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Come here, you! 你们过来

Out you get. 你也下来

Untie these ropes. 把绳子解开

Come on, as quickly as you can. 都麻利点

What do you think, Mary? - Perfect.

Daisy! 黛西

Get downstairs with those now! 快把这些东西送到楼下去

Like I said! 如我所说

Mary! 玛丽

- Happy Christmas! - And to you. 这是什么 -你也是

Anna, this is for you. 安娜这是给你的

The usual cloth for a frock, I'm afraid. 和往年惯例一样做衣服用的布料

But I hope you like the other thing. 但我希望你会喜欢另一份礼物

I'm sure I will, m'lady. Thank you. 一定会的小姐谢谢

We all prayed for him in church this morning. 今早我们都去了教堂为他祈祷

Happy Christmas, Anna. 圣诞快乐安娜

I can't wait for you to open this. 等不及看你打开礼物了

Thank you, Your Ladyship. 谢谢您夫人

Happy Christmas. 圣诞快乐

- What did Her Ladyship say? - O'Brien? 夫人对你说了什么 -奥布瑞恩

She was just being kind. 就是些安慰的话

Happy Christmas. 圣诞快乐

I wish I could tell you not to worry. 真希望我能说不必担心这样的话

My husband's on trial for his life, mrs Hughes. 我丈夫的生死将由庭审定夺休斯太太Of course I worry. 我当然会担心

Well, I'm old-fashioned enough to believe that 反正我这种老套之人的想法是

if they can't prove him guilty, 如果他们没有足够证据定他的罪

then he's not. 那他就是清白的

- This is for you. - Thank you, m'lady. 这是给你的 -谢谢夫人

The Royal Families of Europe. 《欧洲皇室生活》

My... I shall find this very interesting, my Lord. 老天我会非常喜欢这本书的老爷Good. 很好

I don't want to spoil their fun. 我不想扫了他们的兴

But I couldn't wear a paper hat. 但我实在没心情戴纸帽子

Not with poor Mr Bates locked away. 一想到可怜的贝茨先生还关在牢里

His Lordship said much the same. 老爷也说了这样的话

Is Mr Bates the one Lady Rosamund told me about? 贝茨先生就是之前罗斯孟德夫人和我提起的

The murderer. 那位谋杀犯吗

Mr Bates has most unjustly been accused of murder. 贝茨先生受到了不公正的指控That is all. 仅此而已

All?! 而已

I should think that's quite enough for most people. 我想这对大多数人来说就足矣了Thank you. - Would you like tea? 谢谢 -来喝点茶吗

Why do we have to help ourselves at luncheon? 为何午饭时间我们得凡事自己动手It's a Downton tradition. 这是唐顿的传统

They have their feast at lunchtime 仆人们的宴会在中午办

and we have ours in the evening. 而我们的在晚上

Why can't they have their lunch early and then serve us 那他们为何不早点进餐然后服侍我们

like they nornally do? 就像平常一样

Because it's Christmas Day. 因为今天是圣诞节

It's not how we'll do it at Haxby. 我们将来在哈克斯比可不会如此行事Which I can easily believe. 这我不难相信

Oh, this is ni... This is... What is it? 这是...这是...这是什么

What does it look like? 看起来像什么

Something for getting stones out of horses' hooves. 用来给马蹄挑小石子的吗

It's a nutcracker. We thought you'd like it. 这是胡桃钳子我们觉得你会喜欢的

To crack your nuts. 夹碎坚果用的(nut 也指难对付的人)Who's coming on New Year's Day? 这次新年有谁要来

The usual guns. 还是那些猎手

Us three and some locals. 我们三人以及一些本地人

You'll know all of them. 你都认识

Have you asked Anthony Strallan? 您邀请安东尼·斯特兰了吗

I tried. In fact, I gave him three dates 邀请过事实上我提了三个日期

but he said no to all of them. 但他都拒绝了

Perhaps he's given it up. 他或许是放弃狩猎了

But he was so keen before the war. 但在战前他对此很积极啊

Perhaps he's had enough banging for one life. 或许是这辈子听够了碰碰的枪声吧

Oh, and Rosamund's forced me to invite Lord Hepworth. 而且罗斯孟德非要我邀请海浦沃斯勋爵Really? 是吗

I told him I was coming down here 我告诉他我会来这里

and he dropped hint after hint! 然后他就不断暗示我想来

Perhaps he has nowhere to go. 也许他无处可去

It can be a lonely time of year. 每逢佳节倍思亲难免会觉得孤单

Jinks Hepworth lonely? I find that hard to believe. 说海浦沃斯家的人会孤单真是难以置信Hepworth men don't go in for loneliness much. 姓海浦沃斯的生来就和孤单沾不上边How do you know him? 您怎么认识他的

I knew his father in the late Sixties. 六十年代末时我认识他父亲

Mais ou sont les neiges d'antan? 昔日的雪已无影踪[著名法国诗句]

Isobel told me you were telephoning for news of Mr Swire. 伊泽贝尔告诉我你在打听斯维尔先生的情况

How is he? - Not Good. 他怎么样了 -很不乐观

I am catching the train first thing in the morning. 明天一早我就乘火车离开

- I hope I'm in time. - Is it as bad as that? 希望还来得及 -这么严重吗I'm so sorry. 太遗憾了

Matthew is going to London tomorrow. 马修明天去伦敦

Lavinia's father is ill. 拉维尼娅的父亲病了

Better warn Robert if you'll miss the shoot. 你要是赶不回来打猎最好和罗伯特打个招呼

I'll be back by New Year's Day. 元旦时我会回来的

He won't last that long, I'm afraid. 只怕他撑不了那么久了Forgive me if I'm casting a gloom. 请原谅我扫了兴

Don't be silly. 别傻了

We're all under the shadow of Bates's trial. 大家本就处在贝茨受审一事的阴霾当中

Will any of you have to testify? 你们有谁需要去作证吗

Only Papa and some of the servants. 只有爸爸和一些仆人需要去

But I'm going to support Anna. 但我也会去支持安娜

Would you like me to come with you? 要我和你一同前往吗

To explain what's happening. 到时为你解释庭审的规矩

Or will you do that? 还是你会去陪她

Richard wants to go back to work the day after the


- Don't you? - Yes, I do. 不是吗 -对没错

Now, Thomas. 好了托马斯

What's this? 这是什么

- It's a board for planchette. - What's that? -是"碟仙"用的占卜板 -那又是什么

A game. Well, not quite a game, 一种游戏其实也不完全是

more a method of communication. 应该说是用来沟通的

How? - Never mind. 怎么玩 -无所谓了

I'll take it if you like. 不介意就给我吧

Sybil's favourite. 茜玻最喜欢这个了

A happy Christmas to us all! 祝我们大家圣诞快乐

Happy Christmas! 圣诞快乐

Don't forget to make a wish. 别忘了许愿

Let's all make a wish. 大家一起来许愿吧

A wish and a prayer. 许愿也是祈祷

Is this about Bates again? 又是贝茨那件事是吗

My new maid says the servants' hall is full of it. 我的新女仆说仆人都在说这事

How terrible it is. 真是可怕啊

We mustn't lose faith. He's been wrongly accused. 我们不能丧失信心他是被冤枉的

I'm sure you hope so. 你自然希望是如此

We know so. 我们知道事实如此

How has Mr Murray managed to have the trial held in


I don't know, but thank God he has. 我不清楚但幸好他办到了

- And he's confident? - He seems to be. 他有信心吗 -看起来是的

Lawyers are always confident before the verdict. 裁决下来之前律师们总是自信满满

It's only afterwards they share their doubts. 只有事后才说他们也无十足把握

Is anyone there? 有人在吗

Is anyone there? 有人在吗

You must take it seriously, otherwise they'll be offended. 你们要认真才行否则会冒犯他们

- What is it? - We're talking to the dead. 这是什么 -我们在和死人谈话

But how? They can't talk back. 怎么谈他们又不能回话

They can. 他们可以

That's the whole point. 为的就是这个

Come on, Daisy. 来吧黛西

No, I don't think it's right. 不我觉得这样做不对

If you'll all be quiet, I'll try again. 请你们都别出声我再试一次

Is there anyone there? 有人在吗

Yes, someone is there. 是的有人在

What is going on? 这里怎么回事

We're just playing a game. 我们在玩一个游戏

An unsuitable game, Miss O'Brien. 这游戏不合时宜奥布瑞恩小姐Especially on Christmas night. 尤其是在圣诞节

Please put it away at once. 请立刻收起来

I'm surprised at you, Daisy. 你真令我吃惊黛西

Are you sure there's nothing in it? 您确定这里面没什么玄机吗

Quite sure, thank you. 非常肯定谢谢

Don't you believe in spirits, then? 那您不相信鬼魂的存在了对吧

Well, I don't believe they play board games. 我不相信他们会玩桌上游戏

You're reading. 你在读书

For heavens' sakes, yes, I'm reading. 拜托我当然是在读书

It's a book title. 要猜的是个书名

- No talking. - I know, but honestly! 不准说话 -我懂不过真是的

Five words. 共五个单词

Fourth word. 第四个词

Two syllables. 有两个音节

First syllable. 第一个音节

- Fighting! - Banging! 打斗 -猛击

Drum! 打鼓

They'll never get it. They'll never get it. 他们肯定猜不到永远都猜不到了Shake! Mad! 摇手发疯

Do you always play charades on Christmas night? 你们总在圣诞夜玩猜字谜吗

This isn't charades, this is the game. 这不单纯是猜字谜是在玩游戏

Trip! Trip! 绊倒绊倒

do you enjoy these games - Fall. 你喜欢这种游戏吗 -跌落

in which the player must appear ridiculous? 参与的人必须弄得自己一副滑稽相

Sir Richard, life is a game 理查德爵士人生就是场游戏

in which the player must appear ridiculous. 而我们都得一副滑稽相

Not in my life. 我的人生可不会如此

Fall past. 跌倒晕倒

Fell! Wildfell! 菲尔怀尔德菲尔

The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall! 《怀尔德菲尔府的房客》

Isis! 艾西斯

Richard, your turn. Come on. 理查德该你了来吧

How soon your maxim will be tested. 这么快就要验证你的座右铭了

If Mr Bates should not come back... 如果贝茨先生回不来...

I am not replacing Bates. 我是不会找人顶替他的

What were you going to say? 你刚才想说什么

Only that I know that Thomas is keen to be promoted. 只是我知道托马斯急切地想升职

The trouble is, 问题是

being dressed and undressed is an intimate business. 服侍我穿衣是很私密的工作

We've forgiven Thomas his early sins, I know. 我们虽然已原谅了托马斯以前的所作所为But I cannot imagine I would ever quite feel trust. 但我想我很难再对他感到信任

Say no more, my Lord. 无需多言老爷

I'm sure Mr Bates will be home soon, 我相信贝茨先生很快就会回来

which will settle the matter. 而一切也就随之迎刃而解了

We're running out of time now. 我们快没时间了

Did you make all that? 这都是你做的吗

Yes, why? 是的怎么了

And you're still only the kitchen maid? 而你仍然只是一名厨房女仆

I don't know what I am. 我不知道这具体叫做什么

You could be a sous chef at least in London. 你在伦敦都可以当副厨师长了

I don't know what a sous jeff is. 我不知道副厨"十丈"是什么

Or a cook. 或者厨师

Maybe not in a house like this. 也许不能在这样的大宅里当差

But you wouldn't have to go far down the ladder 但也不用像在这儿没等有谁催你

before they'd snap you up. 就一溜烟跑下楼了

Daisy, find Thomas and tell him the tea's ready to go up. 黛西你去告诉托马斯茶已经准备好了

Then we should get started 然后我们就该开始着手准备

on the mixture for the cheese souffles. 乳酪蛋奶酥的面糊了

Does Daisy cook the souffles too? 乳酪蛋奶酥也是黛西做吗

What's it to you? 关你什么事

What do you mean, you've invited Anthony Strallan? 您说邀请了安东尼·斯特兰是什么意思

I thought it was just us. 我以为只有我们

Oh, getting important! 他也把自己当大人物了

He never used to use a chauffeur. 他以前可从不雇司机的

Well, you were so disappointed 你听说他不能来打猎时

that he wouldn't come shooting. 不是还很失望的吗

Good afternoon, Lady Grantham. 下午好老夫人

Lady Edith! 伊迪丝小姐

What a charming surprise. 真是个美好的惊喜

It's been far too long. 我们太久没见了

It's so nice to see you. 见到你真的很高兴

It's such a relief to see any of our friends 能见到我们任何一位朋友毫发无损地

who've made it through unscathed. 度过战争都令人宽慰

I'm afraid I haven't quite. 恐怕我不是毫发无损

I took a bullet in the wrong place. 我被一颗子弹打中了关键部位

Seems to have knocked out my right arm. 导致我右边的胳膊瘫痪了

But not forever surely? 但肯定不会永远瘫着吧

The upshot is, I'm afraid, 恐怕确实是这样

the wretched thing is now no use to man or beast. 这可怜的胳膊现在是毫无用处了

Well, now we know why you didn't want to come


Indeed. 是啊

So how is everyone? 大家还好吗

Lady Sybil is married, I hear. 我听说茜玻小姐结婚了

Living in Ireland. 住在爱尔兰

How was the wedding? - Quiet. 婚礼怎么样 -很低调

It was in Dublin. They didn't want a big affair. 在都柏林办的他们不想要大场面

Did you all get over? 你们都去了吗

Mary and I did. Papa... 我和玛丽去了爸爸

No, we were all ill. 没有我们都病了

Isn't it sad? 很遗憾不是吗

What's he like? 他是什么样的人

He's political. 他很热心于政治

As long as he's on the right side! 只要他立场没错就行

So does he shoot? 他懂枪法吗

- I'm... sure he does. - But I don't think pheasants. 我想他肯定懂 -但恐怕不打野鸡

Mr Murray thinks a reference from an earl will go in my favour. 莫里先生认为有位伯爵帮我说话对我是有利的

I'm not sure such things matter when it comes to



I think it will help. 我觉得能帮上一点的

Because you want to think so. 那是你希望如此

Anna, you must prepare for the worst. 安娜你必须对最坏的结果有所准备

I'm not saying it will happen, but you must prepare for it. 我不能说一定会那样但你必须准备好I know it could happen. 我知道那是可能的

I do. 我知道

But the time to face it is after it has happened. 但面对这个结果应该在它已经发生之后And not before. 而不是之前

Grant me that? 同意吗

Lady Grantham, Lady Rosamund. 格兰瑟姆夫人罗斯孟德夫人

Hello, Lord Hepworth. Welcome. 你好海浦沃斯勋爵欢迎

Thank you. 谢谢

Will your man be coming on from the station, my Lord? 您的男仆是从火车站过来吗老爷

I haven't got one with me. 我没有带男仆来

Is that a nuisance? I'm so sorry. 这会造成什么不便吗我很抱歉

Not at all, my Lord. 完全不会老爷

Thomas will take care of you while you're here. 您留宿期间托马斯会照顾您Splendid. 好极了

do come in. - Thank you. 进来吧 -谢谢

This came for you in the evening post. 你的信跟晚报一起送到的

It's from Sybil. 是茜玻寄来的

You must go up and change. 你得上楼更衣了

So what do you make of Rosamund's pal? 你觉得罗斯孟德的那位朋友怎么样

He seems agreeable enough. 他还挺招人喜欢的

I suspect he's in the profession of making himself


我怀疑他是把显得招人喜欢作为职业了O'Brien says Rosamund's maid speaks very highly of


奥布瑞恩说罗斯孟德的女仆对他评价很高That seems a good reference to me. 我觉得这就足够好了

What is it? 出什么事了

Sybil's pregnant! 茜玻怀孕了

I see. 我知道了

So that's it, then. 所以事情已成定局

No return. She's crossed the Rubicon. 不能回头了她已经破釜沉舟了

She crossed it when she married him, Robert. 她嫁给他的时候就已经回不了头了罗伯特

She says we're not to tell anyone, not even the girls. 她说不要告诉任何人她的姐姐们也别告诉

I wondered why she didn't ask to come for Christmas. 我还想她为什么不提回来过圣诞Would you have allowed it? 你会让他们来吗

Well, well. 好吧好吧

So we're to have a Fenian grandchild. 我们要有一个芬尼亚社的外孙了(芬尼亚社: 一个爱尔兰民族主义者团体致力于推翻英国人对爱尔兰的统治)

Cheer up. 开心点

Come the revolution, 假如革命爆发

it may be useful to have a contact on the other side. 能跟对方攀上关系或许是有好处的Oh, I say. This is very cosy, isn't it? 我说这挺惬意不是吗

What is? 什么挺惬意

To find ourselves next door. 你我毗邻而住

I'm not certain it's quite proper to remark on such things. 我不确定谈论这种事情是否合适

you remember my maid, Shore. - Certainly I do. 还记得我的女仆吗肖 -当然记得

I hope they've got a jolly party planned downstairs. 但愿他们在楼下组织了一场欢乐的聚会Why would they? 何出此言

Because it's New year's Eve, of course. 当然是因为这是新年夜嘛

Oh, that. I doubt it, my Lord. 这样啊好像没有老爷

But I don't mind, I make my own fun. 不过我不介意我会自己找乐子的

If that's everything, my Lady, 夫人如果没别的事

I'll go down now and see you after midnight. 我就先下去了过了午夜再来服侍您Thank you. 谢谢

I wish I could say the same. 我也很想那么说

Only joking. 开玩笑的

- I wonder if she'll remember me. - Oh, she will. 我想她可能不会记得我的 -她会的Good evening, Lady Grantham. 晚上好老夫人

I don't suppose you remember me. 我想您可能不记得我了

Of course I do. Oh, how is dear Hatton? 我当然记得海顿庄园怎么样了

I have such happy memories of it from the old days. 我以前在那里留下了很多快乐的回忆

I'm not often there, not since my mother died. 我不常去那自从我母亲去世后就不常去了

Perhaps it needs a woman's touch. 也许它需要有个女人来打理

Don't we all? 我们不是都需要吗

How very like your father you are! 你真的太像你父亲了

It's almost as if he were standing here before me! 简直像他就站在我面前似的

I hope you'll come to tea. 希望你能来喝茶

Then we can talk about him. 我们就可以一起谈谈他了

I should love it, Lady Grantham. If they'll release me. 我很乐意老夫人只要他们肯放我过来They'll release you. 他们会放你来的

What are those for? 这些是干什么用的

We have a glass of wine at midnight on New Year's Eve. 我们在新年夜的午夜都会喝一杯葡萄酒

Very civilised. 真是太高雅了

In my last place, we were expected to be 我之前的那家不管是不是新年夜upstairs and serving, New Year's Eve or not. 我们都得待在楼上伺候主人

Were you not a lady's maid, then? 你那会儿还不是贴身女仆吗

How long have you been with Lady Rosamund, 你跟着罗斯孟德夫人多久了

Miss Shore? 肖小姐

Two months. 两个月

Oh, I see. Quite a new girl. 这样啊还是个新人嘛

I can read Mr Carson's hint. 我明白卡森先生的意思

His Lordship doesn't trust me. 老爷他不信任我

Because of the stealing, you mean. 你是说因为偷窃

So what should I do? 我应该怎么办

Get him to trust you. 让他信任你

That's easy to say. But how? 说起来容易但要怎么做呢

Make him grateful. 做点让他感激你的事

Do him a good turn. 有恩与他

Hide something he loves, and find it and give it back. 把他喜欢的东西藏起来再找出来还给他Miss O'Brien! 奥布瑞恩小姐

Not long now. Does everyone have a glass? 快到午夜了大家都有酒了吗

Anthony Strallan was at Grannie's for tea the other day. 安东尼·斯特兰那天来奶奶家喝茶

So I know why he wouldn't shoot. 所以我知道他为什么不来打猎

He's hurt his arm. 他胳膊受伤了

Shame. Well, we shall try again next year. 真可惜不过我们可以明年再邀他

I am sorry I started that. 我真后悔是我牵的头

Now don't encourage it. 别再提这事了

She'd spend her life as a nursemaid. 不然她要当一辈子保姆了

He's got no use. 他已经残废了

Once again, 又一次

the servants are downstairs and we're on our own. 仆人们都在楼下而我们要自己动手

In the whole year, we fend for ourselves 整整一年我们只有在

at Christmas lunch and on New Year's Eve. 圣诞节午餐上和新年夜里自己照料自己

It doesn't seem much to me. 我是觉得这没什么

You haven't had to fight for what you've got. 那是你们不必努力争取就能得到一切

Oh, do try to get past that. 请你尽量绕过这个坎吧

It makes you sound so angry all the time. 不然你总显得愤愤不平

I hope London wasn't too grim. 希望伦敦之行不是太糟

I got down there in time, which is the main thing. 我及时赶到了这才是最重要的

And I was with him when he died. So he wasn't alone. 他走的时候我陪在他身边所以他不孤独

I'm so sorry, and so glad. 我很遗憾但也很欣慰

Oh, here we go. 到时间了

Happy new year! 新年快乐

Happy new year! 新年快乐

Happy new year, Mama. 新年快乐妈妈

Happy new year, Mama. 新年快乐妈妈

1920! Is it to be believed?! 1920年真是难以相信

I feel as old as Methuselah! 我感觉自己像玛土撒拉一样老(玛土撒拉:


But so much prettier. 但要漂亮很多

When I think what the last ten years has brought, 当我想起过去那十年里发生的一切

God knows what we're in for now. 天晓得我们未来会怎样

He's pushing his luck. 他就是在碰运气

How? 怎么说

He wants me to speak up for him to Lady Rosamund. 他想让我跟罗斯孟德夫人说他的好话

If I were you, I'd keep out of it. 如果我是你就不搀和进来

We'll walk to the first drive 我们走路去首轮围猎点

then use the wagonette down from there. 那之后就乘马车去下一轮的地点Splendid. 好极了

I hope you're going to stand by me. 希望你能陪着我

- I thought I'd chum my brother. - Thank you. 我得跟着我弟弟 -谢谢

Cora's coming after luncheon. 柯拉午宴后才会过来

Well, the second drive, then. 那就第二轮围猎时陪着我吧

You ladies will have to distribute your charms fairly 你们几位女士可得公平地分配好时间

as there are only three of you. 因为我们只有三位女士

Would you agree, Lady Mary? 你说呢玛丽小姐

Lady Mary will stand by me. 玛丽小姐会跟我一起

Now just... 等等...

I thought you said you were going to 你不是说首轮围猎时

stand by me for the first drive. 会陪着我吗

Isn't that what you said? 你不是这么说的吗

Did I? 我说了吗

Yes, I think I did. 是的我是这么说的

Why don't you have a loader? 你怎么没有装弹手

Barnard would have found you one. 伯纳德可以帮你找一个

I'm not very good at it. 我枪法很差

This or double guns, 这种枪和双筒枪都不行

and I don't want a witness. 我可不想被人看到

I'm a witness. 我就看到了

Then please don't spread the word of my incompetence. 那就拜托别跟其他人提起我这糟糕的枪法I never know which is worse, 我还真说不上来哪种感觉更难过

the sorrow when you hit the bird 是你打中它们所带来的伤感

or the shame when you miss it. 还是你没有打中时的那种可惜

Thank you for intervening back there. 谢谢你刚才阻止我继续说下去

Before I said something rude. 不然我肯定要说出粗鲁的话来

He does rather beg to be teased. 他真是急切地自找羞辱呢

The awful truth is, he's starting to get on my nerves. 糟糕的是他开始惹我讨厌了

Still, you're not the person to burden with that. 不过这事我也不该拿来烦你

You're still going to marry him though. 你还是要嫁给他

Of course! Why wouldn't I? 那当然了这怎么会变呢

I think I might have got that one. 我觉得好像打中了

You must promise faithfully 你可得庄严立誓

to lie when they ask you how I did. 别人问你我打得如何时要撒谎

Daisy, you've got a visitor. 黛西有人找你

I were visiting the grave. 我去扫墓了

I thought to myself, 'Why not go and see her now?' 后来就想去看看她吧

Take William's blessing with me. 带着威廉的祝福看看她

Why not go and sit for a moment in the servants' hall? 您去仆人休息室坐会吧

We're sending out the shooting lunch. 我们正要去送狩猎午宴

As soon as we've finished, Daisy can bring you a cup of


I'm sure, Mrs Hughes won't mind, will you, Mrs Hughes? 我想休斯太太不会介意的是吧

Indeed I will not. This way. 当然不会这边走

He's here now. So I think I should make things clear. 他来了我该把话说清楚

Don't, Daisy, please. William wouldn't thank you for it. 黛西求你别说威廉会怪你的

He won't thank me for bamboozling his old dad neither. 我骗他父亲他就不怪我吗

I know you're going to say no, 我猜你会拒绝

but I was just passing and I suddenly thought, 但我刚巧路过就想着

'Why don't we go for a drive, like we used to?' 我们像以前那样去兜个风吧

I don't think I should. 我大概去不了

I really can't spare the time. 确实没时间

Would you like a cup of something? 喝点什么吗

All right. Yes, thank you. 好啊谢谢

That would be nice. 喝点茶挺好

is everyone well? - Quite well. 家里各位都好吗 -都好

Lady Edith will be joining me for tea. 给伊迪丝小姐也倒杯茶

Certainly, sir. 好的先生

As a matter of fact, 说实话

I'm glad I've got you to myself for a moment. 能和你单独谈谈我挺高兴

I feel it gives me the chance to make some things clear. 这样我就有机会把话说清楚了

I'm not sure I was that clear when we met the other day. 那天见面时我似乎没说清

It's been worrying me. 让我这几天挺烦恼的

I don't understand. 我没听懂你的意思

You see, I couldn't bear for you to think that we might... 是这样我不希望你认为

take up together again. 我们能重新来过

When, of course, we can't. 毕竟已经不合适了

Because of what Mary said that time? 是因为玛丽那时的话吗

Because you know it wasn't true. 不是她说的那样

She only said it to spite me. 她那么说只是想气我

No, it's not because of that. 不是因为她

And if you say it wasn't true, I'm sure it wasn't. 如果你说那不是真的我自然相信

You see, the thing is... 问题在于

I'm far too old for you. 我年纪太大配不上你

I don't agree. 我可不同意

Of course I am. And now... 我当然太老了而现在又...

I'm a cripple. 成了残疾

I don't need a wife, I need a nurse. 我需要的不是妻子而是护士

And I couldn't do that to someone as young and as

你这么年轻可爱我不能拖累你lovely as you.

I don't accept a single word of that speech. 你这话我一个字也不接受

Lady Edith... 伊迪丝小姐

If you think I'm going to give up on someone who calls

你觉得我会放弃一个夸我可爱的人吗me lovely...

I'm afraid you must. 恐怕必须这样

Oh, lovely. 真好

I'd like you to know the place he grew up. 我想让你看看他长大的地方

He always wanted to work with animals. 他一直想照顾动物

Horses really. 就想伺候马

But his mother saw him as a butler. 可他妈妈觉得他能当管家Lording it over a great house. 在大宅子里管事

He loved you both so much. 他非常爱你们俩

I'm only grateful his mother went first. 我只庆幸他妈妈先走了

She couldn't have born it. 她可受不了这打击

No, but she would have had to face it, wouldn't she? 但也得面对呀是不是

Like you. 就像您一样

We all have to face the truth, don't we? 我们都得面对真相不是吗

We do, lass. Hard as it may be. 是的姑娘不管多难都得面对Because I want to tell you the truth. 因为我想告诉您真相

You see, William and me were friends for a long time 我和威廉做了很久的朋友

before we started to feel something more. 才有其他感觉的

That's always the best way, isn't it? 那不是最好吗

To know that there's friendship as well as passion. 先有友情再加上爱情

Yes, but you see, I didn't. 是但我没有

I didn't feel the love... 没感觉到爱

so soon. 没他那么早

So I'm afraid 所以我怕是

I wasted some of the time we could have spent together. 浪费了很多我们本可共同度过的日子No, you didn't, Daisy. 不会的黛西

You gave him the thrill of the chase. 你给了他追求时的欢喜

He talked of nothing but you from dawn 他每天从一大早到牛回了棚

till the cows came home! 一直在念叨你

And when he saw you felt the same, 当你终于也爱上他时

well, 哎呀

the pleasure was all the sweeter the waiting. I promise



Good. 那就好

So when are you going to come to the farm? 那你什么时候来农场呢

I'll let you know. 到时候告诉您

Shall I get you some more hot water? 我给您加点开水吧

More lies. 又撒谎了

Were they? 有真心话吧

That's the horn. Where's the damn loader? 吹号了我那该死的装弹手哪去了Looking for your damn peg, I imagine. 大概是在找你该死的枪钉吧

Why were you laughing with Matthew 首轮围猎结束时

at the end of the first drive? 你和马修笑什么呢

I suppose he said something funny. 我想是他说了好笑的事情

Am I never to be free of him? 我永远都不能摆脱他了是吗

Of course not. 那当然

You know how families like ours work. 你知道我们这样的家族的规矩And he'll be head of it one day. 再说他有天是要当家的

I might understand 我也想理解你

if you let me think for a solitary minute 可你让我无时无刻不觉得

that you preferred my company to his. 比起我你更喜欢他的陪伴

I have tried, Mary, give me that. 我努力了玛丽这你要承认

I've done everything I can to please you. 我想尽办法取悦你

You mean you bought a large and rather vulgar house. 你是说你买了栋大而俗气的宅子Don't talk to me like that! 不许那么对我说话

What have I done to deserve it. What?! 我做了什么你要这么对我

Is something the matter? 出什么事了吗

Richard's loader seems to have got lost. 理查德的装弹手似乎迷路了

And this is one of the best drives. 这轮野鸡最多

He's missing all the fun. 他都没赶上

I see. 原来如此

Where the bloody hell have you been? - Sorry, sir. 你这家伙跑哪去了 -抱歉先生I'm afraid Sir Richard's rather anxious to begin. 理查德爵士等不及要开枪了

I'd better get back to my post. 那我也回去就位吧

There you are, sir. 好了先生

Robert, 罗伯特

Matthew is going to York for Bates's trial. 马修要去约克旁听贝茨的审讯And um... Well, I wondered if I might come as well. 我在想我能不能跟去

Of course, if you want to. 你若想去当然可以

Cora's told me she's not going. 柯拉说她不去

And I feel I just might be useful 我觉得我或许能帮上忙

as part of the backing-up brigade. 加入大家去给他做后盾

That's kind, thank you. 你真好心谢谢

It's odd, isn't it, us just chatting away here 感觉奇怪吧我们在这聊天while that poor man waits to hear his fate. 可怜的贝茨却在等待命运的宣判Please don't make me feel any worse than I do already. 我也很焦心你可别再加压了Have we time to serve the coffee or not? 到底来不来得及上咖啡Um... I'm not sure, Mr Carson. 说不准啊卡森先生

We could have used one of the maids today. 今天要能多个女仆就好了

Maids at a shooting lunch?! 女仆侍奉狩猎午宴

Hardly! 得了吧

Anna's very grateful you're coming with us. 你能来旁听安娜很感激

Well, I have to go to London, but I'll be back. 我得先去趟伦敦但会赶回来的What are you going for? 去干什么

Reggie Swire's funeral. 参加雷吉·斯维尔的葬礼

He wanted his ashes to be buried in Lavinia's grave. 他想把骨灰埋在拉维尼娅的墓里I'll bring them back. 我去把骨灰带回来

What does Mr Travis say? 崔维斯牧师怎么说

I haven't asked him. 还没问他

I thought I'd do it myself one day. 我想哪天亲自去做

Let me know when. I'd like to be there. 定了日子告诉我我也想到场

If you don't mind. 你不介意吧

No, I don't mind. 不介意

This is very nice of you 你心真好

to spare some time for a poor old woman. 抽空来陪我这老婆子

Won't they miss you at the tea? 你不去喝茶他们不介意吗

I'll regain some novelty value at dinner. 我可以晚宴时再鲜亮登场

Very well. 那好

What shall we talk about? 聊些什么呢

Hatton? 海顿庄园吗

Shall we discuss why you never go there now? 聊聊你现在怎么不去了

Or Lougherle? 或者聊聊拉赫尔

Or what about Hepworth House in Grosvenor Square? 或是格罗夫纳广场的海浦沃斯大宅

I spent so many happy evenings there. 我曾在那儿度过了不少愉快的夜晚With your father in hot pursuit! 那时你父亲还拼命追求我呢

I see it's time for some honesty. 看来该说实话了

A change is as good as a rest. 改改口风是好事

I think you know that Hatton's gone. 您该已经知道海顿没了

So has Lougherle. 拉赫尔也是

And Hepworth House had so many mortgages... 海浦沃斯已经多次抵押

I could only sell it at a loss. 我只能亏本卖出

So my spies tell me. So you want Rosamund... 那我的消息没错所以你想让罗斯孟德Or rather, the fortune of the late Mr Painswick 或者说是过世的平斯维克先生的遗产to come to the rescue. 来救你于水火是吗

My feelings for Lady Rosamund are sincere. 我对罗斯孟德夫人是真心的

I admire her immensely. 我十分爱慕她

I do not doubt it. 这我相信

My only fear is that you admire her money more. 我怕的是你更爱她的钱

Lady Rosamund is too young to be alone. 罗斯孟德夫人不该这么早就守寡

You'll concede 您也终会承认

there are many varieties of happy marriage. 幸福婚姻并非千篇一律

Maybe. 或许吧

But they are all based on honesty. 但坦诚却是他们共同的基石

I insist you tell the truth about your circumstances to


After that, it's up to her. 说了实话再由她决定

Have you thought of a date? 日子想好了吗

When the men go through, can I steal you for a


Why particularly? 有什么事吗

There's something I should tell you. 我有事跟你说

Something nice, I hope. 希望是好事

Not very nice, no. But you can make the nastiness go



Curiouser and curiouser. 越来越令人好奇了

I'd like to get married in the spring or the summer. 我想在春天或夏天举行婚礼

I am only asking to set a date. 我只想把日子定下来

- But what's the hurry? - Hurry? 急什么 -急

Glaciers are fast compared to you on this, Mary. 冰川都比你动作快玛丽I warn you. 我警告你

Even my patience has its limits. 即使我的耐心也是有极限的Mary. 玛丽

Can I help? 我能帮上忙吗

After today, I won't insult you by asking what you mean. 今天让你见笑我不会侮辱你问你什么意思

You don't have to marry him, you know. 要知道你不非得嫁给他

You don't have to marry anyone. 你不非得嫁给任何人

You'll always have a home here as long as I'm alive. 只要我活着这儿永远是你的家

Didn't the war teach you never to make promises? 战争没教会你永远不要许下承诺吗Anyway, you're wrong. 再说你错了

I do have to marry him. 我确实非得嫁给他

Why? 为什么

Not to prove you've broken with me surely? 肯定不是为了证明你跟我缘分已尽吧

We know where we stand. No need for gestures. 我们知道我们的处境不必做样子

If I told you the reason, you would despise me. 我若告诉你原因你会瞧不起我

And that I couldn't bear. 这我无法承受

Mary? 玛丽

Rosamund wants to play bridge until the men come



Of course. 好的

T. T

O. O

O. O

F. F

A. A

T. T

It says you're too fat. 他说你太胖了

My Archie never said that! 我的阿奇才不会说这话呢

You're pushing the thing! 是你们在推那东西

Come away, Daisy. We've got work to do. 走吧黛西我们有活儿要干

I hope it's rewarding work, Mrs Patmore. 希望是值得一做的活儿帕特莫太太Something to challenge our Daisy. 给我们黛西点挑战

Leave it alone. 别说了

What did she mean, Miss Shore? 肖小姐她什么意思

Nothing. 没事

Who was telephoning so late? 谁这么晚打电话来

Murray. He apologised. 莫里他表示歉意

He's going to come here the day before the trial 审判前一天他要过来

to talk it all through with Mrs Hughes, O'Brien and me. 跟休斯太太奥布瑞恩和我详细说明流程

Why have they been chosen and not the others? What do they know? 为什么选了他们而不是别人他们知道什么

Search me. I've told Carson. 不知道我跟卡森说了

Will Mr Murray be staying? 莫里先生会留宿吗

No, he wants to get to York. 不他想去约克

We'll meet him there the following day. 我们第二天会在那儿跟他碰面

Oh, my dear. 天呐

I hope you can be strong if it goes against him. 如果结果对他不利我希望你会坚强It won't. 不会的

There was an awkward moment tonight 今晚晚宴快结束的时候

between Mary and Carlisle at the end of dinner. 玛丽和卡莱尔之前有片刻的尴尬气氛Did you notice it? 你留意到了吗

I'm sure Mary has him under control. 我相信玛丽把他稳住了

Does she? 是吗

I look at her and all I can see 我看着她却只看到

is a tired woman with a tiresome husband, 一个疲倦的女人和她令人讨厌的丈夫not a bride on the brink of heaven. 而不是一个咫尺天堂的新娘

I wish I could understand why she goes on with it. 真不明白她怎么会不改心意

Do you think there's some element I might have


你觉得我会不会忽略了什么因素Yes. 是的

Cora, if there is something 柯拉如果有什么事

and you know what it is, tell me, please. 而且你还知道请告诉我

Perhaps it's time. 或许是时候了

I was hoping you'd say I was wrong. 我还希望你会说我想错了

You're not wrong. 你没想错

But if I do tell you, swear not to fly off the handle. 但如果我告诉了你你要保证不会勃然大怒

And try not to be too hurt. 还要尽量别太伤心

Now you must tell me 现在你必须告诉我了

because nothing could be worse than my imaginings. 因为什么都不会比我的想象更糟

Very well. 好吧

Do you recall a turkish diplomat 你还记得战前曾在此留宿的

who stayed here before the war? 一位土耳其外交官吗

I think I can be relied on to remember 我想我肯定能记住任何

any guest who is found dead in his bed next morning. 第二天早上被发现死在他床上的客人Well, that's the thing. 这正是问题所在

I wanted to explain how it will work. 我想解释一下流程

You'll both have received official notification through the


你们都会通过函件形式接到正式的通知But why have I been called? 但为什么找我出庭

What's it to me? I know nothing. 这事与我何干我什么都不知道Since you are summoned as witness for the



the police would obviously disagree. 警方显然不这么认为

But I'm there for the prosecution too 但我也被叫去为控方作证

when I have no doubt of Mr Bates's innocence. 可我毫不怀疑贝茨先生是清白的

How can that be? 怎么会这样

It will be made clear on the day. 到那天就会明白了

Where does Anna stand in all this? 安娜在这事中将扮演什么角色

A wife cannot be compelled to testify against her



That's a mercy anyway. 这倒还算仁慈

As far as I could make out, he was talking to his lawyer. 我只听出来他是在跟他的律师说话

He seemed to be blaming his wife for cancelling the



You heard this yourself? 你自己听到的吗

I wasn't eavesdropping. 我没偷听

He was speaking loudly. 他声音很大

But I don't think you can blame him. 但我觉得这怪不得他

Just answer the questions, please, Miss O'Brien. 请你回答问题即可奥布瑞恩小姐When John Bates returned 约翰·贝茨最后一次

from London on his final visit to Mrs Bates, 去伦敦探访贝茨太太归来

did you notice anything about his appearance? 你注意过他的仪容吗

He had a scratch on his cheek. 他脸上有道抓痕

But he might have got that... 但那或许是他...

I believe the maid, Anna Smith, 我想女仆安娜·史密斯

asked him how the meeting had gone. 问他见面的结果了吧

Well, she and he were... 他们那时...

And how did he answer? 他怎么回答的

He said it had been worse than she could possibly



And what did he call her? 他喊她什么

I shouldn't have been listening in the first place. 我当初就不该偷听

I had no right to be there. 我无权这么做

But you were listening, Mrs Hughes. 但你确实听了休斯太太

So please tell us what he called her when he grew


所以请告诉我们他生气的时候喊了她什么He said she was a... bitch. 他说她是个...毒妇

Did it sound as if he threatened to strike her? 听起来是不是像他威胁要打她

But what people say in an argument... 可人们争吵的时候说的话...

Did he threaten to strike her? 他有没有威胁要打她

I'm afraid he did, yes. 恐怕他确实有

Every case looks as black as night 控方问话结束的时候

by the time the prosecution has finished. 案子看起来都是前途一片晦暗

We've heard nothing in Bates's defence yet. 我们还没听到任何为贝茨辩护的话呢

I can't believe Mrs Hughes would say those things. 真不敢相信休斯太太会那么说

Miss O'Brien maybe, but not Mrs Hughes. 奥布瑞恩小姐或许会但休斯太太怎么也这样

It's difficult to lie on oath. Few of us can manage it. 宣誓后很难撒谎没几个人能做得到She looked as if she were in hell. 她看起来苦不堪言

It does sound worse than I expected. 确实比我想的要糟

It's a great pity he didn't speak up about buying the



I told him to. 我让他说了

I begged him to. 我求过他

He should have listened. 他该听你的

Then it's down to me to convince them 那就靠我去说服他们

that this crime is simply not in Bates's character. 以贝茨品格是不会犯下此等罪恶的

So you have no doubt at all. 那么您毫不怀疑

None whatsoever. 毫不怀疑

We served in the African war. 我们曾同在非洲服役

And I owe my life to John Bates, 我欠约翰·贝茨一条命

who acted to protect me without any care for his own


Is this a man who could plot to kill his wife? 这样的人会阴谋杀害自己的妻子吗

Absolutely not. 绝无可能

Lord Grantham. 格兰瑟姆伯爵

Did John Bates ever speak to you about his wife? 约翰·贝茨跟您提起过他妻子吗

Not that I recall. 我想没有

Never? 从来没有吗

He never once spoke one word of this wife 他从没提过他的妻子吗

who'd prevented all his dreams from coming true? 这可是让他所有梦想不得已成真的人啊

Well... You know, one talks about this and that. 你也知道人们会说些事情

Did he give you the impression 他有没有让您觉得

he was losing patience with Mrs Bates? 要对贝茨太太失去耐心了

Around the time she had prevented the porce? 大约是在她阻止了离婚一事的时候

Were you aware that he was angry at what had


I suppose so. 我想是吧

Did he ask permission to travel to London 他去伦敦见他妻子最后一面

to see her that last time? 向您请示了吗

I believe he did. 我想是的

And did you recommend restraint in his dealings with his


I don't think so. 我想没有

You're absolutely sure? 您确定吗

Well... 这个嘛...

Perhaps I may have done. 我可能说了

You did, Lord Grantham. 您是说了格兰瑟姆伯爵

Mr Bates has, in his interviews, 在他的问话中贝茨先生说

stated that you prescribed discretion. 您劝他谨慎行事

His case is that he followed your advice. 他说他遵循了您的意见

But I wonder why the defence has chosen not to refer to


I can't tell you. 我不知道

No. 没错

And was there one statement of his 他是不是说了一句话

that prompted you to advise him to moderate his


I can't remember. Not precisely. 我记不得具体的对话内容了

Give us an approximate. 跟我们说个大概吧

I must urge that the witness gives an answer. 我必须敦促证人给出回答

I... said... 我...说

I hoped his trip to London was to do with some property

我希望他去伦敦是为了他财产上的事he owned.

And not to do with the former Mrs Bates. 而不是跟前贝茨太太有关

And how did he answer? 他怎么回答的

He said... 他说...

Lord Grantham. 格兰瑟姆伯爵

He said, 'If only she was the former. 他说 "她若是'前妻'就好了

Or better still, the late.' 如果是'亡妻'就更好了"

I don't know what to say, ma'am. 我不知该说什么夫人

They twist your words. 他们曲解你的话

You had to answer their questions. 你只能回答他们的问题

I wish to God I'd never listened. 老天爷啊真希望我没去偷听

Well... 可毕竟...

I suppose Anna is very bitter. 我想安娜肯定很难受

I wonder if you would tell her... 不知您是否能告诉她...

I know you're both praying for her as I am. 我知道你们都像我一样在为她祈祷

Mrs Crawley, the jury has returned! 卡劳利夫人陪审团回来了

Are you all agreed? 你们达成一致意见了吗

We are, My Lord. 是的法官大人

The prisoner will stand. 被告请起立

Do you find the prisoner to be guilty or not guilty as


Guilty. My Lord. 成立大人

John Bates, 约翰·贝茨

you have been found guilty of the charge of wilful



You will be taken from here to a place of execution, 你将被带至行刑之地

where you will be hanged by the neck until you are



And may God have mercy upon your soul. 愿主宽恕你的灵魂

No! No! This is wrong! This is terribly, terribly wrong! 不错了这是大错特错

Take him down. 把他带下去

Anna! 安娜

Anna! 安娜

did you know This Bates well? - No, Not really. 您熟悉这个贝茨吗 -算不上多熟

Oh, I saw him once. 我见过他一次

It was when I went to 那是我在晚餐前

talk to Matthew in his bedroom just before dinner. 到马修卧室去找他谈话

That sounds rather risque. 这听起来有点不成体统啊

Alas, I am beyond impropriety. 我还用顾忌什么礼仪啊

There'll be a stink in the papers. 这桩丑事会见报的

To be honest, I'm surprised there hasn't been one


Perhaps Richard had a hand in it. 也许理查德做了干预

While we're on the subject of unsuitable spouses... 说到合适的伴侣的问题...

Lord Hepworth is not unsuitable, Mama. 海浦沃斯勋爵没什么不合适的妈妈You are unjust. 您有失公允

He's hardly the consummation devoutly to be wished. 他可算不上人们衷心祈求的完美佳侣Did he tell you what I asked him to tell you? 他和你说了我让他说的话了吗

I know he has no fortune, if that's what you mean. 我知道他没什么财产如果您是指这个的话

No fortune? 没什么财富而已吗

He's lucky not to be playing the violin in Leicester Square. 他没到去莱斯特广场拉小提琴谋生就算幸运了

He's fond of me, Mama. 他喜欢我妈妈

I'm tired of being alone. 我已经厌倦了一个人过

And I have money. 反正我有钱

He's a fortune-hunter, my dear. 他是猎财者亲爱的

A pleasant one, I admit. 我承认他讨人欢喜

But a fortune-hunter. 可那也还是个猎财者

Still, it's your decision. 话说回来这该由你来决定

So have you made it? - Not quite. 那你作了决定了吗 -还没

I'm going to ask Robert to get him back for the servants'


我会让罗伯特叫他回来参加仆人舞会Will that happen after today? 经历了今天的事还会举行吗

Well, he can come and stay, 他过来住住总是可以的

whether or not we feel like dancing. 不管我们是否想跳舞

Thank you. We don't need anything. 谢谢我们不需要什么了

Do sit down, Anna. 坐下来吧安娜

You mustn't think that this is the end. 你千万不要觉得一切都完了

For the judge to pronounce a death sentence 法官宣判死刑

is a matter of routine. 只是例行公事而已

Routine? - he means the judge had No choice. 例行公事 - 他的意思是法官别无选择If a man is found guilty of murder, 如果有人被判谋杀罪行成立

he must be sentenced to death. 他一定会被判极刑

But there are many reasons for it to be commuted. Many


不过有很多情形可以获得减刑很多Is being innocent one of them? 无罪会是其中的一种吗

We have to work to change the sentence to life



Life imprisonment! 无期徒刑

Because it won't demand a retrial 因为那不需要再审

or an overthrow of the Crown's case. 也不用推翻法庭的审判结果

Once we have that, 等我们做到了这个

we can begin to build a challenge to the verdict. 就可以再着手质疑这个判决

Do you understand? 你明白吗

Yes, m'lady, I do. 是的小姐我明白

I still can't believe it. 我还是不敢相信

I'm afraid you must. 恐怕你必须相信

We'll need you to write a letter 我们需要你给内政大臣

to the Home Secretary, Mr Shortt. 肖特先生写封信

I'll leave for London at once and put it into his hand


He's a Liberal, isn't he? Pity. 他是自由党人不是吗可惜

He's a decent man. 他是个好人

The flaw in their case is the question of premeditation. 此案的瑕疵在预谋的问题上

Even if Mr Bates had run to the cellar for 就算贝茨先生跑去地窖拿了毒药

the poison and pushed it into her food, 并放进了她的食物中

we can argue strongly he didn't plan it. 我们还是可以有力地抗辩说他并无预谋He didn't plan it because he didn't do it. 他当然没有预谋因为他根本没这么做

And we'll stress the circumstantial nature of the


There may still be elements that come to light. 还可能会发现其它线索

What chance do you think we have? 您觉得我们还有多大的机会

It's not a good chance, Mrs Bates. 机会不大贝茨太太

But there's still a chance. 但机会还是有的

- When will they be back? - I'm not sure. 他们什么时候回来 -我也不清楚They took Anna to an inn to help her catch her breath. 他们带安娜去了一个酒馆让她定定神How will we ever face her? 以后我们该怎么面对她呢

With kindness, I hope. 我希望对她好点

When will he be hanged? 他什么时候会被绞死

Her Ladyship wondered 夫人问你能否

if you could give her an account of the day. 和她说一下今天发生的事

Of course. 当然

I'd like to say 我想说

I may have been called for the prosecution, 尽管我被召为控方作证

but I do not believe in Mr Bates's guilt. 但我并不相信贝茨先生是有罪的

What about you, Miss O'Brien? You're very quiet. 那你呢奥布瑞恩小姐你什么都没说I'm sorry to have been part of it. 我很遗憾自己被卷了进来

There'll have to be a new valet now, won't there? 这下得找一位新的贴身男仆了不是吗I don't often feel selfless, 我不常觉得自己无私

but when I listen to you, I do. 可听你说话时我会这么觉得

His Lordship will be so upset. 老爷一定会很难过

We're all upset downstairs, m'lady. 我们楼下的仆人们都很难过夫人

Of course you are. 那是自然

His Lordship and Lady Mary won't want to change, 老爷和玛丽小姐不会想更衣了

so we won't either. 所以我们都不必了

Please ask Mrs Patmore 请让帕特莫太太

to serve dinner 20 minutes after they arrive. 在他们到家二十分钟后开始晚餐

Very good, m'lady. 好的夫人

Mrs Hughes. 休斯太太

This is a time of grief for us. 对我们来说这是悲痛的时刻

Of grief and heartbreak. 悲痛和心碎

I suppose it's down to me again. 我想这事又得我来干了

What is? 什么事

To produce dinner 20 minutes after they arrive 在他们回来二十分钟后奉上晚餐

and we don't know if it's in two or ten hours. 却不知道他们是两小时还是十小时后回来What's got into you all of a sudden? 你突然这是怎么了

Nothing. I know I'm a dogsbody but... 没什么我知道我只是个使唤丫头可... How can you choose today of all days to complain about


your lot?

I expect Mr Bates would rather be 我想贝茨先生会宁可

wondering how to keep a roast chicken warm 设法给一只烤鸡保温

than sitting in a lonely cell facing his maker! 也好过孤独地坐在牢房里祈求上帝保佑You've been hiding from us. 您在躲着我们

I couldn't do any more chatter. 我聊不下去了

Are the Crawleys still here? - they went ages ago. 卡劳利母子还在吗 -他们早回去了Mama and Edith have gone up. 妈妈和伊迪丝也上楼去了

I'm so dreadfully, dreadfully sorry about today. 对于今日之事我真是万分遗憾

I know you are. How's Anna? 我知道安娜怎么样了

I sent her to bed. 我让她去睡了

Can I ask you something? 我能问你件事吗

Of course. 当然

Do you stay with Carlisle 你跟卡莱尔还在一起

because he threatened to expose the story 是因为他威胁说要抖出

of Mr Pamuk dying in your bed? 帕努克先生死在你床上的事吗

When did you find out? 您是什么什么时候知道的

Your mother told me 你妈妈告诉我了

when I asked why you were still with Carlisle 我问她你为什么不离开卡莱尔

when you are so tired of him. 因为你明明很讨厌他

How very disappointed you must be. 您一定很失望

Your mama chose her moment well. 你妈妈挑了个好时机告诉我

And you're not the first Crawley to make a mistake. 再说你也不是卡劳利家族里第一个犯错的To answer your question, it is... 回答您的问题确实

partly true, though not entirely. 这是部分的原因但不是全部

In Mama's phrase, I am damaged goods now. 按妈妈的话来说我已不再冰清玉洁Richard is, after all, prepared to marry me in spite of it. 可明知如此理查德还是准备娶我

To give me a position. 给我一个地位

To give me a life. 给我一份生活

And that's worth it? 这就值得你这么做了吗

Even though he already sets your teeth on edge? 哪怕他已经惹的你很生气了

What about Matthew? 那马修呢

How does he view the late Mr Pamuk? 他怎么看过世的帕努克先生

He doesn't know. 他不知道的

So that is not what split you apart. 那么这就不是你们分开的原因了

I thought it might have been. 我还以为你们是为此而分离的

No, there were other reasons for that. 不是的有其它的原因

To do with Lavinia. 和拉维尼娅有关

I see. 我明白了

And those reasons are final? 那些原因已铸成定局了吗

They are final for Matthew. 对于马修来说是的

