新时代交互英语读写译3答案(第四版)全 - 图文
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注:第一单元当时做的时候没有留截图,大家做的时候一定要认真,否则分数就很低,后面就没什么问题了,谢谢! (1)overt factor
ethnic boundary marker cultural trait
primary indicator more or less
as we mentioned earlier physical characteristic
in long association with one another personal adornment
in the not-too-distant past
has transcended overt complex ethnic
conversely sufficient demonstrates correspond
has been granted
physical characteristic however
loose-fitting blouse
non-native American women
(4)distinguish appearance share former Conversely encompass ethnic cases difference impossible relocation globalization identity costume remote
(5)A Native American woman often wears a huipil,aloose-fitting blouse that slips over the head,which is a symbol to distinguish ethnicity.
Because they serve to distingush menbers from all other groups,a single boundary markerseldom is sufficient.
But in many cases, religion and ethnic group more or less correspond. The Jews may be categorized as either a religious or an ethnic groups.
(7)Oppositely feelings include competitors degree different ununderstandable native
(8) to by correspond categorized demonstrate serve identity grants
(9)A variety A media B from D forth A particularly B not-too-distant A earlier0 A a D to (10)
(11)5 3 1 6 4 2
(13)some African-Americans would be identified as native Americans on the basis of physical apperance alone
came under the domination of one or two of the more powerful ethnic groups For the sake of brevity
may also vary with the level of ethnic identity
(1)act on your own better judgment the age of charity and kindliness the low and unrefined
in the eyes to the good and the pure
(2)superiors reputation acknowledge permanently awkward maintain graceful confess resemble treasured
(3)in the long run resort to confine long to
(4)一定要按照这些忠告,谨慎而不遗余力地塑造你们的性格。当性格逐步 形成之后,你们会惊奇的发现,你与他人是多么相似。
因为我们人类的历史和每个人的经历证明真理不难抹杀,一个 巧妙的谎言会历久弥新。
我希望你们珍视我给你们的这些教诲,并将之作为指引你们 前进的明灯。
有多少年轻人只因为一个拙劣的、不能自圆其说的谎言,永远 地毁掉了自己,这就是没有经过训练,粗心大意的结果。 (5)
Be good,be learned,and be industrious,and you will not want the aid of travelling,to render you
precious to your country.dear to your friends,happy within yourself.I repeat my advice,to take a great deal of exercise,and on foot,Health is the first requisite after morality
(6) respectful confess beseechingly charity permanently sensible awkward enclose painstakingly confound
(7)longed to in the long run resort to
apply themselves to are apt to
(8)hardly observation of others pleased same equally tone pretend majority
(9)as force of members is given them in a greater or less degree
man was destined for society. His morality, therefore, was to be formed to this object will render that language a valuable do not resort to extreme measures
will best take root and be most enduring and most valuable
一定要按照这些忠告,谨慎而不遗余力地塑造你们的性格 健康是紧随道德之后人类的第一需求 一个拙劣的,不能自圆其说的谎言
(11)Why,you might as well tell the truth at once and be done with it
It gives a good impression with everybody to know that you get up with the lark
It is one's tender early years that such things will best take root and be must enduring and most valuable If a person offends you,do not resort to extreme measures
(1)qualify appropriated proposes intelligent anticipating approve pursue obligation render
(2)springs from in style for fear of for the sake of
(3)inquired what had occurred to disturb his mind James had not decided ,as yet the sick and distressed
to neglect his books and to be indolent
containing an adequate sum for one year’ tuition (4)
(5)indolent dwelling intelligent sympathy lapse grief relatively pray twist pursue
(6)springs from(来源于,来自) on behalf of(代表) died from(死于) go through(经历)
recovering from(恢复) (7)
(8) inquired what had occurred to disturb his mind问他有什么不高兴的事
containing an adequate sum for one year's tuition里面是足以支付他大学一年的学费 reminding me of使我想起
James had not decided,as yet詹姆斯现在还没有决定 set her sights on getting a degree决心要获得学位
(9)适应发生在自己身上的一切 体验最甚
看似微不足道的贴心话 说服他接受
第四单元 (1)
food-borne illnesses
fatal digestive tract illnesses edible vegetables
store at room temperature make...safe for consumption a fast-food restaurant chain prevent loss of control over... make up only a fraction of... affect just a few victims
protect food from microorganisms
(2)severe constitude infect detected loss raw absence outcome thorough decay
(3)died of suffers from focus...on On occasion as a result
(4)If you experience digestive tract disturbances as the major or only symptoms of your next bout of“flu”,chances are excellent that what you really have is food poisoning.
Some people have come to accept a yearly bout or two of intestinal illness as inevitable,but in truth,these illnesses can and should be prevented.
Many jars have safety “buttons”,ares of the lid designed to pop up once opened:make sure that they are firmly sealed.
The microbe grows only in the absence of oxygen,in low-acid conditions,and at temperatures that support that growth of most bacteria-40°to120°Fahrenheit.
(5)肉毒素的毒性极强,仅一粒盐大小的肉毒素就可以在1小时内致数人死亡。 杂货店出售的罐装和包装食品虽然易于控制盒管理,但偶尔也会出现问题。
(9)3 5 1 6 2 4 (10)
(11)自制的罐装食品只有严格按照食品卫生文本的规定操作,才能保证食品安全。 Home-canned??
习惯于先查看产品的批号和封口。 I am used??
It’s important
亚硝酸钠与其他化学物质结合,生成强致癌因子。 nitrite combines
(12)helps prevent many types of illnesses
not only just a few victims,but the whole society as well are more aware than ever of
has focused the public spotlight on the issues of
第五单元 (1)
be deferred to as the principal decision makers have the access to education benefit from in terms of
be confined to the house participate equally in jobs
be responsible for raising children
dedicate oneself to a long term education attribute to
take advantage of convenient facilities (2)
breadwinner guarantee restrict
administrators consequences binding shift
possession finance dedicated (3)
benefit from
being under the domination
In terms of
were responsible for for the sake of (4)
In some countries, a woman who married saw any fortune she might have fall into the hands of her husband.
The Grandma is confined to the house unless escorted.
Laws in many countries allow a woman to take up a year off work to give birth and spend time with her newborn child without losing her job.
When they do, they can often take advantage of convenient and low-cost childcare facilities. (5)
不能决定什么时候生育的妇女无望接受长期的教育。也无法在工作中得到逐步晋升。 她们从而为那些开始意识到生活不仅仅意味着做饭和带孩子的年轻妇女树立了楷模。 今天,众多公司和其他机构意识到接纳全职女性,包包括有年幼子女的女性的意义。 (6)
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