Unit_15_澳大利亚Australia the Land and the People of the Dreaming
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Unit 15 the Land and the People of the Dreaming Australia
Australia Amazing Unexpected Stylish Tempting Relaxing Adventurous Liberating Inspiring Attractive 叹为观止 超乎想象 时尚之巅 诱人魅力 悠然一刻 体验极限 自由自在 灵感无限 梦萦魂牵
Focal Points 一、本单元重点内容
1. The natural environment of Australia (澳大利亚的 自然环境) 2. Distinctive features of the land (这片土地的特征) 3. Distinctive animals of the land (这片土地上独特的 动物) 4. The indigenous peoples (原著民) 5. Dreaming and Dreamtime (“梦创信仰”和“梦创时 代”) 6. The concept of Terra Nullius (“无人拥有的土地”的 概念) 7. Impact of colonization on the indigenous peoples ( 殖民化对原著民的冲击) 8. Policies of segregation and assimilation (种族隔 离政策和同化政策)
The Land Land area: approximately 7,750,000 sq km Climate: generally arid to semiarid; temperate in south and east; tropical in north Terrain: mostly low plateau with deserts; fertile plain in southeast
The land Location: between equatorial South East Asia and the Antarctic Territory: The largest island and the smallest continent The country also includes Tasmania(塔斯马尼 亚岛), an island just to the south, the Torres Straits Islands (托雷斯海峡岛屿) off the northern coast of the mainland and a small number of islands in the Pacific and the Indian Oceans
Geographically isolated?
It’s the smallest continent in the world and it’s the biggest island in the world.
The LandPacifica Ocean
AustraliaIndian Ocean
The only nation to govern an entire continent
Northern Territory Western Australia
South Australia
New South Wales AustraliaCapital
Victoria Tasmania
Total area
Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. It takes up 7,682,300 square kilometers over 20 million English Australian Indigenous languages (minority) Christianity(70. 3%) ; Judaism犹太教; Islam; Buddhism (minority) Tropical desert climate (most part)
population Language
Religion Climate
Distinctive features of the landTwo of the country’s most distinctive physical features are the Great Dividing Range (大分水岭), which extends as an almost unbroken series of plateaus down the East Coast of Australia, from northern Queensland, through New South Wales and into Victoria and the Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁), the largest coral structure in the world, which extends along the coast of Queensland.
the Great Dividing Range (大分水岭)
the Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁)
Geographic feature From east to westHighlands
(the Great Dividing
Range )
Center:Lowlands& basin
West: Plate
西 部高 原
中 部 平 原
东 部山 地
Six states Two areasNorthern Territory
Australia Capital Territory (ACT首都直辖 区)
Political Division in Australia
Uluru (Ayes Rock) 乌卢鲁(即澳州艾尔 斯岩,世界最大的单 体巨石) (澳大利亚 中部一块在平坦的沙 漠中天然形成的红色 花岗岩巨石) — Located in the flat desert of the center of Australia, it is the largest monolith (独 块巨石)in the world. It is a holy place for the Aboriginal people living around it. It is also called Ayers Rock by white settlers.
Unit_15_澳大利亚Australia the Land and the People of the Dreaming07-27
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