The Importance of Psychological Education in College 大学心理教育的重要性
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The Importance of Psychological Education in College Recently, many universities and colleges offer courses and provide psychological consultation to the enrolled students in order to cope with the increasing suicide rate of college students. Individually speaking, the psychological education is very important for students in college. In the following context I’m going to justify my point from two aspects.
To begin with, psychological education help students develop healthy psychology . Offering courses, colleges take precautions to protect students from being infected with psychological diseases. Once meeting with psychological problems including over-anxious, over-excited, and over-depressed, students enable to make good use of the psychological knowledge learning in classes, such as doing exercises, chatting with friends, and listening to soft music, so these problems can be solved. When mastering well the measures to solve psychological problems, students easily keep a positive and healthy psychology. Next, psychological education contributes to students’ integrated development. The development of students’ morality, intelligence, physical, aesthetic and labor education is based on healthy psychology, which directly influence students’
integrated development. In college, many students do well in some aspects , but don’t have a healthy psychology. When confronted with troubles and don’t know how to solve them, they tend to go to extreme---committing suicide. Psychological consultation, one of the psychological education, provides an access to help them deal with mental conflicts, such as bad relationship with family, much cares about study marks, and despair of life. Only if students have a healthy psychology will they move towards integrated development.
College students is the future of country. Psychological education is beneficial for students’ psychological health and integrated development. Hence, it’s a necessary to offer psychological education.
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