2018-2019最新人教新课标高中英语必修三:unit1 Language

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Unit 1 The world of our senses

Language points

Teaching aims:

1. Enable the students to learn vocabularies and language points in the text. 2. Help the students to learn and use more literature expressions. Teaching important and difficult points:

Help the students to use these language points properly. Teaching procedures & ways Language points:

1. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. 一走到街上,她就快步向平常乘车的公交车站走去。 once conj. 一旦……就 ; 当……时候

e.g. We didn’t know how we would cope once the money had gone. 一旦钱花完了,我们就不知道该怎么办了。

2. As Polly observed the passengers on the train, ... 当波莉打量地铁车厢里的乘客时,……

observe v. a. to see or notice sb / sth 看到,注意到,观察到

b. to watch sb / sth carefully 观察;监视

c. to obey rules, laws, etc 遵守(规则、法律等)

猜猜下面各句中的observe的含义与上面哪种释义相匹配。 (1) The speed limit must be strictly observed. (c)

(2) The far side of the moon is difficult for us to observe. (a) (3) They are observing her movements. (b) observe的常见用法: observe sth.

observe sb. that clause / wh-clause observe sb. doing

