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Unit 2
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Passage A
Passage B
Passage A Think About It Read About It
Talk About It Write About It
1. Are you eager to hurry back for the family reunion during the Spring Festival? Why?Reference:
Yes. Because the Spring Festival is the most important occasion for family members to get reunited to enjoy the happiness and share sorrows, visit parents and relatives, worship ancestors. And currently it may also be a precious chance for young people who are suffering heavy workload and pressure to slow down the pace and relax themselves.
2. How do you and your parents show love and care to each other?Reference:
My Daddy and Mommy don’t always tell me they love me straightforwardly and passionately, but I can feel their love from everything they prepare and they do for me — everyday food and clothing, money they save for my tuition, the phones they give me, the messages they leave to remind me of the daily needs and cares, and even their frequent nag. As for me, letters and phones are usual means to show my love and care to Daddy and Mommy. On special occasions, say their birthdays, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, I’ll send them bunches of flowers and little gifts and kiss and hug if I stay with them. And I help Mommy with housework and play chess or do sports with Daddy. That is surely a good way too.
3. Do you want your aging parents to move in to stay with you after you get married? Why or why not?Reference:
Yes. When I was young, it was my parents that fed me up. So it is natural for me to care for them when they become old. If I can live together with them, I think it will be more convenient for me to look after them. If we live together, my parents will enjoy themselves to look after and play with my children. It will be of many advantages both to me and my parents. No. It may arise problems and quarrels between us for the different living habits and ideas. I think the best way is to prepare a nearby apartment for them and so we can look after each other easily and can have each other’s own independent life.
Read About It Language Points Content Awareness
Language Focus
On Growing Old GracefullyEveryone realizes that orphanages and old age pensions are poor substitutes for the home. The feeling is that the home alone can provide anything resembling a satisfactory arrangement for the old and the young. But for the young, it is to be taken for granted that not much need be said, since there is natural paternal affection. “Water flows down wards and not upwards,” the Chinese always say, and therefore the affection for parents and grandparents is something that stands more in need of being taught by culture. A natural man loves his children, but a cultured man loves his parents. In the end, the teaching of love and respect for old people becomes a generally accepted principle, and if we are to believe some of the writers, the desire to have the privilege of serving their pa
rents in their old age actually became a consuming passion.
The greatest regret a Chinese gentleman could have was the eternally lost opportunity of serving his old parents with medicine and soup on their deathbed, or not to be present when they died. For a high official in his fifties or sixties not to be able to invite his parents to come from their native village and stay with his family at the capital, “seeing them to bed every night and greeting them every morning” , was to commit a moral sin of which he should be ashamed and for which he had constantly to offer excuses and explanations to his friends and colleagues. This regret was expressed in two lines by a man who returned too late to his home, when his parents had already died: The tree desires repose, but the wind will not stop;
The son desires to serve, but his parents are already gone.
It seems a linguistic misfortune that hale and hearty old men in America tell people that they are “young,” or are told that they are “young” when really what is meant is that they are healthy. To enjoy health in old age, or to be “old and healthy,” is the greatest of human luck, but to call it “healthy and young” is but to detract from that glamour and impute imperfection to what is really perfect. After all, there is nothing more beautiful in this world than a healthy wise old man, with “ruddy cheeks and white hair,” talking in a soothing voice about life as one who knows it. The Chinese realize this, and have always pictured an old man with “ruddy cheeks and white hair” as the symbol of ultimate earthly happiness. Many Americans must have seen the Chinese pictures of the God of Longevity, with his high forehead, his ruddy face, his white beard — and how he smiles! The picture is so vivid. He runs his fingers through the thin flowing beard coming down to the breast and gently strokes it in peace and contentment, dignified because he is surrounded with respect, self -assured because no one ever questions his wisdom, and kind because he has seen so much of human sorrow. To persons of great vitality we also pay the compliment of saying that “the older they grow, the more vigorous they are.”
I have no doubt that the fact that the old men of America still insist on being so busy and active can be directly traced to individualism carried to a foolish extent. It is their pride and their love of independence and their shame of being dependent upon their children. But among the many human rights the American people have provided for in their Constitution, they have strangely forgotten about the right to be fed by their children, for it is a right and an obligation growing out of service. How can anyone deny that parents who have toiled for their children in their youth, have lost many a good night’s sleep when they were ill, have washed their diapers long before they could talk and have spent about a quarter of a century bringing them up and fitting them for life, ha
ve the right to be fed by them and loved and respected when they are old?
Can one not forget the individual and his pride of self in a general scheme of
home life in which men are justly taken care of by their parents and, havingin turn taken care of their children, are also justly taken care of by the latter? The Chinese have not got the sense of individual independence because the whole conception of life is based upon mutual help within the home; hence there is no shame attached to the circumstance of one’s being served by his children in the sunset of one’s life. Rather it is considered good luck to have children who can take care of one.
substitute — n. sth. that is used instead of sth. else Examples — v. put in the place of another
We couldn’t get cream, so we used yoghurt as a substitute Examples in the dessert. suggested that we takeisout the substitute word “demand” and She There is no doubt that a pet a poor for human substitute “request.” companionship. You can substitute chicken for beef if you don’t like red meat.
resemble v. — be similar to Examples
The animal made a strange sound, resembling the bark of a dog. Soldiers are trained under conditions that closely resemble real combat.
eternally adv. — for ever or for a very long time Examples
There was a wall eternally between them.
Do you believe the universe will continue to expand eternally?
commit v. — do sth. illegal or morally wrong Examples
The study aims to find out what makes people commit crimes. It is reported that the movie star committed suicide last night.
ashamed adj. — feeling guilty or embarrassed Examples
He is extremely ashamed of his behavior last night.
I felt ashamed that I hadn’t visited her more often.
constantly adv. — always or regularly Examples
We are constantly reminded of his success.
The view across the valley presented a constantly changing panorama.
ultimate adj. — 1) happening at the end of a process or activity Examples — 2) furthest or highest in degree or order
The incident affected the ultimate outcome of the war.Examples
Independence remains their ultimate political goal. Parents must have the ultimate responsibility for their children’s safety. The house provides the ultimate luxury retreat.
scheme n. — 1) a system for organizing or arranging information Examples — 2) an elaborate and systematic plan of actions
Libraries organize books according to a subject Examples classification scheme. department has introduced newimportant training The It’s a major business within Canada, several but not very schemes. in the global scheme of things. The proposed scheme should solve the parking problem.
mutual adj. — 1) concerning each of two or more persons or things, especially done or given in return Examples — 2) common to or shared by two or more parties
We found we have a mutual
interest in mountaineering.Examples
We reached the agreement about scheme that would be to Our relationship was based on mutual trust. our mutual benefit. We should rediscover and share our mutual interests.
attach v. — have a connection with or be part of sth.
She is a writer to whom the label “feminist” is often attached. Both her parents attached great importance to education.
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