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Zhejiang University

个 人 简 历

个人情况: 姓 名:** 性别:男


办公电话: ******

手机号码: ******

通信地址: 杭州市浙江大学信电系迪科中心,邮政编码:310027

教育背景: 2001.9 - 现在 硕士研究生(2004年4月毕业),浙江大学,信息学院信息与电子工程


1997.9 - 2001.6 工学学士,浙江大学,信息与电子工程学系,电子工程专业;辅修学位,


1997.9 - 1999.6 浙江大学混和班(为培养优秀工科学生设置的特殊教学计划)


2003.6-现在 国家863重大科研项目——基于多载波的无线自适应传输系统中面向分


2002.6 - 2003.6 以实习研究生身份参与杭州国芯科技公司国家高清晰电视HDTV传输标



2002-2003 担任浙江大学研究生会主席助理,作为主要负责人主办第十届DMB校园文




2001-2002 担任浙江大学信电系研究生会主席,作为筹委会副主席负责第七届电信周的





1. 通过CET (College English Test) 6级考试;

2. 能够熟练地使用英文说写,使用英语进行交流,以及纂写文档。




业余爱好 摄影,体育舞蹈,游泳,阅读,户外运动


Zhejiang University PERSONAL RESUME


Name: Yu Yi Sex: Male

E-mail address: michael_yuyi@

Office Tel: (0)86- 571-87952060

Mobile: 13858062699

Post Address: Dike Center, Information Science and Electronic Engineering Dept, Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, 310027

EDUCATION Sep. 2001 – Present Master of Science student, Department of Information Science &

Electronic Engineering, ZJU, Majoring in Information &Signal

Process (Completion expected in April 2004)

Bachelor of Engineering, Department of Information Science &

Electronic Engineering, ZJU, Majoring in Electronic Engineering,

Minoring in Economic Management

Sep. 1997 – Jul. 1998 Mixed Class Program (special program for outstanding engineering students, see the attached introduction), Zhejiang University Sep. 1997 – Jul. 2001

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (R&D) EXPERIENCE Jul.2003-Present A new packed Qos Oriented Link Layer Control Protocol for OFDM

Based Wireless Adaptive Transmission System( a project supported

by 863 program),.

Jun.2002- Jun.2003 As a co-operation student, I took an active part in a project in Hang

Zhou Guoxin Science and Technology CO.LTD. The project was

aimed to develop and implement an IP-CATV net gate, as a part of National Standard of HDTV signal transmission.

SOCIAL WORK 2002-2003 I was put in charge of the chairman assistant of the Graduate Student Union,

ZJU, responded for the DMB Culture Festival (the greatest culture festival in

ZJU),and hold several academic reports of famous academicians. 2001-2002 I took charge of the chairman of Graduate Student Union, Information Dept, ZJU.


Scholarship for outstanding social work, Excellent Student Cadre,Excellent Graduate

Student Cadre(twice)


1. Pass in CET (College English Test) Band 6.

2. Strong written English and spoken English, skilled documentation capability.


Aggressive, self-motivated, fast-learning,a good team player,Good communication skills,

Get an ability to work under pressure.


Take Photo, Dancing, Swimming, Reading, Outdoor Activity.


Zhejiang University

Introduction to Mix Class In order to cultivate highly qualified engineers in science and technology, the Mixed Class

Program (MCP), established in 1984, is directed as the first Elite Education in China for gifted

students in Zhejiang University. Every year about 150 Mixed Class Fellows (MCF) are selected

strictly from 2500 freshmen based on high school GPA, performance in Entrance Examination and

personal interview, and in the following two years, they study and live in an intensive but

amicable educational atmosphere.

The guiding idea of MCP is to give future engineers science training, to combine science and

engineering intimately, and to furnish the students pioneering spirit as well as excellent creativity

and originality.

Features of MCP are listed as the following:

1. Special curriculum is carried out to offer courses mainly in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,

Computer Science, English, and Electricity. The standard set is high enough. For example,

all the Mathematics courses are no weaker than those of Applied Mathematics Program.

Additionally, not only most of the textbooks and references are written but also some courses

taught in English. The whole education process is carried out on the principle of "high

starting point, fast teaching pace and emphasis on ability".

2. Elimination mechanism results in a highly competitive environment. At the end of each

semester, the faculty committee evaluates each MCF's performance and grades. About forty

percents of the MCFs are eliminated from MCP at the end of the first academic year.

3. A stable group of excellent teachers with special dispositions are selected to the program. All

of them are full of rich teaching experience, enthusiasm and responsibility for the elite


After completing the full program in the first two year's studying, the remained MCFs return to

different engineering departments on the basis of aspiration and need, and continue to receive

special education under the advice of outstanding professors. In most cases, the MCFs are engaged

in scientific research earlier than planned.

MCP continues for two years. But in a larger sense, it continues much more than two years.

After the MCFs return to their major, or even they graduate, they are still traced closely by the

Section for Elite Education. Based on the feedback information from different departments, the

MCFs have solid foundation in natural science (esp. Mathematics), wide range of knowledge,

excellent creativity and originality, outstanding ability to explore computers and to arrange

research work independently, as well as determination to be outstanding in worldwide contests.

