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16. We are having a party on Saturday, and would love to have you ___C___ us. a.joined b. joinsc. join d. to join 17. She had a paper __C____.

a. publishes b. publishingc. published d. publish 18. Our country ___B___ people from all over the world.

a. is made of b. is made up of c. is consisted of d. is consisted 19. Wang Hong is working in the same lab __B____ her friend Carl Cooper. a. for b. withc. within d. to

20. Why don’t you come ____C__ and have dinner ______me? a. over…for b. on…with c. over…at d. over…with

21. Thank you for your interest __A____ our host family program for the overseas students in Boulder.

a. in b. on c. at d. for

22. We are having a party ___C___ our home ______ Saturday, ______ 6 p.m.. a. on…at…on b. at…at…on c. at…on…at d. on…on…at 23. Some people prefer to plan the course of their trip _A_______ .

a. to the finest detail b. within the finest detail c. on the finest details d. to the fine details

24. He Ming is ____A__ from college.

a. graduating b. to graduate c. graduates d. Both a and c 25. __B___ the lift there ______ the third floor or just walk upstairs. a. Have…on b. Take…to c. By…on d. Taken…by 26. Both of the company are __A____ the Line Director. a. under b. at c. in d. with

27. She asked them to report to the sales manager, ___B___ office is on the first floor. a. which b. whose c. who d. that

28. First turn left on the corner and then turn right __C____ the fountain. a. in b. on c. at d. for 29. Go along the corridor ___A___ the hall.

a. in the middle of b. among c. between d. in center of

30. There are two sales divisions, one of __A____ are under the Line Director, Mr. Smith. a. whom b. which c. that d. them

31. Judy Black, __B____ is in charge of the clerical staff, is the Office manager. a. that b. who c. whom d. both a and b

32. Jack __D____ and he can’t find the way back to the hotel. a. was lost b. is losing c. has lost d. is lost

33. Go along this street __C____ a few minutes and then ______ the next turning. a. in…take b. for…taking c. for… take d. at…takes 34. He ____B__ and couldn’t find the way to the hotel.

a. puzzled b. was puzzled c. is puzzling d. has puzzled

35. Last year my brother and I stayed __B___ a week _____ some friends in Boston. a. for…and b. for…with c. till…with d. when…without

36. At the railway station, you change to No.15 bus, __C_____ will take you to the hotel. a. that b. who c. which d. what

37. Excuse me, madam. I’m looking __A____ 83 Shanghai Street. a. for b. after c. up d. to

38. This time we found the church, but we ___C_____ if everything in Boston was three blocks and a left turn away.

a. wonder b. wanted c. wondered d. wandered 39. Mr. Hall _A____ his childhood in his hometown. a. spent b. cost c. took d. had

40. Great changes __D____ place in my hometown since 1978.

a. have been taken b. had taken c. took d. have taken

41. I often thought about ___B___ my old birthplace, but I never ______ because I had no time. a. visiting…made that b. visiting…made it c. visit…took it d. visit…finished it

42. In 1978 China started to ___A__ effect the policies of reform and opening to the outside world.

a. put into the b. put into c. take into d. put in

43. If we continue to __D____ the policies, I am sure that my hometown will have an ever brighter future.

a. carry with b. carry off c. carrying out d. carry out 44. Most of the people in our country have __D_____ poverty. a. got off b. got of c. got rid off d. got rid of 45. I love my hometown __C___ it is a beautiful place.

a. wherever b. though c. because d. unless Part III Reading Comprehension ( 40 points )

Directions: In this part there are four passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passage and answer the questions. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage I

Mrs. Brown’s old grandfather lived with her and her husband. Every morning he went for a walk in the park and came home at half past twelve for his lunch.

But one morning a police car stopped outside Mrs. Brown’s house at twelve o’clock, and two policemen helped Mr. Brown to get out. One of them said to Mrs. Brown, “The poor old gentleman lost his way in the park and telephoned us for help, so we send a car to bring him home.” Mrs. Brown was very surprised, but she thanked the policemen and they left.

“But, Grandfather,” she said, “You have been to that park nearly every day for twenty years. How did you lose your way there?”

The old man smiled, closed one eye and said, “I didn’t quite lose my way. I just got tired and I didn’t want to walk home!”

46. Who lived with Mrs. Brown’s old grandfather? C

a. his wifeb. his daughter c. his daughter and his daughter’s husband d. all of the above 47. What did Mrs. Brown’s grandfather do every morning? A

a. He went to the park. b. He went to her daughter’s house. c. He went to see the police car. d. He telephoned the police. 48. What happened one morning? D

a.Mrs. Brown called the police. b.The police went to Mrs. Brown’s house to see Mrs. Brown’s grandfather. c.Mrs. Brown’s grandfather went to the police office.

d.The police brought Mrs. Brown’s grandfather home. 49. Why was Mrs. Brown surprised? A

a.Because her grandfather didn’t come back. b.Because her grandfather was lost.

c.Because the police came to park. d.Because her grandfather came to the police office. 50. Which of the following is true? A

a.The police believed that Mrs. Brown’s grandfather lost his way. b.Mrs. Brown believed that her grandfather lost his way . c.Mrs. Brown’s grandfather was lost his way.

d.It turned out that Mrs. Brown’s grandfather wanted to make a joke on the police. Passage II

The United States is a very large country. It has many different kinds of landscapes and many different kinds of people.

In the East, the countryside is green and fresh. Here are some of the first states and some of the big cities. New York and the capital, Washington D.C., are in the East.

In the South, there is the beautiful city of New Orleans, the capital of jazz. It is sometimes hot here, and the people here are very different from those in the East.

The Central Plains of the United States are fertile with big fields of wheat and corn. And California, on the West Coast, is famous as a “paradise” state.

The weather in the Mid-West, near the Great Lakes, is often cold and windy, and there is a lot of snow in winter.

51. It’s well-known that the United States has many different kinds of ___D___. a. landscapes b. people c. climates d. all of the above

52. Some of the first states and some of the big cities are in the East, including ____A__. a. Washington D.C. b. New Orleans c. California d. Los Angeles 53. New Orleans is famous for its __C____.

a. ballet b. country music c. jazz d. classic 54. Big fields of wheat and corn can be found in __B____. a. the East b. the Central Plains c. the South-West d. the South

55. The weather near the Great Lakes is often __C____. a. warm b. chill c. cold and windy d. hot and dry Passage III

One evening Mrs. Alda asked her husband to take her to a very expensive restaurant in the city, because a lot of movie stars and other famous people ate there, and she was curious to see some of them.

Sooner after Mr. and Mrs. Alda had ordered their meal, a very attractive couple came into the restaurant and sat down at a table nearby. They were beautifully dressed. And Mrs. Alda said to her husband, “Look at those people, George! I’m sure I’ve seen their pictures somewhere.” The couple gave their order to the waiter, and when he brought Mr. and Mrs. their soup, Mrs. Alda said to him, “Who are those people ? Do you know them?” “Oh, they’re nobody famous,” he answered at once.

“Really?” Mrs. Alda asked with surprise. “How do you know that?” “Because they asked me who you were,” he answered.

56.Mrs. Alda was __B_____ to see some of the movie stars in an expensive restaurant.

a. glad b. eagerc. sure d. happy

57.Mr. and Mrs. Alda __A______ a couple at a table nearby.

a. were attracted by b. were surprised atc. were delighted at d. were satisfied with 58.Mrs. Alda ____A___ the man and woman beautifully dressed.

a. thought highly of b. thought little ofc. showed no interest in d. enjoyed talking with 59.The waiter looked upon ____B____ as nobody famous.

a. Mr. and Mrs. Alda b. the attractive couple c. one of the two couples d. the two couple. Directions: Translate the following sentences into English. 71. 小马让我和他合用一把伞。( share with )

72. 赵小利正在三楼会议室参加面试( take an interview )。 73. 如果让他转车他就会迷路。( be lost ) 74. 每隔四年进行一次选举。(elections)( take place ) 75. 这儿过去是一片麦(wheat)田( used to )。

Part V Writing ( 10 points )

Write a note according to the Chinese sample:


非常感谢你盛情邀请于4月12日去你家赴便宴,我和我夫人六点以前到达。 乔治·史斯密

66. 如果能来就给我发个邮件。 67. 这些问题被自然分成三个。。 68. 请问最近的邮局在哪里? 69. 我们需要多弄些唱片。

70. 无论在哪里工作,你都必须全心全意为人民服务。 71. Xiao Ma shared his umbrella with me.

72. Zhao Xiaoli is taking an interview in the meeting room on the third floor. 73. If he change twice, he will be lost. 74. Elections take up every four years. 75. Here used to be a wheat field. Writing

Dear Ms. Wei hua,

Thank you very much for your kind invitation to dinner at your home on April 12th, which my wife and I will arrive by six. Yours sincerely,

George Smith


— I left my umbrella in my room. Wait while I go back to get it.— ______C__ . A.Don’t be afraid, it will be fineB.Never mind, the weather will be OK C.Don’t bother, it will clear up by noon D.No problem, you can go

2.第2题 — My mother is ill. Could I leave tomorrow?— ___C_____ .

A.Good. You cangoB.Quite well. Please leaveC.No problem. Please doD.Not bad, if you like

3.第3题 — I lost my money.— ___D______ .

A.Oh, you will be more carefulB.Oh, you must be more carefulC.Oh, you would be more carefulD.Oh, you should have been more careful

4.第4题 — When will the performance begin?— _____C___ . A.About one hourB.After one hourC.In one hourD.At one hour

5.第5题 If I _____B___ you, I ________ that job.

A.was, would takeB.were, would take C.was, would have takenD.were, would have taken

6.第6题A friend of mine, after 10 years of studying ballet, succeeded _A_______ becoming a dancer.


7.第7题 With her yellow hair, Jane is __A______ girl as a fairy. A.as beautiful aB.as a beautiful C.as a more beautiful D.so a beautiful

8.第8题 The teacher had no idea ___B_____ these two students argued about. A.whoB.whatC.thatD.why

9.第9题;; Mercury freezes if it is cooled to ___D_____ .</font></span></p>;;</span></font></font></span></p>;</p>

A.a low too temperatureB.a too low temperatureC.too low temperatureD.too low a temperature 10.第10题 He gave __D______ answer as I did. A.as same B.sameC.as the same D.the same

11.第11题 I ___D_____ for two hours but nobody has arrived yet. A.am waiting B.waitedC.have waited D.have been waiting

12.第12题 The new employee finished the report and ___A_____ . A.turned it inB.turned in it C.turned it up D.turned it on

13.第13题 We are looking forward to __B______ the Great Wall again. A.visitB.visitingC.having visited D.being visited

14.第14题 He walked into the office and shook hands with a smiling man ___B____ Mr. Black. A.namingB.namedC.by namedD.calling

15.第15题 __B______ , he bought his wife a present.

A.On his way to home B.On his way home C.In his way home D.In his way to home 16.第16题 John had six eggs. Mary added three, so now they all _C____ to nine. A.equalB.areC.added up D.sum up

17.第17题 I’m very interested __D______ plants, animals and geography. A.onB.toC.overD.in

18.第18题 The lake shone ___C_____ glass in the moonlight and she _______ it very much. A.liking, liked B.liked, like C.like, liked D.like, likes

19.第19题 I have no idea ___C_____ he has said about the matter. A.whichB.thatC.whatD.how

20.第20题There are scientific ways ___A_____ which man solves problems. A. in B.withC.atD.on

21.第21题Just for today, I’m not going to insist that everything I do ___C_____ perfect. A.wasB.isC.beD.are

22.第22题 He was willing to do all ___B_____ he could to help his friends. A.whichB.thatC.howD.what

23.第23题At no time during his speech ____C____ that he would make another film soon.

A.hementioned B.he should mention C.did he mention D.should he mention 24.第24题 She has ___C_____ all her debts. A.paidinB.paid outC.paid off D.paid out

25.第25题The hostess ___D_____ until the guests were seated. A.satdown B.was sitting down C.was to sit down D.didn’t sit down

26.第26题 — I wonder if I could take a few days off work.— ___C_____ .

A.I’m sure you could leave off workB.I should say a few days is no problemC.Why, what’s the matter with youD.No, you mustn’t go away

27.第27题 — These are the pictures we took during this trip.— ____A_____ ! A.Oh, what beautiful pictures they are B.Oh, how beautiful pictures they are C.Oh, what beautiful pictures are they D.Oh, how beautiful pictures are they

28.第28题— Where shall we go this weekend— ____C____ . A.What is having a drive to the country B.How is to take a drive to the country C.What about having a drive to the country D.We’re having a drive to the county

29.第29题 The difference was ___B____ cross the river. A.wheretoB.how to C.what to D.which to

30.第30题— Let’s have a party in our department— ____B_____ . A.AllrightB.Good ideaC.Very goodD.I like

31.第31题 ;;;;;;</span></span></span>I&rsquo;d rather you __C______ say anything about it for the time being. </o:p></font></span></font></p> A.don’tB.wouldn’tC.didn’tD.shouldn’t

32.第32题 It is necessary that everything __A______ ready by 6: 00 p.m. A.beB.will be C.shallD.would be

33.第33题Tom as well as two of his classmates _____A___ invited to the party. A.wasB.wereC.hasD.are

34.第34题 According to __C___ they have told me, they should return within about one week. A.thatB.itC.whatD.which

35.第35题She glanced shyly ___A_____ him and then lowered her eyes. A.atB.offC.onD.with

36.第36题 As we were leaving, we saw the __C______ man and his friends entering. A.red hair B.red-hair C.red-haired D.red-hairing

37.第37题The shop offers products that range ___B_____ inexpensive to very expensive. A.betweenB.fromC.amongD.along

38.第38题 — Do you know what day is today?— ____A____ . A.Today is WednesdayB.It is a fine dayC.It is February 11D.It is raining

39.第39题— I have never been to a Chinese village, have you?— ___B_____ . A.Yes, I haven’tB.No, I haven’t eitherC.No, I haven’t tooD.No, I have 40.第40题Only last week I called at ___B_____ . A.my aunt B.my aunt’s C.my aunts D.mine aunt

A.hementioned B.he should mention C.did he mention D.should he mention 24.第24题 She has ___C_____ all her debts. A.paidinB.paid outC.paid off D.paid out

25.第25题The hostess ___D_____ until the guests were seated. A.satdown B.was sitting down C.was to sit down D.didn’t sit down

26.第26题 — I wonder if I could take a few days off work.— ___C_____ .

A.I’m sure you could leave off workB.I should say a few days is no problemC.Why, what’s the matter with youD.No, you mustn’t go away

27.第27题 — These are the pictures we took during this trip.— ____A_____ ! A.Oh, what beautiful pictures they are B.Oh, how beautiful pictures they are C.Oh, what beautiful pictures are they D.Oh, how beautiful pictures are they

28.第28题— Where shall we go this weekend— ____C____ . A.What is having a drive to the country B.How is to take a drive to the country C.What about having a drive to the country D.We’re having a drive to the county

29.第29题 The difference was ___B____ cross the river. A.wheretoB.how to C.what to D.which to

30.第30题— Let’s have a party in our department— ____B_____ . A.AllrightB.Good ideaC.Very goodD.I like

31.第31题 ;;;;;;</span></span></span>I&rsquo;d rather you __C______ say anything about it for the time being. </o:p></font></span></font></p> A.don’tB.wouldn’tC.didn’tD.shouldn’t

32.第32题 It is necessary that everything __A______ ready by 6: 00 p.m. A.beB.will be C.shallD.would be

33.第33题Tom as well as two of his classmates _____A___ invited to the party. A.wasB.wereC.hasD.are

34.第34题 According to __C___ they have told me, they should return within about one week. A.thatB.itC.whatD.which

35.第35题She glanced shyly ___A_____ him and then lowered her eyes. A.atB.offC.onD.with

36.第36题 As we were leaving, we saw the __C______ man and his friends entering. A.red hair B.red-hair C.red-haired D.red-hairing

37.第37题The shop offers products that range ___B_____ inexpensive to very expensive. A.betweenB.fromC.amongD.along

38.第38题 — Do you know what day is today?— ____A____ . A.Today is WednesdayB.It is a fine dayC.It is February 11D.It is raining

39.第39题— I have never been to a Chinese village, have you?— ___B_____ . A.Yes, I haven’tB.No, I haven’t eitherC.No, I haven’t tooD.No, I have 40.第40题Only last week I called at ___B_____ . A.my aunt B.my aunt’s C.my aunts D.mine aunt

