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试卷代号: 1 0 2 8中央广播电视大学 2 0 11 2012学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试




Information for the Examinees: This examination consists of three sections. These are: Section and


Cross Cultural Communication: Basic Knowledge


points) Reading Comprehension (30 points) Communication Analysis (40 points) Time

Section II:Section囚:

The total marks for this examination are 100 points. allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.



Section I: Cross Cultural Communication: Basic Knowledge and Skills[30 points] Instructions: There are altogether 15 statements or questions below. You are offered four choices marked with A, B, C, and D for each statemen t. Choose the most appropriate one and put it in the Answer Sheet.

1. There are two kinds of cros s-cultural communication: unilateral communication and

A. successful communication B. verbal communication

C. bilateral communicationD. unsuccessful communication2. Which doesn't belong to the group in a cross-cultural situation? A. Head movements B. Social values

C. Facial expressions

D. Body contact

3. When you are invited for a western meal, you' re offered a second helping but you have already had enough. What would you say?"


A. Oh, thanks. That tastes awfu l.

B. No, I don't want that. C. No, I don't like it.D. That was delicious but I' ve already had plenty, thanks. 4. Th\ American child is nurtured to be himself, ev e\r since he was born. A. independent

, to be able to do whatever he could by

B. good-lookingD. private、

C. obedient

5. English surnames can show various sorts of information about people, including the place a person is from, the job he ha-s, family relationships, . ethnic identity and personal

A. consideration

B. knowledgeD. characteristics223




6. Unlike in China, the kin terms used for relatives do not distinguish between relatives in Britain. A. internal and external B. old and young D. male and female

C. maternal and paternal

7. Nowadays in England, people usually call each other A. Sir or Madam

B. by their first name

C. Mr, Mrs, Miss, or Ms

D. by their last name

8. In China nowadays a lot of people are getting used to sharing the cost of the mea equally between them, A. to buy a round

, as we say.B. to foot the bill D. to go to Dutchexpres~

c. to go Dutch

9. In the West, it is regarded polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to

A. greediness

B. misunders

tanding D. appreciation

C. gratitude

10. Normally, when hearing compliments, a typical Chinese reaction is to sho V'i

A. disagreement and anger石.

B. modesty and humility D. pride and gratitude

enjoyment and pride

1 1.呗e

Chinese are brought up to initially refuse friendly offers to demonstrate

in seeming not to wish to put our host to any trouble. A. invitation、飞

B. traditionD. personality

C. politeness

12. The biggest difference between the Chinese way of child-rearing and the Australian one is that the former fosters dependence and the latter A. reference B. independence D. indifference

C. interdependence224


13. I' m afraid we shouldn' t go on chatting like this. The new manager could arrive out of blue. What does out of blue mean? A. with an angry expression

B. extremely pleasedD. thinking deeply

C. unexpectedly; without warning

14. Though it's raining cats and dogs, he kept standing in the rain for one hour without a word. A. It' s storming B. There were so many cats and dogs around

C. It' s raining heavilyD. It' s windy heavily15. A:"Stuart says some really strange things sometimes." B:"Sometimes? All the time! He's nuts!"

A. stubborn

B. foolish D. crazy

C. funnySection

IT: Reading Comprehension[30 points]

Part 1: Questions 16-20 are based on this par t. (1 5 points) Read Passage 1, and then answer Questions Shee t. Passage 1 Ame i\cans are geographically mobile, and many learn to develop friendships easily and、


briefly. Write your answers on the Answer

quickly. Ap阳oximately one out of every five American families moves~very year. People relocate because they change jobs, attend distant colleges, get married, have children or simply want a change in their lives. Perhaps as a consequence, people sometimes form and、、

end friendships quickly. Students who attend two or three universities during their undergraduate and graduate years - may - change -their _"circle of friends" several

times. Likewise, people who change their jobs, while keeping one or two friends from the original place of employment, may also change their circle of friends. Relationships based on a common activity may fade or end when the activity 225、


ends. Mothers may meet while dropping their children off at nursery school and remain friends until their kids go to different schools. The same holds true for neighbors who are closest of friends until one moves away. These friendships are not deep but are based upon shared daily experiences. Many Americans, in general, do have enduring friendships, but at certain points in their lives can be satisfied with transient relationships. In cultures where people have only lifetime friends (i n part because they do not move from city to city), these temporary relationships are hard to understand. But many Americans move so often that learning to make friends quickly becomes a necessary survival skill.

16. Why do Americans like to move a lot

? 17. Are Americans likely to keep all the old friends? Why or why not? 18. What does the sentence"Americans are geographically mobile" mean? 19. Why does some mothers' friendship end? 20. What important skill do Americans need to learn according to the text?Part 2: Questions21一25

are based on this par t. (1 5 points)21一25

Read Passage 2 and then decide whether each of Statements

is True or False according to

the information given in the passage. Write"T" for true and"F" for false on the Answer Sheet. Passage 2 Euphemism as a figure of speech is more than just saying something unpleasant in a pleasant way. In the words of a famous sociolinguist,"The euphemism is a recognition by man of harfs imperfection,and at the same time a recognition by man that he belongs to better thirlgs. It is playacting, but none the worse for that. It is a false word substituted for the true word in order to soften the chock of reality."

It would seem then that the urge to


euphemistically is a universal trait, but varying in

scope and motive with different individuals in different circumstances. Sometimes in some cases euphemisms get to so far as some writers condemn euphemisms as demoralizing,"In the hearings, criminality is given scores of numbing disguises… t he roster seems endless: dirty tricks, laundered money, telephone anomalies-all perform the same function: the separation of words from the truth." However, the fact remains that euphemisms are very 226


much of part of the language, it is more important for us to be able to read into them to get the real meaning from them. Since the purpose of using euphemism is to reduce the unpleasantness of a term or notion, it is natural to find many euphemistic terms used in governments' announcements, in international relations, and in the military. For example, the former President of United States Ronald Reagon who had promised the American public to cut taxes called for revenueenhancements instead of"tax increases". The term for the third world countries was at first underdeveloped nations, then developing countries and then emerging nations took its

places. The United Nations called them LDCs-less developed countries.missions are a few examples of euphemisms used in the military. 2 1. To some sociolinguist, 22.Peoμe peoρle



use eu phem isms in order to avoid being cheated.

everywhere use


23. On e seldom sees euphemisms used in international relations. 24. Though euphemisms tend to separate words from truth, we have to be able to understand the real meaning from them. 25. Euphemism, as a pleasant way.β g u re





saying something


in a

Section ill: Communication Analysis[40 points] Instructions: The following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of the cases ihere is something to be improved upon-Write an analysis on what is to be desired f

or more succesSful communication or cultural understanding in each case by answering Questions26一28

respectively. Your analysis of each case should be about 100-150 words. Write your

answers on the Answer Sheet. Note! Your writing ability will also be assessed in this section of the test. Case 1 (1 0 points) I have an American friend. I have invited him several times, and at long last he invited me to his home one day. He told me to get there at 3 pm. I thought we could chat and have a meal together. I gave him a Chinese calendar, a woman's scarfand a bottle of Chinese white 227


wine. He only took out a dish of nuts, a plate of bread and a bottle of wine. After two hour' s chat, 1 found there was no hint of a meal and said good-bye to him. He only gave me a box of chocolate as a present for the New Year. After 1 got home, 1 found the box had already been opened. 1 was very surprised. Question 26: What surprised me? Case 2 (1 5 points) Lee, an overseas student from China, once had a talk with his American classmate Tom. Lee: It really puzzles me that you Americans thank people all day long. When the teacher answers your questions, when your mother buys you a book that you need, when a wife brings her husband a cup of coffee, after a salesgirl attends you, ... Tom: Well, when 1 finished my tour in China, 1 said"thank you" to the interpreter who accompanied me during the tour. The interpreter replied,"It ' s my duty to do so." 1 can't help thinking that he means,"I had no choice but to do it, because it is my duty. Otherwise I would not have done so." Questions 27: What makes Lee puzzled and why? Is the interpreter' s reply appropriate in the English context? Case 3 (1 5 points) Zhdu came to the States for overseas study half a year ago. When he worked part-time in arestaurar穴,

he made friends with an American student Jim.

One day\as they were leaving work, Jim asked Zhou,"Zhou, I need a: favor. 1 have to go over to school, and I' m out of money. Could you lend me a dollar so 1 can take the bus over there and then get home? I' 11 pay you\back tomorrow.""Sure, Jim. No problem. You don't have to pay me back," said Zhou, as he handed Jim a dollar. As soonas he got to work the next day, Jim went over to Zhou and handed him a dollar, saying,"Thanks Zhou. 1 really appreciated this last night. It sure was too cold to walk." 228


"Forget it," said Zhou, as he handed back his dollar."Oh, no. I insist. I don' t want to take advantage of a friend. What if I needed to borrow money again sometime? If I didn't pay you back now, I would feel wrong asking to borrow money again," said lim, as he put the dollar into Zhou' s shirt pocket. Zhou answered," But that's what friends for. In China, we have a saying 'today for you, tomorrow for me. ' If you pay me back, I will feel that I won' t be able to ask you for money when I need it. I will feel like you are closing the door on me, and that there is no tr

ust between us. I thought we were friends. How can I take the money?" Zhou handed back the dollar."But I won't feel right if you don't take it!" said lim. Questions 28: Why did Jim insist on returning the dollar to Zhou? Why culture values are reflected in their attitudes?di缸't

Zhou want to take it? What



试卷代号: 1 0 2 8座位号中央广播电视大学 2 0 11 2012学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试



Section I

Section II

Section ill





Cross Cultural Communication: Basic Knowledge and Skills[30 points]

(3 0 points, 2 points each. )


2.7. 12.



5. 10.

8. 13.



Section II: Reading Comprehension[30 points]


Part 1. (1 5\points, 3 points each. 0.5 point off for each grammar/spelling mistake, but at most1 point canbe deducted for each item for the grammar/spelling mistakes. The exact wording is

not required, but the meaning must be the same. )16.

17. 18.19.

20. 230


Part 2. (1 5 points, 3 points each. )

2 1.得分|评卷人





Section ill: Communication Analysis[40 points]

Question 26. Case 1 (10 points, 7 points for the analysis, 3 points for overall language quality. )

Question 27. Case 2 (1 5 points, 10 points for the analysis, 5 points for overall language quality. )


Question 28. Case 3 (1 5 points, 10 points for the analysis, 5 points for overalllanguage quality. )



试卷代号: 1 0 2 8中央广播电视大学 2 0 11 2012学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试



Section I: Cross Cultural Communication: Basic Knowledge and Skills[30 points] (30 points, 2 points each. )



2. B 7. B12. B

3. D8. C 13. C

4. A

5. D10. B

6. C1 1. C

9. D14. C

15. D

Section IT: Reading Comprehension[30 points] Part 1. (1 5 points, 3 points each. O. 5 point off for each grammar/spelling mistake, but at most 1 point can be deducted for each item for the grammar/spelling mistakes. The exact wording is not required, but the meaning must be the same) 16. Because they change jobs, attend distant colleges, get married, have children or simply want a change in their lives.17.时,

they are not. They tend to form and end friendship quickly. means,"Americans tend to move from one place to another".



19. Because their children began to go to different schools.20. They need to learn how to make friends quickly.、、

Part 2. (1 5 points, 3 points each)

2 1. F

22. T

23. F

24. T

25. F

Section ill: Communication Analysis[40 points] Question 26. Case 1 (1 0 points, 7 points for the analysis, 3 points for overall language qual:ty)232


1) In China, a visit to home always includes a mea l. And the guest always brings a

relatively rich present to the host

. And the present should be well wrapped or untouched. 2) In the west, a visit to home only means a meeting, not necessarily including a mea l. And the present is treated not as importantly as it is in China. 3) I acted in a way that was based on Chinese customs, so I felt the American way was very interesting (unusua l) . Question 27. Case 2 (1 5 points, 10 points for the analysis, 5 points for overall language quality) 1) A Chinese student would always thank his/her teacher for the latter' shelp, but would seldom do so to his/her parents because Chinese people don' t usually say"Thank you" to those who are very close. They would rather choose some implicit ways to show their gratitude and concern, such as saying something like"leile ba?"(累了吧 )"Xinku Ie."(辛苦了〉叮mai

xiexie ba." (快歇歇吧) etc. But one traditional Chinese concept holds that it is the

duty of the young and the junior to do something for the elderly and the senior, and so the latter don't have to say thanks. 2)Saying"Thank you" is very common in America, even between parents and children, husband and wife for very small and ordinary t:lings. So they thank all day long. They use words like"Please","Excuse me","Thank you" in daily conversation, whether between气


intimates\or between strangers.k

3) Both English and Chinese cultures require their members to respond to thanks. But they have different expressions. The interpreter' s reply was far from the message he/she actually intended to convey. Question 28. Case 3 (1 5 points, 10 points for the analysis, 5 points for overall language quality)1) J im was keeping his promise when he returned the dollar. Americans regard credibility

as very important. The value of self-reliance is also important to Americans. They do not feel 233


it right to rely on others for too much. In American culture, owing too much favors means being dependent. Americans see this as a weakness. They cannot respect themselves if they feel too much"in debt" to other people, financially or otherwise. Instead, they prefer to be,

"free" from obligations to others. . 2)One reason Zhou did not want to accept Jim's dollar was that in Chinese culture it is very important to be generous to friends. Generosity and respect for friends' generosity are two values that explain many Chinese customs and attitudes. Chinese do not try to return small amount of money for they don' t want to suggest to their friends that they are stingy and"haggle over every ounce". This is why Jim' s refusal to accept Zhou' s generosity made Zhou question their friendship.



试卷代号: 1 0 2 8中央广播电视大学 2 0 11 2012学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试

跨文化交际口试题签 ( lA )2012年7月

Instructions for A: You (as A) and another~tudent

(as B) have 10 minutes to prepare a conversation. The

conversation will be divided into 2 parts, each part taking about 5 minutes. In Par

t 1, A will ask the questions, and B will respond. In Part 2, B will ask the questions, and A will respond. The examiner will indicate when to change parts. Note, Final grades will be determined by the accuracy, fluency and appropriateness of your conversation. The two parts of your conversation should have a connection. You will be judged not only on your ability to ask and answer questions, but also on your ability to keep the conversation going on smoothly. possible. Situation: You and B are going to have a'conversation. You will be first talking aboutdiffere时friendships in difference'旨in

Your conversation should flow as naturally as

China and in the West; and then moving to the topic of cross-cultural

non-verbal communication. Your conversation will be in two parts. Each takes

about 5 minutes. Your examiner will indicate when to change to the second part. Part 1: Differ en t Friendships in China and in the West A starts the conversation by asking the first question, followed by more questions. B mainly answers questions. This part of your conversation should last about 5 minutes.

You are A. Your questions should be related to the topic of different friendships in Chinaand in the West. Here are some suggestions:



~ Ask B about the friendship between the same sexes in China compared to that of

Western way.~ Ask B about ways of eating out among friends both in China and in the West.

~ Ask B about the gene时expectations the Chinese people have from their friends.

Part 2: Cross-cultural Differences in Non-verbal Communication B is now going to ask questions. conversation should last about 5 minutes. A mainly answers questions. This part of your

You are A. Now it is your turn to answer questions. B will be trying to talk about crosscultural differences in non-verbal communication by asking you some related questions. You may answer his/her questions by giving opinions or relating your own experiences.



试卷代号: 1 0 2 8中央广播电视大学 2 0 11 2012学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试



Instructions for B: You (as B) and another student (as A) have 10 minutes to prepare a conversation. The conversation will be divided into 2 parts, each part taking about 5 minutes. In Part 1, A will ask the questions, and B will respond. In Part 2, B will ask the questions, and A will respond. The examiner will indicate when to change parts. Note: Final grades will be determined by the accuracy, fluency and appropriateness of your conversation. The two parts of your conversation should have a connection. You will be judged not only on your ability to ask and answer questions, but also on your ability to keep the conversation going on smoothly. possible. Situation: You and A are going to have a con v.e t:s?tion. You will be first talking about different friendships in China and in the West; and then moving to the topic of cross-cultural

differences in non-ve r:bal communication. Your conversation will be in two parts. Each takes about 5 minutes. Your examiner will indicate whento

Your conversation should flow as naturally as

change to the second part.

Part 1: D.ifferent Friendships in China and in the West A


the conversation by asking the first question, followed bymore questions. B

mainly answers questions. This part of your conversation should last about 5 minutes.

You are B. In this part of the


A is going to ask you some questions about

different friendships in China and in the West. You may answer his/her questions by giving opinions or relating your own experiences. Part 2! Cross-cultural Differences in Non-verbal Communication B is now going to ask questions. conversation should last about 5 minutes. A mainly answers questions. This part of your



You are B. Now it is your turn to ask questions. Your questions should be about crosscultural differences in non-verbal communication. Here are some suggestions:~ Ask

A about some common gestures in China and in some Western countries.


Ask A about distance rules in the West. A what a Chinese should learn about non-verbal communication before going to


the Western countries.



试卷代号: 1 0 2 8中央广播电视大学 2 0 11 2012学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试

跨文化交际口试题签 ( 2 A )2012年 7月

Instructions for A: You (as A) and another student (as B) have 10 minutes to prepare a conversation. The conversation will be divided into 2 parts, each part taking about 5 minutes. In Part 1, A will ask the questions, and B will respond. In Part 2, B will ask the questions, and A will respond. The examiner will indicate when to change parts. Note: Final grades will be determined by the appropriateness, fluency and accuracy of your conversation. The two parts of your conversation should have a connection. You will be judged not only on your ability to ask and answer questions, but also on your ability to keep the conversation going on smoothly. possible. Situation: You and B are going to have a conversation. You will be first talking about children-parents relationship&. child唱rearing and then moving to the topic of family pastime Your conversation should flow as naturally as

&. kinship. Your conversation will be in two parts. Each takes about 5 minutes. Yourexaminer我ill indicate when to change to the second归a口 p

Part 1,

Cα』drernE-PareEnEt"s Red』hziu』at"t0EnEsthzip&Chi』d.Readng

A starts the conversation by asking the first question, followed by more questions. B mainly answers the questions. This part Ot your conversation should last about 5 minutes.

You are A. Your questions should be related to the topic of children-parents relationship

&. child-rearing. Here are some suggestions:~~

Ask B to describe children-parents relationship in his/her family. Ask B to compare and contrast childre

n-parents relationship and child-rearing in



China and those in the West.»Ask B to analyze how the two cultures (Chinese and Western) may learn from each other in child-rearing. Part 2. Family Pastime& Kinship B is now going to ask questions. A mainly answers questions. This part of your conversation should last about 5 minutes.

You are A. Now it is your turn to answer questions. B will be trying to talk about familypastime&. kinship (relationship between family members) by asking you some related questions. You may answer his/her questions by giving opinions or relating your own expenences.



试卷代号: 1 0 2 8中央广播电视大学 2 0 11 2012学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试

跨文化交际口试题签( 2B)2012年7月

Instructions for B, You (as B) and another student (as A) have 10 minutes to prepare a conversation. The conversation will be divided into 2 parts, each part taking about 5 minutes. In Part 1, A will ask the questions, and B will respond. In Part 2, B will ask the questions, and A will respond. The examiner will indicate when to change parts. Note, Final grades will be determined by the appropriateness, fluency and accuracy of your conversation. The two parts of your conversation should have a connection. You will be judged not only on your ability to ask and answer questions, but also on your ability to keep the conversation going on smoothly. possible. Situation: You and A are going to have a conversation. You will be first talking about children-parents relationship&. child-rearing and then moving to the topic of family pastime Your conversation should flow as naturally as

&. kinship. Your conversation will be in two parts. Each takes about 5 minutes. Yourexaminer will indicate when to change to the second part. Part 1.622ildren-Parents bIationship&ChiM-Rearing A star\s the conversation by asking the first question, followed by more questions. B mainly ansWers the questions. This part of your conversation should last about 5 minutes.

You are B. In this part of the conversation, A is going to ask you some questions aboutchildren-parents relationship&. child-rearing. You may answer his/her questions by giving opinions or relating your own experiences. Part 2. Family Pastime& Kinship B is now going to ask questions. A mainly answers the questions. This part of your conversation should last about 5 minutes.



You are B. Now it is your turn to ask questions. Your questions should be about familypastime and kinship. Here are some suggestions:}J;- Ask A to describe his/her family pastime.}J;- Ask A to describe popular family pastime in China compared with that in the West.}J;- Ask A to compare kinship (relationship between family members) in China and that

in the West.


