
更新时间:2023-05-08 10:34:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载











第一部分听力(共两节, 满分15分)






1. A. Watch a TV play. B. Go to the cinema. C. Listen to a radio play.

2. A. Because he doesn’t have enough money.

B. Because he thinks the old one is as good.

C. Because he can’t find a good one.


3. A. Monday. B. Wednesday. C. Friday.

4. A. The gym. B. The hospital. C. A drugstore.


5. A. Seven. B. Twenty-five. C. Forty.

6. A. Serve drinks.

B. Bring dishes from the kitchen.

C. Play background music.

7. A. 140 dollars a week plus evening meals.

B. 140 pounds a week plus some foods.

C. Evening meals and a bonus.




8. How do people get to the museum from Cherford station according to the speaker?


By taking the No.______________.

9. How long is the museum open a day in winter?

It is open ______________ a day in winter.

10. What extra does the museum offer to visitors this year?

A special ______________.

11. When can visitors go up in a small plane to see the countryside?

_______________, but the trip should be booked 7 days in advance.



阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项, 请将答案按题号涂到对



Singapore Flyer was launched in 2008 and states to hold the

current title for the world's biggest observation wheel, full 30 meters

taller than the London Eye observation wheel in London! Soaring 165

meters, Singapore Flyer offers a whole view of Singapore's important

tourist attractions including the scenic Marina Bay.

Singapore Flyer is also popular for providing an attractive range

of shopping and dining choices. Among its greatest dining choices is

the Singapore Flyer Sky Dining, one of the most exciting dining experiences you will ever come across.

Singapore Flyer Sky Dining is the first ever in the world to offer a full service in the sky. To top it all you are presented with best menus created by award-winning cooks from all over the world.

, no The sky dining doesn’t stop from there. You will gain fast boarding flights, in other words more waiting in line to board an observation capsule (机舱). You can enjoy the service of an in-flight host along with a nice three-course fine dining menu.

Be ready to enjoy yourself in the air-conditioned glass capsule where you will be served a welcome drink, an appetizer (开胃品) along with the main course. From the capsule you will see the night skyline of Marina Bay, Merlion Park, Raffles Place, Empress Place and Padang, bathed in exciting colors. And not just once but you will get to see these very interesting sights twice, during your almost one hour long special dining experience.

Up to five couples can book a small room and there are even choices to book an entire room for you and your partner. The sky dining experience begins from the VIP waiting room where you will be served with tasty desserts and drinks of your choice. You can see the Singapore Flyer conveniently from one of the top hotels in Singapore like M Hotel Singapore.

12. At Singapore Flyer, tourists can ___________.

A. do some shopping and have dinner

B. enjoy some interesting sights just once

C. enjoy a wonderful 30-minute dining experience

D. get a whole view of all the Singapore's tourist attractions


13. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Singapore Flyer?

A. It is the second biggest observation wheel in the world.

B. The menus are created by native cooks.

C. It provides fast boarding service.

D. There are no special rooms for couples.

14. The underlined phrase in the third paragraph probably means “___________”.

A. What’s more

B. At the top of it

C. What’s worse

D. From top to bottom

15. The three-course dining menu at Singapore Flyer usually includes the following


A. a welcome drink

B. the main course

C. an appetizer

D. tasty desserts

16. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?

A. Virtual Tourism

B. A Guide to Singapore Flyer

C. Eating at Singapore Flyer

D. The future of Singapore Flyer


An idea that started in Seattle’s public library has spread throughout America. The concept is simple: help to build a sense of community (社区) in a city by getting everyone to read the same

book at the same time.

In addition to encouraging reading as a pursuit (追求) to be enjoyed by all, the program allows strangers to communicate by discussing the book on the bus, as well as encouraging reading as an experience to be shared in families and schools. The idea came from Seattle librarian Nancy Pearl

who launched the “If All of Seattle Read the Same Book” project in 1998. Her original program author visits, study guides and book discussion groups to bring people together with a book, but the

idea has since expanded to many other American cities, and even to Hong Kong.

In Chicago, the mayor (市长) appeared on television to announce the choice of To Kill a Mockingbird as the first book in the “One Book, One Chicago” program. As a result, reading and neighborhood groups sprang up around the city. Across the US, stories emerged of parents and children reading to each other at night and strangers chatting away on the bus about plot and character.

The only problem arose in New York, where local readers could not decide on one book to represent the huge and diverse population. This may show that the idea works best in medium-sized

cities or large towns, where a greater sense of unity (一致) can be achieved. Or it may show that

New Yorkers rather missed the point, putting all their energy and passion into the choice of the

book rather than discussion about a book itself.

Ultimately, as Nancy points out, the level of success is not measured by how many people read

a book, but by how many people are enriched by the process, or have enjoyed speaking to someone

with whom they would not otherwise have shared a word.

17. What is the purpose of the project launched by Nancy?

A. To invite authors to guide readers.

B. To encourage people to read and share.


C. To involve people in community service.

D. To promote the friendship between cities.

18. Why was it difficult for New Yorkers to carry out the project?

A. They had little interest in reading.

B. They were too busy to read a book.

C. They came from many different backgrounds.

D. They lacked support from the local government.

19. According to the passage, where would the project be more easily carried out?

A. In large communities with little sense of unity.

B. In large cities where libraries are far from home.

C. In medium-sized cities with a diverse population.

D. In large towns where agreement can be quickly reached.

shared a word” in Paragraph 5 probably mean ___________.

20. The underlined words “

A. exchanged ideas with each other

B. discussed the meaning of a word

C. gained life experience

D. used the same language

21. According to Nancy, the degree of success of the project is judged by___________.

A. the careful selection of a proper book

B. the growing popularity of the writers

C. the number of people who benefit from reading

D. the number of books that each person reads


In the past, people who graduated from college felt proud of their academic achievement and confident that their degree would help them find a good job.

college However, in the past four years the job market has changed dramatically. This year’s

graduates are facing one of the worst job markets in years. For example, Ryan Stewart, a graduate of

San Jose University, got a degree in religious studies, but no job prospects. He points out that many

people already working are getting laid off and don’t have jobs, so it’s even harder for new c graduates to find jobs.

Four years ago, the future looked bright for the class of 2013. There were many high-tech job opportunities. Graduates received many job offers, and they were able to get jobs with high salaries

and benefits such as insurance a nd paid vacations. However, “Times have changed and it’s a new

- Vinnidge of the San Jose State Career Center.

market,” according to Cheryl Allmen

Allmen-Vinniage says students who do find jobs started preparing two years ago. They worked

(实习), and they have majored in one of

during summer vacations, they have had several internships

the few fields that are still hot, like chemical engineering, accounting, or nursing, where average

starting salaries have actually increased over last year. Other popular fields (like information system management, computer science, and political science) have seen big reduction in starting salaries.

going back to school. “I’d like Ryan Stewart (he had hoped to become a teacher) may just end up

to teach college some day and that requires more schooling, which would be great in bad economy.

he said.


