新人教版八年级英语下册unit 1必背重点词组及句子

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unit 1必背重点词组及句子


1. have a cold 感冒 2. lie down 躺下

3. have a fever 发烧 4. take one’s temperature 量体温 5. get off 下车 6. to one’s surprise 使…..惊讶 7. right away 立刻 8. get into trouble 陷入麻烦 9. be used to ( getting up early // the weather here)

习惯早起/ 适应这儿的气候

10. take a risk/ risks +doing sth. 冒险做…….

11. run out (of) 用尽;耗尽 12. cut off 切除

13. get out of … 离开; 从…出来 14. be in control of.. 掌管;管理 15. give up 放弃 16. have a break=take a break (短暂的)休息 17. get hit on the head撞到了头

18. put some medicine on the cut在伤口上敷药 19. go mountain climbing去爬山

20. findoneself in a very dangerous situation 发现自己处于非常危险的境地 21. have/get a very sore throat = throat hurts a lot喉咙痛 22. stop the bus without thinking twice没有细想就停了车 23. hurt oneself playing soccer在踢足球时伤了自己

24. thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers多亏了王先生和乘客们 必背句子

1. It doesn’t sound like you have a fever. 听起来不像是发烧。 2. I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving.


3.If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor.


3. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks.


4. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood.然后,他用左臂,为自己打好了绷带,以便于他不至于失血过多。 5. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.

他对爬山的爱是如此之深,以至于在经过那次经历后依然继续爬山。 6. But the driver didn’t think about himself. He only thought about saving a life. 但是这个驾驶员不考虑自己,他只考虑挽救生命。

7. A: What’s the matter( with you)?=What’s wrong( with you)?=What is happening (to you)?怎么了?

B: I have a stomachache. 我胃疼。

A: You shouldn’t eat so much next time. 下次你不该吃如此多。

8. A: Does he have a toochache? 他牙疼吗? B:Yes, he does. 是的。 B: He should see a dentist and get an X-ray. 他该去看牙医并且拍片。 9. Should I take my temperature? No, you shouldn’t. /Yes, you should.

