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Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)

一. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)

( )1. — Here’s a photo of my pet. Look, do you know what he is? — Aha, he is a .

A. rabbit A. in

B. carrot B. on

C. parrot C. at

D. cabbage D. to

( )2. We shouldn’t read books the sun. ( )3. Our English teacher looks . All of us like him. A. friendly

B. happily

C. quickly D. quietly

( )4. — goldfish you keep! — Yes. They are my good friends.

A. How lovely

B. What lovely

C. What a lovely D. How a lovely

( )5. Andy is sitting on the grass with his


B. eyes

C. hands

A. arms

D. knees

( )6. — How should I teach my dog to do any tricks?

— Well, you should be first, or (否则) he will run away.

A. rude

B. gentle B. catch

C. shy C. carry

D. sad D. hide

( )7. My cat likes to under the bed. He doesn’t want anyone to find him. A. hold

( )8. — Would you please the number? I wasn’t listening. — OK. That’s 15235171386.

A. remember B. repeat

C. report C. look up

D. reply D. look for

( )9. Jim’s parents him well at home.

A. look after B. look around

( )10. — Do fish sleep? I think they’re swimming around . — Of course they sleep. But they sleep with their eyes open.

A. all the same B. all the time

C. at that time D. at the same time

( )11. — Listen to the teachers carefully! Don’t miss important. — Thanks, I won’t.

A. anything B. something

C. everything D. nothing

( )12. I will love my parents the end.

A. after B. before C. when D. till

( )13. — Shall we buy some hamburgers for the party?

— Yes. Not likes Chinese food. A. anybody B. somebody A. cat food

B. cats’ friends

C. everybody D. nobody C. tricks for cats D. cats and fish

( )14. Ann doesn’t know what to feed her cat. What key words can she search for information? ( )15. It is not a good idea to .

A. feed fish in the right way B. pick fish up with hands

C. change water for fish often D. keep fish away from cats 二. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

I’m not a pet doctor. But one Sunday, I went to an animal hospital to help the 16 there.

I arrived at the hospital early in the morning. And there was already 17 work to do: giving the pets food and water, and even giving them kisses 18 the heads. 19 , they looked at me with frightened (惊恐的) eyes. A doctor would say to them, “Don’t worry. 20 will be OK.” Some animals were 21 for the doctor to check them.

I washed a dog’s hurt leg. I worked 22 to make sure I didn’t hurt him. I wished he 23 know we were just trying to help him.

It was a 24 day and the work made me tired, but I was very happy. I knew I loved animals. And the animals knew I loved them. They 25 my care with love! ( )16. A. children ( )17. A. no ( )18. A. on ( )19. A. Ago

( )20. A. Something ( )21. A. looking ( )22. A. quickly ( )23. A. could

B. doctors B. much B. in B. Nothing B. waiting B. quietly B. can

C. mice C. little C. beside C. At first C. turning C. carefully C. wide

D. dogs D. many D. with D. Then D. Everything D. hoping D. early D. must D. long D. gave

B. Before

C. Somebody

C. had to C. stopped A

( )24. A. comfortable B. noisy ( )25. A. enjoyed

B. hated

三. 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)

I think cats are the easiest animals to look after and they are so nice towards their owners, so many people keep them as pets.

When you first bring your new cat home, it will feel afraid. So when you get home, take your

cat out of the box, and just let it walk around to know the new home. If you try to pick it up all the time, you will just make it more afraid.

Cats can look after themselves, and they don’t often need walks. But you need to clean out their plates, and feed them food and water.

Your cats will need a lot of care, or (否则) they will be unhappy. My Kitty gets much love and care, so he is always happy.

Remember: CATS ARE FOR LIFE, NOT JUST CHRISTMAS. If you do not have enough time, please leave cats to a good home. ( )26. Why do many people keep cats as pets?

A. Because they are friendly. B. Because they are not expensive. C. Because they are easy to take care of. D. Both A and C.

A. Keep the cat in the box. B. Hold the cat in your hands. C. Let the cat walk around the house. D. Pick it up all the time. A. Kitty C. Girl

B. Boy D. Best friend

( )27. What should you do when you bring your cat home for the first time?

( )28. The writer calls his cat “ ”.

( )29. What does the writer mean by “CATS ARE FOR LIFE, NOT JUST CHRISTMAS”?

A. He wants people to play with cats at Christmas. B. He wants people to take good care of cats every day.

C. He wants people to celebrate Christmas with cats. D. He thinks people like cats.

( )30. What’s the best title (标题) for the passage?

A. Love your cat and look after him well B. How to feed pets C. It’s good to keep pets

D. Pet cats are interesting animals


Question: Why does my cat lick (舔) me?

My cat is one year old. She is very shy. She often plays alone. But these days, she often jumps onto my knees and licks my hand, even when I’m working. It makes me feel a little worried. Is there anything wrong with her? Does she just like the salt on my hand? Is it just a sign of love? Or all of the above?

