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一、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.他长大后想当一名教师。

He wants to be a teacher when he _____ ______ . 2.他不喜欢和别人交朋友。

He doesn’t like to ________ ______ ________ others. 3.这个男孩从不撒谎。

The boy never ________ ________ . 4.他没有时间关心他的孩子。

He has no time to ________ ________ his children. 5.你能给他一些喝的东西吗?他渴了。

. Can you give him ________ ________ ________ ? He is__________ 6.Tony经常认真地倾听我的问题并且给我提供帮助。

Tony often l______ ______ ____my problems and ______me help. 7.半小时用于玩电脑另外半小时用来下棋。

Half an hour for playing computer games and_________half an hour or_________ ________ 8.马克斯有很好的幽默感。

Max has a good ___________ of ______________. 9.当你伤心时,你的朋友关心你吗?

Does your friend ___________ ____________ you when you are sad? 10.我可以再吃点食物吗?

Can I have food? 11.我认为你是我真正的朋友

I think you are my 12.好朋友应该互相帮助。

A good friend should help ___________ ___________. 13.他们愿意帮你学数学

They are to help you your Maths. 14. 我们当中的大部分人认为这本书里的第三单元要比其他单元难。

Most of us think Unit 3 is more than units in this book. 15. Tom正在和他的朋友们谈论这个问题。

Tom the problem his friends. tidy up, put on, stands for, instead of, are...crazy about , fill…with… 1.WWF _________ World Wide Fund for Nature. 2._________ you _________ the pop film stars now? 3. I read a book _________ watching TV.

4. Please _________ the blanks _________ some correct words. 5._________ the room before the guests arrive.

八年级上册英语期中考试基础练习6 姓名

16. 我希望有人能倾听我的问题,并能给我帮助。

I hope someone can ____ _________ __ and help me. 17. 在俱乐部里,老学生帮助新学生更多地了解这个学校。

In the club, older students help new students the school. 18. 每周二和周四下午,我放学后练习打棒球。

I after school every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. 19.那就像看电视,不过没有那么多广告。 It’s ______ _____ ______ , but there are advertisements. 20. 我可以跟你借一本杂志吗? May I a magazine you? 21. 因为看演出,昨天放学比平时稍微迟了点。

Because we watched a show, school ended yesterday.

22. 她迫不及待地回家去见她的父母。

She ________ ________ ________ get home to see her parents. 23. 听到这个消息的时候,我们都不相信自己的耳朵。

We ________ ________ ________ ________ when we heard the news. 24. 桌子上的书没有椅子上的书厚。

The books on the desk are not ________ ________ _______ ________ on the chair. 25. 他的朋友没有他细心。

His friends is ________ ________ ________ he.

26. 昨天格林小姐建议我们用那些树叶互相装饰卡片。

Miss Green __________________ a card for each other __________________ yesterday.

27. 上学期,埃米上了三门DIY课程。

Amy _______ ___________ DIY last term. 28. 桌子上有两把剪刀和一把尺子。

There___________ _______ and a ruler on the table. 29. 每个人都会犯错误,但是吸取教训是非常重要的。 Everyone can __________________,but it is ______________ learn from them. 30. 对他来说,在一小时之内组装一件家具是容易的。

It is easy for him __________________a piece of furniture within an hour.

二、根据句子意思,从方框中选用恰当的短语填空 two more apples telling funny jokes any time voice the tallest girl

fit well have problems make us laugh the weight of in height

1.Wang Lang is about 1.85_____ and he is a member of our school basketball team . 2.What’s_____________ the panda ?-Sorry ,I don’t know .

3.Betty is generous enough to share things with others ___________. 4.Helen is __________ in our class.She is 1.73 meters . 5.Their funny actions often__________.

6.I could hear her sweet __________from the next room.

7.The pencil is too long .It can’t __________ in your pencil box. 8.Would you like __________.

9.John is funny.He is good at __________.

10.Is Linda ready to help when you __________?

