一个达拉斯牛仔们的比赛足球 go to a game of football with the Dallas Cowboys
take a picture of a baby picture a charge card
a student card
open the mail
27. 他们赌了多少钱?他们赌了一个五分硬币。How much did they bet? They bet a nickel. 28. 她打到他的哪儿了?打到他的嘴上了。Where did she hit him? She hit him in the mouth. 29. 用一把雨伞打他 30. 一个25美分硬币 31. 它卖75美分。
hit him with an umbrella It cost 75 cents.
a quarter
32. 常识(不可数) 33. 喜欢摄影 34. 冲胶卷
35. 在它快跑的同时抬起它所有的腿 36. 弄清楚谁对要花你500美元。 37. 在赛道
38. 把一根绳子系在每一个照相机上 39. 绕着跑道飞奔 40. 咔嚓照一张相 41. 我想照张相。 42. 那是我的休息日。 43. 照片是干什么用的? 44. 六张 45. 说“茄子”
46. 一个研究岩石的地质学家
48. 从地表猛然喷出
49. 粉尘和小石头被抛向空中。
50. 当爆发或喷发发生时
52. 地表和地下一样的炎热
54. 形成里面有火山口的火山 55. 在夏威夷岛 56. 一次大爆发 57. 唯一的活火山 58. 由火山形成
60. 当地的印第安人
horse sense enjoy photography develop the film
lift all its legs at the same time when it gallops It’ll cost you $500 to find out who is right. at the racetrack
tie a string to each camera gallop around the track click a picture
I want a picture of myself. That’s my day off. What’s the photo for? six copies say “cheese” a geologist on rocks
a mountain made of hot, melted rock from inside the earth
burst through the surface of the earth
Powdered ashes and small rocks are thrown into the air.
when the burst , or eruption takes place we call a volcano.
as hot on the surface as under the ground again.
make a volcano with a crater in it on the island of Hawaii a big eruption the only active volcano be formed by volcanoes mountains.
47. 从地里冒出的热的熔化的岩石构成的山
51. 热熔岩形成了锥形的我们称之为山的东西。The hot lava builds up the cone-shaped mountain
53. 那就是为什么熔岩冷却又形成岩石的原因。That’s why the lava cools down and forms rock
59. 夏威夷火山是火山的顶部。 The Hawaii Islands are the tops of volcanic
local Indians
61. 一些价值24美元的布和珠子
some cloth and beads worth $24
62. 拥挤的岛 crowded island
63. 把他的小镇取名为新阿姆斯特丹 name his town New Amsterdam 64. 把名字改为纽约 change the name to New York 65. 最古老的继续居住的地方 the oldest continuously inhabited place 66. 有多达3000人早在9800年前就住There were as many as 3000 people 在那里 living there as early as 9800 years ago. 67. 简称…为… call… for short
Phrases of Unit7, NHE3
1. 大峡谷国家公园 Grand Canyon National Park 2. 这个难以置信的自然奇观 this incredible natural wonder 3. 一英里深、十八英里宽 a mile deep and eighteen miles wide 4. 大峡谷的边缘 the edge of the canyon 5. 向下望峡谷里看 look down into the canyon 6. 看见一架飞机远低于我们飞 see an airplane flying way below us 7. 高高的在飞机的上方 far above the plane 8. 在峡谷的底部 at the bottom of the canyon 9. 作短暂的停留 make a short stop
10. 了解住在这里的人民的历史和文化 learn about the history and culture of the
people who have lived in this area 11. 五个不同群落的土著美国人 five different groups of Native Americans 12. 向下进入峡谷 go down into the canyon
13. 向下作25英里的旅行从另一头出来make the 25 mile trip down and out on the other side 14. 步行穿过或骑驴 walk through or ride a mule 15. 一定要准备好天气的巨大变化 must be ready for great changes in the weather 16. 在峡谷的边缘 on the rim of the canyon 17. 在海拔7000英尺 be 7,000 feet above sea level 18. 变得越来越暖 become warmer and warmer 19. 温度能超过100度。 The temperature can go over 100 degrees. 20. 通过地球的所有不同层面 pass through all the different levels of the earth
21. 在岩石上切开出一条路并露出岩层让我们看cut its way through the stone and leave the layers of stone for us to look at 22. 月亮瀑布 Moony Falls 23. 下降200英尺 drop about 200 feet 24. 公园里的一个最 one of the most waterfalls in the park 25. 让你们们有时间拍大峡谷和瀑布 let you take time to photograph the canyon and the falls
26. 从公园护林员那里得到更多的信息 get more information from the park ranger 27. 一本间谍长篇小说 a spy novel 28. 这种书 this type of book
29. 喜欢非小说性散文作品 like non-fiction P74
1. 一本有趣的旅游书 an interesting travel book 2. 去非洲的旅行 a journey to Africa 3. 一个银行抢劫案 a bank robbery 4. 一个侦探故事 a police story 5. 一个谈恋爱的女的 a woman in love 6. 浪漫小说 romance novels 7. 科普小说和一本传记 science fiction and a biography P76--77
1. 在沙发上睡觉 sleep on the sofa 2. 在新床上睡觉 sleep on the new bed 3. 意思是“是” mean “yes” P78 Read and Understand 1. Jules Verne 写的书 books by Jules Verne 2. 梦到去月亮的奇妙旅行 dream about fantastic journeys to the moon 3. 他所造出的宇宙飞船很舒适。 The spaceship he created was comfortable. 4. 在飞船上养小鸡作食物 keep the chickens in the ship for food 5. 在气炉上做饭 cook their meals on a gas stove
6. 在他们离开地球97小时后到达月球reach the moon 97 hours after they left the earth 7. 登陆到月球 land on the moon 8. 犯一个错误 make a mistake 9. 宇航服 space suits 10. 在某人的时代 in one’s time 11. 想要 feel like P79 Conversations
1. 一部西部片/神秘小说/一本歌本 How about a western/mystery/songbook? 2. 他什么都喜欢。 He’ll like anything. P80 Career Corner 1. 为联合国工作 work for the United Nations
2. 你专门从事什么种类的农业工作? What sort of farming do you specialize in? 3. 主要是花生 mainly groundnuts 4. 西班牙的探险者 Spanish explorers 5. 发现花生 discover peanuts 6. 对花生留下深刻印象 be impressed by the nuts 7. 一个重要的经济作物 an important cash crop 8. 在大种植园种 be grown on large plantations 9. 需要中等降雨量、许多阳光和暖和 need a good climate with 的温度的气候 moderate rainfall, much sunshine, and
warm temperature
10. (小花)一个月后长出来 (small flowers) appear after a month 11. 然后长出豆荚。 Then come the seed pods. 12. 把自己埋在地里/地下 bury themselves in the ground/under the ground P81 Picture This! 1. 分小组工作 work in small groups 2. 他们彼此有关系么? Are they related to each other?
3. 制作陶器 make pottery 4. 尝试这种手艺 try this craft 5. 你认为他们将怎样处理陶器? What do you think they will do with the pottery? P82 Belling the Cat 1. 害怕猫 be frightened of a cat 2. 决定开会、讨论这个问题 decide to hold a meeting and talk over the problem 3. 偷偷靠近并吓我 sneak up and surprise me 4. 为保命而跑 run for our lives 5. 把铃系在猫脖子上 tie a bell around the cat’s neck 6. 有许多时间跑和躲 have plenty of time to run and hide 7. 一片缎代 a piece of ribbon 8. 把铃系在猫身上 tie the bell on the cat
9. 他们中没人足够大胆去给猫系铃铛。None of them was brave enough to bell the cat. P83, Fast Track, Communications 1. 在地球回到上运转
2. 达到的可能的观众量约为25亿人
3. 观看奥林匹克运动会 4. 泰晤士报
orbit the earth
reach a potential audience of about 2.5 billion people
watch the Olympic Games The Times
5. 报告尼尔森大将在特拉发加战役中 report Lord Nelson’s victory over the French
战胜法国人的消息 at the Battle of Trafalgar 6. 在登陆后第一批上月球的人
the first men on the moon after the landing
7. 球和月球的直接对话
8. 400000公里的距离
9. 把强大的无线电信号发射进太空 10. 期待它花24000年到达目的地 11. 等待回答要过很长时间。
talk to each other directly between the earth and the moon
a distance of 400000 kilometers send a powerful radio sigal into space expect it to 24,000 years to reach its destination That’s a long time to wait for a reply.
Phrases of Unit8, NHE3
P85 Tour USA Las Vegas 1. 不像看上去那么贵
P86—P8 Partner Practice 1. 给花园除草 2. 打个书橱 3. 打扫地下室 4. 修冰箱 5. 烫衣服
6. 尝起来和它们看上去一样好 7. 请我付费
not as expensive as they look weed the garden build a bookcase clean the basement fix the refrigerator iron the clothes
taste a s good as they look ask me to pay the bill
8. 超时工作
9. 打张桌子build a table 10. 寄明信片 11. 建个鸟笼 12. 在湖上/山里度假 13. 射菠萝 14. 掉手套
P90 Read and Understand 1. 度假
2. 在海岸边的一家小旅馆过一周 3. 每天和朋友一起吃午饭 4. 喝凉饮料 5. 在海边散步
P91 Conversation 1. 给机场打电话 2. 把所有的窗户都插上 3. 为报童留个条子
P92 Career Corner 1. “密西西比河皇后号”的船长 2. 一艘汽轮 3. 五层高
4. 船上有个游泳池。
5. 给400名乘客和100名船员的客舱 6. 来往于密西西比河 7. 源于湖慧如墨西哥湾 8. 流进密西西比河 9. (河)汇入密西西比河 10. 一直在河上 11. 河有多长?
work overtime send a postcard build a birdhouse
spend the vacation on the lake/in the mountain shoot a pineapple lose his gloves on vacation
spend a week at a little hotel on the coast meet friends for lunch every day have a cool drink walk on the beach call the airport lock all the windows
leave a note for the newspaper boy the captain of the “Mississippi Queen” a paddle steamer five decks high
There is a swimming pool on board. cabins for 400 passengers and a crew of 100 go up and down the Mississippi
begin in Lake Itasca and end in the Gulf of Mexico flow into the Mississippi (river) join the Mississippi be on rivers the whole time How long is the river?
Phrases of Unit9,NHE3
1. 给你们展示这个美丽的城市
3. 在好莱坞结束我们的旅行 4. 能参观一个电影场地
5. 先参观不同民族居住的一些地区
show you this wonderful city sunny California end our tour in Hollywood be able to visit a movie set
start by visiting some of the areas where different nationalities live
2. 欢迎你们来到阳光明媚的加利福尼 welcome you to Los Angeles in
6. 看上去像个墨西哥的大市场 7. 在城里的这个地方各处 8. 全年
9. 经过来自洛杉矶各地的杂货商买杂
货的巨大的农产品市场 10. 购买新采的花
11. 在我们去好莱坞的路上开上其中一
12. 为你们安排一个参观摄影棚的特别
旅行 13. 上班做某事 14. (去)罢工 15. 要更多的钱 16. 寻找新的工作 17. 学习如何打字 18. 雇用一个秘书 19. 清理文件 20. 摆放桌子 21. 给草坪除草 22. 打扫地下室
23. 为争取更多的喝咖啡的时间而斗争 24. 教化学 25. 考虑他的新农场 26. 为你的生日而送你一条狗 27. 在她的第一天 28. 匆忙教她做什么 29. 他所得做的 30. 用香水灌瓶子 31. 按钦纽 32. 看机器
33. 踩到一个三明治 34. 在傍晚 35. 在某人一生 36. 按时到达 37. 辞去她的工作 38. 当打字员 39. 做速记 40. 得到两周的休假
look like a Mexican marketplace all through this part of town all year long
go past the huge produce market where
grocers come from all over Los Angeles to buy their groceries
buy fresh-cut flowers
go on one of the Los Angeles freeways on our way to Hollywood
arrange a special tour of a movie studio for you
do sth at work go / be on strike ask for more pay look for a new job learn how to type hire a secretary clean out one’s files set the table mow the lawn sweep the basement fight for more coffee breaks teach chemistry think about his new farm give you a dog for your birthday on her first day
teach her what to do in a hurry all she has to do fill bottles with perfume push a button watch a machine step on a sandwich at the end of the afternoon in one’s life arrive on time quit her job work as a typist take shorthand
get two weeks of vacation
41. 进行测验 42. 填这些文件
43. 我现在的工作工资不高. 44. 我现在的工作离我家太远了. home. 45. (上班)时间是什么? 46. 考拉熊
47. 一只矮、肥的小动物 48. 一只玩具熊 49. 并不比...大 50. 走进... 51. 找到去...的路 52. 从几个月直到六个月 53. 骑到它妈妈的背上 54. 住在桉树上 55. 一磅的树叶 56. 违反法律 57. 在大动物园的兽医 58. 向下飞到路上 59. 飞过马路
60. 效仿山鹑走路的趾高气昂的样子 61. 转回头 62. 听好的忠告 63. 高视阔步的沿着…走 64. 像山鹑一样漂亮的走 65. 一直想学你走路的样子 67. 别生气。
take a test fill out these papers
The job I have now doesn’t pay well. The one I have now is too far away from my What are the hours? koala bear
a short, fat little animal a toy bear no bigger than… make its way into find its way into
from a few weeks up to six months ride on its mother’s back live in eucalyptus trees a pound of leaves be against the law a veterinarian at a large zoo fly down to the road fly across a road
copy the partridge’s wonderful strut turn around listen to good advice strut along
walk as beautifully as the partridge keep trying to learn to walk like you Don’t be angry.
66. 一直试图像个山鹑样的趾高气昂的走keep trying to strut like a partridge
Phrases of Unit 10, NHE3
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
保持联系 在太平洋边缘
带你们过一些很特别的社区 这个城市的最奇特的地区 运送旅客上下陡坡 坐缆车
stay in touch
on the edge of the Pacific Ocean
take you through very special neighborhoods the fanciest sections of town
take passengers up and down the steep hills take a ride on a cable car
the great mansions of the town
consulates of many countries up here on the Heights
9. 10. 一个有24个街区的地方 24 block area
对具有日本传统的一万两千多日本人来说的著名的地方an area well-known to the more
11. 很美的樱花节 12. 看一眼壮观的金门大桥 13. 越过旧金山海湾口 14. 渔人码头 15. 在海洋餐馆吃海鲜 16. 用面肥发的法国面包 17. 螃蟹系列菜(螃蟹宴) 18. 尤其受到游客们的欢迎 19. 叫辆旅游车接你们 20. 参观这里的所有的迷人的小商21. 发球区 22. 她和谁说了话? 23. 把他的胳膊摔断了 24. 他选什么作午饭? 25. 去我妈妈家 26. 直接去 27. 打电话到我母亲家 28. 很抱歉没见到你。 29. 再选一个晚上好让我们聚聚 30. 跟迈克讲今晚的事 31. 去看赛马 32. 我想是这样。 33. 在赛道前面 34. 奄奄一息 35. 环境和植被专家 36. 空气中大量的污染 37. 把它从开始的地方传播得很远38. 酸雨 39. 毒害土壤 40. 毒害河流湖泊 41. 一个严重的问题 than 12,000 people of Japanese heritage
wonderful Cherry Blossom Festival see glimpses of the magnificent Golden Gate Bridge cross the mouth of San Francisco Bay fisherman’s Wharf have seafood in the ocean restaurant the sourdough French bread the crab dishes be particularly enjoyed by tourist have a tour bus pick you up visit all the fascinating little shops in this area a driving range Who did she speak to? break his arm What did he choose for lunch? leave for my mother’s = go to my mother’s home drive right over call me at my mother’s Sorry to have missed you. choose another night for us to get together speak to Mike about tonight go to the races I thought so. in front of the racetrack be dying an expert on plants and the environment a huge amount of pollution in the air spread sth. far away from the place where it begin the acid rain poison the soil poison the lakes and rivers a serious problem
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- 义务教育课程标准稿征求意见提纲
- 教学秘书面试技巧
- 钢结构工程施工组织设计
- 水利工程概论论文
- 09届九年级数学第四次模拟试卷
- 词组
- Unit
- 10
- 火电厂电气专业整套启动实验方案
- 智能化系统施工承包合同
- 初中数学课堂教学与作业设计研究 - 5
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- 潍坊科技学院毕业论文格式
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- 外研版英语八下Module9《Unit 1 She missed the final practive
- 安徽师范大学法学一级学科学术性硕士培养方案
- 六年级下册科学《物质的变化》复习课的教学设计 - -- - 吴燕君
- 大学有机化学试题及答案
- ■高考语文理解性默写大全★新课标★高中部分 (1)
- LV218-美邦服饰股份有限公司存货管理问题及对策分析——改后2
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- 电厂顶岗实习报告
- 宁夏重点项目-农家乐项目可行性研究报告(编制大纲)