四年级英语备 课上yiyi

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单 元 备 课

单 元 名 称 教 材 分 析 本单元主要学习 , (一)知识目标: 1、 能听懂,会说并认读下列单词:Chinese、we、PE、maths、today、science、subject、English、make、often、basketball、there 2、能听懂、会说并认读下列句子: 1)What subjects do we have……?及回答:We have…… 2) What?s your favourite subject?及回答:It?s…… 3) We sing there. 3.能初步了解字母t、d、a在单词中的发音及其规律 (二)能力目标: 1、能询问别人上什么课,喜欢什么课及回答。 2、能用英语说出谁在哪干什么。 (三)情感目标: 鼓励学生大胆询问别人,并在学习的基础上了解中、外国家的学校差异,培养学生敢于探究的精神 (一)教学重点:能会用句子:What subjects do we have? What?s your favourite subject? 进行询问,并进行回答 (二)难点:favourite、 maths、thing等的读音 Unit1 school life 教 学 目 标 教 学 重难点 课 时 划 分


第( 1 )单元共( 4 )课时 --第( 1)课时 教研组长签字: 课 题 Lesson 1 课 new 型 教学目标 1.能听懂、会说并认读下列单词: Chinese、PE、classmate、subject、today 2.能听懂、会说并认读下列句子: What subjects do we have ……?及答语:We have…… 3.能用所学句型询问别人上什么课,并进行回答,提高口语表达能力。 1.会读并规范书写:subject、we、Chinese、PE、today 会用What subjects do you have…?及回答We have……来表达自己班中所要上的课程。 2.问句有点长,注意掌握 培养学生将学到的知识运用到真实的生活场景中,引导学生热爱学校生活,热爱学习。 课程表、单词卡、语文书、音乐书、美术书及课件 教学重难点 德育渗透 教学方法 教具媒体 教学过程 二次备课 Step1: Warming-up: Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls. Good morning, teacher. 你发现李明、郭阳换装了吗? [设计意图]通过观察与以前的不同,提高课堂气氛 Step2: Presentation 由于本班今年刚转来一个学生,师介绍:Hello, boys and girls, this is ZhaoYihao.He is your new classmate.学习单词classmate,并领读。 [设计意图]通过这个新同学的转入设置情景,为新单词classmate的学习打下基础。 2.听录音 1)整体感知课文内容,并画出不认识的单词。 2)交流生词:subject、Chinese 3. 再听录音,思考: ①What does Tom ask?学生回答,教师板书 What subjects do we have this afternoon? [设计意图]让学生明白如何询问别人上什么课 ②Please guess: What?s the meaning of this word“have”? ③出示课程表,回答问题

④教师再出示另外一天的课程表(含有语文课),问学生: What subjects do we have this afternoon? 生:We have PE and…… 师引出:Chinese ⑤Chant: PE, PE, we have PE. Chinese, Chinese, we have Chinese. [设计意图]用chant的形式更能吸引学生的注意力 ⑥师:Chinese and PE are subjects. 学习subject 4、Listen and say,then repeat 听录音,跟读课文 5、Role play 小组分角色朗读 [设计意图]让学生互助,共同展现自我 Step3:Practice 火眼金睛: 出示幻灯片: 语文书、音乐书、美术书、快速的闪一遍,后消失一个,猜消失的是什么 出示上述书的单词,方法同上 师将语文书放在身后,问: What subjects do we have this afternoon? 生猜:We have……? 出示课程表,师指某一上午或下午进行询问,让生答。 Step4: Consolidation: 师当记者,采访班上的学生 找学生当记者,现场采访 Step5: Summary 读板书内容 Step6: Homework 听10分钟录音 询问同学在星期几上什么课,做好记录 设计 Lesson1 We have Chinese What subjects do we have this afternoon/morning? 板书We have Chinese and PE. 反思与重建

第(1 )单元共(4 )课时 --第(2 )课时 教研组长签字:

Lesson2 What?s your favourite subject? 课 题 课 new 型 教学目标 1.能听懂、会说并认读下列单词: science、English、computer、maths 2、能正确使用句型: What?s your favourite subject?及答语:It?s science /maths/PE/art. 3.:学生能自由询问同班同学喜欢/最喜欢的科目,并能流利的进行交流。 :1.学会认读及规范书写单词:science、English、computer、maths 灵活运用句型What?s your favourite subject?及回答:It?s science/maths/PE/art. 2.单词science, English, computer, maths的发音,都要反复强调,注意science中/ai/及th字母组合的发音 1)培养学生养成热爱学习的好习惯2)养成不偏科的学习习惯 课程表、单词卡、录音机及课件 教学重难点 德育渗透 教学方法 教具媒体 教学过程 二次备课 Step1: Warming-up: Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls. Good morning, Miss Guessing game: 师快速出示课本,让学生猜是什么书。 让学生做动作,让其他同学猜 [设计意图]通过猜谜游戏,既复习了旧知,又提高了兴趣,为本课奠定了基础。 Step2: Presentation 师出示语文书,问:Do you like Chinese? 生:Yes, I do/No, I don?t. 师再出示英语书,问:Do you like it? 生:Yes, I do. It?s English. 学习English,强调首字母大写。 师:English is my favourite subject. 学习favourite 师举起学生的数学书,并教读,同样的方法学习science;指着电脑学习computer [设计意图]maths 与 science 发音较难,放在一起学习,使学生

不混淆。 2.出示课件,快速出示科目的单词,让生边看边读边举起课本(无课本的可译成汉语) 3.师:My favourite subject is English. What?s your favourite subject? 引导学生答:My favourite subject is ……(可以多拿几种书进行操练) 4、刚才同学们说出了自己喜欢的科目,李明,Jenny, 王红,郭阳,Tom他们分别喜欢什么呢? ① 听录音,思考 ② 再听,回答问题 ③ 交流答案 ④ 再听录音,跟读 ⑤ 小组内读课文,后分角色表演 Step3:Practice Let?s talk 听录音,然后小组内用课本互问互答 Let?s do. 小组找一个同学当小记者,调查其他同学最喜欢的学科 Step4: Consolidation: Let?s play a game. 找一个学生,把自己最喜欢的学科课本藏在身后,其他同学问: What?s your favourite subject? Please guess.It?s …… Step5: Summary 齐读板书内容 听录音3-5遍 调查同学/朋友最喜欢的科目 板书设计 Lesson 2 What?s your favourite subject? What?s your favourite subject? It?s science. Science. 反思与重建

第(1 )单元共( 4 )课时 --第(3 )课时 教研组长签字:

Lesson 3 We sing here. 课 题 1.能听懂、会说并认读下列单词: make、thing、often、basketball, there 2、 能完整流利的完成句子: 1) We make things in the art room. 2) We often play basketball there 课 new 型 教学目标 3.引导学生能用所学单词及句型介绍自己课下经常干的活动,以及喜爱的活动 握单词:make、thing、often、basketball的认读及规范书写 句型: We make things in the art room. We often play basketball there的灵活运用 1、词组make things的含义 2、often 放在句子中的具体位置 3、here,there 通过介绍身边的物品,培养学习学习英语的兴趣,增加对英语学习的信息 课程表、单词卡、录音机 教学重难点 德育渗透 教学方法 教具媒体 教学过程 Step1: Warming-up: Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls. Good morning,Miss…. 师出示有关地点的单词卡,让学生回忆、朗读 Step2: Presentation 1. 听录音,整体感知课文内容,并划出生词 2.交流生词,学习 make,thing, often, basketball 3.再听录音,思考: What do we do in the music room?/in the art room?/ on the playground? 4、交流 5、再听录音,跟读 [设计意图]听录音,感知课文内容,并加深对课文的理解。 Step3: Practice Let?s talk 听录音,跟读 二次备课

游戏 找同学做动作,学生猜单词或短语 找同学做动作,学生说句子 Step4: Let?s copy 听录音,跟读单词 说出所有学科的单词,师一一在四线格内板书 Step5: Summary 齐读板书内容 [设计意图]让学生学会本课的生词和句型 Step6: Homework 听录音3-5遍,再读给家长听 把四线格内的单词写2遍 板书设计 Lesson 3 We sing here. We sing here. We play basketball there. We draw there. We make things here. 反思与重建

第(1 )单元共( 4 )课时 --第( 4 )课时 教研组长签字:

课 题 Lesson 4 Again, please. 课 new 型 教学目标 1.能灵活掌握单词的认读及规范书写: subject、 we、Chinese、PE、today、science、English、maths、make、often、basketball、there 2、 能熟练运用下列句子并掌握相应答语及同义句型: 1) What subjects do you have at school? We have…… 2) What?s your favourite subject? It?s…… 3)We often play basketball. 培养学生在实际情景中运用语言的能力 1.听懂、会说并认读重点句型 2.句子过长,流利表达可能有一定的困难。 激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生将学到的知识运用到真实的情境中的能力,引导学生关注生活、热爱生活。 课程表、单词卡、录音机及课件 教学重难点 德育渗透 教学方法 教具媒体 教学过程 二次备课 Step1: Warming-up: Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls. Good morning, Miss Step2: Practice 1、 生做动作,让其他同学猜是什么科目 2、生边做动作,边问: What subjects do we have? 学生根据动作抢答 3、众生问: What subjects do we have today? 学生根据课程表回答。 4、师出示英语书,说My favourite subject is English. 师问一个人:What?s your favourite subject? 后同桌练习 听录音,感知课文内容。 再听录音,跟读 Step3:Let?s read 出示字母及单词,让学生先读 听录音,跟读 Step4: Let?s do 师出示课程表,生讨论后要上的课 每人出示自己制作的课程表,向大家展示 Step5: Let?s sing

师领读歌词 听录音,学唱歌曲。 Step6: Summary 齐读板书内容 [设计意图]让学生学会本课的生词和句型 Step7: Homework 听录音3-5遍,再读给家长听 学唱歌曲 板书设计 Lesson 4 Again, please. t-/t/ let at ten tell d-/d/ read red door dance a-/a/ make face name cake What?s your favourite subject? What subjects do you have at school? 反思与重建

单 元 备 课

单 元 名 称 教 材 分 析 1. 能听懂会说认读规范书写单词:run , come, dance, well, uncle, aunt , cook 能听懂会说认读单词: skip, piano, drum, hobby, paper cutting 并能结合句型灵活运用 2. 能听懂会说认读句型: Do you like …….? Yes, I do. No, I do on’t. He /she likes….. What’s your hobby? My hobby is…….. I like…..n’t. He /she likes….. What’s your hobby? My hobby is…….. I like….. 3. 能运用所学句型简单讨论自己或他人的爱好 4. 初步了解字母k g e 在单词中的发音规律。 1.能听懂会说认读句型: Do you like …….? Yes, I do. No, I do on’t. He /she likes….. What’s your hobby? My hobby is…….. I like…..n’t. He /she likes….. What’s your hobby? My hobby is…….. I like… 2. What’s your hobby? 的两种不同的回答。 Unit2 hobbies 谈论自己或他人的爱好 教 学 目 标 教 学 重难点 一, lesson 1 二 lesson 2 三 lesson 3 课 时 划 分 四. Lesson 4

第( 2 )单元共( 4 )课时 --第(1 )课时 教研组长签字:

课 题 Lesson 1 Do you like running? 课 new 型 教学目标 1、能够听懂、会说并认读下列单词:run,come,dance,skip 2、能够听懂、会说并认读下列句子:Do you like running?Yes,I do.No,I don?t. 3.学生能够运用所学句型准确表达自己的个人爱好 一.单词:run,come,dance,skip的认读和句子Do you like ??的认读及运用。 (二):学生能够将知识与生活相结合,做到学以致用。 学生能够在浓厚的氛围中快乐的学习知识。 磁带、录音机、单词卡片 教学重难点 德育渗透 教学方法 教具媒体 教学过程 Step1 Warm-up. 师生共唱Sing Together. 教师做sing, draw等动作,学生跟做动作并说短语。 【设计意图】以歌曲形式活跃课堂气氛,为新课做准备。 Step2 Presentation. 教师拿着课本作出读书的动作说:I like reading.” 然后问学生“Do you like reading?”引导学生说出”Yes, I do.” 或“No, I don?t.” 用同样方式作出跑步、跳绳的动作,学习新单词run, skip.呈现新句型 Do you like running/ skipping? 介绍课文情景:公园里,Wang Hong 与 Tom 在交流各自的爱好。 播放课文录音,询问学生 Do you like basketball/ running/ skipping?引导学生回答。 【设计意图】教师做动作引导学生学习新知,师生互动,调动学生学习的积极性。 Step3 Practice. 分角色演练对话。 模仿跟读Let?s talk, 再两两操练。 请两个学生站在讲台上,学生A拿着教师制作好的笑脸图和哭脸图,学生B问讲台下的学生:Do you like???学生A举起笑脸图,台下学生就回答:Yes, I do. 【设计意图】运用Role play Pair work等多种形式练习对话并模仿跟读,学习地道的英语。 Step4 Consolidation. 请学生扮演记者采访了解其他同学的爱好。 完成Let?s do.部分。 让学生两人一组运用新学句型交流自己的爱好,并在设计好的表格二次备课

中勾出自己喜欢的活动,然后拿着调好的表格排队报名。 【设计意图】将课本中的对话运用于实际生活中,有利于提高学生的综合语言能力。 Step5 Summary Let students retell the text Step6 Homework 听本课录音,模仿跟读。 运用本课所学句型了解朋友或家人的爱好。 板书设计

Unit2 Hobbies Lesson1 Do you like running? Do you like basketball?Yes,I do. Do you like running? No.I don?t. Come and skip. 反思与重建

第( 2 )单元共( 4 )课时 --第( 2 )课时 教研组长签字:

课 题 Lesson 2 She likes dancing. 教学目标 课 型 new 1、能够听懂、会说并认读下列单词:piano,drum,well 2、能够听懂、会说并认读下列句子:She likes dancing. 3.学生能够运用所学句型准确表达自己的个人爱好。 一):单词:piano,drum,well的认读和句子She likes dancing.的认读及运用。 二):学生能够将知识与生活相结合,做到学以致用。 学生能够在浓厚的氛围中快乐的学习知识 磁带、录音机、单词卡片 教学重难点 德育渗透 教学方法 教具媒体 教学过程 Step1 Warm-up. 师边做动作边让学生说出相应的单词与短语,如sing, draw, read, run 等,然后进行师生、生生交流,Do you like???Yes, I do./ No, I don?t. [设计意图]通过复习巩固旧知,为学习新知做铺垫。 Step2 Presentation. 教师想学生示范跳舞的动作说I like dancing.询问学生Do you like dancing?学习新单词dance及dancing.教师根据学生的回答Yes, I do.转述病呈现新句型She/He likes dancing.接着教师出示二胡、钢琴、架子鼓图片学习新单词erhu, piano, drums及学习新句型She/He likes playing the erhu/piano/drums. 介绍课文情景:李明采访并录制了有关同学们的爱好的短片,在家与妈妈观看并谈论同学生们的爱好。 播放课文录音呈现课文内容。 模仿跟读课文录音。 【设计意图】通过模仿跟读使学生进一步了解课文内容,加强学生自学能力,学习正确的语音语调。 Step3 Practice. 二人一组演练课文内容。 模仿跟读Let?s talk.然后用所学句型描述图片。 组织记忆力打比拼活动。 请五位学生站在讲台上,一人问 Do you like???其余四人分别说出自己的爱好I like ??然后让讲台下学生转述讲台上四个人的爱好She/He likes?? 【设计意图】运用Role play Pair work等多种形式练习对话并模仿跟读,学习地道的英语。 Step4 Consolidation 二次备课

现场采访。 运用所学句型Do you like???采访教师或同学们的爱好,运用新句型He/She likes?? 向全班同学汇报采访结果。 完成Let?s do.部分。 【设计意图】通过巩固练习让学生进一步熟练掌握新单词和新句型,学会运用句子。 Step5 Summary 教师小结本节课内容,领读,并让学生齐读。 Step6 Homework 模仿跟读课文语音。 自己审计一份调查表,调查了解家人的爱好。 板书设计 Lesson2 She likes dancing This is ?? He/She likes playing the piano. He plays well. 反思与重建

第( 2 )单元共( 4 )课时 --第( 3 )课时 教研组长签字:

课 题 Unit2Lesson3What?s your hobby? 课 new 型 教学目标 (一)知识目标: 1,能听懂、会说、认读单词hobby paper cutting uncle aunt cook 2.能听懂、会说、认读并理解句型:“What?s your hobby?” “My hobby is dancing. ” “I like reading.” 3.能够正确在四线格内书写单词run sing cook dance. (二)能力目标: 能够在真实情境中口头灵活运用“What?s your hobby?”询问他人的业余爱好,并用My hobby is ….. 或I like….来回答自己的业余爱好 教学重点: 能听懂、会说、会读单词:hobby paper cutting uncle aunt cook 理解运用句型“What?s your hobby?” “My hobby is dancing. ”“I like……” 教学难点: 1. 能够口头灵活运用“What?s your hobby?”询问他人的业余爱好,并用My hobby is ….. 或I like….来回答自己的业余爱好 2、动名词的变化形式及读音。 3、paper cutting的读音及意思的理解 培养学生良好的业余爱好,使学生能充分发挥自身的特长 多媒体课件、单词卡、 教学重难点 德育渗透 教学方法 教具媒体 教学过程 二次备课 Step1、warming_up 1、Greetings. 2、Sing a song_HELLO HELLO WHAT?S YOUR NAME 3. 出示课件复习动名词的变化形式及读音 教师边出示课件边说I like ….课件提示do,学生快速接答:doing 学生回答后教师在课件中呈现doing,复习时教师最好是归类呈现如do-doing play-playing read-reading dance-dancing run-running skip-skipping 。 4、Free talk I like skipping ,do you like skipping?师生问答,生生问答。 Step2、Presentation 教师承接着自由回话导入新课:I like reading, My hobby is reading.引出hobby出示卡片操练单词:强调o y的发音,领读,高低读,快慢读,开火车读。 导入课文:hobby业余爱好,如何用英语来询问他人的爱好,面对别人的询问,我们又该如何回答呢,不要着急,让我们跟李明来学习

一下: 1、 Now,let?s listen and point.听课文录音,整体感知。 (1)教学句型:李明是怎么问的?引导学生找出重点问句What?s your hobby?教师边板书边领读。由慢到快读,分组读,开火车读。 教师试问学生:What?s your hobby? 学生已听过录音,应该能模仿回答出My hobby is reading.同样教师边板书边领读,男女读,之后教师指出我们也可以回答I like reading.看黑板板书师生问答读,同位问答读操练句型。 (2)Chant:hobby hobby what?s your hobby? Reading reading My hobby is reading. (3) 同位问答练习实际问答。 2、再听课文,找找郭阳都向谁询问了业余爱好. 引出单词 uncle aunt出示卡片,领读,男女读,大小声读,开火车读,出示卡片快速区分认读。 3、Listen and fill Grandpa?s hobby is_________________ Grandma?s hobby is_________________ Uncle?s hobby is__________________ Aunt?s hobby is____________________. 边听边思,理解课文,从而引出单词paper cutting cooking . paper cutting:分步教paper ,paper ,cutting ,cutting ,paper cutting由慢到快,领读,齐读,开火车读。 cook:边做动作边领读。 4、Listen and repeat. 5、Read it for two times then act out it . Step3、Practice 1、sing a song 。 2、Let?s talk 李明不但询问了家人的业余爱好,还询问了朋友的业余爱好,我们去听一听。 (1)Listen (2)小组内问答交流,展示。。 Step4、Game——pass the card (hobby) 学生有节奏地边传递单词卡片边读单词hobby,教师喊停,大家齐问:What?s your hobby?,手拿卡片的同学就要边做动作边回答,轮流一遍后卡片传到老师的手里,这时我回答I like reading and writing .Do you like reading ?引入下个环节。 Step5、Let?s copy. read the words. Let?s wrting.教师在四线格内示范,学生书空,然后在书上练写。 Step6、Summary.

What did you learn? 齐读单词和句型。 Step7、Homework 1、Listen and read the text for two times. 2、用所学的英语,调查一下好朋友的业余爱好。 板书设计 Unit2Lesson3 What?s your hobby? My hobby is reading. I like reading。 反思与重建

第( 2 )单元共(4 )课时 --第( 4 )课时 教研组长签字:

课 题 Unit2 Lesson4 Again, please! 课 new 型 教学目标 (一)知识目标: 1、能听懂、会说、认读单词run skip come piano dance drum well hobby paper cutting uncle aunt cook 2、能听懂、会说、认读并理解句型:“ Do you like running?”“She/He likes dancing.”“What?s your hobby?” “My hobby is dancing. ” “I like reading.” 3、能够感知字母k g e在单词中的发音规则。 (二)能力目标: 能够在真实情境中口头灵活运用“Do you like….?”“What?s your hobby?”询问他人的业余爱好,能够运用英语来谈论自己和他人的业余爱好 教学重点: 1、能听懂、会说、认读单词: run skip come piano dance drum well hobby paper cutting uncle aunt cook。 2能理解运用句型“Do you like running?”“She/He likes dancing.”“What?s your hobby?” “My hobby is …….”“I like……” 教学难点: 1. 能够在真实情境中口头灵活运用“Do you like….?”“What?s your hobby?”询问他人的业余爱好,面对他人的询问能够运用英语来准确回答自己的业余爱好 2、like后接动词,动词的变化形式及读音。 3、动词like第三人称变化形式 培养学生良好的业余爱好,使学生能充分发挥自身的特长 多媒体课件、单词卡、 教学重难点 德育渗透 教学方法 教具媒体 教学过程 二次备课

Step1、warming_up 1、Greetings. 2、Sing a song_HOBBY HOBBY WHAT?S YOUR HOBBY 3. Review: (1)、复习本单元的单词。 ①、出示单词卡片复习单词piano drum well hobby paper cutting uncle aunt 。方法:先出示卡片学生快认抢答,之后看单词齐读一遍,看意思或图齐读一遍。 ②、出示课件,学生快认快读复习本单元的动词 复习时教师最好是归类呈现如run-running skip-skipping cook-cooking dance-dancing come-coming (2)、出示课件复习本单元的句型。 快认快读句子“I like cooking . She likes dancing. Do you like running? What’s your hobby?” 课件依次显示句子让学生认读,当学生认读Do you like running?时,教师引导学生chant:running running running,do you like running ?,学生齐说三遍,学生说的同时,教师在黑板板书这个句型。之后,进行One by one问答练习,教师板书答案。 接着课件显示What’s your hobby?让学生认读,教师引导学生chant:hobby hobby hobby what’s your hobby?,学生齐说三遍后,学生说的同时教师板书这个句型。之后进行进行One by one问答练习,教师板书答案。 Step2、Presentation 学校的评选出了一些业余爱好小明星,他们都有哪些业余爱好呢,我们来听听李明的介绍。 1、 Now, listen and think。 What?s Guo Yang?s hobby? What?s Jenny?s hobby? What?s Miss Zhang?s hobby?。 2、Listen and repeat 3、自读两遍后,同位分角色给课文配音。。 Step3、Practice 1、Guess game: 给学生一份调查表,让学生在自己栏上选出自己的业余爱好,打上√,不要让其他人看见,然后请一位同学上讲台上,请同学用Do you like ….?猜一猜,三轮后,谁也没才对,大家一起问What?s your hobby?问一问,学生回答后,教师再面向全体学生问:what?s ….?s hobby?大家一起用She /he likes…来回答。 2、在小组内完成调查表,让学生用学过的英语来调查小组成员的爱好,并在班上交流。。 Step4、Fun time

Find and talk.教师先示范,问What?s Xiaobai?s hobby?板书,学生回答后,板书答语,然后同位问答,交流。 Step5、Let?s read. 教师导入:You did a good job.I?ll give you three golden eggs. 课件出示三个金蛋, 先让学生齐读金蛋上的单词,读完后单词里的k发音相同吗?发什么音?教师出示因素/ k/ 领读,之后问学生我们还学过哪些单词里有k发/ k/,让学生说一说。同样方法教学后两组。 Step6、Summary. 齐读单词句型,评价学生表现。. Step7、Homework 1、Listen and read the text for two times. 2、调查家人的业余爱好,并把结果跟好朋友介绍一下。 板书设计 Unit2Lesson4 Do you like running? Yes,I do. No,I don?t. What?s your hobby? My hobby is reading. I like reading What?s Xiaobai?s hobby? She likes skipping. 反思与重建

单 元 备 课

单 元 名 称 教 材 分 析 询问或描述自己及他人一周七天的活动 1. 能听懂会说认读规范书写单词: day football picture 能听懂会说认读单词: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday hurry up 并能结合句型灵活运用 2. 能听懂会说认读句型: What day is today? It?s Monday. We have music …on Monday. We can draw pictures ……on Monday. What do you do on Saturday? I often play the piano. 3. 能运用所学的语言,简单讨论一周的课程表以及活动安排。 4. 初步了解字母p b I 在单词中的发音规律 学会合理安排一周七天的生活 1.懂会说认读句型: What day is today? It?s Monday. We have music …on Monday. We can draw pictures ……on Monday. What do you do on Saturday? I often play the piano. 2. 一周七天的英语表达,特别是Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 的发音。 Unit3 Days of the week 教 学 目 标 教 学 重难点

一, lesson 1 二 lesson 2 三 lesson 3 课 时 划 分 四. Lesson 4

第(3 )单元共( 4)课时 --第(1 )课时 教研组长签字:

课 题 Lesson1. What day is today? 课 New 型 1. 能听懂、会说并人读单词“day, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday, Monday, Thursday”。 2.能听懂、会说并认读句子:“What day is today?It’s? I like? We have?”。 3.能在情境中流利的运用一周的表达和本单元的重点句型:“What day is today?It’s? I like? We have?”。 1. 单词“day, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday, Monday, Thursday。”的认读。 2. 句子“What day is today?It’s? I like? We have?”认读教学目标 教学重难点 及运用。 2.结合实际在真实的语境中运用 “What day is today?It’s? I like? We have?” 等句型进 行询问并做出相应的回答 1.培养学生严谨、周密的思考能力(通过一周七天的课程安排),增进德育渗透 教学方法 教具媒体 师生间的情感, 营造良好的英语学习氛围,以激发学生学习英语的兴趣 三、CD-ROM、单词卡片、课件、头饰。 教学过程 Step1 Warming up 1.Greeting 2.Free talk Talk about your hobbies. Step2、presentation 1. Leading __ in I will show you a timetable, please look at the screen.(我将给你们出示一个时间表, 请看大屏幕。) The first lead students to read, to quickly and then slowly. (首先带领学生读一遍,先慢后快。) T:I like Monday. I have PE. 教师手指星期三问学生:What day is today? 自然引入本课语言点。Lesson1. What day is today? 拿卡片学习新单词:day 2. Text (1) Listen to the tape and the overall perception text.(听录音整体感知课文。) You can get to know .What day do the children like? (2)Listen and learn the new words. 听录音学习新单词。 (day, wednesday, Tuesday, Friday, Monday, Thursday。) (3)Solve these new words. 巩固新单词。 (4)Listen and learn the key sentences.(听录音学习重点句型) 教师拿课程表边问边写重点句子 :重点练习 What day is it today?及其回答句: It’s I like? We have? Monday. It’s Tuesday. It’s Wednesday. It’s Thursday. It’s Friday. (5) Group exercises key sentences,and then teacher examination. 小组练习重点二次备课

句型,然后教师检查。 (6)Listen and follow it ,try to imitate it. (逐句模仿跟读) Step 3 Practice 1. Read in roles and act out the text 分角色朗读并表演课文。 2. Group show text 小组展示课文 3. 小组合作,表演 Let’s talk 部分。多媒体展示阴影部分学生,找两名同学一个刮奖一 个提问,另一个回答,具体步骤如下: (1)教师先找一位同学合作 Model:What day is it today? It’s? (change) (2)小组内进行表演。 (3)全班展示。 Step4、 Consolidation. 活动三。情景交际 Let’s do. 指着多媒体上的课程表介绍,运用新学的句型进行表演。具体步骤如下: (1)教师出示探照灯,介绍。Model: What day is it today? It’s Monday. It’s Tuesday. It’s Wednesday. It’s Thursday. It’s Friday. I like? We have? (2)小组内进行表演。 (3)全班展示。 五、Summary What have you learned in this class? Who wants to try? (教师和学生一起看课件重温本课的重点句型、单词快速说一遍) 六、Homework. 1. listen and imitate the text, then do the recording. 2. Talk about your most love day and subjects,exchange of the next lesson. (谈论你最喜欢的一天和科目,下节课在班级交流。) 板书设计 What day is today? It’s Monday. 反思与重建

第( 3 )单元共( 4 )课时 --第( 2 )课时 教研组长签字:

课 题 Lesson 2.I can dance on Friday. 1. 能听懂、会说并人读单词“football, picture ”。 课 new 型 2.能听懂、会说并认读句子:“What day is today?It’s? I(He\\She) can教学目标 ? We can?”。 3.能在情境中流利的运用一周的表达和本单元的重点句型:“What day is today?It’s? I?(He\\She) can? We can”。 1.单词“football, picture。”的认读。 教学重难点 2. 句子“ I can? We can?”认读及运用。 结合实际在真实的语境中运用 can? We can?” “I 等句型进行询问并做出相应的回答 1.培养学生艺术素养,学会欣赏的能力。增进师生间的情感,营造良好的英语学习氛围, 以激发学生学习英语的兴趣 德育渗透 教学方法 教具媒体 CD-ROM、单词卡片、课件、头饰 教学过程 二次备课 Step1 Warming up 1.Greeting 2.Sing a song:Days of the week 3.课件出示各种活动的图片(play basketball,play the piano, play the erhu, draw, skip, dance)学生边看大屏幕边迅速反应边做动作边说出词组。然后出示课程表星期五自然导入课题:Lesson 2 I can dance on Friday. Step2、presentation 1. Listen to the tape and the overall perception text.(听录音整体感知课文。) There are many interesting groups in a week. I can dance on Friday. What can WangHong,Jenny,LiMing do in a week? 2. Listen and learn the new words. 听录音学习新单词。 (football, picture。) 3. Solve these new words. 巩固新单词。 4.Listen and learn the key sentences. (听录音学习重点句型) 5.Group exercises key sentences,and then teacher examination. 小组练习重点句型,然后教师检查。重点练习: “We can?I can?”。 6.Listen and follow it. Try to imitate it. (逐句模仿跟读) Step 3 Practice 1. Read in roles and act out the text.(分角色朗读并表演课文。 ) 2.Group show text(小组展示课文) 3.小组合作,表演 Let’s talk 部分。白板出示活动 2 的图片,

运用新学的句型进行表 演。 (1)教师先找一位同学合作 Model:We can ?on? (2)小组内进行表演。 (3)全班展示。 Step4、 Consolidation. 活动三。情景交际 Let’s do. 教师拿出准备好的不同艺术类的图片课程表, 运用新学的句型进行表演。 具体 步骤如下:Model:I can ?on? (1)教师出示,介绍。(2)小组内进行表演。 (3)全班展示。 四、Summary What have you learned in this class? Who wants to try? (教师和学生一起看课件重温本课的重点句型、单词、然后再看卡 片快速说一遍) 五、Homework. 六、 1.Listen and imitate the text, then do the recording. 七、2.Talk about the things you can do from Monday to Friday with your classmates.( 同你的同班同学谈论 一下从星期一到星期五你能做的事情。) 板书设计

Lesson 2.I can dance on Friday. We can???. I can???? ( football, picture)、 反思与重建

第( 3 )单元共( 4 )课时 --第( 3 )课时 教研组长签字:

课 题 Lesson 3 What do you do on Saturday? 课 new 型 1. 能听懂、会说并人读单词“hurry up, Saturday, Sunday”。 教学目标 2.能听懂、 会说并认读句子: “ often do? ”。 3.能在情境中流利的运用一周的表达和本单元的重点句型: “It’s time for school. What do you do on Saturday?I (We) often do? 。 1. 单词“hurry up, Saturday, Sunday。”的认读。 2. 句子“It’s time for school. What do you do on Saturday?I (We) often do?”认读及运 用。 2. 结合实际在真实的语境中运用“It’s time for school. What do you do on Saturday?I (We)often do?”等句型进行询问并做出相应的回答 .培养学生拥有一个健康向上的周末活动,增进师生间的情感,营造良好的英语学习氛 围,以激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 三、 CD-ROM、单词卡片、课件、头饰。 教学重难点 德育渗透 教学方法 教具媒体 教学过程 Step1 Warming up 1、 Greeting : 师生打招呼问好 Thursday ,Friday, 2、Sing a song :新年好(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday. We can sing. We can dance. Thursday , Friday, Saturday. ) 唱完歌曲教师手指歌词说:I can dance on Saturday. What do you do on Saturday? 自然地 引入新课:Lesson3 What do you do on Saturday? Step2、presentation 1. Listen to the tape and the overall perception text.) I often dance on Saturday and Sunday. What do the children often do on Saturday and Sunday? 2. Listen and learn the new words.。 ( hurry up ,Saturday, Sunday) 3. Solve these new words. T: Close your eyes, listen carefully! Open your eyes , look at me after me louder, please! 4. Listen and learn the key sentences. What do you do on saturday? We often ?What do you do on Sunday ? I often ? 5. Group exercises key sentences, and then teacher examination. What do you do on saturday?:We often ?What do you do on Sunday?:I often ? 6. Listen and follow it. Try to imitate it.) Step 3 Practice 二次备课

1. Read in roles and act out the text (分角色朗读并表演课文。) 2. Group show text. (小组展示课文) 3.小组合作,表演 Let’s talk 部分。白板出示活动 2 的图片,运用新学的句型进行表演。 1)教师先找一位同学合作 Model:What do you do on saturday?I often ? (2)小组内进行表演。 (3)全班展示。 4.Let’s copy. Show your little finger, ask the students to imitate the four word (出示你们的小手指,请同学们一起来模仿四个单词的书写) Step4、 Consolidation. 活动三。情景交际 Let’s do. 情景交际创设情景:教师出示一本日历,打开日历到今天的日期,强调突出星 期几,随后翻阅日历到周末,用很愉快的口吻说: T: the weekend. I like the weekend very much .I go swimming at the weekend .What It’s do you do at the weekend? 小组分别把自己周末喜欢做的事情画一画,用新学的句型进行表演 (1)教师介绍。Model: What do you do on Saturday ?I often ?We often... (2)小组内进行表演。 (3)全班展示。 五、Summary: What have you learned in this class? writing. Who wants to try?(教师和学生一起看课件重温本课的重点句型、单词) 六、Homework. 1.listen and imitate the text, then do the recording. 2. Talk about the things that you often do at the weekends.(谈论一下周末你们经常做的事 情。) 板书设计

Lesson 3 What do you do on Saturday? What do you do on Saturday? I (We) often do? (hurry up, Saturday, Sunday 反思与重建

第( 3 )单元共( 4 )课时 --第( 4 )课时 教研组长签字:

课 题 Lesson 4 Again please! 课 new 型 1. 能听懂、会说并人读单词“day, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday, Monday, Thursday, football, picture, hurry up, Saturday, Sunday”。 教学目标 2. 能听懂、 会说并认读句子: “What day is today?I can dance on Friday. What do you do on Saturday?”。 3.学会询问他人的周末活动,回答他人对自己周末活动的询问;陈述第三人的周末活动, 陈述自己的课程,陈述第三人称的课程。 单词: “day, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday, Monday, Thursday, football, picture, hurry up, Saturday, Sunday”。 句子:“What day is today?I can dance on Friday. What do you do on Saturday?”运用及 回答。 所学知识融入到实际交往中。 突破措施:形象讲解,夸张口型,放慢语速,“给哑巴配音”等多种形式操练,保证学 生发音准确,知识能灵活运用 让学生拥有一个健康向上的周末活动,通过学生小组合作、讨论、交流,让学生感受把 所学知识融汇到实际交往中的乐趣,培养学生浓厚的英语兴趣,从而激发积极的学习情 感。 教学重难点 德育渗透 教学方法 教具媒体 课件,台历,单词卡片,录音机,课程表,数学书,语文书,科技书 教学过程 二次备课 Step1 Warming up 1、 Greeting : 师生打招呼问好 2、Sing a song: Days of the week T:How many days are there in a week? What are they? 自然引出要复习的内容: Lesson 4 Again, please?Days of the week Step2 Presentation (Review) 1.Listen to the tape and the overall perception text .Listen to the tape you will know what the children say and do. 2.Listen to the first picture and review the words. (day, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday, Monday, Thursday) 情景交际 Let’s do.: (1) 教师出示探照灯, 介绍。 Model: What day is it today? It’s Monday. It’s Tuesday. It’s Wednesday. It’s Thursday. It’s Friday. I like? We have? (2)小组内进行表演。 (3)全班展示。 3. Listen to the second picture and review the words. Model:I can ?on (1)教师出示,介绍。 (2)小组内进行表演。

(3)全班展示。 4. Listen to the third picture and review the words.。 (hurry up, Saturday, Sunday) Let’s do. T:It’s the weekend. I like the weekend very much .I go swimming at the weekend .What do you do at the weekend? (1)教师介绍。Model: What do you do on saturday?I often ?We often... (2)小组内进行表演。 (3)全班展示。 5. Listen and learn the key sentences.:What day is it today? It’s ?I like? We have?I like?I can?What do you do on Saturday?I (We) often do? 6.小组练习重点句型, What day is it today? It’s ?I like? We have?I like?I can?What do you do on Saturday? 6. Listen and follow it. Try to imitate it. Step 3 Practice 1. Read in roles and act out the text() 2. Group show text.。 3. Let’s read 总结发音规律:让学生读并思考每组单词各有什么特点(包括字母组合的特点和读音的 特点) 在本课单词表里找到这三个音标的发音单词,归类,再加一个字母 a 的发音,有 day 和 从星期一到星期天。 Step4 Consolidation. 小组合作,表演 Let’s do 部分。白板出示活动各种活动的图片,运用学过的句型进行表 演。 1)教师先找一位同学合作 Model:What day is it today? It’s ?I like? We have?I like?I can?on?What do you do on Saturday?I (We) often do? (2)小组内进行表演。 (3)全班展示。小组展示课文 五、Summary :What have you learned in this class? Who wants to try? 六、Homework. 1.listen and imitate the text, then do the recording. 2. Talk about the things that you often do at the weekends 板书设计反思与重建 What day is today? I can dance on Friday. What do you do on Saturday?”。

单 元 备 课

单 元 名 称 教 材 分 析 描述一年四季的气候特点以及每个季节的活动 1. 能听懂会说认读规范书写单词: season year spring summer autumn winter warm wear hot cool fly kite swim: 能听懂会说认读单词及词组 T-shirt what about skate 2. 能听懂会说认读句型: It’s spring/summer….. It’s warm / hot in spring/ summer . What season do you like? I like spring……. I can /often fly kite. 3. 能运用所学句型描述四季的特点并说出自己喜欢的季节及原因 4.初步了解字母f v o 在单词中的发音规律 Unit4.seasons 教 学 目 标 教 学 重难点

一, lesson 1 二 lesson 2 三 lesson 3 课 时 划 分 四. Lesson 4

第( 4 )单元共( 4)课时 --第( 1 )课时 教研组长签字:

课 题 Lesson1. It?s spring 课 new 型 教学目标 1.学生能听懂、认读、会说下列单词:season year spring summer autumn winter 2.学生能听懂、会说“We have four seasons in a year . What season is it? It?s summer. I like summer .I don?t like winter.”等句型。 通过小组之间的交流,通过创造真实的语境,使学生能够灵活运用“What season is it? It?s summer. I like summer .I don?t like winter”句型来询问季节,从而提高学生英语表达能力,真正做到学以致用。 1.学生能听懂、认读、会说单词:season、 year 、spring、 summer 、autumn、 winter。 2.学生能灵活运用句型“What seasons is it? It?s summer. 1.培养学生严谨、周密的思考能力(通过一周七天的课程安排),增进教学重难点 德育渗透 教学方法 教具媒体 师生间的情感, 营造良好的英语学习氛围,以激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 CD-ROM、单词卡片、课件、头饰。 教学过程 二次备课 Step 1 Warm-up 1. Greetings. Hello, boys and girls. 2. Free talk. T: Hi, Wang Ming. What?s your favorite subject? S: My favorite subject is music. T: Hello, Li Jia. What?s your favorite subject? S: It?s PE. T: Today is Friday; you will have PE and music. So it?s your favorite day, yes? Step 2 Presentation 1. 1.Learn the new words. 在之前对话的基础上拿四季的图片问学生 “What?s your favorite season ?” 学生自然会猜出season 的意思是季节从而引出本课新授单词“season ”,“We have four seasons in a year.”引出单词 “year”, “What are they ?”、看课件图片教授spring、summer 、autumn、 winter. 2. Practice the new words. 出示单词卡片,并通过“乘火车”、男女生读、竞赛读、猜口形等多种形式练习巩固本课新单词。针对学生的表现,教师给于适当的评

价激励。还可以结合着句型“What season is it ? It?s ……..I like summer. /I don?t like …… ”来操练本课新单词,做到词不离句。 3. Step 4. Play a guessing game T:Good job, You are wonderful,Let?s play a guessing game. Listen to the sound and guess(听声音,猜季节) T:What season is it?(听音猜) Ss:It?s Spring. (summer、autumn、winter) 4. Learn the new text. Look at the book and listen to the tape. Underline the new words. 听完录音后,可以找学生读一读所划出的单词。 Step 3 Practice 1. Look at the book and listen to the tape again. Answer the questions: How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? 听完录音后让学生找出问题的答案。 2. Listen to the tape again. Try to follow the tape. Repeat after the tape. Then practice reading the dialogue in groups. (小组分角色朗读课文,如果时间充足的话,可以让学生带头饰表演对话。) 3. Let?s talk: Look at the pictures of part2, ask and answer in pairs. 4. Let?s do: link the pictures with the seasons, describe the pictures like this: It?s spring/… I like spring. /I don?t like winter. 4. Sing a song Spring, spring, I like spring. Summer, summer, I like summer. Autumn, autumn, I like autumn. Winter, winter, I like winter. Spring, summer, autumn, winter. I like them very much!。 Step 4 Consolidation 小组活动:人人争做小记者。活动形式是小组内互相采访,根据事先准备的表格,用句型“Do you like…?Yes, I do. / No, I don?t.”来采访别人喜欢和不喜欢的季节,练习后到台前表演,对学生发放适当的奖品,加以鼓励。 Step 6 Summary and homework 教师引导学生总结本节课所学的知识点。 1. Listen to the tape and mime it. 2. 用“Do you like…?”询问你的家人或朋友喜欢的季节。 板书设计 What season is it? It’s spring.

反思与重建 第( 4 )单元共(4 )课时 --第(2 )课时 教研组长签字:

课 题 Lesson2 it’s warm. 课 new 型 教学目标 1.能听懂、会说单词warm hot cool cold wear T-shirt。 2.学生能听懂、会说“Its …. in……. We often wear……”句型。 (二) 能力目标: 通过小组之间的交流,通过创造真实的语境,使学生能够运用“What season is it ?”句型来询问季节,用“It?s…..in…… I often wear……”来描述四季的气候特征及所穿的衣服,从而提高学生英语表达能力,真正做到学以致用。 .1. 学生能听懂、会说单词warm hot cool cold wear T-shirt。 2.学生能灵活运用句型“Its …. in……. We often wear…….”。: 3.结合实际在真实的语境中运用“ What season is it ? It?s……….. It?s …. in……. We often wear……句型。 1培养学生将学到的知识运用于真实的生活场景中的能力,使学生具有一定的社交意识,引导学生热爱生活,热爱大自然 教学重难点 德育渗透 教学方法 教具媒体 CD-ROM、单词卡片、课件、头饰 教学过程 二次备课 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Greetings. Good morning, boys and girls.( 2. Enjoy a song. Spring, spring, I like spring. Summer, summer, I like summer. Autumn, autumn, I like autumn. Winter, winter, I like winter. Spring, summer, autumn, winter. I like them very much! Step 2 Presentation 1. Free talk. Hi, Lucy! How many seasons are there in a year ? 2. Learn the new words. 让几位学生进行操练,按照图片用这个句型引出本课新单词hot cool cold,板书在对应的季节图片之后领读单词并让学生分析发音之后

出示单词卡片,并通过“乘火车”、“高低音”、男女生读、竞赛读、猜口形等多种形式练习巩固本课新单词。分组,并以四个季节来命名小组,同时根据学生小组的学习表现来开展评价,并以此来激励学生学习的积极性和主动性。 3. Play a game: Quick answer大屏幕出示四季的图片,让学生快速说出季节及描述四季气候特征的形容词。例如:大屏幕出示spring,学生迅速说出warm。然后同桌俩一个说季节一个说形容词,当然也可以反过来相互提问看谁的反应快。 4. Pair work: 同桌俩用 “It?s …. in…….”来操练本课的主要句型,然后找几组展示一下。 5. Say a chant Warm, warm, it?s warm in spring . Hot, hot, it?s hot in summer . Cool, cool, it?s cool in autumn. Cold, cold, it?s cold in winter . 】 6.Look at the book and listen to the tape. Underline the new words that we learned in this class. 7. Listen again, link the seasons with the clothes. It?s warm in spring. Step 3 Practice 1. Listen to the tape the third time. Try to follow the tape. Repeat after the tape/ teacher.。 2. Practice reading the dialogue in groups, then try to act it out. 3. Group work: Look at the scream, talk about the pictures with your partner. Step 4 Consolidation Draw the clothes of four seasons. Describe the pictures with the drills we learnt this class. It?s ……in……. I often wear… Step5 Summary 教师引导学生总结本节课所学的知识点,即用“It?s …. in……. We often wear……”来描述季节。 Step 6 Homework 1. Listen to the tape and mime it. 听课文录音,模仿录音朗读课文。 2. 回家搜集南北半球季节的差异。

板书设计 Spring:It?s warm in spring. We often wear sweaters. Summer: It?s hot in summer. We often wear T-shirts. Autumn: It?s cool in autumn. We often wear jackets. Winter: It?s cold in winter. We often wear coats. 反思与重建

第( 4 )单元共( 4)课时 --第( 3)课时 教研组长签字: 课 题 Lesson 3 What season do you like ? 课 new 型 教学目标 1.学生能听懂、认读、会说下列单词:fly kite swim以及词组fly my kite、 swim in summer 、play football in autumn 、skate in winter,能听懂、会说what about…?skate。 2.学生能听懂、会说“What season do you like? I like…….. I often……/I can……”句型。 1.学生能听懂、认读、会说单词:fly kite swim skate以及词组fly my kite、 swim in summer 、play football in autumn 、skate in winter、what about……. 2.学生能灵活运用句型“What season do you like ?”询问别人喜欢的季节。 培养学生将学到的英语知识运用到生活中的能力,提高学生的交流能力和实践能力。 四、 CD-ROM、单词卡片、课件、头饰。 教学重难点 德育渗透 教学方法 教具媒体 教学过程 二次备课

Step 1 Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Say a chant.(师生拍手齐唱Lesson 2的儿歌。) 3. Free talk .T:Hi, class What season is it now ? Ss: It?s summer. T: What can we do in summer? We can swim in the sea. 老师比划游泳的动作,学生自然会猜出swim的意思。T: What season do you like? Ss: I like……… Step 2 Presentation 1. Learn the new words and phrases. 出示单词卡片swim,学生跟读后一起拼读该单词,教授单词skate, , 方法同swim。给学生讲s 后面的清辅音要发相应的浊辅音/g/。 T: In summer, we often swim. I can swim like this. T: In winter, we can skate. We can skate like this. And we can make a snowman, too. T: I don?t like winter. It?s too cold. I don?t like summer. It?s too hot. I like spring. It?s warm. I can fly my kite. And I can plant trees, too. I also like autumn. I can play football. What about you? 引出词组 fly my kite、 play football 、what about…. 学习并操练新单词、词组。操练时可以采用游戏等多种形式,如:小火车,高低音,我做动作你来猜、What?s missing等。 2. Pair work: 当学生对单词和词组有了一定的认识和了解后,小组俩结合着句子来操练, 并找同学起来表演。 What season do you like? I like spring .I often fly my kite. What about you, Lily? I like summer. I can swim in summer. 3. Let?s sing. (两只老虎) What season do you like? What season do you like? I like spring. I like spring .I can fly my kite. I can fly my kite,fly my kite ,fly my kite 4. Play a game. What?s missing? 大屏幕出示单词,让学生猜哪个单词不见了。 5.Watch the video. 带着两个问题看视频: What season does Guo Yang like? Does Danny like summer? Step 3 Practice 1. Look at the book and listen to the tape. Underline the new words that we learned in this class. Then read the words. 2. Listen to the tape again. Try to follow the tape. Repeat after the tape. 3. Practice reading the dialogue in groups, then try to act it out. (小组分角色朗读课文,尽量根据黑板上的板书表演课文。) Step 4 Consolidation

Let?s talk: look at the screen and talk about the picture using the drills we learnt this class, Step 5 Let?s copy. 学习书写单词 spring summer autumn winter Step 6 Summary and homework 教师引导学生小结今天所学内容: “What season do you like? I like… I often…../I can……. ” 1. Listen to the tape and mime it. 听课文录音,模仿录音朗读课文。 2. 询问家人喜欢的季节及原因。 What season do you like? I like…… I often?../I can?? 反思与重建

教学重难点 第( 4 )单元共( 4 )课时 --第(4 )课时 教研组长签字:

课 题 Lesson 4 Again, please 课 new 型 教学目标 1.复习巩固本单元的单词:season year spring summer autumn winter warm hot cool cold wear T-shirt fly kite swim skate 。 2.系统复习本单元的课文及重点句型。 1.能够熟练掌握本课复习的重点单词和目标语句。 2.综合运用本单元句型进行交流。 We have four seasons in a year. They are spring summer autumn and winter.

What season do you like ? I like summer . I swim in summer . What about you ? I don?t like summer. It?s too hot . I like winter . I can skate in winter . 德育渗透 教学方法 教具媒体 2.培养学生的合作能力。 多媒体课件、单词卡片、录音机、磁带、奖品、实物等。 教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk. How many seasons are there in a year ? What are they ? What season do you like ? Why ? Step 2 Revision. (一)复习本单元的单词。 1. Review the words. (season year spring summer autumn winter warm hot cool cold wear T-shirt fly kite swim skate) 同桌俩练习读单词,然后“开小火车”读单词,根据学生读单词的情况,重点练习一下学生掌握不好的单词。 3.Play games: A: Say and guess. (1). It?s a season. It?s green. It?s warm. (2). It?s a season. It?s yellow. It?s cool. (3). It?s a season. It?s white. It?s cold. (4). It?s a season. It?s red. It?s hot. B:“单词对对碰”大屏幕闪现单词,如果是图片就让学生快速说出它的英语单词,如果是单词就让他们快速说出汉意。看谁反映快! C: 看多媒体课件:让学生猜白板上将显示的单词是什么? 【(二)复习第一课的课文。 1. Listen to the tape, and speak out the sentences .(听第一课的课文,将所听到的英语句子说出来。这时找单个学生起来回答效果比较好,学生怕叫到自己,都会集中精力认真听的。) 2. Practice reading the text in groups, then act out the dialogue. (小组练习读课文,并表演课文。) (三)复习第二课的课文。 1. Listen to the tape, and speak out the sentences that they heard.(听第二课的课文,将所听到的英语句子说出来。) 2. Practice reading the text in groups, then act out the dialogue.(小组练习读课文,并表演课文。) (四)复习第三课的课文。 1. Listen to the tape, and speak out the sentences that they heard.(听第二次备课

