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第一部分: 听力 (共两节,满分20分) 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一个小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What time is it now? A. About 3:30.

B. About 4:00.

C. About 4:30.

2. What does the man mean?

A. He will send someone right away. C. He is going to repair the pipe later. 3. Why are they collecting money? A. To buy a gift for Jenny. C. To get some cash for the man.

4. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The apartment is too small.

B. The apartment is available.

B. To pay for the ticket to Nanjing.

B. The woman can call later that day.

C. The apartment is in perfect condition. 5. Who is the man looking for? A. His classmate.

B. His teacher.

C. His brother.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What do the speakers still need?

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A. A tent. B. A flashlight. C. A sleeping bag.

7. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. At a campsite.

B. In a store.

C. At home.


8. How many people are there in the Taylors’ family? A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Five.

9. What can we infer from the conversation? A. The Taylors don’t like Paul.

B. Paul likes reading English magazines.

C. English is not Paul’s native language. 听第8段材料,回答第10至13题。 10. How long was the man in Spain? A. For one week.

B. For two weeks.

C. For one month.

11. What does the woman say about Ryan Air? A. It’s not a first-rate airline.

B. It offers quality customer service.

C. It says no to 10-kilogram baggage. 12. How much did the man pay for his flight? A. £60.



13. What did the man do to reduce the weight of his bag? A. He threw away some valueless things. B. He moved some items to his jacket pockets. C. He took his jacket out of his heavy bag. 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。 14. What kind of job does Edward do? A. An actor.

B. A director.

C. A writer.

15. What is the woman probably doing? A. Interviewing a movie star. C. Discussing teenage problems.

16. What did James Dean do at college in California? A. He first acted in plays. C. He got seriously into acting.

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B. Hosting a television show.

B. He did more stage acting.

17. What do we know about James Dean from the conversation?

A. He made numerous popular movies. B. He has long been a legendary figure. C. He was best at acting in Hollywood tragedies. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。

18. Why did these scientists win the Nobel Prize in medicine? A. They created a great nervous system in a rat’s brain. B. They noticed the mapping ability dozens of years ago. C. They discovered how the brain knows the body’s location. 19. What’s the relationship between May-Britt and Edvard? A. Teacher and student. wife.

20. Who will get half of the prize money? A. John.


一、语法和词汇知识(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

21. Beer bottles can be recycled but they need cleaning thoroughly, __________ they? A. needn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. don’t

22. --- Why ___________ so early? The movie doesn’t start till seven.

A. have you left B. do you leave C. would you leave D. are you leaving 23. President Xi’s visit to the UK creates a win-win situation, _____ both China and the UK will benefit a lot in economic and social development. A. one where B. one C. which D. the one in which 24. --- How do you find the new secretary?

--- He’s ambitious ___________, and a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications at worst.

A. at random B. at risk C. at best D. at least 25. --- Would you have a meeting about the matter this afternoon? --- ______________, we could discuss it at dinner.

A. Alternatively B. Precisely C. Reasonably D. Practically

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B. Professor and assistant. C. Husband and

B. May-Britt. C. Edvard.

26. While being shy is normal, it is when the shyness interferes with an individual’s daily communication with others ________ it becomes a disorder. A. which

B. when

C. where

D. that

27. You do not have sufficient security _____________ to connect to the specified computer. Try connecting as a user with Administrator security passwords. A. protection B. privilege C. priority D. preference

28. The question of _______ English will keep on changing in the future, though most people doubt, is actually easy________.

A. if; to be answered B. what; to answer C. how; answered D. whether; to answer

29. I’m tired of the ________ practice to assign endless homework to students in holidays. Actually, summer holiday is the perfect time to ________ the books they meant to read.

A. controversial; compensate for C. conventional; catch up on

B. confidential; push for

D. contrdictory; cater to

30. _______ more than 100 small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots.

A. Scattered around the globe are globe

C. Are around the globe scattered globe

31. --- I hear that you've been shown the new plan. --- Oh, yes, but how to carry it out ___ at the meeting. A. didn't clarify B. hasn't been clarified hasn't clarified

32. — Do you think I really _____ the bad handwriting in your composition at yesterday’s meeting?

—Sure, why _____ you always pick holes in everything I write? A. wouldn’t have mentioned; can should




C. wasn't clarified D.

D. Are scattered around the B. Scattering are around the

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C. shouldn’t have mentioned; must would

D. couldn’t mention;

33. ____he once felt like giving up, he now has the determination to push further and keep on going.

A. Where


C. In case

D. Now that

34. We will do everything we can to help anybody, ______ his background, to go as far as his talents will take him. A. whatever

B. however

C. whichever

D. wherever

35. ― Waiter! A cup of iced Cappuccino, please. I thirst for a cool coffee on such a hot day. ― ________ A. Why not? Good for you.

二、完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)

Generally speaking, relationships make or break us. From the quality of our family time to our ___36___ at work, our relationships are largely ___37___ for our career success or failure. Here are some ___38___ to help you develop good relationships with others.

Usually, people who focus on themselves when interacting with others ___39___ build positive lasting relationships. Instead, they should learn to become good ____40____ and encourage others to talk about themselves.

All the skills and education in the world will never ___41___ anyone as much as sincere, heartfelt care for them. ___42___, few things have a more positive effect on others than finding out and remembering things about them. Knowing a lot about people is a real ___43___ of your care for them, and it creates a lasting ___44___.

Give your relationship something positive when you meet, such as ideas, opportunities, and resources. Besides ___45___, be willing to receive from the other person. In fact, one of the best ways to start a relationship is to ask for advice

B. For here or to go? C. My pleasure.


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or a favor. Everyone loves to show his ___46___ knowledge and authority on a subject, because it makes him feel honored and respected.

Try to use conflict as a tool, not a ___47___. The ___48___ of conflict in a relationship is natural and healthy. Damage only occurs when we react ___49___ to it. To learn more about the other person and find a solution that ___50___ both of you, relationships could become stronger and deeper.

Relationships break up quickly when others can’t ___51___ you, so say what you mean and ___52___ your word. Few things damage a friendship more severely than breaking a ___53___.

If people know more about the value of good relationships, they can achieve both personal satisfaction and ___54___ success. If you aren’t naturally ___55___ in this area, don’t worry. You can learn to improve them in your life and career. 36. A. communications B. Interactions C. Conversations D. chats 37. A. reliable

B. dependable

C. responsible C. guidelines C. likely C. announcers C. impress C. Plus C. display C. result C. taking C. practical C. device C. presence B. abnormally

D. blame D. explanation D. rarely D. lecturers D. make D. Otherwise D. growth D. influence D. bringing D. expert D. weapon D. assistance C. impolitely D.

38. A. descriptions B. advice 39. A. possibly 40. A. listeners 41. A. show 42. A. Therefore

B. probably B. speakers B. express B. However

43. A. performance B. appearance 44. A. effect 45. A. giving 46. A. useful 47. A. equipment 48. A. concept

B. bond B. getting B. unique B. facility B. absence

49. A. inappropriately illegally 50. A. serves 51. A. count in 52. A. stick in

B. affects B. count on B. stick to

C. influences C. figure out C. stick out

D. helps D. figure in D. stick by

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53. A. trust 54. A. private 55. A. great

B. comment B. total B. good

C. balance C. professional C. proper

D. remark D. wonderful D. gifted

三、阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)


Below is information from a university website under the title of Examination.Ensure you are prepared for your exams by understanding the processes,

dates and support information relating to examinations. Please read the information under Examination Policies and Processes below, especially the Rules to be observed by candidates for examinations. Examination period

Semester 1, 2015 Monday 15 June — Saturday 27 June (inclusive) Semester 2, 2015 Monday 9 November — Saturday 21 November (inclusive) Important notice: special consideration

All students are reminded that submitting an unreal medical certificate or PPC with a special consideration application amounts to misconduct and carries severe fines and punishment.

Final personal exam timetables will be available from 4:00pm Thursday the 8th of October.

Rules to be observed by candidates for examinations (updated April 2012) You need to follow all instructions given by examination teachers.

1. You may take in pens, pencils, drawing instruments and small items of food such as sweets. These

items may be left on the desk during the examination. You may also bring in small valuables such as

wallets, purses, mobile phones and laptops which must be powered off, not just silent. These items

must be placed on the floor below the desk. Don’t leave money or valuables in bags. The University

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can accept no responsibility for the loss of students’ personal property. 2. Anything taken into an examination room must be made available for inspection by the examiner or other University staff.

3. The use of approved calculators may be permitted in examinations. The make and model of all calculators used by students in formally inspected examinations will be recorded. You are not permitted to share calculators, or pass them between each other in an examination. Mobile phones which have a calculator facility are not allowed. Use of a non-approved calculator may be regarded as misconduct. If you are unsure what functionality is permitted, make sure you check with your examiner that your calculator may be used in the examination.

4. No candidate may be admitted to an examination room after 30 minutes from the start of writing. No candidate who has entered an examination room and seen the examination paper may leave until 30 minutes has passed from the time writing started. No candidate may leave during the last ten minutes of any examination. 5. Smoking is not permitted in examination rooms. Students with disabilities, medical conditions or injuries

◇Students with a disability, including serious medical condition, or recent injury, which puts them at a disadvantage during examinations should contact Disability Services, Level 5, Jane Foss Russell Building, as soon as possible. Phone: +61 28627 8422 Fax: +61 28627 8482

If appropriate, special arrangements can be made to meet particular requirements. Serious illness, injury or misadventure — Special Consideration regarding assessments

Please read about Special Consideration.

◇Students who feel too ill to attempt an examination at the scheduled time should consult a medical practitioner after reading the Special Consideration section. ◇Students who fall ill during an examination will be asked by invigilators whether they wish to consult a doctor at the University Health Service. If this occurs the doctor will complete a Special Consideration form and forward it to the relevant

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Misreading of the timetable is not accepted as a reason for failing to attend an exam. Past exam papers

You can view many past exam papers at the University Library website. 56.

According to the passage, you will be fined if you _______.

A. share or pass your calculator in an examination B. hand an unreal medical certificate to your school C. use a calculator that is not permitted by your examiner

D. leave the examination room 30 minutes before the end of the exam 57.

When you are in the exam room, you are supposed to _______.

A. submit your personal items to your examiner

B. ensure your mobile phones and laptops are quiet.C. pack your small valuables in your own bag

D. be prepared for any inspection by your examiner


You may be reading this while on a conference call, pushing your child on a swing --- or both. But is multitasking really a good idea, or does it make us do everything more slowly and less well than if we were concentrating on one task at a time? Psychologists cite convincing research that paying more attention to a task improves performance. Humans, they argue, are good at doing rapidly sequential tasks, rather than simultaneousones. My teenagers insists it is fine to revise while texting and watching YouTube --- but they are wrong. In 2009, a reaearch team from Stanford, led by Clifford Nass, compared heavy versus light media multitaskers in a series of test. Nass thought the heavier multitaskers would be better at organizing and storing information and have superior memories, but it turned out that the opposite was true. When the groups were shown layout of colored shapes and asked to remember their positions and ignore others, the multitaskers couldn’t do it. They were constantly distracted and their ability to switch between tasks, disregard irrelevant information and remember what they had seen was worse than the lighter multitaskers. A team led by David Strayer at the University of Utah looked at people who drive while using the phone and found that they were more than twice as likely to miss stop signs. In a later study, Strayer found that people who are most likely to multitask are those who think they are great at it. Seventy percent of the 310 students in his

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study thought they were above average at multitasking. People who multitasked the most had high levels of impulsive behavior and were generally the most ill-suited to attempt more than one job at a time.

Using a mobile, even hands-free. While driving delays the amount of time needed to brake in an emergency and halves the information that drivers are aware of. But Strayer found that people consistently overestimated how good they were at driving while on the phone.

Nass’s research led him to suggest that we should spend 20 minutes on one task and then switch to another, rather than flitting any faster between the two. Tests that measure the ability to remember shapes are less compelling than real-life multitasking research, but the evidence suggests that we cheat ourselves if we think we can do more than one thing well at the same time. Limited research suggests that women may be a tiny bit better at it, but few of us are naturals. Strayer’s research suggests that around 3% of the population are “supertaskers” who do better the more they do. The rest of us, however, should stick to one thing at a time. 58. Which of the following behavior may be the author show approval to?

A. Revising while texting and watching YouTube. B. Reading while pushing your kid on a swing.

C. Switching between TV and homework. D. Handling sequential items on the agenda. 59. What could be concluded from Nass experiment?

A. Heavy multitaskers were inadequate for such an experiment.

B. The results of the experiment contradicted their previous assumption. C. Irrelevant information made the multitaskers fail to remember the positions of colored shapes.

D. Multitasking was totally impossible in daily life.

60. According to Strayer, people who multitasked most generally __________. A. tend to be aggressive B. yielded more outcomes

C. had a false image of themselves D. overweighed those light multitaskers.


When a big boat, like a cruise ship, goes through the ocean, it often creates waves. This happens when the large engines on the back of the cruise ship cause the water on the ocean's surface move up and down violently. These waves move out from the boat in both directions. If you are captaining a smaller boat, you’d better steer - 10 -

man robbed two banks in broad daylight without wearing a disguise, believing that lemon juice he had rubbed on his face would make him invisible to security cameras.

The confidence-skill disconnection has been named the Dunning-Kruger effect, after a study by social psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger. Dunning and Kruger had Cornell undergraduates perform tests of humor, logic, and grammar, and then rate how well they think they performed compared to other subjects in the study. The worst performing subjects, whose scores put them in the 12th percentile, estimated that they had performed in the 62nd percentile. Summarizing the findings, Dunning noted, “Poor performers—and we are all poor performers at some things—fail to see the flaws in their thinking or the answers they lack.” When we think we are at our best is sometimes when we are at our objective worst.

As any number of political scandals illustrate, the second type of stupid mistake involves impulsive acts—when we seem unable to keep our behavior in check. In the scandal that became known as Weinergate, former U.S. representative Anthony Weiner sent blue texts and pictures of himself to women he met on Facebook. (After resigning, Weiner continued his cyber-dalliances, and then fell prey to the Dunning-Kruger effect when he overestimated his support in the 2013 New York City mayoral primary; he received 5% of the vote.)

The final variety of stupid mistake involves failing to concentrate—Homer Simpsonesque D’oh moments. As arguably the best example from American sports history, in the 1929 Rose Bowl, University of California star Roy Riegels recovered a fumble(失误球) and returned it 65 yards the wrong way. Riegel’s mistake set up a safety for Georgia Tech, which turned out to be the deciding factor in the opponent’s victory. Aczel and colleagues’ analyses revealed that subjects viewed this category of stupid mistake as the least stupid.

It is, of course, unrealistic to think that we could ever eliminate human error. To err will always be human. However, this research gives us a better description of our failings and weaknesses, and a place to start in thinking about interventions and prescriptions to help us err less. This research also reminds us of our shared human weaknesses. We all tend to overestimate our abilities, to make impulsive

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decisions, and to fail to keep attention. This simple realization makes stupid mistakes seem, perhaps, a little less stupid — and a little more human.

Title: Why you make breathtakingly stupid mistakes (71)_____of the research ●Compiling stories about stupid mistakes from some sources. ●Rating the stories on the factors like responsibilities, influences, etc. ●(72)__________ how the subjects rate the stories. Types of stupid mistakes Confidence – skill disconnection ●It happens when confidence takes (73)____________. Eg: A man rubbing lemon juice on his face robbed banks by (74)______his head in the sand like an ostrich ( 鸵鸟). ●The outcome may be just the (75)_________ when we overestimate our skills. ●We cannot put our behavior under Impulsive acts (76)____________. Eg. Weiner disturbed women by sending blue texts and pictures, which put him at a disadvantage in mayoral primary. (77)__________ of attention ●Though viewed as the least stupid, it can be a deciding factor in may cases. Eg. Roy Riegel’s running the wrong way with a fumble (78)___________ for Geogia Tech winning the game. Values of the research ●Providing us with a clear image of our failings and weaknesses. ●Helping us err less though we are (79)__________ to stay away from error. ●Enabling us to evaluate our abilities objectively, make rational - 17 -

decisions and always get (80)_______________.


Bullying isn’t just confined to the real world. According to the Cyberbullying Research Center, almost half of all young people have been bullied online. Cyberbullying is a form in which people harm other people online deliberately. And unlike the traditional bully, the electronic bully can remain anonymous, so we often

Kate is a victim of cyberbully. It’s so bad that she doesn’t want to leave the house. Someone from school has put message on social media saying she’s ugly and she should die. It’s terrible. don’t know who they are. Cyberbullying includes things like spreading lies and rumors online, sending or forwarding unpleasant message via instant messaging, text or on social networks. It’s becoming very common among teenagers these days. They are campaigns against cyberbullying and some places have adopted laws to prevent it. 【写作内容】

1. 用约30个单词写出上下文概要; 2. 用约120个单词写作以下相关内容: (1)网络暴力的原因和影响;

(2)从社会规范和个人行为谈谈如何应对网络暴力。 【写作要求】

1. 发表观点时必须提供理由或论据

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2. 阐述观点、提供论据或叙述经历时,不能直接引用原文语句 3. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称

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任务型:71. Procedure(s) / Process / Steps 72. Analyzing / Analysing

73. over 74. burying 75. opposite / contrary 76. control

77. Failure / Lack / Absence 78. made / accounted 79. unlikely / unable 80. focused / concentrated 写作:

Cybebullying issue has been a hard nut to crack, which affects students’ daily life and even brings about psychological problems. The descriptions presented above are typical examples.

Quite a few factors give rise to the hot issue. To begin with , many media online expose children to negative information, especially concerning violence , which will be rooted in children’s heart and mislead them to bullying. Besides, inadequate parental education should also be responsible for their children’s ignorance of laws and indifference to others’ feelings. They will end up appealing to more simple but rude ways to serve their purpose. As a consequence, not only does it endanger children’s physical condition but also causes many mental problems.

From my point of view, there is no simple solution to cyberbullying. Most important of all is proper guidance and monitoring as well as moral education from both schools and parents. It’s only in this way that students can grow up healthily and we may build a harmonious society.

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