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Unit 1 Social Communication

第I 卷


( )1. rude A. human B. huge C. June

D. customer

( )2. maybe A. forget B. response C. welcome D.


( )3. correct A .God B. nod C. person D. only ( )4. native A. polite B. life C. holiday

D. switch

( )5. southern A. soup B. enough C. proud D. cough II.熟读课文,从A、B、C、D中选择最佳答案。

( )1. He is always tolerant ______ different opinions.

A. to

B. of

C. from

D. at

( )2. I have some trouble _______the silk dress.

A. washing


C. to wash

D. washed

( )3. They creat problems _______ misunderstanding what is said.

A. for

B. because of

C. since

D. because

( )4. The correct response to a sneeze is “______”.

A. God bless you

B. Good luck

C. You are ill

D. Take care ( )5. The little boy pretended _______what the teacher said.

A. understand

B. to understand

C. understanding



( )6. They were talking excitedly, leaving me ______ there.

A. stand

B. to stand

C. standing

D. stood

( )7. If you must ______ your native language to explain something to

a non-English

speaker, you’d better tell your American friend.

A. switch

B. switch on

C. switch to

D. switch off ( )8. You will be ready ______ face the world of Americans ______ confidence.

A. to, with

B. with , to

C. to , to

D. with, with

( )9. If you don’t understand, just ______ it and politely ask him or her to repeat.

A. accept

B. receive

C. agree

D. admit

( )10. ______ you've studied this quick overview of manners in the US, you're ready to be polite in English.


A. So

B. Now that

C. That

D. But


( )1._______ he’s old, he can still carry this heavy bag.

A. Though

B. Since

C. For

D. So

( )2. The teacher raised his voice _______ all the students could hear him.

A. for

B. so that

C. because

D. in order ( )3. It is ______ that we’d like to go out for a walk.

A. a lovely day

B. too lovely a day

C. so lovely a day

D. such lovely a day

( )4. Mary had ______ much work to do that she stayed at her office all day.

A. such

B. so

C. too

D. very

( )5. _____ she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her.

A. Wherever

B. However

C. Whichever

D. Whoever ( )6. You must speak louder ______ you can be heard by all.

A. so that

B. in order to

C. because

D. such that

( )7. ______ well you can drive, you must drive carefully.

A. So long as

B. In order that

C. No matter how

D. The moment

( )8. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, ____great it is.

A. what

B. how

C. whatever

D. however

( )9. _______ he’s very young, _______ he knows several languages.

A. Though, but

B. Because, so

C. Though, /

D. Because,


( )10. _____ I suggest, he always disagrees.

A. However

B. Whatever

C. Whichever

D. Whoever IV. 完形填空:

Last summer, my wife Jane and I went to visit the town where we both grew up. We 1 there since we were married ten years ago.

2 , we went to the neighborhood where my wife spent her childhood. It hadn’t changed very much. The house

3 she was born was still there, but it was now a different color. The same neighbors still lived next door. They were very glad to

4 Jane, and asked us to come in and have a cup of coffee. We learned about all the neighbors, old and new. Jane had a very good

5 . As fast as one question was answered, she would ask the next. “What happened

6 the Dunbars who used to have the little yellow house on the corner?”, “Who bought the old Johnson place in the next block?”, “Do Fred and Martha still live down the street?”, “What


about Miss Burton who 7 in that extremely big house around the corner?”

Then we went to see the neighborhood where I grew up. What a 8 ! It was all changed. All the old houses I remembered were 9 and in their place were some very modern ones. I didn’t know any of the people who 10 there.

( ) 1. A. hadn’t been B. wasn’t C. haven’t been D. didn’t be ( ) 2. A. At the very beginning B. First C. Firstly D. For the first time

( ) 3. A. that B. / C. where C. which

( ) 4. A. find B. know C. meet D. see

( ) 5. A. time B. ask C. home D. question

( ) 6. A. with B. to C. for D. about

( ) 7. A. live alone B. lives lonely C. lived alone D. stayed lonely

( ) 8. A. disappoint B. disappointing C. disappointed D. disappointment

( ) 9. A. gone B. ruins C. there D. the same

( ) 10. A. worked B. stayed C. studied D. lived

V. 阅读理解


Education for Japanese children is free for the first nine years and all children must go to school six years of primary schooling and three years of secondary schooling. In the primary and secondary schools, about 99.9 per cent of school-age children are present. School usually begins at 8 o'clock in the morning and ends at 3 o'clock in the afternoon on weekdays and at noon on Saturdays. The school begins in April and ends in March. There is a summer holiday in August and a winter holiday during the New Year season.

After nine years of schooling, students can enter the three-year high school by passing an examination and by paying a small charge each year. After high school, students can go on to study at various types of colleges, usually for four years. There are also two-year junior colleges.

( ) 1. The passage mainly discusses about ______.

A.c olleges in Japan

B.f ree education in Japan

C.e ducation in Jap an

D.s chool time in Japan

( ) 2. How many days have the Japanese students to go to school every week?

A.N ot known.

B.F our and half days.


C.F ive days.

D.F ive and a half days.

( ) 3. If a student wants to go to a high school in Japan, he or she must ______.

A.p ay a large amount of money

B.s tudy at primary and secondary school for 9 years

C.t ake part in (参加) the exam and pay a little money

D.p ass the exam and pay a little money

( ) 4. What is mentioned in the passage?

A.T ypes of colleges.

B.P erio ds for different schoolings.

C.T he teaching staff (教职员工).

D.T he number of children attending schools.

( ) 5. According to the passage what is true?

A.A lmost all Japa nese children have school education.

B.J apanese schools have three vacations

C.J apanese children have freedom to choose schools.

D.W eekdays are from Monday to Sunday.


From a plane we can see the fields, cities, mountains or seas below. If we go into space, we see more and more of the earth. People and man-made satellites have been sent out into space to look at the earth carefully and people have learnt more about the earth in the last few years.

The sea looks very beautiful when the sun is shining on it. But it can be very terrible when there is a strong wind.

The sea is very big. It nearly covers three quarters of the earth. The sea is also very deep in some places. There is one place and at that place the sea is about 11 kilometers deep. The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high. If that mountain was put into the sea at that place, there would be still 2 kilometers of water above it!

In most parts of the sea, there are many kinds of fishes and plants. Some live near the top of the sea. Others live deep down. There are also a lot of small living things, and lots of fishes live by eating them. The sea can be very cold. When people go down, the sea becomes colder and colder. Only some men can go down into the deep sea. But, in 1970, five women scientists (科学家) lived in the deep sea for fourteen days.

()6. This passage is_________.

A. a short story

B. for science reading

C. a piece of news

D. a report

()7. The sea covers about _______of the earth.

A One third B. One fourth

C. Two quarters

D. Three fourths


()8. _______are not mentioned (提及) in this passage.

A. Islands

B. Fishes

C. Plants

D. Living


()9. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The sea is usually beautiful when the sun is shining.

B. The sea is always very terrible when the wind blows hard.

C. The highest mountain is in the deepest place of the sea.

D. The deeper the people go into the sea, the colder they will feel. ()10. The last sentence “But, in 1970, five women scientists lived in the deep sea for fourteen days.” means that________.

A. women wanted to live in the deep sea for a long time

B. women could go deeper into the sea than men

C. women liked living in the deep sea better than men

D. women could do the same work as men



1. No matter what we said, he ______(假装)that he knew nothing about it.

2. The ________( 观众) enjoyed every minute of the performance.

3. The naughty boy ________(承认)that did it with his father’s help.

4. Sorry,I can’t __________(解释)why I am engaged in that job.

5. The best way to practice English is to talk with a _________( 本国的) speaker.


1.I became ________(annoy) when I felt that he pretended to understand

what I meant.

2.He _____(polite)asked the man to give a correct response.

3.Work hard and you’ll have _________ (confident ) to face the challenge

of life.

4.The boy felt _____ (lose)when he heard something he didn’t understand.

5.She created some problems because of _______(misunderstand) what her

boss said.



( ) 1.tolerant A. man, woman or child, not an animal

( ) 2. rude B. say or do something again

( ) 3. native C. sudden burst of air from the nose and mouth

( ) 4. repeat D. accepting what one doesn’t like

( ) 5. human E. belonging to or being the place of one’s birth


( ) 6. conversation F. fit, right

( ) 7. admit G. informal talk

( ) 8. sneeze H. agree to the truth of usually something


( ) 9. suitable I. an answer or an action done in answer

( ) 10. response J. not polite



Mary: I haven’t seen you for a long time, John. ____1____

John: I went to China.

Mary: How long did you stay in China?

John: ____2____

Mary: Did you go there for work or for sightseeing?

John: ____3____

Mary: How did you communicate with the Chinese people?

John: ____4____.

Mary: Great! You can speak Chinese?

John: Yes. But ____5____.

A. For both work and sightseeing.

B. Where have you been?

C. I stayed there for three months.

D. I spoke Chinese.

E. the Chinese didn’t understand me



3._ _____



V. 改错:从每题A、B、C、D划线处找出一处有错误的选项,填入题后相应的括


1. However he is late, mother will wait for him to have dinner together.


2. He is so a lovely boy that every one of us likes to play with him.


3. I got up early in order to I might catch the first train.


4. I have to leave my friend wait for me at the airport.


5. You’d better tell me what you are talking about, for I don’t want to feel leave out.


1. ( ) 应为___________

2. ( ) 应为__________

3. ( ) 应为___________

4. ( ) 应为 _________

5. ( ) 应为 _________



第I 卷




1-5 B A B A B 6-10 C C A D B


1-5 A B C B A 6-10 A C D C B

IV. 完形填空:

1-5 ABCDA 6-10 BCDAD

V. 阅读理解

1-5 CDDBA 6-10 BDACD

第II 卷


1. pretended

2. audience

3. admited

4. explain

5. native


1. annoyed

2. politely

3. confidence

4. lost

5. misunderstanding

III. 词义搭配

1-5 D J E B A 6-10.G H C F I


1-5 B C A D E

V. 改错

1. B he is late → late he is

2. A so → such

3. B to → that

4. C wait→ waiting

5. D leave out → left out


Unit 2 Making Choices in Life

第I 卷


( ) 1. post A. focus B. positive C. position

D. bottom

( ) 2. hopes A.jeans B. story C.boys D. cats


( ) 3. support A. student B. usually C. succeed D. upset ( ) 4. trouble A. loudly B. enough C. found D. proud

( ) 5.father A. thank B. wealthy C. three D with


( ) 1. Mike was ______ guy you love to hate.

A. a kind

B. the kind

C. the kind of

D. the kinds

( ) 2. Mike was always in ______ mood.

A. a good

B. the

C. bad

D. no

( ) 3. You can______ choose an optimistic attitude ______ choose a pessimistic attitude.

A. or;either

B. either;or

C. × ;.also

D. both;and

( ) 4. Several years later, I ______ involved in a car accident and my legs______ seriously injured.

A. was, was

B. were, were

C. were, was

D. was, were

( ) 5. When I was lying ______ the ground, I remembered that I had two choices.

A. on

B. in

C. over

D. under

( ) 6. I lived and succeeded ______ business, thanks ______ the treatment of the doctors and also to Mike's amazing attitude toward life.

A. to, in

B. for, to

C. in, to

D. in, for

( )7. If you want to express great satisfaction, you may say, “_____”.

A. Could be better

B. Could be best

C. Could be good

D. Couldn’t be better

( )8. What are you doing? I am thinking ______ my lessons.

A. about

B. of


D. at

( )9. Taking a ______ outlook is better than losing hope and getting depressed.

A. pessimistic

B. negative

C. depressing

D. positive

( )10. I _______ computer games when I was his age.

A. used to play

B. used to playing

C. was used to play

D. am used to playing


( )1.The short fat man entered the hall, ______ by two big men with

dark glasses.

A. followed

B.and followed

C. following

D.he was followed

( )2. When she returned home, she found the window open and something



A. stealing

B. missed

C. stolen

D. to steal

( )3. We are all deeply ______ by the stories told by John.

A. move

B. moving

C. moved

D. to moving ( )4. ______ a second time for me to try, I am sure to win the first place.

A. Give

B. Gave

C. Giving

D. Given

( )5. A man _____ Levi made the first jeans.

A. call

B. called

C. to call

D. calling

( )6. He had the book ______ and sold it around the world.

A. published

B. publishing

C. to publish

D. publish

( )7. I'm afraid I can't make myself _____ in English.

A. understanding

B. understand

C. to be understood

D. understood

( )8. Although he is considered a great writer, .

A. his works are not widely read

B. but his works are not widely read

C. however his works are not widely read

D. still his works are not widely read

( )9. He raised his voice to make himself_______.

A. heard

B. hearing

C. to hear

D. hear

( )10. Had the tap _____; don't have the water______ all the time.

A. turning off; running

B. turned off; run

C. turned off; running

D. turning off; run

IV. 完形填空:

Someone says : “Time is money .” But I think time is __1___ important than money . Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However , when time is __2___ , it’ll never __3___ . That is __4___ we mustn’t waste (浪费)time.

It goes without saying that the __5___ is usually limited(有限的) . Even a second is very important We should make full use of our time to do __6___ useful.

But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the important of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking and ___7__. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own __8___.

In a word, we should save time . We shouldn’t __9___ today’s work for tomorrow.

Remember we have no time to __10___

1. A.much B.less C.much less D.even more

2. A.cost B.bought C.gone D.bring


3. A.return B.carry C.take D.bring

4. A.what B.that C.because D.why

5. A.money B.time C.day D.food

6. A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything

7. A.reading B.writing C.playing D.working

8. A.time B.food C.money D.life

9. A.stop B.leave C.let D.give

10. A.lose B.save C.spend D.take

V. 阅读理解:


One night, a little before nine o’clock, Dr Johnson was answering a telephone call. He was asked to go and give an operation to a very sick boy at once. The boy was in a small hospital in Glens Falls, sixty miles away from Dr Johnson’s city – Albany. The boy had hurt himself in a traffic accident. His wife was in danger, but his family was so poor that they could not pay the doctor anything. After he heard all this, Dr Johnson was driving carefully. He thought that he could get to the hospital before 12 o’clock.

A few minutes later, the doctor’s car had to stop for a red light at a crossing. Suddenly a man in an old black coat opened the door of the car and got in.

“Drive on”, he said. “I’ve got a gun (枪).”

“I’m a doctor,” said Johnson, “I’m on my way to a hospital to operate on a very sick…”

“Don’t talk,” said the man in the old black coat, “Just drive.”

A mile out of the town he ordered the doctor to stop the car and get out. Then the man drove on down the road. The doctor stood for a moment in the snow. After half an hour, Dr Johnson found a telephone and called a taxi. At the railway station he learned that the next train to Glens Falls would not leave until 12 o’clock.

It was after two o’clock in the morning when the doctor arrived at the hospital in Glens Falls. Miss Clarke, a nurse, was waiting for him.

“I did my best,” said Dr Johnson. Miss Clarke said, “The boy died an hour ago.”

They walked into the waiting room. There sat the man in the old black coat, with his head in his hands.

“Mr. Shute,” said Miss Clarke to the man, “this is Dr Johnson. He had come all the way from Albany to try to save your boy.”

()1. From the story we know it took Dr Johnson _________ to get to the hospital.

A. 12 hours

B. 7 hours

C. only 1 hour

D. about 5


()2. Dr Johnson was late because __________.


A. there was something wrong with his car

B. a strange man made it hard to drive

C. a strange man drove his car away

D. the train to Glens Falls was late

()3. From the story we know Dr Johnson _________.

A. was a good man, he didn’t care for the money

B. hurt himself on the way to Glens Falls

C. did the operation and boy was saved

D. wouldn’t do the operation until the boy’s family paid the money ()4. The man in a black coat __________.

A. hit the boy and ran away

B. took the boy to the hospital

C. was the boy’s father

D. was the real doctor

()5. The man in black would feel __________ in the end.

A. happy and pleased

B. regretful(悔恨) and sad

C. worried and angry

D. tired and hungry


Growing up in Germany, Birgit Prinz was an active child. “In the winter, we played basketball, volleyball and team handball,” Birgit’s father was partial (特别喜欢)to football, however, and he discovered his daughter was an enthusiastic (热心地) playing partner. “I watched football every Saturday on television with my dad,” she said. “I was never a really big fan of one player or one club. I just enjoyed watching it.” From an early age, however, Birgit always chose playing over watching. Every spare minute was spent either playing or looking for someone to play with her. She would ride her bicycle and hunt for a match. “It seemed like we were playing all the time,” she said.

In 2002, Prinz won everything there was to win. With her German Football Club in Frankfort, she won the Women’s Bundesliga title, the German Cup and the European Women’s Cup championship (锦标赛). Then she came to America, she won the WUSA championship with Carolina.

By that time, however, she had learned not to get too excited about successes and not to take her failures too hard. “I remember that I was very successful when I started my career in Germany,” she explained. “Then I had a year when nothing was going well for me. It was very hard because the newspapers were saying that I was not a good player, and I took it personally.”

( ) 6. Birgit Prinz is ______.

A. a football player

B. basketball player

C. volleyball player

D. handball player

( ) 7. When Brigit Prinz was young, ______.

A. her father was playing football all the time by himself

B. she and her father were watching football all the time

C. she enjoyed playing football with her father


D. she enjoyed riding her bicycle.

( ) 8. In which of the following years is it possible that she was born?

A. 1989

B. 1949

C. 2002

D. 1977

( ) 9. What would she ride her bicycle to do?

A. She wanted to keep healthy

B. She would ride her bicycle to find a match

C. She would ride her bicycle to her football club

D. She would ride her bicycle to play football with her father

( )10. When nothing went well for her and newspapers said that she was not a good player, she ________.

A. got excited

B. accepted it

C. got angry

D. “fired back”



1. My 13-year-old son is a ___________(不知疲倦的) boy.

2. I love such a man who always has something_________(乐观的) to say.

3. If you don’t have so many ________(抱怨),you will be happy.

4. Thanks to his help, I _________(成功) in finishing the job.

5. The young man likes to show off anything new or ___________(昂贵的). II.词形变换:用括号内单词的适当形式填空

6.________(fortunate),the little girl was involved in a car accident.

7.China is still a _______(develop) country, we should work hard to make

her wealthy.

8.The actress is walking towards us in a __________ (fashion) dress.

9.I made a ______(choose) after the doctor told me the truth.

10.Choose the one you love and live _____(happy) with him/her!



( ) 1. guy A. the act of choosing

( ) 2. tireless B. believing that the worst thing is most likely to happen

( ) 3. dislike C. the lowest part of anything

( ) 4. pessimistic D. expecting the best; confident

( ) 5. choice E. because of

( ) 6. optimistic F. physically hurt

( ) 7. thanks to G. not like; consider unpleasant

( ) 8. bottom H. fellow

( ) 9. injure I. rich

( ) 10. wealthy J. not tired




Woman: What’s your favourite leisure activity, Bob?

Man: I enjoy travelling better than anything else.

Woman: ____1____?

Man: Yes. I have travelled to Canada, Nepal, Norway, Germany, Italy and so on.

Woman: Which country do you think is the most beautiful?

Man: ____2____. I like the high mountains and the vast forests there.

Woman: Have you ever been to China?

Man: Yes. ____3____.

Woman: Did you travel a lot in China?

Man: ____4____.

Woman: ____5____?

Man: The Great Wall in Beijing, the Imperial Summer Resort in Chengde, the Three Gorges in Hubei and Sichuan, the Pottery Warriors and Horses in


A. What places did you visit in China

B. Yes, quite a lot

C. I once worked in China for half a year.

D. Nepal

E. Did you travel a lot?



3._ _____



V. 改错:从每题A、B、C、D划线处找出一处有错误的选项,填入题后相应的括


()1. I like driving, but I don’t dare drive in the desert.


( ) 2. It is so a good chance that we mustn’t miss it.


( )3. Although the task is difficult, but we’ll have it finished soon.


( )4. Please let me to do it for both of you


( )5. I wish I can speak English so that I can express my idea clearly.


1. ( ) 应为_______________

2. ( ) 应为_______________

3. ( ) 应为_______________

4. ( ) 应为 ______________

5. ( ) 应为 ______________


第I 卷





1-5 C A B D A 6-10 C D A D A


1-5 A C C D B 6-10 A D A D C

IV. 完形填空:1-5 DCADB 6-10 BCDBA

V. 阅读理解:1-5 DCACB 6-10 ACDBB

第II 卷


1. tireless

2. positive


4. succeeded

5. expensive


1. Unfortunately

2. developing

3. fashionable

4. choice


III. 词义搭配









9.F 10.I IV.补全对话


2. D

3. C



V. 改错

1. C drive → to drive

2.B so → such 3 B but


4. B to do→ do

5. A can → could


Unit 3 Fashion

第I 卷

I. 语音知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音


( ) 1. patient A. decade B. wagon C. canvas D. fear

( ) 2. mouth A. thus B. though C. there D.


( ) 3. horse A. network B. sport C. color

D. labor

( ) 4. zipper A. miner B. qualify C. rival D.


( ) 5. intend A. tent B. become C. even D problem


( )1. When you step your old jeans, you are putting on a piece


of history.

A. on

B. for

C. into

D. to

( ) 2. The first jeans made in 1850.

A. are


C. was

D. had been

( ) 3. A man named Levi Strauss realized that the normal trousers _____too


A. wore off

B. wear off

C.wear out

D.wore out ( ) 4. Strauss had bought some strong canvas, intending make it into tents and wagon covers.

A. for

B. to

C. on

D. at

( ) 5. Children like to _______ little toys _______ pieces of colour paper.

A. be made, out of

B. make, out of

C. be made, into

D. make, through

( ) 6. The trousers look____ and sold .

A. good;good

B. good; well

C. well; well

D. well;good

( ) 7. The trousers then became known “blue jeans.”

A. for

B. to

C. as

D. with

( ) 8. Strauss didn’t take much of this.

A. note


C. attention

D. notice ( ) 9. Film stars like John Wayne and Marilyn Monroe blue jeans at that


A. wear

B. wearing


D. wears

( ) 10. Fashions changed the seventies.

A. in

B. for

C. on

D. at


( )1.The ground is _____with ____ leaves.

A. covering, falling

B. covered, falling

C. covered, fallen


covering, fallen

( )2. ___many times, he still couldn’t understand.

A. Having been told

B. Having told

C. He having been told

D. Telling

( )3. The child sat in the dentist’s chair ____.

A. tremble

B. trembling

C. trembled

D. to trembled ( )4. When I came in, I saw Dr. Li _____a patient.

A. examine

B. to examine

C. examining

D. examined


( )5. He walked down the hills, ____softly to himself.

A. sing

B. singing

C. sung

D. to sing

( )6. The graduating students are busy ___material for their reports.

A. collect

B. to collect

C. collected

D. collecting

( )7. Were you ____when you saw that wild animal ?

A. fright

B. frightening

C. frightened



( )8. A person _____a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language,

______all about his own.

A. to learn, to forget

B. learning, to forget

C. to learn, forgetting

D. learning, forget

( )9. I’ve never heard the word ____in spoken English.

A. use

B. used

C. using

D. being used

( )10. ___a post office, I stopped____ some stamps.

A. Passed, buying

B. Passing, to buy

C. Having passed, buy

D. Pass,

to buy

IV. 完形填空:

A twenty-year-old immigrant(移民),Levi Strauss, 1 to the United States in 1850. This man made his fortune (发财) on canvas that he found good for working clothes.

In the past,only poor men 2 jeans. 3 were worn by miners, truck drivers,farmers and factory workers.Today,jeans are no longer looked down upon.They are worn by both men 4 women,by both skilled and unskilled workers, 5 both employees and employers.

Because everyone can 6 comfortable in them,the blue-jeans 7 now accepted almost everywhere,anytime.This is true not only in the United States, 8 in many other countries in the world.Although unable to 9 the same language,the inhabitants of the earth have at least agreed to wear the same pants.Jeans are becoming more and 10 popular today.

( ) 1. A. come B. came C. coming D. has come

( ) 2. A. wear B. wearing C. worn D. wore

( ) 3. A. Jean B. They C. Canvas D. Clothes

( ) 4. A. and B. both C. two D. or

( ) 5. A. on B. in C. by D. with

( ) 6. A. do B. is C. feel D. enjoy

( ) 7. A. are B. is C. be D. became

( ) 8. A. so B. but also C. too D. as well

( ) 9. A. speak B. say C. tell D. express

( ) 10. A. much B. less C. many D. more


V. 阅读理解:


A friend of mine named Paul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin(顽童) was walking around the shining car. “Is this your car, sir?” he asked.

Paul answered, “Yes, my brother gave it to me for Christmas.” The boy was surprised. “You mean your brother gave it to you and it did cost you nothing? Sir, I wish…” He hesitated(犹豫). Paul thought of course he knew what the boy wanted, but what the boy said surprised him greatly. “I wish,”the boy went on, “that I could be a brother like that.” Paul looked at the boy in surprise, and then he said again, “Would you like to take a ride in my car?”“Oh yes, I’d love to,” the boy answered.

After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes shining, said, “Sir, would you mind driving in front of my house?”

Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the boy wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong again. “Will you stop where those two steps are?” the boy asked.

He ran up to the steps. Then in a short while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled(残疾的) brother. He sat down on the step and pointed to the car.

“There he is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn’t cost him a cent. And some day I’m going to give you one just like it…then you can see for yourself all the nice things in the Christmas windows that I’ve been trying to tell you about.”

Paul got out and lifted the boy to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed elder brother climbed in beside him and the three began an unforgettable holiday ride.

( ) 1. The street urchin was very surprised when _______.

A. he met Paul

B. Paul told him about the


C. Paul received an expensive car

D. he was walking around

the car

( ) 2. From the story we can see the urchin _______.

A. wished to give his brother a car

B. wanted Paul’s brother to give him a car

C. wished he could have a brother like Paul’s

D. wished Paul could be a brother like that

( ) 3. The urchin asked Paul to stop his car in front of his house ______.

A. to show he had a rich friend

B. to show his neighbors


the big car

C. to let his brother ride in the car

D. to tell his

brother about his wish

( ) 4. We can find from the story that _______.

A. the urchin wished Paul to give his car to Buddy

B. the urchin wished to have a rich brother

C. the urchin had a deep love for his brother

D. the urchin’s wish came true in the end

( ) 5. The best name of the story is _______.

A. A Christmas Present

B. Paul, a Kind-hearted Person

C. A Brother Like That

D. An Unforgettable Holiday



Billy is fourteen years old and in the ninth grade. He has a part-time job which gets him up every morning at five o’clock. He is a newspaper boy.

Each morning , Billy leaves the house at 5:15 to go to the corner where the newspapers are. The newspaper were delivered to the corner where the newspapers are. The newspaper were delivered to the corner by truck at midnight. He always takes a wagon(手推车) to carry them.

In the winter it is still dark when he gets up, but during the rest of the year it is light. Billy must deliver the newspapers to the house on his route I all kinds of weather. He tried to put each paper on the porch(走廊) where it will be protected from wind and rain or snow. His customers think he does a good job. Sometimes they give them tips(extra money).

Billy earns about $5 per month, and he is saving some of the money to go to college. He spends the rest on records and clothes. Once a month, he has to collect money from his customers. Since many of them work during the day, Billy has to collect the money at night. Sometimes , when Billy is sick, his older brother has to deliver the newspaper. Once, Billy’s father had to help.

Billy has seventy customers now, but he hopes to get more soon.

Someday , if he gets many more customers, Billy might win a prize for being and outstanding newspaper boy. He wants to win a trip to Europe, but he will be happy if he wins a new bicycle.

( ) 6. Billy has to get up early for he has to _____.

A. get the newspapers and deliver them to his customers

B. go to the corner to deliver the newspapers

C. collect money before the customers leave for work

D. go to the corner with his wagon

( ) 7. Sometimes the customers give him tips for ______.


A. they think he is an honest, good boy

B. they think he is doing his job well

C. they think he is good at his lessons

D. it is not easy for such a young boy to do the work

( ) 8. Billy is earning some money at young age, _____.

A. which shows he comes from a poor family

B. for he has to support his big family

C. so as to save money to go on with higher education

D. so as to buy a bike of his own

( ) 9. When Billy fails to deliver the newspaper to his customers, ______.

A. he won’t be able to win the prize

B. his customers will not pay him money

C. his friend will come to help

D. his family will have to help

( ) 10. Billy hopes to win a prize ______.

A. from his parents

B. from his customers

C. from a travel service

D. from the newspapers



1. The _______(牛仔裤)were loved by many pop stars.

2. We are proud for the long _______(历史) of China.

3. The is few ______(设计)problems with famous brand clothes.

4. A company office _______(经历)the problem first-hand and soon the rivet was moved.

5. The ______(各种各样的) styles of trousers make people beautiful. II.词形变换:用括号内单词的适当形式填空

11.A man ________(name) Levi invented the jeans.

12.It is ______ (comfortable) to talk with a stranger in a strange place.

13.Generally speaking, the popular clothes are _______(fashion).

14.If you are employed in a company, you will be an _______(employ).

15.The crotch rivet was soon _______(move) .



()1. manufacture A. trousers

()2. intend B.of different kinds

()3. pants C. happening slowly and by degrees

()4. decade D. going for a long time

()5. gradually E. plan, have in mind as a purpose

()6. various F. get rid off; clean off

()7. permanent G. not loose

()8. tight H. make,produce on a large scale by machinery ()9. remove I. happening slowly and by degrees

()10. gradually J. ten years




A: ___1___.

B: I’m going to hear John Denver。

A: ____2__?

B: Haven’t you heard of him? He is a famous singer. He is singing at the

New Theatre on Sunday.

A. __3___?

B: American country music.


B: Of course he is. He is very successful. Why don’t you come on Sunday?

I think you will enjoy it.

A. ___5_ .

B: You’d better hurry and buy a ticket then.

A. Who is he?

B. Is he good?

C. What are you doing on Sunday evening?

D. Good idea.

E. What kind of music does he sing?



3._ _____



V. 改错:从每题A、B、C、D划线处找出一处有错误的选项,填入题后相应的括


()1.The thief jumped out of the window with his footprints leaving

on the floor.


( ) 2. That she had her hair dye made her mother angry.


( ) 3. My uncle would rather stay at home not to go to the party.


( ) 4. If you don’t mind to wake me up tomorrow, I will sleep well

tonight. A B C


( ) 5. It is said what he used to spend five hours swimming.


1. ( ) 应为_______________

2. ( ) 应为_______________

3. ( ) 应为_______________

4. ( ) 应为 ______________

5. ( ) 应为 ______________


第I 卷





1-5 C B D B B 6-10 B C D C A


1-5 C A B C B 6-10 D C C B B

IV. 完形填空:1-5 BDBAC 6-10 CABAD

V. 阅读理解:1-5 BADCC 6-10 ABCDD

第II 卷


1. jeans

2. history

3. design

4. experienced

5. various II.词形变换

1. named

2. uncomfortable

3. fashionable

4. employee

5. removed

III. 词义搭配









9.F 10.C IV.补全对话


2. A




V. 改错

1. D leaving → left

2. C dye → dyed

3. C not to → than

4. B to wake→ waking

5. B what→ that


Unit 4 Colors and Mood

第I 卷

I. 语音知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音


( ) 1. mountain A. rough B. loudly C. soup


( ) 2. human A. thus B. rude C. university

D. lunch

( ) 3. possible A. emotion B. above C. doctor D. open

( ) 4. hear A. clear B. heard C.heart

D. earn

( ) 5. threaten A. ready B. creative C. great

D realize


