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本卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题),满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




1. What does the woman think of the watch? A. It looks old. B. It is very accurate. C. It seems modern.

2. How many pages will Sam write this weekend? A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Five.

3. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Their hobbies.

B. The man’s sickness.

C. A healthy lifestyle.

4. Where is the speakers’ new house? A. One block from school. B. Five blocks from school. C. Across from the Welcome Store.

5. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. At home.

B. In a classroom.

C. In a bookstore.


6. What did the man buy for his mother? A. A necklace.

B. A ring.

C. A pair of earrings.

7. What does the man say about the diamond? A. It is fake.

B. It is purple.





听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What is the cat usually like? A. Very quiet.

B. Quite wild.

C. A little angry.

9. What does the man suggest the woman do? A. Get another pet.

B. Introduce the pets to each other quickly. C. Keep her pets in different places for now. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。

10. What was the man doing at the beginning of the conversation? A. Reading a book. B. Looking at his phone. C. Talking to his classmates. 11. Who might the woman be? A. A doctor.

B. A librarian.

C. A teacher.

12. How does the woman feel about the man? A. Annoyed. B. Apologetic. C. Understanding.


13. What does Jason want to try on at first? A. A jacket.

B. A tie.

C. A suit.

14. Where is Jason going? A. To a restaurant. B. To the airport. C. To a job interview.

15. What might Jason have in common with the woman’s father? A. They work in the same field. B. They both like wearing ties. C. They are never on time.

16. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Father and daughter. B. Boyfriend and girlfriend. C. Customer and salesman. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. How is the new printed house different from previous ones? A. It was printed in pieces. B. It was made from waste materials. C. The whole thing was printed at once.

18. How much does the printed 400-square-foot house cost in California? A. $5,000.

B. $10,000.

C. $15,000.

19. Where were ten houses printed in just 24 hours? A. In the United States.

B. In Russia.

C. In China.

20. How do engineers think the new technology could be used? A. To put buildings on Mars. B. To recycle old materials.

C. To construct buildings on the moon. 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)


21. I don’t agree this book is of poor quality. ________, it is a book well worth reading. A. Above all anything

22. After two months of ________ driving, the Curiosity Mars rover has finally parked for a few days of intense science. A. consistent

B. concrete

C. stable

D. solid

B. To start with

C. As a consequence D.


23. The Internet Plus will bring about the fourth industrial revolution for manufacturing ________ the conventional business models.

A. in charge of C. in defense of

B. in contrast to D. in proportion to

24. This isn’t about the solution to the problem but ________ the organization work even better. A. make

B. to make

C. having made

D. making

25. To avoid ________, a simple “happy holidays” or “season’s greetings” will ________ if you are not sure about someone’s religious or cultural background. A. conflict; help dilemma; suit

26. I’m tired of the ________ practice to assign endless homework to students in holidays. Actually, summer holiday is the perfect time to ________ the books they meant to read.

A. controversial; compensate for C. confidential; push for

B. conventional; catch up on

D. conscious; cater to

B. contradiction; work C. offense; do


27. Environmental groups caution that, designed poorly, programs to pay for forest preservation could merely serve as a cash cow for the very people who ________ them. A. destroy were destroying

28. The effort which the formation and the intensive reading of this letter must call for ________, had not my character required it to be written and read. A. should have been spared C. need have been spared

B. must have been spared D. will have been spared

B. had destroyed

C. are destroying


29. The business of each day, ________ selling goods or shipping them, went very smoothly. A. it is

B. is it

C. be it

D. it be

30. It might be less than 10 years ________ energy-harvesting devices, better ________ for the body, come into widespread use. A. that; tailoring C. before; tailored

B. until; tailored D. when; tailoring

31. It is thought police had been called to the scene following a report of a collision

concerning her vehicle and ________ of another motorist. A. one

B. those

C. some

D. that

32. Step on it, or you won’t complete the graduation essay in time. If you take the term “step on it” ________, it will bring disastrous consequences. A. alternatively sensitively

33. “Wallet threat” is the ________ act of pulling one’s wallet out as a sign of willingness to pay for a meal that was assumed to be a treat. A. reluctant appealing

34. Tony always works out development schemes faster then others. Is it ________ he graduated from a top university ________ counts? A. because, that why, what

35. —It is said that is was Mark who started the quarrel and David simply defended himself.

—I don’t believe it. Those two hate each other. Anyway, ________. A. Two wrongs don’t make a right

B. It takes two to tango D. A fox may grow grey, but

B. that, which

C. that; that


B. initial

C. aggressive


B. seriously

C. literally


C. Attack is the best means of defense never good.

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


The most significant truth about children is that they disappear. Slowly, gradually, but 36 . Children are like clocks, marking the passage of time with each new stage of growth. To see a child disappear—or 37 , to become aware of their disappearance—is to become aware of losing something you have loved more than anything you have loved in your life before, 38 will again.

As our children grow, we are also 39 the passing of a role—of ourselves as protectors, indispensable, loved passionately with the need only children and

lovers can 40 us. Think of how these processes of mourning are recorded in songs, my favourite of which, by Nanci Griffith, 41 me to tears. And yet I go back to it again and again. Why? What are the tears for?

They are tears, partly, for loss. 42 , they are simply sentimental—or at least, 43 . Because all life is connected with loss. 44 is what makes life beautiful and worth living. All that comes and goes away is the heart of beauty. Children are simply the most vivid examples of such cases.

So, there are many kinds of tears. We weep at a sad song about children growing up partly because the process 45 us as tragic. But they may also be tears of the recognition of 46 , because this profound changing brings us closely into touch with the heart of life itself.

The idea that we are losing love as our children grown is not true. The love I feel for my two eldest daughters, in their 20s now, has never 47 with the passing of time. They are independent now. Yet when I look at them sometimes, I feel exactly the same emotion I felt when they were 48 walking.

We do not lose our children—not 49 we are very unlucky, or very bad parents. If our desires to 50 our children really took root, and were acted out, it would be a disaster. Over-parented children could not 51 leave home, ever.

We must learn to let go. And 52 they, too, must let go, as their parents 53 out of this life, at first gradually then entirely. I have already “lost” my children many times—as babies, as toddlers, as infants. Each time, they are made anew—and yet are always, 54 , the same. Parallel changes are happening to me, too, if I am doing it right. 55 , I am always losing my children only in the sense that I am always losing myself. 36. A. permanently occasionally 37. A. instead 38. A. but

B. otherwise B. so

C. rather

D. else

B. eventually

C. absolutely


C. while D. or D.

39. A. mourning worshipping

B. celebrating C. stressing

40. A. deliver 41. A. inspires 42. A. As usual

B. pay

C. offer

D. show D. reduces

B. thrills

C. burdens

B. As such C. As expected D. As follows

D. artificial D.

43. A. unnecessary 44. A. Ambiguity Inconsistency 45. A. challenges 46. A. dilemma 47. A. separated compromised 48. A. barely thoroughly 49. A. if

B. fundamental B. Gravity

C. unconditional C. Frequency

B. regards

C. strikes C. ambition

D. describes

B. beauty

D. virtue


B. substituted C. wrestled

B. merely C. simply D.

B. unless

C. although D. until

D. date

50. A. get through to B. catch up on back to

51. A. apparently randomly 52. A. on and on by

53. A. pass

B. wander

B. intentionally

C. hold on to

C. emotionally D.

B. time from time C. one by one D. by and

C. migrate

D. run

D. by all

54. A. in that case means

B. at some level C. at no time

55. A. On top of that B. No wonder other words

C. On the other hand D. In

第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



The Ultimate Arctic Adventure

Imagine standing in a place where the only direction is south. You can, when you

travel to the North Pole. Join a group of just 128 passengers for your once-in-a-lifetime trip to the top of the world!

Day 1—Helsinki, Finland

Your adventure begins with a one-night stay in Helsinki, Finland’s capital. Day 2—Embarkation(乘船)Day in Murmansk

From Helsinki, you’ll join your fellow passengers on the flight to Murmansk, Russia, where you’ll board 50 Years of Victory, the world’s largest and most powerful icebreaker, to the North Pole.

Day 3 to 6—Northbound in the Arctic Ocean

Feeling the icebreaker as it crushes through(挤过)the arctic pack ice is an experience you’ll never forget. Just as memorable is boarding the ship’s helicopter for a thrilling view over the ship and the expansive Arctic Ocean.

Day 7—90 North

The adventure reaches its climax as you reach the North Pole! Take photos, call your family, and wave a flag. Just be sure to enjoy your moment at the top! Later, everyone will celebrate with a BBQ on the ice. If the opportunity allows, you can jump into the icy water. We’ll also attempt to launch passengers high above the pole in our hot-air balloon to celebrate this great moment (highly weather dependent).

Day 8—Southbound in the Arctic Ocean

On our return voyage you can sit back and relax. You may get lucky and spot polar bears hunting for seals.

Day 9 & 10—Southbound at Sea

Enjoy your time on deck as you cross the Arctic Ocean back to Murmansk. Expedition staff will be on hand to answer any remaining questions, and point out wildlife during the return journey.

Day 11—Fly to Helsinki

Bid farewell to 50 Years of Victory. Take your flight to Helsinki, Finland to enjoy one final night.

56. Which of the following depends greatly on the weather at the North Pole? A. Having a BBQ on the ice.

B. Riding in a hot-air balloon. C. Jumping into the icy water. D. Seeing polar bears.

57. Travelers will spend most of their time during the Arctic adventure ________. A. enjoying themselves on 50 Years of Victory B. exploring the wildlife of the North Pole C. doing helicopter sightseeing above the sea D. standing at the top of the world


Areas in Latin America suitable for growing coffee face predicted declines of 73-88 percent by 2050. However, diversity in bee species may save the day, even if many species in cool highland regions are lost as the climate warms.

The research, co-authored by David Roubik, senior scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, was published in an online Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences edition. “For my money, we do a far superior job of predicting the future when we consider both plants and animals (or in this case the bees),” Roubik said. “Traditional models don’t build in the ability of organisms to change. They’re based on the world as we know it now, not on the way it could be as people and other organisms adapt.”

The research team built models for Latin America, the largest coffee-growing region under several global-warming scenarios(设想)—considering both the plants and the bees. Despite the predicted decline in total bee species, in all scenarios at least five bee species were left in future coffee-suitable areas; in about half of the areas, 10 bee species were left. For land no longer suitable for coffee production systems. In areas where bee diversity is expected to decrease, but coffee can still be grown, adaptation strategies may include increasing bee habitat and protecting native bees. Many coffee types prefer to grow in the shade of tall trees. Choosing tree species that favor bees is a win-win strategy, according to the authors.

Roubik’s favorite example of a potentially huge environmental change that did not play out as predicted is the case of Africanized bees, which were accidentally

released in Brazil in 1957. Roubik’s studies in Panama of coffee pollination(授粉)taking native rainforest bees into consideration began in the 1970s as the aggressive non-native Africanized bees swarmed(成群飞行)north through Latin America. Doomsayers predicted the worst: the killer bees would disrupt the balance between tropical forest species and their native pollinators. Roubik discovered the opposite to be true. In lowland tropical forests in Mexico, plants pollinated by very busy Africanized bees ended up producing more flowers, thus making more pollen and nectar(花蜜)available to native bees.

“Africanized bees control their nest temperature and their own body temperature using water,” Roubik said. “When the climate is hotter—unless it’s too dry—trey are better adapted to climate change and pollinate coffee trees.”

By paying attention to biological processes and managing coffee for maximum pollination depending upon the effects of climate on both the plants and the bees, as well as strategically adjusting shade, rotating crops(轮种作物)and conserving natural forests, it may be possible for coffee producers to adapt to climate change. 58. According to David Roubik, traditional models of the effects of climate change ________.

A. are based on a world we are unfamiliar with B. take both plants and animals into consideration C. make an accurate prediction about coffee growing

D. don’t consider the adaptation of organisms to climate change 59. The third paragraph is mainly used to ________. A. predict the side effects of global warming B. teach farmers how to improve the quality to coffee C. introduce the effects of bees on coffee production

D. offer advice for coffee growers to deal with global warming

60. Which of the following may best describe the case of Africanized bees? A. A fault on the right side. B. Survival of the fittest. C. Once bitten, twice shy.

