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接下来以香港公司为例给大家介绍一下转口贸易的操作: 案例说明:

假设你的上海公司主要的客户来自美国,给到你现在有一笔100万美金的服装定单,假设这批服装的成本是60万美金, 资金流: 物流:

1、 一般的贸易操作 自营进出口权 订单usd100万 没有进出口权 订单100w

分析: ①a公司盈利:100万–60万=40万,按照中国的税制进行完税。②100万美金全部打到国内被结汇,汇率有损失。 2、通过香港公司做转口贸易 成本60万, 10万利润 70万 货

(30 订单 万

分析: ①a公司盈利:70万-60万=10万,按照中国的税制进行完税。



最后讲一下退税的问题,很多人担心,多了香港公司后会影响原来的退税,其实是不影响的,退税是退增值税,一种是按成本退税,那么这种情况的退税对客户来讲是没有影响的,另一种是按出口额退税,增少,退少,利润拆份。转口贸易其实还是节省了支出!{ 。进口相对出口当中涉及的因素更多一些,涉及到一些关税的问题,





案例说明:上海a公一批司有价值为70万美金的货物,准备以100万美金的价格卖给美国b公司。(对于无进出口权外贸企业,依然是委托外贸公司代理出口,流程不变,但是大大保密了自己的海外客户信息,详细操作可看之前信用证的解释) ◆1.一般贸易出口运作

上海a公司========美国b客户 100万

注:合同:======== 收款:==========

分析: ①a公司盈利:100万–70万=30万,按照中国的税制进行完税。 ②100万美金全部打到国内被结汇,汇率有损失。


上海a公司=================美国b客户 \\\\//

u$80万 u$100万 \\\\//


分析: ①a公司盈利:80万–70万=10万,按照中国的税制进行完税。




? title to goods. title to the goods will pass to the buyer at the time the seller by that time. 货物所有权。如果买方已向卖方付款,在货物到达[地点]时货物的所有权将转移至买方。

解释:该文本涉及国际商法的相关知识。货物所有权(title to the goods)又称为财产权(property rights),它指的是物主对特定货物所拥有的财产权。包括对特定货物具有占有、使用、处置及收益的权利。

在国际贸易中,货物所有权从何时起由卖方转移于买方,是关系到买卖双方切身利益的一个重大问题。因为一旦货物的所有权转移于买方之后,如果买方拒付货款或遭遇破产,卖方就将蒙受巨大损失。除非,卖方保留了对货物的所有权,或在货物上设定了某种担保权益,否则,一旦买方在付款前破产,卖方就只能以普通债权人的身份参与破产财产的分配,其所得可能会大大少于应收的货款。 相关合同文本翻译举例:

(1) if the parties have validly agreed on retention of title, the goods shall remain the property of the seller until the complete payment of the price, or as otherwise agreed. 如果双方确实同意对所有权保留,则在完成货款支付前该货物的所有权仍归卖方,或另有规定。

(2) seller hereby assumes all risk of loss, damage or

destruction resulting from fire or other casualty to the time of transfer of assets and closing. 卖方由此承担财产转移和成交前因火灾或其他事故所引起的灭失、毁损的所有风险。

? import/export documentation. the seller will be responsible for

obtaining, completing, and presenting to customs all export documentation and fees required for clearance, including the following: the buyer will be responsible for obtaining, completing, and presenting to customs all import

documentation and fees required for clearance, including the following: the buyer must notify the seller that all import

requirements have been met. the seller is not required to ship the goods until the buyer furnishes the seller with proof that the import requirements and fees have been or will be timely met. if shipment is delayed because the buyer fails to furnish such proof timely, the seller will not be deemed to have

breached the contract. 进/出口文件。卖方负责获得、填写所有的出口单据,向[国家]海关出具所有的出口单据及支付海关结关所需的一切费用,包括以下:[条例]。买方负责获得、填写所有的进口,向[国家]海关出具所有的进口单据及支付海关结关所需的一切费用,包括以下:[条例]。当所有进口的要求都已达到后,买方必须通知卖方。只有在买方及时的提供给卖方它已办好进口的手续并缴纳了费用的证据后,卖方才会把货物装单据船。如果延迟装运是由于买方无法及时提供此类证据,在这种情况下,卖方不违约。



? invoices. the seller will issue provisional invoices and final invoices for the

shipment of the goods. the invoices must specifically describe the goods, the quantity of the goods, and the price of the

goods. 发票。卖方为货物运输开具临时发票。发票上必须具体说明货物,写明货物的数量和价格。

解释:发票是卖方向买方开立的,对所交货物的总说明,是一张发货价目清单。 进口商凭发票核对货物及了解货物的品质、规格、价值等情况。它是进口商记账与核算的依据。在没有汇票时,出口商可凭发票向进口商收款。发票还是报关纳税的基本依据,也是实施其他管理的基础依据。在不使用汇票进行结算时,替代汇票作为付款的依据。


(1) pursuant to the buyer’s purchase order, the seller agrees to supply the buyer with the goods, and the names, types, serial numbers, quantity and unit price of the goods are as

stipulated in the annex to this contract. the annex shall from an integral part of the contract. 根据买方购货单,卖方同意按合同附件所列货物的名称、型号、数量、单价的规定,向买方予以提供。该附件是本合同不可分割的组成部分。

(2) party a shall provide party b with the offer of the

commodity, or period and other information as required by

party b. 甲方应乙方要求向乙方提供产品报价,订货期及相关资料。 ? re-exportation. the buyer covenants that the goods will be shipped to and 再出口。买方同意货物被运送到[国家],并同意货物不会被运往其它国家。买方也不会在货物到达[国家]后再出口。 解释:再出口是指使用总贸易体系记录和编制进出口统计的国家,将外国商品输入本国后未经加工而再向国外输出。又称复出口。再出口由两部分组成,即从本国自由贸易区或海关保税仓库再出口和本国化商品再出口。


? inspections. the buyer is entitled to inspect, or to have its agent inspect, the

goods at the [sellers place of business or point of shipping]. the seller will pay return freight charges and will replace goods that the buyer or its agent rejects

with goods that meet the description and specifications set forth in this agreement. on completion of the inspection and acceptance of the goods, the buyer or its agent will execute a certificate of inspection and acceptance. the inspection and execution of the certificate will be at the buyers cost. the

buyers failure to inspect the goods will constitute a waiver of the right of inspection, and the buyer will be deemed to have accepted the goods as delivered. 审查。买方有权在[卖方的营业地或者运输地]检验或让其代理人检验货物。卖方应支付退货的运费并应用满足协议中所规定的描述和规格的货物替换卖方或其代理人所拒收的货物。在检验并接受货物后,卖方或其代理人会开具检验证明或接受证书。买方将支付检验费用和开立证明的费用。如买方


解释:审查验收条款时,应注意的内容包括但不限于:是以装货港还是卸货港的货物质量情况作为标准,出具验收依据的机构双方是否认可,买卖双方各自检验结果不一致时应以何种标准作为验收结果以及检验结果不一致时是否委托第三方重新检验。律师还应协助买卖双方提前协商好检验费用的负担问题。 相关合同条款样本举例:

(1) it is mutually agreed that the inspection certificate of quality/quantity/weight issued by the china commodity

inspection bureau shall be taken as final basis of delivery and binding upon both parties.

in case defects in the ship body or equipment are found by party a within twelve months after delivery, and the defects are caused by bad materials, bad technology, or bad machinery used by party b, and when the inspection report by the ship inspection bureau of the p.r.c. is obtained, party b shall send engineers to inspect the defects after receiving party a’s notice. party b shall be obliged to make all repairs without charge in case of party b’s negligence.



? express and implied warranties. the seller expressly warrants that

the goods are free from all defects of material, workmanship, or installation. within days after delivery, the seller will replace free of all charges, including the cost of transportation, any part of the goods found defective. expect as expressly stated in this agreement, the seller does not warrant the goods in any manner at all. implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or of merchantability are disclaimed. the goods are sold “as is” and the buyer understands and agrees that no reliance has been placed on the sellers skill and judgment to select or furnish goods for any particular purpose.

明示和隐含的保证。卖方明确担保货物的材料,工艺和安装没有任何的瑕疵.在交货后[几]天内, 卖方可免费为买方换任何有瑕疵的货





? indemnification of buyer. provided the buyer has not altered the goods

or the packaging of the goods in any manner before sale, the seller will defend any suit for damages brought against the buyer based on a defect in the materials, design, or manufacturing of the goods or on patent or trademark

infringement in connection with the sale or use of the goods. if an action is brought against the buyer, it will promptly notify the seller. the seller will indemnify the buyer against any

liability, damage, or expenses incurred in connection with any such suit and will pay any judgment entered against the buyer in such suit. 买方的索赔。如果买方在销售前未以任何方式改变货物或货物的包装,由于材料,设计和生产中的瑕疵,或在货物的使用和销售有关的专利和商标侵权所引起的对买方的起诉,买方负责辩护。买方在任何情况下被起诉,应立即通知卖方。卖方应补偿买方任何由此类诉讼所承担的责任、支付的赔偿、花费及诉讼费用。 解释:索赔和理赔是一个问题的两个方面,属于卖方责任而引起买方索赔的主要有:卖方所交货物的品质、数量、包装和合同不符;卖方未按期交货;卖方其他违反合同或法定义务的行为。属于买方责任而引起卖方索赔的有:买方未按期付款;未及时办理运输手续;来及时开立信用证;买方其他违反合同或法定义务的行为。 索赔和理赔中,索赔依据和索赔时间是两个最基本的条件。





concerning delay in shipment 关于迟交货物:

(1) we still haven’t received your advice of despatch of the cameras, while we are receiving urgent request from

customers and you will understand that this delay places us in an awkward position. 我方仍未收到你方摄像机的装运通知,但连续接到我方客户的催促,你方谅必能理解,这次延误使我方处于困境。

(2) the articles have just been received after a delay of a

fortnight, for which no explanation has yet been given to us. 货物延误两周后才到货,你方至今尚未对延误作任何解释。

(3) you have confirmed our order, but to our surprise, we have not yet received the goods or any advice from you when we may except delivery. 你方已确认我方定货,但诧异的是至今尚未到货,也未收到任何可以交货的消息。 concerning poor packing 关于不良包装:

(1) we found half the goods broken (smashed, torn, beyond

repair, unusable, unsalable, damaged). 发现货物半数破损(粉碎、扯破、无法修理、无用、无法销售、受损)。

(2) we have examined them one by one, and found that each of them was leaking more or less. 我们已逐件检查,每一件都或多或少有点渗漏。

(3) we have had the case and contents examined by the insurance surveyor, but as you will see from the enclosed copy of his report, he maintains that the damage was due to insecure packing and not to any unduly rough handling of the case. 我们已请保险公司检验人员检验了木箱和箱内货物。从随附的检验报告副本中,你方将注意到,他认为损坏是由于包装不牢固,并非搬运不当所致。

(4) it was disappointing to learn that so many of the articles sent in our consignment were damaged and we are sorry that you should have missed the opportunity of including them in your january sales. 得悉发运给你方的定货中货物损坏颇多,令人失望,使你们失去一月份出售时机,致歉。

concerning poor quality 有关质量低劣:

(1) on comparing the goods received with the sample, we were surprised to find that the color is not the same. 将收到的货物与样品比较,我们发现颜色不相同,感动惊讶。

(2) the goods have not turned out to our satisfaction, the quality being so poor as to render them unsuitable for the requirements of this market. as the whole parcel is quite

useless to us, we must ask you to refund us the invoiced value and the inspection fee as per the statement of claim enclosed. we trust that our claim will have your prompt attention, and as soon as settlement is made, we shall return the goods to you at your expense. 该货不能令我方满意,质量如此低劣,以致不合此地市场需要。由于全部货物对我方毫无用处,务请你方退赔发票金额和检验费,详见所附索赔清单,希望你方立即处理我方索赔,一旦解决,我们就退回货物,费用由你方负担。

? intellectual property protection. the buyer understands that the

operty as if it were the


具体操作也是从别的帖子中看到的,根据收付款节奏分二种情况: 一、先收后支的转口贸易 1.合同注明预付款条款


3.上海企业按上海外管局贸易进口付汇分类管理办法办理。a类单位可办理各种付汇业务;b类和c类单位不可办理预计到货期90天,或者usd10万同时合同比例20%的预付货款;d类单位不可办理预付货款业务 (判断贵行客户是哪个等级的,若是上海客户的化) 4、进口付汇核销单(进口核销单交易编码为0116其他,交易附言注明“转口贸易”,付汇性质勾“转口贸易”。备案表编号填写999999) 5、营业执照/批准证书(转口贸易资格)

6、详细书面说明+公章(详细书面说明至少包括“收付汇情况、结算方式、装运口岸、到货口岸、货物转移确认等) 7、购货合同及发票 8、售货合同及发票



11、涉外收入申报单(0202)(涉外收入申报单交易编码为0202第三国之间转口贸易,交易附言注明“转口贸易” ) 12. 付汇申报单

进口付汇备案表,( 或需)列入由外汇局审核真实性的进口单位名 单”的企业(需所在地外汇局在备案表上敲章)/凭备案表支付 二、先支后收的转口贸易:


2.营业执照/批准证书(转口贸易资格) 3.详细书面说明+公章 4.购货合同及发票 5.售货合同及发票 6.进口付汇核销单

7.买方开来的信用证或经银行核对密押的外方银行出具的付款保函 8.付汇申报单

进口付汇备案表,( 或需)列入由外汇局审核真实性的进口单位名单”的企业(需所在地外汇局在备案表上敲章)/凭备案表支付 首先也是合同和形式发票.另外咨询当地外汇局转口贸易核销对企业资料的要求.可作为付汇审核资料的参考.


说实在的,如果客户不明确告知银行说是转口贸易,我们按一般贸易 进口预付办理,银行表面是没什么问题的,关键是将来客户要按转口贸易核销,银行就得改核销信息了,这个很烦.

