
更新时间:2023-04-13 14:22:02 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载





1、- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!

- _______ This is not the end of the world.

A.Good luck.

B.Cheer up.

C.Go ahead.

D.No problem.


2、Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.

-- _________

A.Never mind

B.I'm glad you like it.

C.Please don't say so.

D.No, It's not so good.


3、- Is it possible for you to work late tonight?

- _______

A.I like it.

B.I'll do that.

C.I'd love to.

D.I think so.


4、What's the problem with your bike?

-- _________

A.Not at all.

B.Good, thank you.

C.Nothing serious.



5、Would you like something to drink? What about a cup of tea?

-- _________

A.No, thanks.

B.No, I wouldn't.

C.Yes, I want.

D.Yes, I like.答案:A

6、How can I get to the cinema?

-- _________

A.It's very far.

B.Yes, there is a cinema near here.

C.It's well known.

D.Go down this street and turn left.


7、What a beautiful dress you have on today!

-- _________

A.It is suitable for me.

B.No, it isn't.

C.You want to have one, too?

D.Thank you.


8、Let me introduce myself. I'm Steward.

-- _________

A.What a pleasure.

B.Pleased to meet you.

C.I don't know.

D.Thanks a lot.


9、I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me.

-- _________

A.Not too bad.

B.That's all right.

C.It's a pleasure.

D.Thank you.


10、Are you going on holiday for a long time?

-- _________

A.It was a long time.

B.Two weeks ago.

C.No. Only a couple of days.

D.Not long time ago.


11、Is John there?

-- _________


B.I'm not Mary.

C.Who are you?

D.Mary is well today.


12、Thank you for your invitation.

-- _________

A.It doesn't matter.

B.It's a pleasure.

C.It's a small thing.

D.I'll appreciate it.


13、Good morning, John. How are you doing?

-- _________

A.I'm pleased.

B.Good night.

C.Not so bad. And you?

D.How do you do?


14、- What's wrong with you, dear?

-- _________

A.I didn't go to school.

B.I have a terrible headache.

C.I took the kids shopping today.

D.It is a beautiful dress.


15、I think he is a good lecturer.

-- _________

A.Sorry, it doesn't matter.

B.So do I.

C.Yes. It's a good idea.

D.I don't mind.


16、What are you majoring in?

-- _________

A.In a university.

B.Very hard.


D.At nine in the morning.


17、What's the matter, John?

-- _________

A.I failed my French test.

B.It doesn't matter.

C.Nothing's wrong with him.

D.I don't think I can.


18、Let's go to the library this afternoon.

-- _________

A.Yes, that's right.

B.No. I can't.

C.What about you?

D.That's a good idea.


19、How tall is your sister?

-- _________

A.She is not very well.

B.She is 28 years old.

C.She is very nice.

D.She is as tall as I am.


20、What do you think of this novel?

-- _________

A.I've read it.

B.It's well-written.

C.It was written by my uncle.

D.I bought it yesterday.


21、Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?

-- _________

A.Who's there?

B.Who's that speaking?

C.Who are you?

D.Who wants to speak to Mark?


22、What does Tom's wife do for a living?

-- _________

A.She is a doctor.

B.Tom loves his wife.

C.She has a happy life.

D.She lives far from here.


23、How much is this necklace?

-- _________

A.It's very nice.

B.It's a birthday present from my parents.

C.It costs fifty pounds.

D.It's a bargain.


24、Hello, how are you?

-- _________

A.Hello, how are you?

B.How do you do?

C.Fine, thank you.

D.That's OK.


25、Good-bye for now.

-- _________

A.The same to you.

B.That's OK.

C.See you.

D.Long time no see.答案:C

26、What day is today?

-- _________

A.It's March 6.

B.It's a fine day today.

C.It's March.

D.It's Monday.


27、How are you getting on today?

-- _________

A.Very well.

B.How do you do?

C.I'm a doctor.

D.Nice to have known you.


28、Is that seat taken?

-- _________

A.Please don't worry.

B.I don't think so.

C.Why not?

D.It's very nice.


29、Thank you for calling.

-- _________

A.Don't mention it.

B.That's fine.

C.Nice talking to you.

D.Call back again.


30、How's your family?

-- _________

A.Thanks all the same.

B.Thanks for calling.

C.Not too bad.

D.Don't mention it.


31、- Excuse me, when does the next flight from Paris arrive?

- _________

A.In half an hour.

B.An hour before.

C.Until the next one.

D.Before another one.


32、- Will you come to my birthday party this Sunday?

- _________

A.I'm very busy.

B.Ok, I don't.

C.Ok, I do.

D.Ok, I will.


33、- Let me introduce Peter to you. He is my roommate.

- _________

A.Hello, Peter.

B.Sorry, I don't know him.

C.Let me introduce Peter, too.

D.Who are you?


34、- Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend?

- _________

A.I don't believe.

B.I don't believe it.

C.I don't think.

D.I don't think so.


35、- I'm sorry I broke your mirror.

- _________

A.It's OK with me.

B.It doesn't matter.

C.You are welcome.

D.I don't care.


36、- May I introduce myself? I'm Li Hua.

- _________

A.I'm Todd Smith. It's nice to meet you.

B.I'm Todd Smith. How old are you?

C.Thank you.

D.Oh, here is my card. You can have a look.


37、- This is Bill speaking. May I speak to Mr. Smith?

- _________ Here he comes.

A.No, speaking.

B.Don't go away.

C.Who are you?

D.Hold on.


38、- Let me give you a lift(搭便车).

- _________ I prefer to walk on such a lovely day.

A.Thank you.

B.No, thanks.

C.You are welcome.

D.No, you can't.答案:B

39、- Could you please open the window?

- _________

A.I can't.

B.Go ahead.


D.It's really very kind.


40、- Do you have any oranges and apples?

- _________

A.Yes, madam, on the second shelf over there.

B.The oranges are

very cheap.

C.You like apples, don't you?

D.Of course, we have some fruits.


41、- Would you come and have dinner with us?

- _________

A.No, I think I do.

B.No, never mind.

C.Yes, please.


I will.


42、- I'd like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr. Smith.

- _________

A.Oh, no. let's not.

B.I'd rather stay at home.

C.I'm sorry, but I have other plans.

D.Oh, no. That'll be too much trouble.


43、- I'm sorry I'm late.

- _________ Come earlier next time.


B.You are welcome.

C.It doesn't matter.

D.I don't know.


44、- _________

- Oh, well, I'll speak a little slower.

A.How long do you speak?

B.How do you like my speech?

C.Do you speak English?

D.I'm sorry I can't understand you.


45、- Which would you like? Tea or coffee?

- _________

A.Sure, I would.

B.Yes, pleasure.

C.Yes, thank you.

D.Tea, please.



1、- Thank you for giving me so much help.

- _________

A.My pleasure.

B.Never mind.

C.Yes, thank you.

D.It doesn't matter.


2、- I'm looking for a shirt for my father.

- _________

A.What size do you wear?

B.What can I do for you?

C.How about this one?

D.What size does your father wear?


3、- Mike, I am going to skate in the mountains tomorrow.

- Oh, really? _________

A.I am sorry.

B.Thank you.

C.Have a good time.



4、- Jill, you look tired. Let's go for a walk.

- _________

A.Thank you, I'm really hungry.

B.That's a good idea.

C.You are welcome.

D.You're wrong.


5、- You have such a nice house! I do like it.

- _________

A.No, you needn't.

B.It's very kind of you to say so.

C.No, it is not.

D.Don't mention it.


6、- This book is really interesting. I enjoy it very much.

- _________

A.I have just finished a novel.

B.What is it about?

C.I found it in a small bookstore.

D.When did you start reading?


7、- How is your headache?

- _________

A.Not at all.

B.Better now.

C.Thank you.

D.Nothing special.答案:B

8、- Can I help you, sir?

- _________

A.Sorry, no trouble.

B.No, you can't.

C.Yes. Can I have a look at that sweater?

D.I don't know.


9、- I must apologize to you for the delay.

- _________

A.That's all right.

B.It's a pleasure.

C.All the best.

D.You are welcome.


10、- I'm glad you like the show.

- _________

A.Thank you so much for inviting me.

B.Yes, I don't like it.

C.No, I don't know.

D.I'll never go to it again.


11、- Can I speak to Mr. Brown, please?

- Yes, _________

A.this is me.

B.I am Mr. Brown.

C.Brown is speaking.

D.please speak.


12、- How do you like the movie we saw yesterday?

- _________

A.You are welcome.

B.How about you?

C.I've never seen a better movie than it.

D.It is very expensive.


13、- Please help yourself to the fish.

- _________.

A.Thanks, but I don't like the fish.

B.Sorry, I can't help.

C.Well, what about you?

D.No, I can't.


14、- Our apartment is dirty.

- _________

A.It is hot today.

B.It is not my business.

C.Who is on duty this week?

D.Let me have a try.


15、- Mary, we should get together some time.

- _________

A.Yes, what about next week?

B.I will miss you.

C.I'm afraid I can wait.

D.You think about it.


61、- Do you think I can borrow your bike for a few hours?

- _________

A.I'm afraid you can.

B.I'm sorry, but I really need it this afternoon.

C.Yes, I don't think so.

D.I'll think about it later.


62、- Good afternoon. Can I help you with something?

- _________

A.Yes, it is a pleasure.

B.Yes, I'm interested in that handbag.

C.I don't like anything.

D.I don't need help.


63、- Sorry I'm late.

- _________

A.You are welcome.

B.It's a pleasure.

C.Take care.

D.Don't worry.


64、- What will the weather be like tomorrow?

- _________

A.I don't like the weather at this time of the year.

B.I don't know if it is going to rain tomorrow.

C.Why don't you read the newspaper yourself?

D.Let's listen to the weather report on the radio at ten.


65、- Could I borrow your English Dictionary?

- _________

A.Thank you very much.

B.No, I am not ready.

C.I'm sorry. It's not at hand now.

D.It's very kind of you.


66、- Thank you very much.

- _________

A.It doesn't matter.

B.Yes, please.

C.You are welcome.

D.Forget it.


67、- ID card, please.

- _________

A.Here is it.

B.Here are they.

C.Here you are.

D.Give you.


68、- I think digital dictionaries are very useful.

- _________

A.Yes, I think so.

B.It's a good idea.

C.You are welcome.

D.It's a pleasure.


69、- Hello, who is calling?

- _________

A.Mary is out.

B.Hello, this is William from IBM.

C.He's in the office.

D.Can you hold the line?


70、- Would you turn up the radio, please?

- _________

A.Yes, please.


C.No, thank you.

D.Yes, that's all right.


71、- Can I speak to Mr. Rose?

- _________ Can I take a message for him?

A.This is he.

B.I am afraid he is not in.

C.Who are you?

D.Sorry. Do you know him?


72、- Are you doing anything this evening?

- _________

A.Thank you for the dinner.

B.How about you?

C.I can do nothing about it.

D.I don't think so.


73、- How do I get to the cinema?

- _________

A.It's very far.

B.Yes, there is a cinema near here.

C.It's well known.

D.Go down this street and turn left.


74、- What's wrong with your car?

- _________

A.It's very expensive.

B.I like it.

C.One of the windows is broken.

D.It's not for sale.


75、- Have a nice holiday!

- Yes. _________

A.The same to you.

B.You do too.

C.same as you.

D.You have it too.


76、- Would you like to have some coffee?

- _________

A.No, please.

B.Yes, I like.

C.It is a pleasure.

D.No, thank you.


77、- Thank you very much for the dictionary you sent me.

- _________

A.No thanks.

B.I'm glad you like it.

C.Please don't say so.

D.No, it's not so good.


78、- Can I get you a cup of tea?

- _________

A.That's very kind of you.

B.I want coffee.

C.With pleasure.

D.You can, please.


79、- Does No.20 bus stop at our school?

- _________

A.I go to school by bus.

B.I'm afraid not.

C.You are welcome.

D.I'll not take No.20 bus.


80、- I didn't know my identity card(身份证)was needed, sir.

- _________

A.That's sorry.

B.I don't believe you.

C.Sorry, but that's no excuse.

D.You can't say that.


81、- Do you mind if I read the text aloud here?

- _________

A.Yes, you read it.

B.No, I don't.

C.Yes, I don't.

D.No, I don't like to read.


82、- Do you think Tom is ill?

- _________

A.No, I don't think so.

B.Yes, he's very well.

C.Yes, I like him very well.

D.No, I was ill yesterday.


83、If a strange person says“Excuse me!” to you in the street, you could answer _________

A.Excuse me.

B.I'm sorry.




84、- Our team will play against the Rockets this weekend.

- _________


B.Good luck!




85、- How do you like this dress?

- _________

A.I am fine, thank you.

B.It's very pretty.

C.I bought this dress at a sale.

D.It's my sister's.


86、- Have a cup of tea, ____?

- Thanks a lot.

A.don't you

B.haven't you

C.shall we

D.will you


87、- May I take your order now?

- _________

A.No, I'm in trouble now.

B.Yes, we take orders.

C.Yes, I'd like a dish of chicken.

D.No, I don't have an order.


