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I.听录音,在A.B.C选项中选出你所听到的句子。每小题念两遍。(共3小题,每小题1分) 1. A. Tim goes to the hospital to help the sick.

B. Tim goes to the hospital to take care of the sick. C. Tim goes to the hospital to look after the sick. 2. A. Joe enjoyed himself with those people. B. Joe helped those people a lot. C. Joe enjoyed helping those people 3.A. She needs to express her feelings. B. She needs to talk about her feelings. C. She needs to control her feelings.



4.A. The poor boy can't walk or move.

B. The poor boy has trouble walking and moving. C. The poor boy has no time to walk and move. 5. A. He asks me to tell stories. B. He tells stories to me.

C.1 learn to tell stories from him.

III.听句子,选择最佳答句。每小题念两遍。(共 5小题,每小题1分) 6. A. OK. B. it doesn't matter C.You're welcome. 7. A. Yes. I have. B. No, it isn't.

C.Yes, they are.

8. A. Let's stay inside. B. Yes. I'd like to. C. I feel better.

9. A. In two years. B. For two years. C. After work.

10. A. Yes, it would be. B. That's all right. C. Yes, it will be.

Ⅳ听短文,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。短文念两遍。(共 5小题,每小题1分) 11. What does the speaker think of doing voluntary Work? A. it can make our life colorful.

B. It can make us live a healthy life. C. It can help us be more experienced.

12. What should you do first if you want to do voluntary work? A. Think about why we want to do it.

B. Decide what voluntary work we would like to do most.

C. Decide when to do it.

13. What's the most important step in finding voluntary work? A. To know what kind of work we want to do.

B. To know how much money we will get from the work. C. To know what we can learn from the Work 14. How many tips does the speaker give us? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 15. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. How often we should do voluntary work. B. How to find the right voluntary work. C. Why we should do voluntary work.


I.选择题。(每小题1分,共20分) A.词语释义。(每小题1分,共5分)

从下面每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 ( ) 16. When I told him the news, he expressed his surprise.21·世纪*教育网 A. knew B. showed C. impressed

D. believed

( ) 17. Keeping pets can give us much joy. A. surprise C. happiness

B. sickness D. sadness

( ) 18. You can't go out at night unless you get your mother’s permission.【版权所有:21教育】

A. agreement

B. kindness

C. knowledge D. message

( ) 19. Because of his illness, he can't go to school. A. advice C. thought

B. voice D. disease

( ) 20. Don't make any noises here. I need peace.

A. luck C. quiet

B. fear D. anger

B.选择填空。(每小题1分,共1 5分)


( ) 21. --- Do you want to______ money for the old in the hospital? --- Yes, I do. But I don't know how _________it. A. raise; to do C. attend; to do

B. raise; do D. attend; do

( ) 22. --- I always feel _______ when I am at home________. --- I think you should go out to communicate with more people. A. lonely; lonely C. alone: lonely

B. lonely; alone【出处:21教育名师】 D. alone; alone

( ) 23. --- Do you have difficulty ________ the work in two days? --- Of course not. It's easy ________ me to do it. A. finishing; for C. to finish; for

B. finishing; of【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 D. to finish; of

( ) 24. --- She _______ herself in the accident. --- Really? Do I need ________her? A. touched; visit C. touched; to visit

B. hurt; visit D. hurt; to visit

( ) 25. --- In order to ________his studies, he has to do a part-tine job to support himself.

--- ___________ great he is! A. finishing; how C. finishing; What

B. finish; What D. finish; How

( ) 26. --- Money is more important than________.

--- I don't think so. Friends help you ________ than money. A. friendship; much C. success; much

B. friendship; more

D. success; more

( ) 27. --- They should raise ______ spirits to face difficulties.www-2-1-cnjy-com --- We'd better _______ them. A. their; encourage C. them; encourage

B. their; to encourage

D. them; to encourage

( ) 28. --- Could you teach me _______French?

--- Of course. But we must choose a right time for _______.21*cnjy*com

A. learn, it C. to learn; one

B. learn, one D. to learn; it

( ) 29. --- Mark went to the hospital _______ his father yesterday. --- Does he continue _________ there today? A. see; to go C. see; go

B. to see; to go D. to see; go

( ) 30. --- Children here are _________from different illnesses. --- We must do something _______ them. A. suffering; to help C. running; to help

B. suffering help

D. running; help


阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 A man planted a rose and watered it carefully. Before it blossomed (开花), he checked it. He __31__ the bud (花蕾) that would soon blossom, but he also saw the thorns (刺) upon the stem (茎). He thought, \with so many sharp thorns?\it was ready to blossom, it __34__.

So is it with many people. In everyone's mind, there is a rose. The good qualities that were planted in us at birth always __35__ among the thorns of our mistakes. Many of us __36__ ourselves and see only the thorns, the mistakes We are __37__ , thinking that nothing good can possibly come from us. We gradually forget to water the good within us, and finally it dies. We never realize our __38__ side. Some people do not see the rose within themselves; someone else must __39__ it to them. One of the greatest gifts a person can own is to be able to pass the thorns and __40__ the rose within them. However, only a few people can realize it. ( ) 31. A. saw C. thought ( ) 32. A. animal C. plant ( ) 33. A. remember C. destroy

B. smelt D. heard

B. person

D. world B. water D. wash

( ) 34. A. flied C. laughed ( ) 35. A. grow

B. cried D. died B. dance

C. lose D. win ( ) 36. A. look for B. look at C. put out ( ) 37. A. excited C. happy

D. put off

B. surprised

D. sad

B. bad

( ) 38. A. strange

C. good D. angry ( ) 39. A. show

B. sell

C. bring D. throw ( ) 40. A. buy

C. plant

B. find D. cut


阅读下面的语言材料,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 My name is Jenny. I have been volunteering for about 16 years. I got a serious illness so I had to stop working. My sister suggested that I should do voluntary work which I had never thought of before.www.21-cn-jy.com

I then decided to start volunteering in a hospital. The volunteers were making a team and chatting and I thought I'd like to help patients in that way too. In the Chapel (小礼拜堂),we take it in turns to do prayers (祈祷) for patients and we each have a room where we go and talk to patients. In the hospital, I often make tea and speak to patients especially if I see the patients who are sitting there on their own or don't have visitors. I go to the Chapel every Wednesday afternoon and go to work in the hospital on the second Monday in a month.

There are so many good things about volunteering — meeting a lot of new people and building a friendship with them. I get as much as the patients do. I feel useful now and it's terrific to think I am making a difference to somebody Some people are looking forward to seeing you the next week. Volunteering is the best thing I've ever done.2·1·c·n·j·y

( ) 41. Why did Jenny decide to be a volunteer? A. She felt lonely.

B. She liked to do voluntary work.

C. She couldn't work because of her illness. D. She thought voluntary walk was good for her. ( ) 42. Which of the following is TRUE about Jenny? A. She doesn't have a sister.

B. She never makes tea for the patients. C. She goes to the Chapel every Wednesday. D. She doesn't like to speak to patients.

( ) 43. How many times does Jenny go to work in the hospital every month?21cnjy.com

A. Once. B. Twice.

C. Three times. D. Four times.

( ) 44. What does the underlined word \

A. Terrible. B. Great.

C. Common. D. Sad.

( ) 45. We can infer(推断) from the passage that________. A. Jenny did voluntary work when she had a job

B. Jenny makes many new friends when doing voluntary work C. Jenny feels bored when she does voluntary work D. Jenny is not satisfied with her life 四、 词汇。(每小题1分,共16分) 请在下面的空格中填入一个合适的词。 61.He is confident English. 62.Can you give me some suggestions how to make friends ? 63. I think it's verydifficult us to speak English. 64. I want to play Jim, Lucy and Bill.

65. They should take good care the young tree.

66. They should arrive the station before 7 o'clock. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

67. People should help the _________ (disable) because they are very poor. 68. Most ________ (teenager) are learning not to depend on their parents too


69. Mary is _________ (organization) a party for the New Year.

70. You can do some voluntary work in these_________ (community). 21*cnjy*com 71. He invited me ______ (go) to the cinema with him.

72. He decided ________ (study) abroad and will set off next month. 73. I forgot ______ (bring) the book, but I will not tomorrow. 74. They put up the sign here ________ (remind) people not to smoke. 75. I would like him________ (teach) me Chinese.

76. People require a lot of ________ (courage) when they are in trouble

