高考英语 经典阅读理解百句

更新时间:2023-06-01 07:05:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



The closer we are to the society .the more experience we will gain in our lives.
No matter who does something against the balance of nature, he will be punished.
Most importantly, the wide use of the computer has brought us more convenience in our lives.
Travel can broaden our minds by learning about different cultures of the world.
Not only do books show us a broad world but also we can benefit from them all our lives.
I enjoy my hobby very much .It offers me an opportunity to do something interesting and creative .Meanwhile, it provides me with a source of pleasure.
Beijing has succeeded in bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games, which shows that China and the Chinese people have confidence and power to host it successfully.
北京已成功申办了2008 年的奥运会,这就向世界展示了中国人民有信心也有能力将它举办成功。
It is necessary to organize a variety of interesting out-of-class activities, which make our school life colorful.
How important and necessary for us to keep the balance of nature and protect the environment!
We are living in a big family .We should care for and help each other and think it a great pleasure to help others when they are in trouble.
I think we can relax ourselves after school by playing videogames .But I don’t mean we can spend too much time on it when we should study our lessons.
Time is fair to everyone .Some treasure it while others waste it .That’s why some succeed while others suffer failure .Do remember :Time belongs to ourselves.
The world seems to have grown smaller as we have fast ways of traveling now.
More and more people own t


heir private cars nowadays, which show that the people’s income has been increasing day by day.
When people have their own cars, they should pay more attention to the protection of the environment and obey the traffic rules.
The life of the people in my homework has greatly improved these years thanks to the Party’s good policy.
The school sports meet was really a success. That was because all of us were in high spirits and going all out to act better for our classes.
Now I have come to know what labor means .I think what I experienced in this summer vacation is really successful and meaningful.
It is clear from the chart that people can afford to live and eat better day by day as their income increases.
Everyone has responsibility of saving water. Saving water means saving our earth that is, saving ourselves.
The more books we read, the more we’ll learn .Do more reading if we are free.
At present, more and more people tend to spend their holidays and weekends doing what they like best. For example, they go for an outing together with their families, and friends, travel in the other countries, and do some reading in the libraries.
The mobile phones are playing more and more important part in people’s daily life, for it has brought about great convenience when we communicate with each other.
China’s succeeded in sending up the first manned spacecraft, which proved that China’s aerospace technology has reached the leading level. The Chinese people take great pride in it.
Surfing the internet has become more popular with the p
eople, both old and young; men and women. The internet has shortened people’s distance and at the same time benefit the people in different ways


We should not confine ourselves to the classroom. We should go out of the classroom, see the world and talk to others as much as we can.
I always believe in such a saying:”Go straight your own way without caring what others say behind.
Now we are not small children any longer .We should spend some of our spare time helping our parents do some housework to reduce their burdens, from which we can learn how to care for others.
The modern world is full of competition and challenge .So from now on we should learn how to catch a chance and hold it in our hands, and how to use it well.
当今世界充满了竞争, 充满了挑战。所以从现在开始,我们要学会抓住遇,运筹帷幄。
Time is limited but knowledge is boundless .A student should know how to make full use of time and store up as much knowledge as possible.
Only those who have achieved great success after many failures are really valuable and praise worthy.
On the whole, smoking is very harmful and it does no good! For your own health and the health of others, please do not smoke any more!
Video games are bad for both physical and mental health of the young .Therefore; video arcades should be banned from cities and towns.
In my view ,it is reasonable to change the job if you have a better opportunity .But once you have found a position where you can fully display your ability ,it is advisable to settle down to it and put all your efforts into it .
We need to keep our minds open and question things that we are interested in. Only in this way can we learn more and make our future better than today.
What is important is not whether we win or not, but whether we can get up again.
Animals are good friends of man .Man should try to protect them and let them live in the way they like.


Beijing, the city with a long history, has taken on a new look. The open-door policy of our country has given it a new life .Beijing is becoming more and more beautiful and lovely .It is on the way of a modern international city.
The reason why sports are so popular is that sports can keep our body fit. Sports also help us learn to be brave and confident when we meet with difficulties. What’s more, we can learn how to get along with our teammates in the games and matches.
Today, fast food is developing very fast and more and more popular with the people, for it brings people great convenience, especially when they are too busy .But it should be further improved to meet the needs of different people.
Though we were very tired after finishing the work, we all felt happy.
Let’s put stress on the importance of birth control and call on the whole nation to take more effective actions so that our country could have a brighter future.
I do enjoy music .I always listen to music whenever I’m free .Music brings me into a different world .The feeling is beyond words .It has become an important part in my life .I can hardly imagine what life would be without music.
我太喜欢听音乐了,只要一有时间我就会听音乐.音乐带我进入了一个不同 的世界.这种感觉无法言喻.音乐以成为我生命中重要的一部分,真的很难想像,如果没有音乐,我的生活会怎样!
We should show respect for our parents, teachers and the elderly and at the same time we should also give our love and help to those who are younger than us. Only so can we say that we are excellent Chinese youths,
To be honest will ensure us a happy life. It is better, at all times, to stick to the truth.
It’s the responsibility of the whole society to help those children who have dropped out of school
.I believe that many children will go back to school with our help. I also believe that the children will certainly repay what they have got fro


m the society.
We must work hard at all knowledge of science and technology and at the same time transfer our knowledge to the practical power of producing.
If everyone presents a bit of love, the world will become a wonderful world.
Let’s be a person of dedication, be a person of getting rid of bad taste, be a person for people and be a noble man.
Everybody in the society should act like Lei Feng, and offer his strength and love to the society and to other people.
Diligence and thrift are always considered as a virtue of our nation, which reflects the respect of labor.
It is proved that there is nothing valuable in the life you can get without hard working.
Only holding great ideal one will not lose his direction in the ocean of life and make great achievements.
I think it is high time to pass laws giving severe punishment to the tree cutting .In addition; we should educate people not to destroy the surroundings we are living in by developing their environmental awareness.
Anyway, it is better for us to keep in mind that we’ll pay the price for cheating.
The optional courses offered by out school enrich our knowledge and broaden our minds.
57. Newspapers can tell us the latest news concerning all kinds of events happening both at home and abroad. Meanwhile, we can broaden our minds and learn a lot from them.
58. The happiest thing I’d like to do with my pocket money is to have an opportunity to contribute it to the people in trouble.
59. Nowadays more and more student
s begin to try part-time jobs after school, which shows they have grownup and intend to support them by their own efforts.


60. Watching TV can bring us a lot of pleasure and teach us a lot, but spending too much time on it may do harm tour eyes and make us tired. So we should do sports at times when we are free from work.
61. What a kind-hearted child he is! I can hardly find the words to express my appreciation for his timely help.
62. Today, if we do not renew our knowledge constantly, we are unable to satisfy the demands of our work.
63. I think society calls for heroes. Fighting against crimes is not just the job of the police. It is the duty of every citizen.
64. After class, we enjoy different kinds of activities instead of doing endless homework. For example, we can read what we are interested in. We can go to the library or surf the Internet for various kinds of information. In a word, we now masters of study and we feel very happy.
65. What the disabled people need most is the respect from us. We shouldn’t look down upon them so that there will be a better environment for them. In this way they will have a better life.
66. It is hoped that one day all the wild animals shut up in the cages will be set free to nature and live happily in the wild.
67. We should know that without the experience of facing setbacks, we have no chance to enjoy the pleasure of success .In a word, when we face failure; we should not lose heart, but face up to, instead.
68. Fake goods are harmful to people’s life and health .So our government should take strict measure to ban the production of fake goods .And the consumers should take care and guard their rights when buying things.
69. The exploring studies are now being carried out in almos
t all the schools in our city, which has brought great changes in the school education and class teaching .The students are more active in learn


ing the subject and become the masters of the studies, which is useful for both the development of their brains and their character training.
70. With the educational reform being carried out in China, the quality –oriented education is taking place of the traditional exam-oriented education, for it helps the students develop creative and practical skills .And it is popular with them.
71. Great use of public transportation causes less pollution and will keep the environment cleaner and better for people to live.
72. No longer do you work in order to live but you now live in order to work.
73. Compared with cars, riding a bicycle has no environmental problems.
74. The telephone has made the life in the modern city possible.
75. Children should respect their parents and be aware that what their parents do is for their good.
孩子们应该尊重父母 应该知道父母所做的一切是为了他们好。
76. I think that nothing matters more than the states of minds of individual students.
77. The teachers should provide students a setting for the development of unique personality.
78. No teacher can take the place of our parents because they are our most devoted and best teachers, especially when we are young.
79. I practice self-reliance by offering instruction as a family tutor.
80. Social activities can widen our knowledge, in other words, we can learn what we can’t learn from our textbooks.
81. In social activities, we can learn how to combine our book knowledge with practice. (how to put our book knowledge into practice.)
82. People should enjoy TV programmers on weekdays and then go out to treat themselves to movies at weekends for a change.


83. There is no doubt that playing video games is doing great harm to teenagers.
毫无疑问 打电子游戏对青少年是非常有害的。
84. Outdoor activities can strengthen our bodies. Meanwhile, it is also helpful for our character training.
85. Proper sports activities help us improve our physical health and build up our sense of competition and cooperation.
86. A proper diet is helpful to weight control and healthy body.
合理的饮食 有利于控制体重也有利于身体健康。
87. The people in modern times are trying to have a varied and balanced diet so as to improve their living quality.
现代人尝试饮食的多样化和平衡性 这样可以提高他们的生活质量。
88. The used water can be separated from waste matter and treated with chemicals so that it can be reused.
89. Honesty is regarded / considered as one of the good virtues.
90. Animals play an important role in the progress of our human beings.
91. Nowdays TV programs are full of commercials, which can cause a lot of troubles .This problem can’t be ignored.
92. Education can not only enrich people’s knowledge, but also improve people’s moral standard as a whole.
93. Examination is a way, not an aim, so it’s quite wrong for the students to cheat in the exams in order to get a high grade.
94. A true good student is one who possesses good morality, sound health, perfect knowledge and various abilities to do things well.
95. All in all, the policy of reducing load has produced good results.
96. In the long run, it is everyone’s duty to try to save as much water as possible so as to solve the problem with the shortage of water in the country.
97. We think what we are doing is worth the time because we are doing w
hat we like to.
我们认为我们做的事是值得的 因为是我们喜欢的。
98. Something must be done to improve the conditions of buses for their public use.
Something has bee


n done to stop polluting the rivers and lakes.
Some measures must be taken to ban the teenagers from playing video games after school without doing their homework.
99. We should do our best to act politely in public places. / mind our manners in public.
In general, I don’t agree with…
In my opinion, this point of view doesn’t hold water.
There is no doubt that…
What is more serious is that…
Besides, we should not neglect that…
The chief reason why…is that…
But the problem is not so simple. Therefore…
We have no reason to believe that…
The table shows a three times increase over that of last year.
It was decreased twice than that of the year 2002.
It has increased by three times compared with that of 1998.
There is an increase of 20% in total this year.
The number is five times as much as that of 200.
The total number was lowed by 10%.
Compared with 1997, it fell from 15 to 10 percent.
It would be expected to increase 5 times.
1. It can be easily proved that…
2. I am of the opinion that…
3. To take…as an example…
4. No one can deny that…
5. The change in…largely results from the fact that…
6. As everyone knows…
7. It can be expressed as follows:
8. The chief reason is that…
1. As the proverbs says…
2. with the rapid growth of our economy/transportation system /heavy industry/modern agriculture/private enterprises/population/market economy/housing industry.
3. With the rapid growing popularity of Internet surfing /computers /cars /mobiles phones /television in China, the quality of our lives is improving for the better.
4. With the rapid development of science and technology /electronic industry /information industry /higher education…an increasing number of people come to know that…
5. The government is /We are seriously concerned with drug abuse /widespread corruption /organized crimes / high unemployment rate…
6. Recently the issue of…has been brought to public attention. /Now people in growing number are coming to realize that…
7. It is quite clear that…because…
8. It goes without saying that…/Generally speaking…/It is often said that…
1. From this point of view, we can see…
2. Without computer /cell phones /cars /telecommunication /Internet, it would be difficult to imagine mo
dern life.
3. In a word /In conclusion /To sum up…
4. Thus, this is the reason why we must…/It is obvious that we must…
5. It is high time th


at we put considerable emphasis on…
6. I want to do /be…not only because…but also because…
7. Let us work hand in hand to do…
8. In short, population explosion /environmental pollution are the major problems to be solved to make our world a better place in which to live.
1. It is described that…
2. It has been illustrated…
3. It provides a good example of …
4. A number of further facts may be added…
5. A recent investigation indicates that…
6. According to a latest study, it can be concluded that…
7. Examples given lead us to conclude that…
8. All the facts suggested that…
9. No one can deny the fact that …
10. According to the latest survey, we can draw a conclusion that…
Do you think you’ll like it? If not, I can try and find another flat for you.
As far as I know, everyone is happy about the arrangement of this.
I hope you will come to China to watch Olympic Games 2008. Then I’ll be very happy to be your guide.
I hope you will come and see for yourself some day.
How I wish we could stay there longer!
I’m sure you’ll enjoy the dinner and have a good time with us.
I hope you can come here for a visit some day.
Do come here for the great fun.
Do you think one and a half hours will be enough?
We all expect you to join us. If you are too busy and cannot go, please give me a ring.
What a wonderful day we have had today!
What an unforgettable day /experience it is!
What an instructive day it is for me!
We wonder if you could cut down the price to 550 Yuan for each.
I hope you will enjoy your stay in our city and have a good rest here.
What a happy /pleasant day I have spent today!
I’ll be very grateful to anyone who could return it to me or give me some information.
Such is my brother, a hard-working and honest boy!
How I expect to see you again in your country!
Don’t you think /believe /suppose so?
I’d like to know about your opinion about…
Could you give us your opinion about /as to …?
Do you think I am right (in doing sth)?
Do you agree with me on this point?
I can’t find any words to express my thanks for your timely help.
How I regretted having hurt you! /how he regretted driving after drinking wine!
Don’t you think you are wrong in saying that to your mother?
Isn’t it the best way to solve such a difficult problem?
Is that right /so /all right /OK?
How I desire to go and see you immediately I arrive!
What a warm-hearted boy he is!
How terrible an experience you had in the big fire /the burning house /the dark forest /on the trip /in the nature park /the zoo/the railway station!
How we expect to take part in more out-of-class activities!
Do you agree with me on this point? /am I right? /could you tell me whether I am
right on this point?
Don’t you think it is an unforgettable day /moment for me /every one of us?
It is an exciting /memorable /unforgettable


experience, isn’t it?
So, you see, our school /our village /country /our campus /my hometown has taken on a new /more beautiful /entirely different look.
Welcome to our school and I’m sure you will enjoy yourself /your stay here.
What’s your opinion about this? I’m looking forward to your letter /reply.
Do you think it sounds reasonable?
Can you understand how good /important /necessary /meaningful it is to do sth?
Do you feel it is interesting /exciting /funny /wonderful /meaningful?
I’d like to say im terribly sorry for doing sth. /I wonder if you can forgiv
e me for my doing…
Do you share the same opinion with me /us, dear editor?
Do you like it /agree with me? If not, please let me know.

