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本科毕业论文(设计) 开题报告与指导过程记录

题目:Features of Vocabulary in Journalism English 学生姓名: Xu Peng 学号:0803073 院(系):The Department of Foreign Languages 专业: English 入学时间: 2010 年 9 月

导师姓名: Mrs Chen 职称/学位:教授 导师所在单位: Sanlian University of Anhui

毕业论文(设计)提交时间:二○ 年 月

三联学院英语系 制

填 写 说 明








一、选题依据(包括课题研究的意义、研究的现状、主要参考文献等) (如填写不下,可另附页) 1. The source of the topic for discussion: 论题的由来: The topic is chosen by me under the guidance of my tutor. 该论题是在导师的指导下自主选择的。 2. The title: 论题: Features of Vocabulary in Journalism English 新闻体英语的词汇特点 3. The meaning of the topic for discussion: 该论题研究的意义: In terms of different styles of languages, there have existed their own characters in different articles and publications which have formed the unique features of vocabulary of journalism English. This paper studies what the features of vocabulary of journalism English are, and at the same time, analyses how these unique features take effects on our appreciation. The vocabulary of journalism English has formed its own uniqueness. First, the sources and the formation of neologism are wider than usual, as well as its usage. Second, midget words and the abbreviation forms are frequently employed in news, which brings conciseness. Finally, it is the broad application of journalistic words, especially the adoption of different forms of metaphorical words. In conclusion, this paper focuses on the features of vocabulary in journalism English. 由于不同语言风格的存在,使得不同的刊物和不同类型的文章也有他们不同的特点,因而也形成了新闻体英语特有的词汇特点。本论文旨在研究新闻体英语的词汇特点有哪些,与此同时,分析这些特点是如何影响我们对新闻刊物的赏析的。新闻体英语的词汇特点主要有三方面。一,新词语的来源和应用更加广泛。二,频繁使用小词,缩略语等,即简洁性。三,新闻语体中各种形式的比喻性词汇的广泛运用。总之,此论文旨在研究新闻体英语的词汇特点。 4. The current situation of the similar topic that studies at home and abroad: 当前该论题的国内外研究现状: Since journalism English came to being, it has become the focus of the study from many critics at home and abroad. Journalism English is one of the most practical English styles. As a mass media, Journalistic publications have a large sum of readers so that the diction in publications should be accepted by the reading levels of most of the readers. In recent years, there are more people gradually turning their eyes on this special area. In China, like Pei Wen, Wang Rongpei, Li Dong, they have published articles to express and prove the importance of the study of the features of vocabulary of journalism English. Meanwhile, some foreign researchers also have made great contribution in this area. 自新闻体英语产生以来,它就成为国内外专家研究的重点。新闻体英语是英语中常见的最实用的文体之一。新闻刊物是大众传播媒介,读者面较宽,其语言必须适应广大读者的阅读水平。今年来,越来越多的人开始关注这一特殊领域。在中国,像裴文,王荣培,李冬,他们都发表了各自的著作来阐述和证明新闻体英语词汇的研究意义。同时,一些国外的研究者也在这一领域有着很大的贡献。 5. Bibliography: 参考书目: 1.裴文.《现代英语语体学》,安徽大学出版社,2008. 2.汪榕培、李冬.《实用英语词汇学》,辽宁人名出版社,1983. 3.陆国强.《现代英语词汇学》,上海外语教育出版社,1983.

二、研究方案(包括主要研究内容、研究方法和研究进度安排) (如填写不下,可另附页) 1. The research contents: 研究内容: This paper studies what the features of vocabulary of journalism English are, and at the same time, analyses how these unique features take effects on our appreciation. The vocabulary of journalism English has formed its own uniqueness. First, the sources and the formation of neologism are wider than usual, as well as its usage. With the rapid development of modern science and technology and the progress of human civilization, great changes have taken place on various spheres, such as the politics area, the economy area, the culture area, and even the area of social life, etc. In order to meet the requirements of the speedy development of social life, new words and expressions have appeared. Second, midget words and the abbreviation forms are frequently employed in news, which brings conciseness. Finally, it is the broad application of journalistic words, especially the adoption of different forms of metaphorical words. As time goes on, the features of the vocabulary applied in journalism English will have changed as well. 本论文旨在研究新闻体英语的词汇特点有哪些,与此同时,分析这些特点是如何影响我们对新闻刊物的赏析的。 2.The research method: I plan to read and consult a large amount of relevant books, mastering the core materials of the paper , looking up various electronic databases and searching for the materials with the similar topic, finding the standpoint of writing and then expanding the train of thought on the basis of it. Moreover, I will look up the relevant materials actively, perfect the viewpoints, contents and the rich articles. Lastly, listening to the advice of the tutor?s and combining to my own knowledge on the basis of the mastery of the direction of the thesis to finish the construction and the writing of the paper systematically. 我先阅读以及参考了许多相关书目,总结出该论文所需的核心材料。然后,我又查阅了学校电子阅览室里存放的数据资料并找寻与论文相关的材料,继而找到了撰写该论文的立足点,而后在此基础上,延伸了一系列的想法。另外,我还将积极地查阅这些材料,完善论点,丰富内容,精简材料。最后,我将听取导师建议并在这些主题的指导下结合自身所学系统地完成该论文的组织和撰写。 2. The research schedules: 研究进度安排: Schedule: December 25, 2011-May 6, 2012. 时间:2011年12月25日-2012年5月6日 Confirming the topic: January 20, 2012. 确认论题:2012年1月20日 Writing the opening report and submitting the outline of the paper: January 28 , 2012-February 8, 2012 撰写开题报告及提交大纲:2012年1 月28日-2012年2月8日 Handing in the draft: March 28, 2012-April 16, 2012. 提交初稿:2012年3月28日-2012年4月16 日。 Communicating with the tutor and revising the paper repeatedly, supplementing and perfecting and finalizing it. 与导师联系并不断的修订,补充,完善论文,直到最后完成该论文。 Outline: 1.Introduction 1.1 A brief introduction to journalism English. 1.2 The necessity to organize this paper and the significance to analyze the features of vocabulary in journalism English. 2. The uniqueness of vocabulary in Journalism English 2.1 Comparison of vocabulary between Journalism & other English styles 2.1.1 Similarities. 2.1.2 Dissimilarities. 2.2 New sources and formation of neologism 2.2.1 New words with new meanings 2.2.2 Existing words with new meaning 2.2.3 Nonce words 2.3 Concision 2.3.1 Midget words 2.3.2 Abbreviation words 2.3.3 The application of journalistic words 3. Conclusion 4. Bibliography 四、导师对选题的评价及开题意见(不少于100字) 导师对选题的评价: 是否同意开题: 导师签字: 年 月 日 五、学生所属院系对开题的意见 教学院长(主任)签章: 年 月 日

导师指导学生撰写论文(设计)的过程记录 指导 环节 初稿 修改 意见 二稿 修改 意见 定稿 意见 导师评语(不少于150字): 指 导 过 程 记 录 导师 签名 学生 签名 导师 评语 以及 建议 成绩 建议成绩 (优秀/良好/中等/及格/不及格) 导师签字: 年 月 日


Journalism English is one of the most practical English styles. As a mass media, Journalistic publications have a large sum of readers so that the diction in publications should be accepted by the reading levels of most of the readers. The vocabulary of journalism English has formed its own uniqueness. First, the sources and the formation of neologism are wider than usual, as well as its usage. With the rapid development of modern science and technology and the progress of human civilization, great changes have taken place on various spheres, such as the politics area, the economy area, the culture area, and even the area of social life, etc. In order to meet the requirements of the speedy development of social life, new words and expressions have appeared. Second, midget words and the abbreviation forms are frequently employed in news, which brings conciseness. Finally, it is the broad application of journalistic words, especially the adoption of different forms of metaphorical words. As time goes on, the features of the vocabulary applied in journalism English will have changed as well.

Key words: Journalism English, vocabulary, uniqueness




I. Introduction

1.1 A brief introduction to journalism English

Journalism English,as its name suggests, is English employed in news, which is one of the most practical forms of English styles. With the rapid development of modern society, journalism English has come into our daily lives in various fields, such as sports, entertainments, career, etc. It is known to all that the vocabulary makes sentences while sentences make paragraphs, then the paragraphs make a passage. Since vocabulary is the essential part of any writings in English, even the journalism English, it is vitally important to analyze the features of vocabulary in news. What is more, it is beneficial for English learners to have a better understanding of journalism English. Ascribe to this fact, it is necessary to organize this paper.

1.2 The necessity and significance to organize this paper Journalism English is one of the most practical English styles. As a mass

media, Journalistic publications have a large sum of readers so that the diction in publications should be accepted by the reading levels of most of the readers. Since journalism English came to being, it has become the focus of

the study from many critics at home and abroad. In recent years, there are more people gradually turning their eyes on this special area. In China, like Pei Wen, Wang Rongpei, Li Dong, they have published articles to express and prove the importance of the study of the features of vocabulary of journalism English. Meanwhile, some foreign researchers also have made great contribution in this area.

1.3 The arrangement of the paper

The term paper begins with a brief introduction to journalism English, the necessity to organize this paper and the significance to analyze the features of

the vocabulary in journalism English. Then it compares journalism English with other styles of English in terms of vocabulary, and identifies their similarities and dissimilarities. After the comparison, it turns to the unique features of the vocabulary in journalism English. It has listed three main features of vocabulary of journalism English. At last, a conclusion is being made.

II. The uniqueness of vocabulary in journalism English

2.1 Comparison of vocabulary between Journalism & other English styles

2.1.1 Similarities

Like other styles of English, journalism English shares the same originality and some other basic common features in vocabulary. On the one hand, they share with West Germanic languages? many common words and similar structures; On the other hand, more than half of English vocabulary is derived from Latin and French. Besides, English has borrowed words from other languages of the world during the course of its historical development. The vocabulary of English language is often considered as remarkable complexity, versatility and unity because of its assimilating power of English language. At the same time, as a kind of languages, English never remains stable but is constantly changing, growing, and decaying, together with the development of the human society. Accordingly, journalism English shares many similar features with other styles of English which is not a kind of languages that exists alone.


2.1.2 Dissimilarities

Journalism English is one style of English used for specific purpose. As a mass media, Journalistic publications have a large sum of readers so that the diction in the publications should be accepted by the reading levels of most of the readers.

Due to its own features, journalism English has formed its own uniqueness in vocabulary. First, the sources and the formation of neologism are wider than usual, so is the usage. With the rapid development of modern science and technology and the progress of human civilization, great changes have taken place on various spheres, such as the politics area, the economy area, the culture area, and even the social life area, etc. Many a new things have appeared in various areas, as well as the generations of the new problems. Ascribe to this fact, some new manners of expressing have appeared to meet the requirements of the speedy development in the social lives. In various forms of the composition of new words, there are three major ones, “new meaning from new words”, “new meaning from existing words”, and “nonce words”. Second, midget words and abbreviation words are frequently used, which brings conciseness. On one hand, in magazines or the newspapers, the use of midget words is more available for changing lines. On the other hand, a small word can always have many different meanings. They are more flexible than the long words and these small words are called “the synonyms of all work” in the journalism English. Finally, it is the broad application of journalistic words, especially the adoption of different forms of metaphorical words. Being short and being lively, the two characteristics of most of the words have become an important factor of the features of vocabulary in journalism English. Among these words, rather some of them are metaphorical words which are used by the news reporters in order to make the speech much clearer, more vivid and easier to understand. Accordingly, although it shares the similarities with other styles of English, it has its own unique features. [1]

2.2 New sources and formation of neologism

The sources and the formation of neologism are wider than usual with the rapid development of modern science and technology and the progress of human civilization. So great changes have taken place on various spheres, such as politics area, economy area, culture area, and even the social life area, etc.

In order to meet the requirements of the speedy pace of social life, new words and expressions have come out around us. There are various forms of compositions of the newly-formed words, of which the main three ones are “new words with new meanings “, “existing words with new meaning”, and “nonce words”.

2.2.1 New words with new meanings

Newly-formed words can be found in magazines, newspapers and internet. As the magazines and newspapers are mass media which are offered to the publicity so that the vocabulary are required to be accepted by most of the readers in accordance with their reading levels. For example, nowadays the modern metropolis? intellectuals, who are nicknamed as “Yuppies”, are taking special interests in the word “Wan”, such as “Wan Ji Suan Ji” meaning “learn to use a computer”, “Wan Wen Xue” meaning “to enjoy literary work”, “Wan Wai Yu” meaning “to learn a foreign language”, “Wan Shen Chen” meaning “to be more sophisticated”, “Wan Peng You” meaning “to have more girl friends or boy friends”. Besides, Bang Da Kuan” means “to find a sugar daddy”, “Xiao Sa” means “to be carefree and happy”, “Wan Wan” means “to enjoy more”, and “Lao Gan Zi Men” means “old timers”, etc. These words can always firstly be found in the journalistic publications, and can not be neglected. They are a reflection of language changes in the social life. There is another example concerning a piece of news published in China Daily on November 16, 2008 of which the heading is “Shoe attack leads to sole-searching”.

“On Sunday, Bush ducked a pair of shoes hurled at his head in the middle of a news conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

The shoe attack came as Bush and al-Maliki were about to shake hands.… In Iraqi culture, throwing shoes at someone is a sign of contempt. When Bush met with reporters later abroad Air Force One, he had a joke prepared: “I didn?t know what the guy said but I saw his ?shoe?.” Later, he said: “I am going to be thinking of shoe jokes for a long time. I haven?t heard of any good news yet.”

In this piece of news, the “shoe attack” and “shoe jokes” may be called new words coined in 2008, which were influenced by the International struggle, subordinated to the political area. [2] 2.2.2 Existing words with new meaning

When we are reading a journal, we may easily find that there are a lot of words which remain the original forms but do have some different meanings. This phenomenon can be seen here and there in any publications of journalism English. So it is necessary for us to be more sensitive when we are reading some materials which refer to the journalism English in order to avoid any misunderstandings, as well as some translation mistakes. Just take a look at the following example:

“The rapid-growing death toll of AIDS victims has posed a widespread panic across the slates from gay bars in the west coast of California, the Fun City.” [2]

In this sentence, the meaning of the diction “gay” has been changed. Its original meaning is “cheerful and excited”, but in many a news reports, “gay” has been always translated as “homosexual” which means “sexually attracted to people of the sex as you” nowadays. The “gay bars” in this sentence means “the bars where the homosexuals gather together”. 2.2.3 Nonce words

Vocabulary in journalism English should be attractive, so sometimes the editors of the journals or news reports always use nonce words in order to meet the requirements of expressing and pursuits of flesh. The editors just invented words or put two different words together as a way to compose a new word or a new phrase, such as “Euro mart” meaning “European market”, “haves and have-not” meaning “rich and poor”, low-keys and cost-effective approach” meaning “more rhythmical and more economical method”, “diving board” meaning “to dive from the board”, “drinking cup” meaning “to drink out of a

cup”, “freezing point” meaning “to freeze at a point”, “horse riding” meaning

“to ride on a horse”, and “sun-bathing” meaning “to bathe in the sun”.

At the same time, a lot of words are created by analogy. For instance, by the analogy of 3R?s (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic), we have got the three P?s which means peace, petroleum, Palestine and the three I?s which means inflation, interest rat, impeachment. By the analogy of “blacklist”, we have got “white list” and “grey list”. By the analogy of “blue-collar workers”, we have got “grey-collar workers” and “pink-collar workers”, etc.

Journalism is often compared to a “mass consuming machine”. The novel nonce words may be popular during a period of time, but some of them will be soon out of date. So vocabulary of the journalism English is always transformed and renovated.

2.3 Concision

Another unique feature of vocabulary in journalism English is the tendency of using midget words, clipped words which belong to abbreviation words, particularly in the headings of news reports where there must be the functions of attracting readers and guiding the contents of the articles. 2.3.1 Midget words

Midget words are small words which always contain one syllable. There are two reasons. On one hand, in magazines or the newspapers, the use of midget words is more available for changing lines. On the other hand, a small word can always have many different meanings. They are more flexible than the long words and these small words are called “the synonyms of all work” in the journalism English. Just take the word “back” for example. It has various meanings in different contexts, and can be used as a noun, an adjective, an adverbial, or even a verb. As a noun, it means “the row of bones in the human body”, “the opposite side to the chest of the human body”, or “the last pages of a book”, etc. As an adjective, it means “of or from a past time”, “owed for a time in the past”, or “situated behind or at the back of something”, etc. As an

adverbial, it means “away from the front or center”, “at a distance away from something”, or “under control; prevented from being expressed”, etc. Then as a verb, it means “to move or make something move backwards”, or “to give help or support to somebody or something”, etc. Other examples can be found in the journalism English, such as “low gear”, “hawk”, “muscle flexing”, and “lifeline”. It is easy to find that the midget words really play an important part in journalism English. [3] 2.3.2 Abbreviation words

In order to save more lines, and make words be easily memorized, these abbreviation words can always be found in journalism English. They can be divided into three parts, which are clipped word, initialism, and acronym, such as ESL which means English as a second language, DIY which means “Do it yourself, VOA which means “Voice of America”, CRI which means “China Radio International”, and BBC which means “British Broadcasting Corporation”. 2.3.3 The application of journalistic words

Due to the fact that, the words which are frequently used in journalism English has obtained a unique significance with the journal itself, so they have also become idiomatic speech in the journals. Being short and being lively, the two characteristics of most of the words have become an important factor of the features of vocabulary in journalism English. Among these words, rather some of them are metaphorical words which are used by the news reporters in order to make the speech much clearer, more vivid and easier to understand, such as lower gear which means low efficiency, hawk which means hardliner, lifeline which means important route, muscle flexing which means show of force, sky rocket which means that something increases sharply and suddenly, snowball which means something that becomes larger and larger, cream-puff policy which means weak policy. [3]

At the same time, there exist a portion of words in journalism English which are still metaphorical words but their meanings differentiate from that of words that have been discussed in the above-mentioned paragraph. The effect

of these words is trying to arouse the emotional touch of the readers towards the journals and generates an ephemeral immediate reward, such as

honeymoon which means initial co-operation, divorce which means breakup of relationship, courting which means seeking friendly relations, abortion which means failure, and marriage which means close relationship, and sexy which means being attractive.

In journalism English, there are still some hyperbolic metaphorical words which are adopted by editors for the purpose of attracting the attention of readers, like conflict, debate, dispute, competition, action, all of which may be called “war”. Such as “war on AIDS” which means fight with AIDS, “a war of words” which means a debate, “turf war” which means disputes in areas, “trade war” which means trade conflict.

In the reports of the incidents of violence or the unfortunate accidents, the words in the reports are particularly hyperbolic. We can always see these following words in many a news reports, such as “blitzes” which means a sudden attack, battle which means fight, and offensive which means that a military operation attacks another country.

Besides, the idiomatic expressions can often be seen in news, such as ban, bid, allege, declare, boost, deal, freeze, stabilization, operation etc.

III. Conclusion

Journalism English,as its name suggests, is English employed in news, which is one of the most practical forms of English styles. With the rapid development of modern society, journalism English has come into our daily lives in various fields, such as sports, entertainments, career, etc. It is known that the study of its vocabulary is beneficial for English learners to have a better understanding of journalism English. Ascribe to this fact, it is necessary to organize this paper.

Journalism English is one of the most practical forms of the styles of English, in which the vocabulary are constantly changing, constantly growing, and constantly decaying, together with the rapid development of modern society and the progress of human civilization. Vocabulary of journalism English has its own uniqueness. In this paper, three major features of the vocabulary in journalism English have been listed which are new sources and formation, concision, and the using of journalistic words. The sources and the formation of neologism are wider than usual, as well as its usage.

As time goes on, nonce words may take the first place in all of the features of vocabulary in journalism English. Because of the rapid development of modern science and technology, a lot of new things will be invented or discovered, and then more nonce words will be needed and used.


1.裴文.《现代英语语体学》[M],安徽大学出版社,2008. 2.汪榕培、李冬.《实用英语词汇学》,辽宁人民出版社,1983. 3.陆国强.《现代英语词汇学》,上海外语教育出版社,1983

