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Unit test

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure

Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.

comparable acceptable favourable intention global

illusion objective demonstrate payment claim combination endurance princess item fashion addicted cooperate crucial retail estimate


Sandra spent the weekend shopping at the

retailoutlets. 2.

My parents thought it wasn't I was 19. Your answer


3. favourableI don't have a(n)

Your answer retail

acceptableCorrect answer retail

for me to have a credit card until

Correct answer acceptable

impression of that shop because the salesgirl

was very rude to me when I was in there last. Your answer Correct answer

favourable favourable

4. payment\would you like to use?\


When I go shopping with my wife, I have no

Your answer payment Correct answer payment

illusionabout who is in control.

Your answer illusion Correct answer illusion

6. I

estimatethat about 30 per cent of my salary is spent on new shoes. Your answer estimate

Correct answer estimate


You need a lot of enduranceto go shopping with Sue; she likes to shop from

Correct answer endurance

in quality but not in price; one was much Correct answer comparable

princessdawn to dusk! Your answer


8. comparableThe two shirts were cheaper. Your answer



Greg always makes me feel like a(n) when we go out together; he buys me whatever I want. Your answer Correct answer

princess princess

10. claimJackie doesn't to be an expert, but she certainly does know a lot about manufacturing. Your answer Correct answer

claim claim

11. demonstrate\how it works for me?\ Your answer



\Correct answer demonstrate

itemin a separate bag.\


Sometimes I think Marie is weekend! Your answer



Patricia buys a different

Your answer item

addictedCorrect answer item

to shopping since she's at the mall every

Correct answer


fashionmagazine on the way to work every Correct answer fashion

crucialmorning. Your answer



Tanya learned a long time ago that it's to shop within a budget.

Your answer crucial Correct answer crucial

16. The

combinationof good looks and value was what sold me on that dress. Your answer combination

Correct answer combination


I think that shopping is becoming a(n)

obsession for women. Your answer global Correct answer global



of wearing it.\Your answer intention Correct answer intention


My boyfriend doesn't understand that the buy things but to have a good time. Your answer


20. cooperateIf the salespeople are willing to of shopping is not to Correct answer objective

, it's usually best to try all Correct answer cooperate

clothes on before buying anything. Your answer


Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word. 21.

That store sells everything

exceptfor the kitchen sink. Correct answer except


Happily, it took him about 30 minutes to reply

Your answer except

in the affirmative. Your answer in Correct answer in


Thomas went bankrupt last year, but he's learned his lesson and is now the road to recovery. Your answer


24. inMy teacher guessed that, Correct answer on

all, 80 percent of us passed the exam. Correct answer in



Every time I buy something, it's painful to hand

Your answer in

the payment.


Jennifer is trying

Your answer over

onCorrect answer over

a pair of orange Crocs. Correct answer on

Your answer on


Don't give

to temptation and spend more than your budget! Your answer in

ofCorrect answer in

all the world — I love it!

Correct answer for


I wouldn't sell my car

Your answer of


Louise wasn't smart with her credit cards and quickly went

debt. Your answer into Correct answer into


Let's go shopping! I'm desperately in need

new pants. Your answer of Correct answer of

Part II: Banked Cloze

Questions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.

Credit card debt affects a surprising number of people every year. It is very easy to give in to the (31)The (32)sheerbankrupttemptationto spend more money than you actually have. number of people who continue to buy too much on credit has

problem, with bankruptcy statistics rising in nearly

created a (33)every country of the world. However, if you don't want to go (34)bankrupt, it is (35)crucialthat you start making the right decisions now. Shopping can become a(n) (36)

addictionIncredibly, and if you think you have it, then you should seek help. (37), most people deny they have a problem and then sink deeper into debt! Become the (38)exceptionand get help! acceptableLiving in debt and going bankrupt are not (39)ease! The road to (40)

begins now. Get smart about your spending habits. (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40)

Your answer

temptation sheer bankrupt bankrupt crucial addiction Incredibly exception acceptable ease

Correct answer temptation sheer global bankrupt crucial addiction Incredibly exception acceptable recovery

Part III: Reading Comprehension

Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage. Tuesday, July 9 Dear Diary,

Today I finally got the chance to go shopping at the new mall downtown. I went with Christina, Dawn, and Rachel. We were all excited because we had heard so much about it. It's supposed to be the biggest mall in the whole region. To be honest, though, I didn't think it could live up to all the hype we've heard in the news. I was even prepared to be a little disappointed. However, we were incredibly impressed! It was huge and there were so many stores! We spent all day there, checking out the stores. Despite the many temptations to spend money, I actually had remarkable self-control! The last

