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宋代文人园林造景手法及 对现代园林造景的启示研究

学位申请人:蒋 磊

指导教师:聂庆娟 副教授 学位名称:风景园林硕士 研究领域:园林规划设计 授予单位:河北农业大学 答辩日期:二〇一四年 日

分类号: TU986.2 单位代码: 10086 密 级: 公开 学 号: 2012700

宋代文人园林造景手法及 对现代园林造景的启示研究

The Song Dynasty literati garden landscape and its research of the enlightenment to modern landscape


学位申请人:蒋 磊

指导教师:聂庆娟 副教授 学位名称:风景园林硕士 研究领域:园林规划设计 授予单位:河北农业大学


摘 要




第一部分为引言部分,叙述了论文选题的背景意义,阐明了研究的主要内容。 第二部分为基础理论以及部分概念的解释,阐述了宋代文人园林的特点、造园理念和造景手法及其形成原因。





The Song Dynasty literati garden landscape

and its research of the enlightenment to modern landscape gardening

Master Candidate: Jiang Lei Specialty: Landscape Architecture

Instructor: Nie Qingjuan


Since we entered the 21st century, the rapid development contributes to the trend of integration and regionalization of global economics. Under the influence of globalization, the art of landscape gardening appears to lose its unique historical tradition and cultural connotation gradually in numerous countries. Undoubtedly, the essence of landscape gardening of China is also diminishing and the splendid connotation of ancient culture is perishing. As the opportunities and challenges coexisting in today, landscape designers begin to retrospect and treasure the combination of traditional history and culture. More and more cultural symbols and cultural connotation are revalued. Traditional Chinese culture has a long and rich history, which provides the modern landscape designers abundant resources to absorb. The landscape construction in our country should attach more importance to the value of traditional culture. Chinese classical garden, which embodies both artistic and historical value, is not only a great treasure of Chinese traditional culture, but also a comprehensive form of art. Landscape design in our country should firmly take the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, further develop the distinctive culture by combing the culture no matter ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign while maximizing strengths and minimizing weaknesses. In the history of Chinese gardens, the idyllic and highly artistic Literati Gardens sprung up in the two Song Dynasties. Unprecedentedly, they reflect a great many fresh and valuable factors.

Through the studies of the scenery beauty, the ways and the concept of garden landscaping, this dissertation reveals the ideas and methods of the construction of many typical Chinese gardens, and then researches the ideas and methods of building modern gardens by introspecting the deficiencies of them. Finally through the analysis and summary, it aims to apply the advanced concept of gardening art in two Song Dynasties into modern landscape gardening, meanwhile enlightening the design and the construction of it. This dissertation is divided into five main parts:

The first part is the preface, which describes the background and meaning of the topic selected and illustrates the main content of this dissertation.

The second part is the basic theory, which analyzes the related concepts expounds the characteristics, the concept and methods of building Literati Gardens.

The third part is the illustration of the specific classical gardens in Two Song Dynasties, by selecting two typical gardens in the north and the south respectively: the Gen Yue Pavilion in Shou Mountain in Kaifeng and the Surging Wave Pavilion in Suzhou. It summarizes the advantages of garden landscape in the two Song Dynasties by analyzing the concept and methods in four elements.

The fourth part is the study of the insufficiencies and flaws, prospects and innovative ideas of modern landscape.

The fifth part is the conclusion, which sums up the significant meaning of Literati Garden in the two Song Dynasties on modern garden landscape. It plays a guiding role in enlightening the design and construction of modern landscape

Key words: Literati Garden; GenYue; Surging Waves Pavilion; the methods of landscape gardening

